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Active member
rofl I've been to his house, know all the family, the parents place of business...

if he has let you know that much about him he is slipping.

you need to be more specific about the ratio of work/costs/etc.

basically me and my buddy split everything 50/50. all the equipment, rent, power, water, nutes, every single cost is split 50/50.

this simplifies it because come harvest, we split everything 50/50, theres no 60/40 bullshit or anything like that.

however we both have our own sets of clients so i dont need someone to hustle my harvest for me. If i had no clients at all i suppose i would take my harvest and sell it to him at a little below market value so he could make a little change off that too, but i wouldnt give it away for less than 200 a zip, your getting ripped off.


Active member
Partnerships in anything are based on trust and honesty and compromise etc. If you ever feel it's heading south, think well how to attempt a fix, avoid acting rashly etc. If it goes real bad, and you feel it's getting too one-sided, hobble through, quietly, then walk away and call it quits when your cut's in hand. Partnerships can be good, real good, or they can be bad, real bad. Kinda depends on your choice of who you're climbing into bed with, and who you are, and just how much you're each willing to put in. Thoughtful communication is the rule of the day. There's plenty of money to go around, someone who truly has your back is priceless. Good luck.

good advice here.

if any arguments come up you have to remain level headed. having a heated MTV drama debate is fatal to a grow op, simply because of the high risks involved. its like going into battle with your squad and all of a sudden in the middle of an ambush everyone decides to start bickering and yelling at eachother.

if either me or my partner got out of line and lost our tempers (i have come close sometimes) it would really sour everything. you gotta know when to stand your ground, and when to compromise.


I hope you are in a medical state OP, growing with a partner is risky,risky stuff. Just remember your freedom is at risk here.

If you are intent on growing for profit, I highly suggest raising that initial capital and doing it yourself. That way you are in control of all the decisions, money, and most importantly security. Can you be absolutely, positively sure this guy wouldn't mention the grow to anyone? You are getting twice this risk for half the profit. I know it sounds easier with a partner, but usually they just get in the way...

Good luck with your grows whatever your decision is.:joint:

Mr. Tony

Active member
I could easily raise the capital do all the work myself but I'd have no one to give it to. plus I'd need atleast one room mate for the house.


Room for you, room for the plants. Why more? Do you think this guy would turn down pounds of the dank?


Partners are great if they do as much work as you and have the same sense of responasbility as you probably have, if not they are totally useless. So my advice as many others in here is to avoid it.


realize that their life problems can become your problems, and plan accordingly

dont let the time and money you invest get fucked, just because of something going on in their life


Look, bottom line is this.

It's not a "golden rule" to grow alone, in your own home, and thats that.

you CAN have partners BUT;

i would ONLY do it if you know the person's character, YOU invite them rather than THEY invite you to, you know their past, you know their present, and you hide yourself from everyone other than that 1 person.

i've worked with a guy for a year and a half and recently got to know him the past few months. he helped me buy a gun (he owns a few), we blaze all the time, and he knows i'm about to grow. but i can trust him. i have a VERY good ability to see through people, and he isn't the type of person to backstab people for no reason. he actually doesnt even care that i grow, he just wants me to sell to him when i grow some fat buds..lol.


Active member
I could easily raise the capital do all the work myself but I'd have no one to give it to. plus I'd need atleast one room mate for the house.

the plants are your roommate man, i figure that my plants pay me about 800 a month in rent LOL.

plus they dont leave hairs in the toilet, or raid my fridge while im sleeping.
It kind of is the "GOLDEN RULE" to not tell anyone....you have to ask yourself if you really piss this guy off, if he thinks you robbed him, or screwed his girlfriend, or whatever the case may be will he still keep his mouth shut???
I don't think you can even know who your friends are until you have many heated arguments, a so-called true friend is very hard to find.
I understand you want to "pull" alot of weight but I think you might be better enjoying the house and maybe have 1 or 2 plants and 1000 watter.... that is depending on your states laws.....


It kind of is the "GOLDEN RULE" to not tell anyone....you have to ask yourself if you really piss this guy off, if he thinks you robbed him, or screwed his girlfriend, or whatever the case may be will he still keep his mouth shut???
I don't think you can even know who your friends are until you have many heated arguments, a so-called true friend is very hard to find.
I understand you want to "pull" alot of weight but I think you might be better enjoying the house and maybe have 1 or 2 plants and 1000 watter.... that is depending on your states laws.....

then why is it okay for wives or girlfriends to know?

i know the MAJORITY of people who grow on this board have at least 1 person, family, friend or foe who knows they grow.


Active member
my rule for partners is 7yrs...or good vibes and a basic understanding of what needs to get done --- some people u KNO will be a good partner others,....u have an idea that it MAY not work out, if you have any assumptions that it MAY not work out or you are gonna hve to do majority of the work and than split it 50% than...you should rethink your situation or atleast just give an honest percentage to your "partner"....id basically hire him, not 50/50 with him...or her...


New member
Me and a friend did a few grows, We bascily had to have everything writting down like a contract, I paid the rent/water/ele/ one month then he paid the other month. We both went bought all the gear all once and spilt the bill right at the shop. Every time we needed nutes or minor stuff we both looked at the bill of sales and split it. We did this for a year with no egos or problems , Are Goal was set and meet.

But this isnt for everyone, I knew my buddie since 2 grade.

K Double O

Take some good advice. Stay away from partners.

In all cases, if the word gets out. Marijuana cultivation will get you a prison sentence on the first strike in the US.

I personally do not trust any man nor woman, with my freedom & lively hood.

Any one.

Yeah cultivation is fun and there is a ton of $$$ to make, but at what risk?

Its so easy to throw out the notion of security when personal feelings are involved. I don't care if you say you potential partner is a saint. He or she has their "own" agenda and it might not coincide with yours.

If you can honestly put your lively hood & freedom in another mans hands. Then god speed to you.

I say trust no one & you trust every one the same.

Born alone, die alone, grow alone!


realize that their life problems can become your problems, and plan accordingly

realize that their life problems can become your problems, and plan accordingly

realize that their life problems can become your problems, and plan accordingly

lots of good advice presented here. not everyone is a money hungry decietful kniveiving asshole but they are everywhere.spare no mercy judging his character, both set your goals and expectations at the outset and you can make it work.

every partner i have chosen would sacrifice our plants before our friendship as friendship is the most valuable comodity in life.

i can tell you right now a partner IS A BAD IDEA, but if you both WANT to make it work it will.

Many of the people on here are much more experienced than i so heed their advice but if you are already set on having him as a partner, sit down with him and write down a list of both of your goals and fears about this. if you are both completely honest and clear with each other from the outset things will still go wrong but you must both be flexible and willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.


1 more thing.

it sounds like it would be this guys first time around the grow side of things so be aware that he will be excited and run his mouth off to people to try and advertise the product that is coming long before it is ready. learned this one from experience so dont take it lightly. it really fuckin blows having someone you thought had no idea you were growing come up to you and ask you how/when the harvest is doing.


In search of Genetics
Partner is one too many.
The only partners you need is me , myself and I.

From what i understand you two have already spoke about it.
Better pack up and move or stop all together till he forgets the conversation, or kill him.

Just Kidding dont kill him !
Get someone else too do it.
lol , sorry anyways, stop all contact with him , tell him the idea was silly and you dont have the balls whatever and move on or away from him.