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Past lives?


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Re past lives. Awhile ago I rode my mountain bike off a 10 metre cliff. I realised that I was going to land head first onto a ginormous rock and in an instant knew I most likely going to die. No way I was going out in fear, so I spread my arms like a bird and 100% surrendered to the experience. The strangest thing then happened. A benevolent male voice spoke to me and told me there was nothing to worry about in this life and that I'd be looked after in this life and the next. Time's a strange thing, as it didn't so much slow down, but it was if I stepped out of it and experienced so much in what could of only been 2 or 3 seconds. Words fail to describe the feelings of the awesomeness of the experience and I think if I could find words, then I'd be speaking of something else. I landed head fist on the rock and besides having a stiff neck for a couple of days, was fine.

The first time I heard a voice come to me like this I was in the ER with extreme sleep deprivation, the doctor said my heart was beating erratically, I said in my mind, it's okay if I die, I got to experience a lot.
Then the voice I refer now to as God said, "You're going to be okay, it's not your time."

Now, you have to admit, this thread has had post of people meowing, barking, tales of scorpions, and a good many account of people thinking they've witnessed spirits, energies, and voices when in doubt of living through the next moment.

My words may be many, but exactly what I want are people expressing their own personal experiences of the supernatural.
All opinions are welcome, yes it's up to who moderates, but I see no toes stepped on, just people and their thoughts.


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His goal is to get this thread removed for violating TOU.

The ideas expressed here threaten his would view .
That's why he doing everything he can to bury them with his rambling posts about god and religion.

It's all good this has kind of morphed into a spirituality/past lives/super natural/occult anything goes type of thread. I think religion even though it's not my bag ties in with all of the mentioned topics.

So long as everyone is polite and respects others opinions even if they don't agree with them the thread will be fine.

If you guys squabble over difference of opinion it will be gone. The participants of the thread decide where this one goes.


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Great video Mick! Thank you
I enjoyed that. Lucid dreaming is a major part of my life.
This is why I believe that everything exists at all at once. Its the only way to explain what I experience in the dream state .


I like what he was saying about people believing in the material world- pretty funny

What is lucid dreaming though?
Isn't it having control over what imagery you see in a dream?
Now how is being able to control a dream while you are asleep proof that time exists all at once?

Isn't controlling a dream and what you see and where you go in it kin to being awake and controlling what you see and do, except unlike sleeping though, all that you see and do awake has a cause and effect?
Lucid dreams are at best a test ground for ideas you have.

Well, let me say though, tantric sex between two partners is pretty nice too, and does have real world effect such as orgasm.
The how and why of this phenomena has to do with just how interconnected our minds are.

So many want to become offended at notions of experiences they've not yet had in life.
This I don't understand, I'm not trying to force any conviction, only relay experience and opinion while taking in all others.

Genghis Kush

Active member
The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.

The unnamable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin
of all particular things.

Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.

Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding...

...It is hidden but always present.
I don't know who gave birth to it.
It is older than God...

...The Tao is infinite, eternal.
Why is it eternal?
It was never born;
thus it can never die.

Genghis Kush

Active member
adjective: lucid
expressed clearly; easy to understand.
"a lucid account"
synonyms: intelligible, comprehensible, understandable, cogent, coherent, articulate; More
clear, transparent;
plain, simple, vivid, sharp, straightforward, unambiguous;
"a lucid description"
antonyms: confusing, ambiguous
showing ability to think clearly, especially in the intervals between periods of confusion or insanity.
"he has a few lucid moments every now and then"
synonyms: rational, sane, in one's right mind, in possession of one's faculties, compos mentis, able to think clearly, balanced, clearheaded, sober, sensible; informalall there
"he was not lucid enough to explain"
antonyms: muddled, confused
(of a dream) experienced with the dreamer feeling awake, aware of dreaming.


Active member
The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.

The unnamable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin
of all particular things.

Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.

Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.

Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding...

...It is hidden but always present.
I don't know who gave birth to it.
It is older than God...

...The Tao is infinite, eternal.
Why is it eternal?
It was never born;
thus it can never die.
Why is it infinite?
It has no desires for itself

That describes God.
His name unknown to us, and none of us are he.

The eternal name which is unknown, the afterlife.
Naming of all things was a right given to us.

This is under the assumption we are born into a life of lack.
When the manifestation of desire are peace, who's to disagree?

All mystery and all things that manifest in the physical are from the dark? When has darkness produced more than doubt?

The Tao is another concept attempting to understand being.
How come it was never born, how come it never dies, why does it have no desire of its own? Because God needs nothing we can produce, it's us that need all good available to progress.

If you have lucid accounts of these dreams of yours, why not share them?

I didn't mean to throw quotes around, though we have opinions here of sleeping dreams proving the infinite exists simultaneously, and tales of just how treacherous scorpions are.

What is the scorpion tale trying to prove?
Who wants to claim that some human lives are driven by a scorpions prerogative?
If some you believe some of your peers are only fit to stab others in the back, then you've condemned that person.

The entire tale was about choosing enemies, and not relying on your own perception.
In what way is it good to always be afraid of scorpions instead of equipping yourself to deal with such encounters?


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Any ideas on the color spectrum and how it relates to perception?
Red pill, blue pill, the yellow belly, monks by the million in orange, the idea of indigo auras, and the white light?
Each one points to a different view on what existence means or might entail.
Having your third eye open to time and space like so many Eastern spiritualist only allows an understanding of the surrounding time and space, the fourth eye is the heart and it understands wisdom, where the third eye sees only possibilities you are aware of.

What spiritual truths can a man alone in persistent meditation learn, when it's in action you see your own consequences and truth?

An open third eye with a closed heart only equals being able to see deeper into the workings of your present surroundings.
The open heart says, it's the light from which love and advancement come, not dwelling in belief that all is for naught, and all must come of darkness.

There's no truth in the darkness, only the truth of not seeing what is really surrounding you.
If you open your spiritual eye in the dark, it's all you'll understand.

I too had an open pineal gland with a cold heart.
When I finally managed to open the heart chakra, the wisdom gained was, I could dream or think up any imagery I find in my mind and make it truth, even sustained peace and contentment in a busy life.


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Quoting 2,500 year old philosophy.
We can communicate with one another and form own opinions, life isn't meant to be lived through quotes and dated worldviews.
Spiritual scripture is only to serve as a guide, not a blueprint to ones life.

If Lao Tzu knows, then how come you are quoting him and why is he speaking, and why should anyone not speak on what they've come to know?
In what way is there comfort in not striving to understand what is?
I'm not seeking to corner anyone and tell them what is, I want to understand what others views are.
If your views are of the Eastern persuasion, that's wonderful.
Care to make your own viewpoint known and not only what you have read?

I believe we can draw more parallels than not.
I have a theory that involves DNA having some sort of "memory", that allows us to know things that we otherwise Should not. Kind of seems like some information/memories from past lives, but it might have an actual scientific explanation. Think about it, Your DNA has been coming down through the generations, constantly
Being combined with that of other people, but there are certainly parts that have been the same or similar for Thousands of years. Makes Sense to me even if I can't quite explain it very well.


Active member
Maybe a theory on this could be like, DNA is seen as a sort of chain, through childbirth two sets of DNA are combined to make one, the offspring then have a collection of both parents DNA. In theory, the genetic chain is never broken, only made more diverse with the addition of new genes.
I feel someday we'll understand just what is passed on to a greater extent.
What are the mathematical odds otherwise when a child excels on skills that are less common in the general population, but that a parent also had?
If skills are hereditary, how much of memory is?
It's the learned and honed skills of the parents that pass such things on.

The Joe Rogan example of his young children understanding complex ju jitsu maneuvers.
If a young child can just do these things a parent could do, simply using what seems like muscle memory, then at some point the child will be able to teach such physical techniques based only on genetics passed down, because knowledge was already possessed, just not thoroughly understood by the child.

It seems to me, the only things not passed down to children is the ability to explain what they already know.

Genghis Kush

Active member
I have a theory that involves DNA having some sort of "memory", that allows us to know things that we otherwise Should not. Kind of seems like some information/memories from past lives, but it might have an actual scientific explanation. Think about it, Your DNA has been coming down through the generations, constantly
Being combined with that of other people, but there are certainly parts that have been the same or similar for Thousands of years. Makes Sense to me even if I can't quite explain it very well.

In the video that Mick posted above the guy talks about memory being stored outside the brain. Possibly within cells. We seem to store memories in our fat or muscle cells.
Maybe we gain some sort of ancestral memory through the cells that make up the semen and egg?
DNA is a form of memory. Encoded memory


Active member
With stems cells they're now able to program blank cells to be nearly any body part.
In a way, encoding cells with whatever information we like.
Where exactly are all sense memories stored throughout the body though?


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Stoney and enjoying the doc, Fire.
I'm only 15 minutes in and taking in a lot of what the doctor is talking about.
I've never listened to westerns talk about energy healing, except for out of books like Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy by Mircea Eliade which came out nearly 60 years ago.

From my limited experiences of healing with mental energy, the technique I found has to do with both persons meditating, the patient thinking deeply of the healer.
When the patient can relay the energy level of the healer, this is the que for the healer to lower or raise their own energy. and then do with it as they intend.

When the healer is open with their energy, others near by can assume how it is they currently feel, when the healer changes their energy whist he is meditated on by the patient they feel how it is the energy was moved by the healer.
I think of the method as feeling the process is understanding it.

It can be done faster hands on.
For example a patient is suffering mania, the shaman could take the patient into an open, grounded space and hold their hands. The magnetic field of the Earth can be latched on to by our own energy.
Myself, I understand how to let the Earth pull energy down from my crown to anywhere I choose in my body, and if I like out, and into the Earth.

I love doing some fire breathing before I mountain bike, then after an hour or so, barefoot in the grass I mentally ground my self in the grass and let it all draw down.
I'm almost certain when this energy is pulled from the brain that endorphins are also pulled from their gland, because after the fire breathing my energy is buzzing so very high, with in moments of allowing my energy to ground I feel like jello, and like laughing and smiling from the rush of endogenous morphine.
All my muscles go relaxed and then become weak, and then mentally as if I could nap.

Illnesses like bipolar are a western type of sickness, in my opinion it's a lack of understanding energy entirely.
Thinking too much and torturings oneself with negative thought patterns, too much energy in the frontal lobe, with meditation it can be learned how to move energy around, and with other traditional knowledge, allow excess energy to be grounded or shared with another through touch or thought.

We've all been around a hyper person or someone depressed and had their mood be contagious, very similar function to this, just we ignore the fact we share energy.

I've talked a whole lot in this thread.
I don't want folks to think I'm going to dissect all their posts.
This sort of topic gets me going.
Peace, friends.


Active member
Since so much of this is dream related, I wanted to share a meditation technique that allows release of DMT at will.
The whooshing, like a sound of distant thunder in the mind when you yawn.
Same thing can be done at will, sustained long enough and you'll feel a bunch of energy gather in and around your head/crown.
Keep going a while and you can draw your crowns energy right up and as high as you want.
It feels like launching your consciousness up while it's still tethered to your body.
It can bring on instant visions and lucid dreams.
This is something Tesla hinted at, gaining knowledge from space, may be a way he put it.


Since so much of this is dream related, I wanted to share a meditation technique that allows release of DMT at will.
The whooshing, like a sound of distant thunder in the mind when you yawn.
Same thing can be done at will, sustained long enough and you'll feel a bunch of energy gather in and around your head/crown.
Keep going a while and you can draw your crowns energy right up and as high as you want.
It feels like launching your consciousness up while it's still tethered to your body.
It can bring on instant visions and lucid dreams.
This is something Tesla hinted at, gaining knowledge from space, may be a way he put it.

You should read The Science of Getting Rich by W. Clement Stone or Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. All the great self-help gurus speak to the Universe being a cosmic consciousness. God, answers prayers, in a more or less scientific way, if you will.


Active member
I'll look into those, thank you.
My opinion is we are conduits for energy, what is it you are letting come through is the direction you go.
As if idle we are the axle of a wheel, the many spokes, individual lines of opportunities and understandings.


I'll look into those, thank you.
My opinion is we are conduits for energy, what is it you are letting come through is the direction you go.
As if idle we are the axle of a wheel, the many spokes, individual lines of opportunities and understandings.

It's above my pay grade. I'm more of a plug it in and go type of guy. I don't need to understand how it works anymore, just, that it works.

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