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Active member
Hey RedNine, how do you like the Volcano? I keep thinking about stale smoke left in a bong, how it tastes horrible after a few seconds, and imagine that the volcano bag is similar. Do you find the vapor stays fresh tasting throughout the whole bag?

Ive been trying to decide between a whip style vape and the volcano.
Happy New Year trying to get over this cold with a little Patron and some nugs! I shall have my cannabis wine tasting session this weekend lol Here is some Commercial Grape Ape nothing special in the strength department nice taste a grape kool aid flavor but potency is lacking

Sorry for the blurry pics too high to take new shots :puppydoge


Active member
Nine - Nice tools indeed!!

InjectTruth - The volcano is a good tool, however i feel that vaped herb lacks that stuffy-head feeling, which i like. The bag can be replaced, you can buy replacements from the company but a friend of mine has found that oven bags work great, as well.
It stays fresh throughout the entire bowl, which can be anywhere from 3-10 full bags depending on how much you put in.

PhillyPride - Dude you just keep whippin out these "commercial" buds and you're makin me jealous! haha i can't even find decent haze bags for a price and you got the commercial strain of the week! haha, Good looks on that Ape. Looks tastey!!!
Let us know when you have that taste testing, i'm curious to know about a few of those strains!!

Well the new year is here. You know what that means, can't smoke herb for a month or so! boooooo!!!

- SubN


InjectTruth...The Volcano is really nice. The smoke in the bag doesn't get stale like in a bong unless you leave it in there for a long time. I just made a couple different size bags, and usually use a small one. That way there isn't as much in it. If I'm with friends, I use the big one and pass it around. Some people don't like vaps, so make sure you try one before spending alot of money. I would recommend the Volcano if you have the cash, as it's the best I've used. I got lucky and won mine at my local headshop in a contest. I bought one $10 entry ticket, and they pulled my name. Not bad for a $600 vap,lol. I don't use bongs much anymore. Funny thing is, with all the good tools I have, I usually smoke out of a metal pipe,lol. When I grew up there was no such thing as glass pipes, vaporizors, etc. and I guess old habits are hard to break. If you have anymore questions just ask, I know i'm not the only one in the Tri-State that has one, someone will be able to answer whatever questions about it you have. Hope this helps.


BFL,looks good,can all most smell them.It will be a while before these get there.9 out of 10 going strong.The last one wouldn't crack so I scored the side of the seed and it cracked open a few hours later but didn't grow anymore.Oh well.First time with feminised seeds.Curious to see if they are female.Just don't seem right somehow.Also starting some of the seeds that where Sk#1 x Sk#1 that I made.Hope to get another hazey pheno that I got last time.I didn't know what haze was,never smoked it before.Then in Amsterdam I bought some Super Silver Haze and was like this is what I got at home.Who knew.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to spadedNfaded again

Looking Good Bear isnt the smell heavenly? Tops look wonderful!

I try and consider myself a connoisseur I am very critical of herb most people dont want to hear my opinion because normally I am not impressed

had to sample some of the Wine tasting early just a little sampling of what Santa dropped off must say outstanding job Santa-North Pole Organics turned out grand; true light grey ash -taste to the last drop- wonderful aroma I really must say good job bro and that comes from a Philly Pessimist
Red and White Wines in Tasting Session
Pure Kush aka Puss Kush
SFV(San Fernando Valley) OG Kush-
Knights Templar-
Casey Jones-
Kali Mist-
I respect the game even if I am sitting on the end of the bench

Sub I know you like smoke reports I will try and do you justice bro, I am especially geeked because I dont see any of these strains around commercially and I browse at some pretty good grocery stores that get most of their produce from California. Glad to see that the Growers on the East Coast really can go neck and neck with anybody anywhere!


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
:respect: Hang in there SubN :respect: We've all been there at one time or another for various reasons. It's not that much longer, then your home free. What's the status on your car btw?
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Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
awww PP im jealous I like wine too lol!!!!let us know whats up to par bro
AmishF good luck w/those Sk1XSk1's hope u find that haze pheno & maby a RKS pheno?
Bearfoot NICE flushin' u got goin on there
great cross CF whats the next up?

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
there's always something cooking in the hutt MM!!
i am running 13 ladies of the BPP.
BPP is short for Big Pink Pole, the name of the strawdx abk cross i made.
makes me laugh when i say "everyone wants to puff on frank's big pink pole"
so it stuck i guess, kind of a catchy name me thinks.
also about 6 amnesia craze.
amnesia haze x (i think abk)
i didnt hand these out cuz the mom was kinda bunk, so i made a cross hoping to find something special. being i only got 1 amn. haze bean to pop.
ill play this one by ear.
i have a few other ideas on some crosses, just need to bump heads w/ the three wise men to see what we think.

p.s. vin, i likey your new avatar


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
cocktail frank said:
p.s. vin, i likey your new avatar
Thanks CF: I made it myself w/my paint program from a pic I saw once.
It's always fun to read about what you've got brewing. Though I honestly don't understand all the abbreviations. It totally amazes me to see how many different strains and crosses there are out there, and to see so many home growers breeding their own strains. I'll be glad just to be able to grow on a regular basis starting later this year.


Active member
BearFootLove - Way to go on those WD x ABK!! They're looking as mighty as ever!!
Can't wait to see yours grown out! Good luck with those ladies :)

AmishFarmer - Good luck with those (SK #1 x SK #1)s!!
Like MoneyMike said, i hope you get the best of both worlds and come out with a haze pheno and a RKS pheno, that would be awesome!!!!

Philly - AH! looks like Santa was extra nice to you this year! haha. What a taste testing indeed! With you being a philly native connoissuer, i'm very interested in your opinions of the Pure Kush, SFV OGK, and Kali Mist. Let me know!!! hahaha, that comment made me laugh, I gotta check out these grocery stores!

Vintner - Thank you, i am hangin in there. A month without weed isn't bad. Actually i might benefit from it. I don't have my garden right now so all my herb is money comin outta my pockets. Sucks, too cuz i can't get decent shit around here without paying a weeks paycheck. haha, whatdya gonna do without a garden ya know? Oh well, Such is life. As far as my car goes, i still haven't received word on it. I'm awaiting another call from my lawyer so when he does get in touch with me i'm going to see who i gotta talk to or where i gotta go. Cuz this is rediculous, if they repo'd my car i should've gotten paperwork stating that. And i never got any. I'll tell you what bro, i'd get their attention right quick if i took my spare key to the impound lot, cut the chains and took my car back. I bet they'd start talkin!

Again, thanks for your concern, bro. And everyone else for your well-wishes. I know i hit a rock and shit and it's good to know my tri-state is so supportive. Really. K+++ to all you guys!!

Cocktail - I like that name! hahaha when i grow it out, it will be named Frank's Big Pink Pole. ha ha ha ha. that shit made me laugh out loud.
I can't wait till the tri-state finds that ultra sticky, stinky, sour strawberry kush pheno!!!!!!!!!! That would probably be the only weed i ran for a long time, haha.

I've started plans for my next grow, my previous ones have been anything but permanent. I'm really looking into a new design utilizing my 150wHPS and 175wMH. I might use another 150w HPS on the other side of the MH, for a total of 475w. I figure i can get about 6-7 ladies to fit comfortably under that footprint. And as far as medium, i've been fooling around with the idea of goin Hydro? It would be nice to not have to move tons of dirt every 3 months, ya know? With my Hanna combo pH/TDS meter it would make things easy and i also hear a whole lot about the growth rate of properly cared for hydro plants. If i did go 'dro, it'd be DWC. I think they're the easiest to do...

- SubN
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Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Sub: You can use the money you save on smoke over the next month to get everything you need to get ready for your next grow. Like you, I've got my next grow set-up all layed out in my head. My house goes on the market as soon as school lets out this spring. Once we're in a new place, all I'll need is the lumber. There's a lot of brains to pick here when you get started w/DWC, so good luck w/that. Remember what my growing Guru always told me, "Don't mind f**k it man."


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Looking grand Red. I didn't realize how little water you need w/ebb and flow. I always thought you had to flood the entire tray and root systems. Does the hydroton wick the water to the roots? How easy is it to work w/that netting you've got in place?


Thanks Vin. Ebb and flow is the easiest way I've ever grown, including dirt. You do flood the tray that the pots are in, but only about 1-2" deep. Let the water run for about 15-30 minutes, then it drains back out. You recycle the same water until you need to change nutes or fill it back up to top it off. The netting I'm using now is a pain in the ass, but the netting I get from the hydro shop is great, and very easy to work with.

For ebb and flow, just fill the res, adjust your PPM and PH and you're all set. All you have to do is adjust as needed.


Hey East Coast,

I said before that I would give an update in a few months on some Butterscotch from up north.

Veg update---when the butterscotch clones were introduced to my veg cab, they were smaller than the lifesaver and mf clones that were there already. Now it is less than two weeks later and they have overtaken the others in vigor. Flowering will start for them on Jan 20. I cannot wait to see the results.

Currently, I am 41 days into the first run with a 1000 vertical cool tube. Having used a 400 in the past, all I can say is that it is all about the watts. these buds are as large as they used to be at harvest, and I still have more than two weeks to go for the lifesaver (3-4 for the mothers finest) I am ecstatic. expecting possible soda can sized buds. Also, there is no popcorn anywhere on these guys.


cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
so ive been having problems with my dual 600w ballasts.
one been shutting off alot lately, and the second bulb isnt as bright as the first.
so i ordered a couple of core kits and built me a DIY ballast board.
for your viewing pleasures:

i know its gangster and built on wood, but i like it.


Active member
Hey lookin good there Frank!
Mounting ballasts to wood IS gangster. And ya know what....Sometimes Gangster is the only way to go! Are both those 600w's running to the same power cord? Is that ok to do? I thought i heard that you should only hook up a 1k to each outlet.

I need some opinions. I have a 150w HPS and a 175w MH.
Would it be worth it to buy another 150w HPS and use CFLs for veg.
Or buy a 400w or two 250ws and use the 150+175 for veg.
I'm trying to get the highest quality footprint while maintaining a limited amount of electricity. thanks!

- SubN


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
Cocktail is G'd up from tha feet up "Big Pink Pole"afraid to say but I prob wouldn't mind schmokin' that sheit.lol.......setup is GANGSTER!!
RedNine sheit's lookin dank ohhhhhhhhh snap just saw a American Gladiators comm,sorry Red that SDXog lookin reeeaaal nice, acually looks better than the bubba...
S&F I personally use 2 200w futurebrite fluros for veg only usin 1 now tho think u will get more lumen to power w/600 hps just personal opinion.....
Vinter good luck w/the new crib bro..well and selling the first pad

on another note only 1 bannaogerkush poped all 7 skunkS1,2 bodhi's up really stoked about these 1 is Deff a DC hybrid and the other almost looks kushey ?? dunno really still way too young,oh yes was on HTC forum and BrotherMonk has fully pollenated his skunk for SkunkIBL prob gonna score a pack what do u guys think?find a nice skunk in my S1's,maby find a verry nice keeper in the IBL line,and also have Sensi Super Skunk so I guess that's my next projects, im F'in stoned...........Mm F.U.C.K.E.M