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Past lives?


Active member
I feel that any "guru" pushing the " do this to get rich" agenda is doing it to get rich themselves.

Money grabbing guru is the same kind of ponzi scheme as the evangelical church.

A real guru knows that wealth comes from well being not material objects, it is a contentness with ones self and the world around them. Thru luminous energy you will attract all of the things that were meant for you.


Great video Mick! Thank you
I enjoyed that. Lucid dreaming is a major part of my life.
This is why I believe that everything exists at all at once. Its the only way to explain what I experience in the dream state .


I like what he was saying about people believing in the material world- pretty funny

It's cool to meet a lucid dreamer. I've read that a lot of the people you meet are aspects of yourself, which is why having sex is problematic: bummer. I've tried in the past to lucid dream and have had a few. Falling is the only trigger for me, then I'll know it's a dream and can fly around for awhile, but gradually gravity gets me, even in a dream. Other times I've just hit the ground to see what happens. Any tips would be appreciated.

Re the material world. It blows my mind to think that if all the space in all 7 billion people in the world was removed, what's left would fit into something the size of a sugar cube. My guess is that if we could look deeper into that which remains we'd just see more space. Something ends up being nothing yet nothing is definitely something. I live in the mountains and love to roam around and contemplate the space between things. Focusing on space helps quieten my monkey mind and helps to deepen the space between thoughts, which helps me to be still and stillness is a portal into depth. Focusing on space paradoxically makes me more aware of my surroundings, eg, the tree people, snake people, etc. :)

Genghis Kush

Active member
It's cool to meet a lucid dreamer. I've read that a lot of the people you meet are aspects of yourself, which is why having sex is problematic: bummer. I've tried in the past to lucid dream and have had a few. Falling is the only trigger for me, then I'll know it's a dream and can fly around for awhile, but gradually gravity gets me, even in a dream. Other times I've just hit the ground to see what happens. Any tips would be appreciated.

Re the material world. It blows my mind to think that if all the space in all 7 billion people in the world was removed, what's left would fit into something the size of a sugar cube. My guess is that if we could look deeper into that which remains we'd just see more space. Something ends up being nothing yet nothing is definitely something. I live in the mountains and love to roam around and contemplate the space between things. Focusing on space helps quieten my monkey mind and helps to deepen the space between thoughts, which helps me to be still and stillness is a portal into depth. Focusing on space paradoxically makes me more aware of my surroundings, eg, the tree people, snake people, etc. :)

I'm not sure if I have any tips. I recognize I'm in a "dream" by looking for things that don't fit my "waking" reality. Could be changes in the laws of physics or a being or object out of place.
It's something I was born with. It actually makes it difficult to get a good nights sleep. My mind spends most of its time awake weather I'm sleeping or not.
One of the main reasons I use herb is so I can turn off the dreams and rest my mind.
I could use some guidance in learning how use it better.
I actually live very closed to the temple the guy in the video you posted was referring to . Maybe I should check it out.

What your saying about space made me think of something John Lennon said." Music is the space between the sounds."

Theres lots of techniques to improve dream awareness, forums like dreamviews specialize in it, I'm in the exact same boat as you Genghis as cool as it is I would so much rather just sleep nowadays...the traveling is automatic. A byproduct of consciousness.

Genghis Kush

Active member
Theres lots of techniques to improve dream awareness, forums like dreamviews specialize in it, I'm in the exact same boat as you Genghis as cool as it is I would so much rather just sleep nowadays...the traveling is automatic. A byproduct of consciousness.

Thanks Tessarecting. I know there are a lot recourses out there .
I'm in a good place mentally and physically ( location ) to let loose and see where it takes me.

Aloha nui loa
I personally recommend a dream journal. Reading and writing in it as much as possible. This will help exercise lucidity and get your focus on dreaming. I like to think of it like the more you dream the more you can dream.

Reality checks help. Ask yourself while you're awake: "Am I dreaming?" You will find yourself in a dream going: holy shit! I am!

Theres other stuff like checking your hands and checking light switches. They look weird or don't work and its instantly apparent.

Theres the wake induced lucid dreaming technique where you wake up after 6 hours lay back down and can get launched out of your body this way (loud explosions, can be scary) you get used to it tho. Some indians used to drink a bunch of water before going to bed to do the same thing. Wake up, piss, lay down and lucid dream. Personally I find getting stoned real quick helps. They say to use your finger. If it moves thru your body you know you're almost there. I feel it like an increase in energy that gives way to what can only be described as an explosion and then being immediately within the minds dream realm. You know when its going to happen its like an orgasm of the soul.

#1 tip is not to get excited when it happens because your brain frequency increases and rips you right out of the dream. Its hard because it really is quite exciting. But with practice you can literally do almost anything you want. And yes...its all 100% you. Even and especially the dream characters you could have never have imagined conjuring up. You can learn a lot about yourself. I had a lot of fun with this years ago. And still enjoy the phenomena when it happens. It usually winds up with me leaping into the sky and flying.


I'm not sure if I have any tips. I recognize I'm in a "dream" by looking for things that don't fit my "waking" reality. Could be changes in the laws of physics or a being or object out of place.
It's something I was born with. It actually makes it difficult to get a good nights sleep. My mind spends most of its time awake weather I'm sleeping or not.
One of the main reasons I use herb is so I can turn off the dreams and rest my mind.
I could use some guidance in learning how use it better.
I actually live very closed to the temple the guy in the video you posted was referring to . Maybe I should check it out.

What your saying about space made me think of something John Lennon said." Music is the space between the sounds."


It may well be a good idea to check out that temple. Meditators are generally much better lucid dreamers than those who don't practice, so maybe it also works in reverse and you lucid dreamers may make excellent meditators, which would be a beautiful gift beyond measure. I recently read an excellent book by the Buddhist monk Ajahn Brahm, “Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond”. Wow, the states these guys get into is mind blowing. He describes entering jhana just before death and existing for eons in a state beyond bliss. I didn't get taught this reality in catholic school.

Look at how time dilates when your brain frequency drops. I'm sure everyone here has blinked and a night has gone by. Death would be similar to this except it would drop sub 1 Hz down to 0. I've always wondered and postulated that an infinite could occur within these instances. I mean why not? Reality is stranger than fiction. Life and death are interchangeable.

Genghis Kush

Active member
It may well be a good idea to check out that temple. Meditators are generally much better lucid dreamers than those who don't practice, so maybe it also works in reverse and you lucid dreamers may make excellent meditators, which would be a beautiful gift beyond measure. I recently read an excellent book by the Buddhist monk Ajahn Brahm, “Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond”. Wow, the states these guys get into is mind blowing. He describes entering jhana just before death and existing for eons in a state beyond bliss. I didn't get taught this reality in catholic school.


Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

Fortunately I some experience with Buddhist meditation. I have done a number of silent 10 day vipassana retreats in the past. And have practiced meditation for many years now. The last few years have been tumultuous and I've been unable to focus myself. but now I'm changing that so the year ahead should be good!

Bhavatu Sabba Mangalam - May all beings be happy


I feel that any "guru" pushing the " do this to get rich" agenda is doing it to get rich themselves.

Money grabbing guru is the same kind of ponzi scheme as the evangelical church.

A real guru knows that wealth comes from well being not material objects, it is a contentness with ones self and the world around them. Thru luminous energy you will attract all of the things that were meant for you.

I agree with you. However, I would not recommend that type of material, as I choose to live a life of integrity.

Check them out. See what you think. They are very old and the Mentors are no longer with us.


Well-known member
Premium user
I've read most of the responses in this thread..yep, it's morphed but that the case with a lot of threads.

My feeling is that there are no simple answers to the mystery of life. We look for explanations that are often beyond our imagination, beyond reason, and beyond chance.

I like many of the responses here and a couple are very close to what I believe, think.

Weird's responses are very thought provoking and lucid in my opinion, others too..like GK's, but Weird's really stand out to me.

Keep it coming fella's :tiphat:


Active member
I'm not sure if I have any tips. I recognize I'm in a "dream" by looking for things that don't fit my "waking" reality. Could be changes in the laws of physics or a being or object out of place.
It's something I was born with. It actually makes it difficult to get a good nights sleep. My mind spends most of its time awake weather I'm sleeping or not.
One of the main reasons I use herb is so I can turn off the dreams and rest my mind.
I could use some guidance in learning how use it better.
I actually live very closed to the temple the guy in the video you posted was referring to . Maybe I should check it out.

What your saying about space made me think of something John Lennon said." Music is the space between the sounds."


Less than a year ago I was having my restful sleep taken away by very involved lucid dreams.
I smoked around forty strains over years time before sleeping, I found for myself, it's the strains that make me most forgetful, or at least slow me to a mindful state when I'm awake, those strains lowered my mental capacity enough to never even enter those states of sleep.
Tahoe OG, Amnesia phenos, there's a good number that center or slow the waking mind and in my experience are helpful to rest deeper than lucid dreaming allows.

This is all personally theory, but lucid dreamers have an overactive pineal gland. I say overactive because if it's not controllable, then it's active seemingly at it's own desire.

I had difficult lucid nightmares for a long time, running from wraiths or something, and I'd have to open doors by assembling complex puzzles, these dreams colors were more vivid than anything I've seen awake.

I feel I got my waking life back, by smoking my mind quiet with indicas before sleeping, I wake up refreshed, and only dream once or twice a week, whereas my entire experience before was wild, and exhausting lucid dreams.
There were many, and still are for me, beautiful flying dreams over earthly landscapes. I had one years ago of flying down and back up a mountain at a ski lift.

I just want to say that after I learned to slow my dreaming down, it was clear to me my meditative mind, and simple picturing of concepts and ideas became far more brighter when I'm awake.
I'm saying, with all that saved up DMT from not lucid dreaming, with meditation during the day, you can grow accustomed to allowing your visionary glad to carefully secrete DMT when needed to better envision ideas and schematics while awake.

I totally understand I may be speaking on concepts that aren't widely discussed, but give it a try lucid tokers, try slow your sleeping visions, to brighten and enhance your waking visionary mind.


Active member
The phrase, make the two, one.
I believe it speaks on making your lucid life a part of your waking life.
I have a lucid dreaming friend, we've even been in each others lucid dreams.
Our visionary mind, quantum mechanics understand that there a dimension of possibilities where things are, and aren't in existence at the same time.

I believe this to be the realm of possibility, which exists within the thinking mind as it thinks out possible courses of action, whether the concepts built within this realm are ideas to simply move in the physical, or create something entirely of human desire, a computer; it's this lucid place where ideas and concepts are hatched, and when we are awake we can pull them all into the third dimension here as actions and collections of material.

If a person meditates on say, an object that doesn't yet exist in the physical world. The reason the concept both exists and doesn't, is because within a person's mind the concept in fact exists, but not anywhere else until the concept is taken into action.


Well-known member
There is no such thing as past life, that feeling you have, or even remembrance, that's not yours, it's just a catch from the mind/thoughtweb, with whom all people are interconnected.


Active member
My personal understanding of how new inventions work is, first a person has a new idea, the new idea then needs to be meditated(thought deeply) on until the base knowledge of how to understand creating the physical invention is understood, and then can be taken into action.

If someone thinks of a new idea but doesn't think about it long enough to understand how to create it physically, it never becomes a part of anyone else's reality, outside of concept.

How many of us have ever saw some product that comes out and said to a friend, hey, I thought of that years ago.
Well, sure, you may have even been the first to form the concept in your mind, but the first to build a concept and then prove it gets the patent on it.

I'm trying to pull together a deeper understanding of cause and effect in science and spirituality, because dreams and ideas are in effect the same thing.


Active member
There is no such thing as past life, that feeling you have, or even remembrance, that's not yours, it's just a catch from the mind/thoughtweb, with whom all people are interconnected.

How is it one can have (feeling) or remember a (feeling)
but it's not theirs?

That implies entirely that not all feelings or experiences are real, and some don't even belong to you.

To whom does the mind/thoughtweb belong, and where/what is what we 'catch' it from belong to, and what does all of us being connected to it really imply?
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Well-known member
About that web of thoughts we don't know much, if anything, one can just be aware of it and that's all, deeper understanding can be, but I don't have it, like many other things that we have no clue about in this (fallen)state of life...
btw. patenting and patents are a bad thing and I despise that.

If we know that mankind at the beginning of creation had one couple of parents, or even more, doesn't make a difference because they were all connected one to another, so as we continue to multiply we still are connected, so it's logical that we all are connected in a way...

If you haven't read these books, it's my recommendation, top-ten! :)
I've read just first three books, the third is drifting into erotic, and I heard that fourth is even more of that sort, so no point for me to continue reading I think (but maybe I will), this was also an exception because I read mostly sci-fi and epic fantasy, but became one of my all time favorite books, especially for reading in winter time :) The author had a draw/recollection of the ancient collective subconsciousness, when you read it, you can feel that, and I have no doubt that a great deal of what she wrote was real, the things you don't get to know by doing archeology, you will see if you read it... couple of years ago in France was discovered a cave from that ancient time, and I bet that this (or some similar) was the cave of the Bear Clan, it had the bear skull on a ritual stand, and maybe even the protagonists are not a fiction of her mind, there is a great chance they existed for real...

How to explain when you know something, you don't know how you know it, but you know it for sure, it's not based on any evidence or knowledge, you just know...
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I wood

Well-known member
How to explain when you know something, you don't know how you know it, but you know it for sure, it's not based on any evidence or knowledge, you just know...

Doesn't this describe a belief?

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