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Active member
still don't get how some of you guys, and even friends i know can smoke so much at once, lol. i just can't do it, i'd be out of my mind if its good shit. very uncomfortable, and not in control of myself. maybe some people are just much more sensative to it then others. different make ups. case in point, during the dust days, i was able to smoke j's of that minty tea leaf. and feel pleasantly buzzed super relaxed and drunken double blurry vision, etc. but no spins. friends would have 2 or 3 hits, throw up and lay out flat somewhere for a few hours. dunno. different make up. it's probably because of my high strung natural state. the dust just brought me down to normal, lol. other more chill personalities went down too far and yacked. sometimes racy weed makes me go way up too high, and i'm pretty out of my comfort zone there. the right balance and dosage, and i'm good to go for hours. stress relief, relaxation, pain relief. dreamy visions, etc. too much, and it's a real battle for a half hour to 45 minutes before its tolerable, sometimes i ask myself why i did so much, pretty much every time lol. and i'm not talking more then 2 super good hits. lol. beats the drunken alcohol spinning barfs though. lesser of two evils i guess for pleasure.



xOOx said:
still don't get how some of you guys, and even friends i know can smoke so much at once, lol. i just can't do it, i'd be out of my mind if its good shit. very uncomfortable, and not in control of myself. maybe some people are just much more sensative to it then others. different make ups. case in point, during the dust days, i was able to smoke j's of that minty tea leaf. and feel pleasantly buzzed super relaxed and drunken double blurry vision, etc. but no spins. friends would have 2 or 3 hits, throw up and lay out flat somewhere for a few hours. dunno. different make up. it's probably because of my high strung natural state. the dust just brought me down to normal, lol. other more chill personalities went down too far and yacked. sometimes racy weed makes me go way up too high, and i'm pretty out of my comfort zone there. the right balance and dosage, and i'm good to go for hours. stress relief, relaxation, pain relief. dreamy visions, etc. too much, and it's a real battle for a half hour to 45 minutes before its tolerable, sometimes i ask myself why i did so much, pretty much every time lol. and i'm not talking more then 2 super good hits. lol. beats the drunken alcohol spinning barfs though. lesser of two evils i guess for pleasure.


Lol.....so true xoox that uptown piff deff does it for me sometimes.....smoke a bit like 4 to 5 pulls and im good nice and relax, slight blurred vision, and giggly as hell....Now if I share an L with one of my comrades and smoke it to the roach then I start getting that racey uncontrollable effect.....That makes you say im never smoking again feeling....lol.....kind of like a drunk person drinking to when they yak and then say while there hugging the can im not ever drinking again......but then the following night does the same chit again....lol......... :bashhead:


Active member
What's up everybody, When is it ok to put seedlings outside? Can they handle these harsh weathers we're still having??
It's still dropping to below 40 degrees at night, i was wondering when is a good time for them to enjoy the outdoor.

- SubN


xOOx said:
still don't get how some of you guys, and even friends i know can smoke so much at once, lol. i just can't do it, i'd be out of my mind if its good shit. very uncomfortable, and not in control of myself. maybe some people are just much more sensative to it then others. different make ups. case in point, during the dust days, i was able to smoke j's of that minty tea leaf. and feel pleasantly buzzed super relaxed and drunken double blurry vision, etc. but no spins. friends would have 2 or 3 hits, throw up and lay out flat somewhere for a few hours. dunno. different make up. it's probably because of my high strung natural state. the dust just brought me down to normal, lol. other more chill personalities went down too far and yacked. sometimes racy weed makes me go way up too high, and i'm pretty out of my comfort zone there. the right balance and dosage, and i'm good to go for hours. stress relief, relaxation, pain relief. dreamy visions, etc. too much, and it's a real battle for a half hour to 45 minutes before its tolerable, sometimes i ask myself why i did so much, pretty much every time lol. and i'm not talking more then 2 super good hits. lol. beats the drunken alcohol spinning barfs though. lesser of two evils i guess for pleasure.


when you smoke everyday for 20+ years, you kinda get over that "uncomfortable" thing.

The one time I stopped for a drug test, I had to get back slowly, really racy paranoid thoughts when I started again. But one just needs to smoke through that stage.

I have yet to smoke anything that got me too high since I was very young.

I also know that I grow and smoke potent f&%(ing genetics everyday. Its my medicine.



Active member
i believe ya jip,

my friends are the same way, always can smoke way more then i can. i just can't up the dose of the good piff for some reason without that bad effect. i've been smoking pretty steady the past 3 or 4 years. probably every night, or at least every other night, once in a blue moon week off, etc. but only those couple hits or so per go. can't really smoke 24/7 life interferes have to stay clear headed, lol. i'm like the midnight toker, when everyone is asleep! don't drink, no cigs, no other drugs, no prescriptions. its my only monkey.

i guess if i had lots of free time i could build up the strong tolerance like that, but it just doesn't happen for me, i don't need more and more to get into the zone i enjoy to be at with certain types of weed. i've had weak stuff, and i could smoke much more without even approaching the sweet spot, full j's, and i've done that. no answers for ya, w/good shit i'm 2 hit quit.

now last 3-4 years steady, but prior to that on and off with months, or years in between of getting the piff going back to lets just say as long as you jip! i hate to say even longer, lol. my first dance with mary jane i was only a wee lad with older friends on the block. 6th grade maybe? but it wasn't a revisited friend until 17+.



Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
spadedNfaded said:
What's up everybody, When is it ok to put seedlings outside? Can they handle these harsh weathers we're still having??
It's still dropping to below 40 degrees at night, i was wondering when is a good time for them to enjoy the outdoor.

- SubN
Hey SubN: It's probably best to do a web search for the average date of the last killing frost for your local. You can put them out a bit before that, but you'll have to keep a close eye on the weather and cover them if it's going to freeze. You could also ask around to find out when folks in your area put out their tomatoes for the summer. It's usually pretty safe by then. Good luck Bro.


Registered Cannabis User
spadedNfaded said:
What's up everybody, When is it ok to put seedlings outside? Can they handle these harsh weathers we're still having??
It's still dropping to below 40 degrees at night, i was wondering when is a good time for them to enjoy the outdoor.

- SubN

hey man, I usually start veggin mine on april 20th... :rasta: for about a month then transplant to outdoors... so if you're in the tri...I'd say mid may is your safest bet.


New member
hey everyone.......

just tokin and thaught i'd stop in........ still can't put my Blue Crystal pic's up yut but soon......i'm mos def goin too start round 2, with some bubba kush \ soon....i don't know what i'm goin too do yet.... just growin monsters or try starting with some mothers, never done it that way......i've always been use too trowing some veg's out in the Mt's i don't think i can yield as much.......what do you guys think??



You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to AmishFarmer again.


nice blue cheese---who are her parents??

This Mothers finest was in veg for a little long.......shown next to her sister that is finished. I expect nearly six feet when done.

closer pic of MF

I really like this one of my flower room...came out pretty neat.



Active member
Nice, jip. How much would you say the one on the right will yield when done? I've got a few trees going myself...

Some shots at day 38 of the mystery bag seed. If anyone cares to make any general suggestions as to what you think its lineage may be, all comments are welcome!











cocktail frank said:
vin must be the peanut gallery w/ his jokes :D

is the one still packing on pistils your amish haze?
Thanks guys.CF no,that is some Blue Cheese.Amish Haze is an inbred skunk #1.As far as the smell,well it is nice.Very strong,hard to describe.It smells blue.Blue?If it was a piece of candy,it smells just how a blue piece would smell.Purple=grape.Red=cherry.Blue =?.It also has a sugary sweet smell that makes my mouth water.It must also smell skunky.After a short time in the room,I mean a short time,I then go to the store.A little kid then says to his mother "That man smells like a skunk".That is good and bad I guess,better a kid than a cop.I can't imagine what I'll smell like after smoking some.Soon,very soon.

Shady Smoka

Active member
When I try to upload pics, I am now gettin this :
The file you uploaded was not an acceptable format.: 1.bmp

How do I change the format or whatever I need to do.
I've been waitin to post pics for like a week!

Thanks in advance
Shady Smoka

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
shady smoka,
icmag photo upload only supports certain file ext.

for everybody else in the crew,
i put up a bpp thread, in my sig or strains and hybrids section.
feel free to post pics from your runs of the pole :D

Shady Smoka

Active member
finally, my pic

finally, my pic

Iam growing NYCDiesel in bubble bucket DWC w/ GH nutes and 104w CFLs (veg) and a 150hps (bud).

First two pics are the day I brought it home...

One week later...

And one week after that....

Hope you like. This is my first grow. Will post this weeks pics soon :joint:

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