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Active member
hi all

been a while, but as promised i bring some pics, because they are worth a thousand words ;)

StonedStupid - i have had success with this paper towel method, place the paper towel inside an open plastic zip lock baggy (to keep it from drying out too quickly, do not close it!) and put them on top of your hot water heater for warmth.

cocktail frank - i read an article in the paper about the electrician union doing mandatory piss testing starting march 15th! are you prepared? i'm just guessing you are a member of this union from your very informative electrical posts.

and here she is.. the unknown keeper mom:

she's housed in a pc case, and kept alive by a 13watt CFL (yep, 13 watts) with one 4 inch pc fan exhausting out through the side (you can't see it)
to the right side of her is an ozone generator hooked up to a cycle timer. the burst timer on this unit isn't precise enough to get that perfect balance.

this mom is way over a year old, and was root pruned once at the 7 month mark.

i have recently switched away from using the ozone generator and testing a fabreeze carbon filter ($14 at home depot) so far one of those, and a replacement filter just duct taped to the external fan has kept the odor in check. believe me, she is a stinker, even at this small size in veg, she will skunk/fuel out the entire basement and then some.

she was just recently retired to the garbage, and a clone of her has taken her place for the next year. you can see the clones rooting in a shot glass, filled with tap water. 6-10 days later they go into their own pots for veg.

2 weeks of veg later, and we have a new mom, and THIS girl:

she is 2 weeks veg, and 5 days flower so far from rooting in that shot glass, and about 5.5-6 inches tall. this was a week ago, and she's gotten much bigger now. one of her fans can cover my whole face! she is about 10 days flower as of today. i flower when she is that small because of space, she will get to 2-2.5 ft or a little more by the end of flower.

hope everyone is doing well,



InjectTruth said:
How's the beast flowin for you cats? We wished it away for years, and finally, it went away! But it left nothing in its place!

Around here something did...Its almost weed, smells like it too. Its def better than what was going around, not as leafy and smells like it got to dry a little before they threw it in a bag.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
yeah Bearfoot fillin'out at 43 wheww nice yeild and flush...DaNK..
SS ello' welcome
xOOx u have ne idea the origins of ur keeper,btw sweet lil' setup u got goin there man.
amish did that JC2 make it thru?........Mm


Active member
StonedStupid - Welcome to our wonderful home! I believe you might want to check the temp like RedNine said. Temps are a major factor for me whilst germing seeds. I Always put lukewarm water in the towel when i moisten it and i always keep it somewhere warm, ie top of your computer case, near a heater vent. I bet if you have them out, that that is the issue you are having.

InjectTruth - that's what i've been sayin! lol he's always popping up with the commercial kind strain of the week over there in Philly!!

PhillyPride/Cocktail - that Abusive looks delicious!

Vintner - Thanks for the heads up, $120 is a bit steep for a 400w'er though. i can get a 600 ballast for around there. I was thinking more along the lines of hooking up with a 400w replacement ballast offline for somewhere around $60 and just buying the bulb at HD for 20-30. Wiring up a plug and socket's no biggie for me since electrical work is no stranger.

Anyone - Does anyone know anything about Rez's new double strawberry diesel? is that supposed to be better than the usual strawberry deez? cuz i was looking to stock up on another pack or two of beans and that one really caught my eye.

- SubN
I am currently using a heater that is plugged into a reptile terrarium heater control. I want to get a seedling mat for heating. The ambient temperature with the ceramic heater on the reptile temp controller running is between 75 & 80 degrees. First I soak in Distilled water that is @ room temperature till they sink. then i take them out & place the seeds in a wet paper towel or napkin that was moistened with room temperature distilled water.. They are sitting next to the heater. I would put them on the top of my fridge towards the back like usual but the cabinets @ this new place wont let me put shit on it.


Stoned Stupid, that sounds pretty good for a germ setup. Is it a heater that blows on the seeds or a radiant heater?

A couple other places you could place them would be on top of your lights, depending on how hot they get, or on top of a cable box. These are usually on 24/7 and stay quite warm.

If you get a seedling mat, make sure you get a thermostat for it, unless the one you are using will work. The ones I've had get really hot without one.

If you can, do me a favor and describe again what happens to them. At what point do they start to ooze the milky discharge? This is kind of weird since you've had success in the past. Also, I don't remember from you're past post, but are these all seeds from Nirvana, or are you having these problems with other beans as well? Could just be the beans were stored badly or something, and not by you, but someone along the way. Nirvana's beans are pretty much on a mass distribution level, so you sometimes don't get the best quality. In my experience with them, it's been hit or miss, with the occasional gem.

Hope you get this worked out. You could try popping some bagseed to see if it's your beans or your technique. Good luck. Keep us posted.
Red Nine~~ i got milky residue on only 2 out of 7 Bubblegums that have a milky residue. that came about while in the towel but i stillhavent got any radicle popping out of the seeds. i actually had to crack most of the ones i could except one which didnt even get a milky residue. I still have nadda from the WR but i just started those yesturday. I have the ceramic heater blowing the hot air into the room heating the hole room to 75- 80 degrees cause if it is blowing on them it shoots to deadly temps near the front of the heater even with the controller. I thought about using the satelite reciever for a heat source but my hand doesnt fit inbetween it & the cabinet tho i could pul the whole shit out but that would mean pulling the whole system out lol. something about me getting lazy after a shitty day @ work especially on a day like today when your boss wont let ya leave early cause ya got really sick all afternoon. They are all nirvana seeds. The Past grows i have done usually consisted of bag seed from Mid grade. this was the 1st time i orders seeds from amsterdam but not the 1st that I germed. About two years ago when I was living in Hershey I was growing some Northern Lights #1 from KC Brains. Had no problems had sprouts in like 3 days. the Bahia Blackhead took 4. I would still have a grow going on if it had not been for my old roomie overdosing on Meth & having to lose all the plants when the cops came.


Hi Everyone :wave: .
I finally learned how to post larger pics.,after being here almost 2 years. :smoke:
Heres some MNS,Mango Haze:



A few more:
This is Ritchie D, not sure of its make up,its a gifted clone from here on the East coast.

One More:
Nl/Lep X Pure Kush

Nice Pics Zombo
Welcome to the thread Stoned Stupid
Bear the WD x ABK went 78 days
Glad to see the thread picking back up, There is alot of good bud in the Philly region besides our nemesis the Beasters if you dont like the streets which is understandable you can usually meet people with good wares or even better connections around the college scene, the bars and hang outs around U Penn and Drexel are excellent. Just talk up a few people and you will be surprised. Where there are kids with $$$ their is allways good bud not far behind lol


Zombo, very nice. That Haze is looking dank bro. Been awhile since I talked to you.

Well guys I think I'm gonna pop some new beans tomorrow. Thinking of going with Skunk XXX from THSeeds. These beans were really tough for me to find. I had some of this in the form of smoke about 10 years ago and loved it. Guy I got if from told me the name of the strain and I started looking for it. Didn't find it until about a year ago, been sitting on them ever since. I remember a nice strong skunk smell, that memorable skunk taste, and bright lime green buds. I've been so tied up with new strains the last couple years, that I want to take a trip down memory lane and grow some old school "kind bud",lol.

I've also got Jack the Ripper, Space Queen, The Void(Apollo 13xSpace Queen), Durban P x Skunk #1, and from CF--Bubba Kush, OG Kush, Aids oh wait, thats STrawDiesel x Abusive Kushaze I believe and Abusive Kushaze x WD(what is that by the way, Wonder Diesel?).

I still have a female Querkle and female Purps IBL that I've never run. Next run hopefully. The Querkle for sure. I've had it for so long and still havn't run it. That damn Bubba,lol!

Anybody want to see anything in particular, let me know and I may just run it. Otherwise, it's the Skunk. Maybe I'll do two strains at the same time.

My Bubba and SDOG are looking really good, hairs starting to turn and leaves starting to yellow. Maybe yellowing a little soon. Should be taking pics tomorrow night.
Peace out Tri State Crew.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Zombo: Long time no see bro. How's it going? How's your kid doing in school? Plants are looking good, especially that PK. Don't be a stranger man.


Active member
thanks bearfootlove, moneymike!

as far as the origin goes i saved seeds from every strong weed i ever obtained. most of the time it was seedless, but every once in a while i'd find one or two, and it went into a baggy for storage. it could be 3 years old, or 10+ years old seed. but the source bud was always one or two places..uptown nyc, or the uptown jamaicans in nyc. final bud smells like good stuff i've had before in the past from nyc. the smell is lemoney/citrus/skunky/fuely almost menthol pinesol tangy odor.. no pine odor. the bud is light green in color. it has no throat irritation/tickle when hit (so no cough) very very smooth and sweet, and one one hitter full will keep me going for over an hour. high is very nice, very very creeper, full effects slowly rise until about 30 minutes into the buzz ..floaty numb face/lips .. feel like your floating on the ceiling while sitting watching tv, numb arms, time slows down, thoughts drifting through your past and childhood, and maybe beyond (spiritual) with little loss of concentration..takes a while before you can snap out of it and start doing stuff again ;) everyone who tried it loves it. if i over indulge i get paranoid for the first 10-15 minutes, w/shaking hands, sweaty, heart beating fast, little nautious, etc. but in about 30 minutes the indica kicks in and the floating relaxation starts. the best way to describe the peak is it's sort of like an almost drunken alcohol state, without the spinning/vomiting that comes right after that point.

i can't quite figure out what it is as the buds look like no other on here, and they lean way more to the haze/sativa side, even though its look indica in the beginning of flower. ive had this dreamy state high from the jamaican's stuff..so i'm leaning more its possible its from their seed. i think they use heirlooms up there, and this may be one of them that selfed.

i also grow purely fluro so that may be why they don't look like hps buds, not sure.



Thanks Philly P, it looks like you have been doing pretty good for yourself also.
Red 9 -thanks Bro, its the first time I grew the Mango Haze,haven't smoked ant yet.It won't be long now.
Bear FL - you got me Bro, yeah I took a couple of the top buds off about a week ago,I couldn't wait to give it a try.I know I'm a little late but congrats,on the new addition to the family.
Vintner -How you been Bro?The boys doing fine,ready to start the second semester. Good luck and have fun house hunting in the spring,make sure you have room for a nice grow room.I'll be in touch.
While I'm here,
heres a pic of Remix(ECSD X F-13)made by a member here at IC.
its at 66 days 12/12

Last edited:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
zombo said:
Vintner -How you been Bro?The boys doing fine,ready to start the second semester. Good luck and have fun house hunting in the spring,make sure you have room for a nice grow room.I'll be in touch.
Thanks for the well wishes. House hunting is right around the corner. Can't believe it's nearly here! I've got so much to do to get ready. As I've mentioned before, I've got my next grow set-up already all planned out in my head. It's going to be small. I just use a 150, but that more than meets our needs. All I need is the space and the lumber.


Hey Vin, hit me up with any questions you may have when looking for your house. I have a real estate license and am also a Realtor, but I havn't been practicing the last year since opening my business with my Family. Anyway, I'm sure I can let you know some things to look for and look out for, what inspections are the most important, things to be prepared for etc. I'm sure you already know most of this, but it's always nice to have someone on the inside to help, especially if the person has no financial interest in the transaction.

Sorry to go a little off topic peeps, but gotta help my boy, ya know. It's a pretty good time right now to buy, prices are dropping and mortgage rates just dropped again this week to I believe 5.75%. If you have 5-20% down you can get some great rates. Don't believe everything you see on the news about the housing market. It depends totally on where you live, and central pa is still doing really well.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
Zombo: that remix looks exactly what the cross says vetty nice!!
PP : MMmmmm kali mist
Bearfoot: looookin ggggrrreat
RedNine: were on the same tip DaNK a$$ roadkill skunk currently runnin what I think is Skunk selfed beans only 7 currentley but If ur doin it I will pop my Sensi SS that I scored a whyle back......will post pics of the lil ones later......lemme know