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Deficiency or heat stress? good pics!


New member
Hi all,

Well I've done the majority of my research here for my first grow and would like to thank all that contribute!

I started with 8 hybrids (4 white widow, and 4 pure power plant) and 1 indica (blue hash) and they've done extremely well but I'm noticing what looks like a deficiency maybe...

They are 80 days from seed and have been flowering for 28 days now.

Now for their environment:
homemade 3' x 4' area covered with panda film,
fox forest ocean farms soil,
3 gallon grow bags,
1k hps light at about 24 inches from canopy,
plenty of ventilation,
the canopy level temp is a constant 75f,
humidity is constant 45-50%,
im using nearly all of advanced nutrients 'boosters' along with their 3 part nutrient base, and for watering I am alternating between plain water, and nuted water (~1000ppm @6.3 ph)

I don't see how I could have heat stress with the canopy temps so low but maybe its just too much light for that small of an area... 150000 lumens / 12 sq ft = 12500 lumens per sq ft.

Anyone know how I can fix this? all help is much appreciated!


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Just looking at your grow I wonder if you really are getting enough circulation. It's so tight in there you really need a flow moving upward through the plants. Not to rattle the plants but just to keep that air moving. Since it's soil I would almost say back off the nutes for a few days and see if it helps.

I have never grown anything as nice as this so these are just my thoughts. Take em for what they're worth.


New member
wow thanks for the quick support. yeh i was thinkin maybe Mg since Ive been using ph'ing to 6.3, imma add some cal-mag and raise my ph to 6.5-6.6. my runoff is around 6.4-6.5 and I think Mg is best absorbed at 6.5+. So I'll give that a try and cross my fingers! Again thanks to all for the quick help!


weed fiend
Sounds like a plan. Avoid overdoing the calmag. Mg doesn't taste very good, lol. The coloring might not recover, you're just keeping it from progressing at this point. I'd stop using it after a week or two.


New member
cool thanks again i've lowered my lights back down since heat stress is basically ruled out, i'll letcha guys know how the calmag does in 3-5 days.


New member
oh the front is completely open and i have an oscillating fan underneath the canopy and a large box fan blowing at canopy level, theres a ton of air movin in there


New member
Well I added some cal-mag today and raised my ph to 6.5 so hopefully my problem is a magnesium deficiency, but nonetheless I could still use some more expert opinions, so I added some better pictures that show the problem areas a little better.

Again all help is appreciated, if you have any idea what is wrong, please help! and thanks to everyone that has already helped!


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Out of the slime, finally.
Heat and light stress from the 1k light. It will mimic cal def and nitro def. Get a light diffusor.


calmag and iron . i forgot what type of iron supplement i used . some chelated liquid stuff from a nursery in town. it worked


It looks like the only leaves that are discolored are the ones at the very top?

If that its the case, then it is probably heat stress from the lamp being too close. An Mg deficiency would be showing on the bottom leaves too.


Out of the slime, finally.
It looks like the only leaves that are discolored are the ones at the very top?

If that its the case, then it is probably heat stress from the lamp being too close. An Mg deficiency would be showing on the bottom leaves too.

Absolutely, I forgot to mention that in post #11. You have light stress!!!
Biology loves balance so it's usually more than one thing, but one thing sets it off, it just takes several cures to heal the damage. Looks like the magnesium supplement helped, but it seems that the lowered ph was causing the nitrogen to become to available with the ppm levels.

Blue Hash is a bit picky, with the blueberry. They sure look a lot better, I think with micros and macros. A lot of the time it's not deficient so much as to limited in supply to deal with the stresses from other variables.

I use a lot of different sources, for micro's and macro's, some are slower releasing and some are salts that act quickly.


New member
wow thanks to everyone for contributing!

i was almost certain it was light stress or heat stress originally due to the 1000w covering basically 12 sq ft, but i raised the light to ~30 inches from the canopy for about a week and the damage continued to progress so i dropped it back down to 16-18 inches and i raised my canopy temps (via controller) to approx 80f which should be fine considering co2 is 1500ppm.
yesterday i gave em a medium dose of calmag along with the standard 1-1-1 ratio of advanced nutrients grow-micro-bloom base nutrients, i read one post saying iron could be the prob, and the micro contains iron. so now i believe its a short waiting game... i'll definitely put some more pics up at around the 3 day and the 5 day mark since adding the calmag, and in the mean time i'll keep my fingers crossed.

again thanks guys this board rocks!

oh yeh and to anyone that uses a light meter, at canopy level, is there a standard for optimal lighting? and what would be considered too much light, or enough to cause light bleaching?
one reason im doubting its light bleaching is because some areas around the edges of my grow area look worse than the areas directly below the light...but whats a noobie know lol


New member


ok its been 3 days since ive added a light dose of cal-mag and theyre still lookin a little rough but maybe it hasn't been long enough yet since it is soil, but if anyone thinks they can diagnose this problem it would make me feel a lot better. thanks guys and imma keep my fingers crossed


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Out of the slime, finally.
My opinion is light stress still and now nute lock out and deficiencies from trying to correct a non-existent deficiency.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I am going to have to agree with RichyRich.

Soil pH will be higher than Hydro pH. Soil has a buffering effect. Deficiencies and problems in soil will normally take longer to appear on the plant.

Good H2O or half strength nutes may work better. Sometimes the additive is a little too much, like the straw that broke the camels back.

If you want a better opinion try filling out this form.

Also, distance from light to canopy???? Hold the back of your hand over your buds and how hot does it feel????

You will get much better responses. If you fill out the form.

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