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Past lives?

Genghis Kush

Active member
Re past lives. Awhile ago I rode my mountain bike off a 10 metre cliff. I realised that I was going to land head first onto a ginormous rock and in an instant knew I most likely going to die. No way I was going out in fear, so I spread my arms like a bird and 100% surrendered to the experience. The strangest thing then happened. A benevolent male voice spoke to me and told me there was nothing to worry about in this life and that I'd be looked after in this life and the next. Time's a strange thing, as it didn't so much slow down, but it was if I stepped out of it and experienced so much in what could of only been 2 or 3 seconds. Words fail to describe the feelings of the awesomeness of the experience and I think if I could find words, then I'd be speaking of something else. I landed head fist on the rock and besides having a stiff neck for a couple of days, was fine.

I strongly believe that 'spiritual' guardians and teachers of the unseen realm are with us at all times.


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As far as allowing spirits to speak from your physical mouth, this is possible. When I say the Buddha cannot speak for you, I mean, throughout your life, as we are all individuals.

The Buddha was an enlightened man, realising self, but not seeking his creator.

Personally, I had before allowed the Earth to speak through me.
It happened on the night the planet's last aligned.
A great magnetic force pulled me to the floor, I positioned myself in the yoga child's pose.
A feminine, green, viney face spoke to me on unity, and then even typed for me when I stood up and being typing.
It was then, with my eyes wide open a purple lotus flower opened upon my head, and then the mother Earth told me, the men in your family have been chosen.

The months since then, I've spoken from my mouth many times, through the spirit of God.
I'm prompted each time, do you want to become a conduit for this energy through your own being?
And I allow it, and truths are said.
Things from heaven are loosed onto the earth.

Here's what my last month has been like, in a series of texts with family and friends.



I believe brother weird commented something along the lines that no one could conjure a tesseract.
Then I said to myself I could, and then did.
God says to me, you now understand the four dimensions, but there are three more above you to understand before you become one with them.


Active member
A truth is, all the dimensions and realms are one.
From every single person, to the whole of humanity,
what energies you allow near and accept is what you, and in part all of us become.

The reason we allow pain, havoc, and hell, is because we think because we can witness it, it's a truth, and truths are permanent.
Well, it's false to believe us as people have to live with a desolate world and life view.
Patience and effort from the heart is all it takes to heal self and one another, in health we prosper together and our combined strengths and abilities continue to evolve.

Both my dad and I have few sleeping dreams anymore.
It's because of having faith that what we want will come true, thus no longer does the brain need the downtime during sleep to dream up possibilities, awake is where dreams are seen through.
When I lay down to sleep, I have what is like a DMT trip, I'm able to take all that was shown to me in, then focus on sleeping again.
Once I fall into sleep, I awake what only seemed a moment after closing my eyes, but 6-8 hours later.


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When mankind came into our current form and mental capacity, some 250,000 years ago.
That was when we realised and were made known that we were created, and meant to live here.
Then some decided we would rather go it alone and explore to grow without a Father figure in God.
This didn't change God's love for each and everyone of us.
Because all within the universe is available and meant for us to harness, this is how curious individuals began to harness the energy of, plants, animals, the earth, stars, planets.
This is what lead to the first rulers of might, and to the lower gods, those people, and eternal spirits that became enlightened and then either sought to be worshipped or to spread knowledge that they had learned.

The concept of virginity is spiritual.
This is how Christ was born to earth.
With God wielding any ability he likes, he chose to impregnate a woman with his own spirit, the result being a man and soul of flesh, but the wisdom and forethought of the spirit of God.

Adam - atom, first life on earth
Eve - Beginning of humanity, and first woman to conceive children with another human.

Scientifically, the group of hominids humankind evolved from was a very small group.
It wasn't millions of hominids suddenly evolving into man, it's a slow process, evolution.

I hadn't read the bible until I was 27, and hadn't been to a church more than a couple times with grandparents.


Active member
My own truth is, if you believe I'm bible thumper.
I was raised with an agnostic/atheist family.
Not until I was an adult did I begin practicing yoga and meditation.
Buddhism/Zen, various yoga practises, even awakening the kundalini energy.
I had it open the first time I did the Sat Kyra, Intense but not painful fire in the small of my back, then whoosh, the energy from my root thrust into my crown.

The medical symbol, the caduceus. Hermes and Mosus used it.
In the symbol it describes a lamp post with wings, around it are two snakes looking eye to eye, this represents the heart and mind of an individual operating as one without boundary.


Active member
The whole, a snake told eve to take in the knowledge of good and evil?
The snake is an animal that depicts the wavelength of energy, up, down, or side to side, always moving forward.

If the mind and heart are not in tune within an individual, they begin blaming either their heart or mind for getting them in trouble.
That the start of man's struggles, learning to be one with self and all.
One day Scorpion goes to the river. He meets Frog there and they have a chat.

"Will you help me get across?" He asks.

"Sure." Frog says. "But how do I know you wont stab me?" He asks.

"Because if I do we will both die." Scorpion says reassuringly.

"Very true, hop on my back." And they begin their trudge thru the river to the other side.

A little over halfway Scorpion stabs Frog with his deadly tail!

"Why did you do that!" Frog gasps. "We will both die now!"

"I couldn't help myself. It's my character."


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The other night I dreamt of massive scorpion, It approached and I asked it what it was after, it was hungry and wanted to eat me.
After some small conversation I directed it to a patch of sugar cane and it cooed.
Then I had made peaceful the scorpion spirit and could touch it without it taking notice.


Active member
Luke 10:
18 So He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you.
20 Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”…

Psalm 91:13
You will tread upon the lion and cobra, The young lion and the serpent you will trample down.

Behold, I give to you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

I give.

Psalm 91:13 You shall tread on the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon …
Isaiah 11:8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the …
Ezekiel 2:6 And you, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of …
Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, …
Acts 28:5 And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm.
Romans 16:20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.

and nothing.

Luke 21:17,18 And you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake…
Romans 8:31-39 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can …
Hebrews 13:5,6 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with …
Revelation 11:5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceeds out of their mouth, …


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It's hard to take the bible seriously as it was missing large sections when it was discovered and was filled in and rewritten by Jewish scholars.

I don't subscribe to any religion myself but I feel the real truth lies in the similarities between all major religions.

There is instances where islam, christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism say basically the same thing in different words. That is what I consider the truth.

Aside from a few golden rules I think the bible is nothing more than a fantastical story book.

However, to each their own.


Active member
Peace, friend.
Realise that religion and spirituality are two separate concepts.
With religion there are sets of prescribed rules.
In the particular spirituality that Christianity ascribes to is, take accountability for your own life, help others within your reach, and believe that anything you want and need can and will come to you through God, Because it is his will that you are happy and prosperous.

Basically a belief in God that relies on God to guide you into what you are looking for is interchangeable with 'white magic', there were people that followed this set of beliefs and were burned at the stake hundreds of years ago.
Holding our understanding that science and spirituality can co exist and answer each question.

As people we can individually continue believing that death is blackness, and life has no meaning. You literally don't have to read the bible, only shed your fears, follow your dreams, and then pass away in the flesh as we all do, to see what I do.


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Take a science magazine back to the biblical times.
How many people could you get to beleive you that we would travel the solar system, create solar power, have devices that fit in a pocket that is capable of communication to the entire earth's population, and everyone for less than a month's wage could travel within a day, through the sky in a machine?

Okay then, what seems too fanciful about the stories portrayed in the bible, walking on water, making food appear, the claim Christ could read minds?
Astral projection, telepathy, the ridiculous pace at which we farm and consume?
We're light years ahead of the dark ages, but no one wants to believe it, and when they do they leave out the reason why we are here and instead praise science.

Science is writing the code book to existence, but how is it that anyone can prise and preach from a book which is still in the progress of being writing.

What we understand both scientifically and spiritually are in their infancy, and have to recognise one another when speaking on reality, or progress or understanding one another is hindered by dogma and misunderstandings of scripture.

All understandings were meant to be continually thought through and be revised.


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Satan is hebrew for adversary and might as well be called such in the English bible translation.
The concept is simple that around you is an enemy trying to take control.
What's the control being pushed at us?
Fears stored away in our hearts and minds, those nightmares that things never get much better for you, for the people you know, or for the rest of the world.

I'm not speaking down to anyone.
The bible says clearly, even blasphemy against the Father and the Son are forgiven.
To those that are enjoying their life, you are doing exactly as it was meant to be.
To those that are struggling with anything in life, I'm prescribing you only hope and think of it getting better.
Thoughts of our self and others is where peace starts.

Christians do preach down, many of them.
Christ did not do this, he wanted us all to believe we could be healed of what troubled us and we'd progress toward understanding each other, and in that life and where we are going.


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Compare and contrast the supposed works of Jesus against the abilities of modern folk.
He said a time would come when people took part in even greater miracles than he.
As things are today, the cure for Ebola and possibly cancer is underway, and so many other illnesses and diseases are being figured out. There are surgeons, paramedics, and ER doctors saving as many lives in a week as did Christ in his entire life time.
As well we have people no different from us running into blazing fires, in front of bullet, and defusing bombs.

What I pray for most is that those disenfranchised with their day to day life see just what each days possibilities are for them.
Nothing is too difficult to accomplish or understand in time, and that is why we have such amazing people choosing careers which are only meant to protect, heal, and save, and discover.

It's why the moon than shown down on the dinosaurs has man's footprints on it.
Faith it could be done.

Genghis Kush

Active member
His goal is to get this thread removed for violating TOU.

The ideas expressed here threaten his would view .
That's why he doing everything he can to bury them with his rambling posts about god and religion.


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The topic is in the tokers den and is on the notion of past lives.
Everything in this topic is someone's opinion, if my posts are incoherent to you, please just scroll past them.


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I've read every post in this thread and none are upsetting to me, I'm here to take in everyone's ideas, it's how I learn.
I'm especially enjoying others stories of the supernatural, hearing others share this stuff is fascinating. I am by no means trying to bury any others opinions in this thread.
The great thing about a forum conversation is it's impossible to talk over each other when everyone's comments are visible, if you don't care for any particular opinion, any one of us can just not read it.