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Own or Rent...How do you grow?



When my soil girls get real big, I take little plastic flowers from Dollar general, and using twist ties, lash them to the bud branches. You'd need a cop helo with a fucking botanist in it with a high-powered scope to ID these plants. Plus, the weight of the plastic flowers pulls the branches down to optimize light!

That's the best frikin idea i've heard in a long time. Great imagination!

Maybe they are Rhododendron indicas


Dj DIgi. Thank God he is a one man show. I doubt a management company would be stoked about having no access to a locked door. Lucky me or kind God, one of the two..

Veg is back up and running stronger than ever. Soon she'll back to full mast.
Thanks for asking. Are you in the same boat?
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I rent but lucked out. The landlord is a few states away... :joint:

dj digigrow

Active member
Nah im moving AGAIN... to a complex and its run by a managment, Ive lived in them before, some or more strict than the others..


Active member
nice one flaweed. that's a real good idea with the flowers. you should try googlearthin ur back yard and seein what it looks like. it's pretty creepy how well that thing works. later. somoz

dj digigrow

Active member
the Google earth Picture was takin' over a year ago.... Im not sure when they upload it again.. what scares me is... If thats whats available to the public for free, Imagine what the Gov. Has...... Dam...


If you want to keep your house(s) where you grow in the United States - listen up.

I will do a simple flow chart. This involves those of you who are incorporated or wish to incorporate.

Step One: Incorporate in Nevada or Delaware (corporate secrecy laws)
Step Two: Set up a Management Corporation which is held by a Trust
Step Three: Set up a subsidiary real estate management company for each property.
Step Four: Quit Claim the Deed of your property(s) into the name of the Management Corporation which is held by a Trust.
Step Five: You are nothing more than a renter to any property listed if "popped" so the real estate company may *ahem* "evict" you.
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Active member
nice one thunderbotz. sounds like a grand plan and i also wanted to mention that getting incorporated helps things as far as ur income goes as well, if ya dig.

when you really start chuggin out the green you need somewhere to put the green that comes back in and i don't really like the idea of keeping it under me matress, so another benefit of being incorporated is that it gives one some leeway on how they distribute their funds. we should start a thread on the benefits of getting incorpated and how to get er done. would be very educational. thanks again for the tip bro.

hey sonoma did we ever get the id on that dog? he looked like a good breed. take it easy. somoz


Active member
somoz-never got a positive id, but I'm looking for another dog, and the dogs I'm looking at are just like that one. They're called cane corso mastif, not sure if that was one, but I'm going to get one.
Incorporated grower-----That would be a great thread to get started....


sonoma said:
nice thunderbolts....brilliant

I have NEVER seen this strategy suggested anywhere.

The rule is always keep your mouth shut but there are other means to cover your ass(ets).


somoz said:
nice one thunderbotz. sounds like a grand plan and i also wanted to mention that getting incorporated helps things as far as ur income goes as well, if ya dig.

when you really start chuggin out the green you need somewhere to put the green that comes back in and i don't really like the idea of keeping it under me matress, so another benefit of being incorporated is that it gives one some leeway on how they distribute their funds. we should start a thread on the benefits of getting incorpated and how to get er done. would be very educational. thanks again for the tip bro.

I am incorporated and am also a CEO/President.

The strategy is sound and re-directs liability on the corporation {plausible deniability and held harmless}.

A thread on this topic would be a tremendous benefit.

The flow chart can be tweaked.

The key is knowing how to move your money and getting to a net income of ZERO = NO TAXES for the corporation.

Incorporating allows you to fund a retirement plan, exotic health plans, life insurance, buy down debt (properties), corporate annual meetings (where ever in the world = vacation), entertainment, sky boxes at professional games, utilities, vehicles, computers, paper clips, toilet paper - brother you can get creative ....... and this is all spent lowering tax exposure before you are taxed on your NET INCOME at a federal level. Btw: Nevada & Delaware have zero State taxes (booyeah).

What ever you get out of this post my highest advise is to avoid incorporating as an L.L.C. (Limited Liability Corporation). This is a relatively new animal on the business scene (last 20 years or so). LLC's have not been tested in court to date (piercing the veil of corporate secrecy). "C" Corps and Sub-Chapter "S" Corps, Partnerships etc have withstood the tests of the court room.

If your attorney is not aware of this fact - get another competant attorney to be blunt and one who specializes in Incorporations.

If you follow this outline, your ass(ets) will be the most protected known to mankind versus whatever mantra or doctrine you have followed to date.

I hope this doesn't come off as arrogant but "it is what it is" for lack of a better phrase.

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Active member
i don't understand ur post TB. did you mis quote on accident? yeah it's always better to keep ur mouth shut, that's the golden rule mate but if ur (and i'm not quite there yet but maybe someday) pulling 5-10lbs a month its kinda hard to remain completely silent because you gotta find somewhere to offload all that gear.

you know what i mean maan.


somoz said:
i don't understand ur post TB. did you mis quote on accident? yeah it's always better to keep ur mouth shut, that's the golden rule mate but if ur (and i'm not quite there yet but maybe someday) pulling 5-10lbs a month its kinda hard to remain completely silent because you gotta find somewhere to offload all that gear.

you know what i mean maan.

Nah ...... I was just spouting off the GOLDEN RULE (tell no one about your grow) not quoting anyone but just a general blast ..........

Med clubs and local OG'ers are always looking for growers to support the cause ............ moving poundage in a med friendly state is not too sketchy.

Here in sunny California, the Highway Patrol will allow legit med users to have 1/2 pound (8 ounces) and not get cited.


Active member
Wow...TB is quite the scholar :)

Very good ideas... if you need to get a nevada address you can use a mail forwarding service to get your street addy and get your incorporation (and even a Nevada State ID..its called a temporary resident ID)

www.forwardnevada.com is a easy one to use, some are cheaper some are more...

Some even allow you to use office space in NV if you need to meet with any *clients*...



Active member
i'm a good 2000 miles east of there my friend. in a cold windy city that doesnt let any user transport a qper, kilo, elbo, 8th, dime bag, etc.

with this being said it becomes a bit more tricky to offload this amount of greenery each month, but i think the payout is a bit better out here though due to these complications. anyway i hear what you be sayin TB and thanks for weighing that 1/2 lb out for me. ;) i get so confused all the time. is is 8 ounces 225 grams all these measurments.....gosh... i kid bro. take it easy.


Statuatory Agents is a term you will also hear as your point of contact in Nevada or Delaware. This fee is generally on a par with what incorporation fees are in California ($825.00).

The statuatory agent can also be an attorney (highly advised). All communications between a client and an attorney are PROTECTED & PRIVILEDGED INFORMATION. The term is called protection under the attorney-client priviledge.


Active member
it's funny this got brought up......i remember reading a thread over on OG titled 30,000watts help me do it........and there was just a war started over this topic of getting corporated or an LLC i think it was and what you were and were not allowed to get away with.......i wish i could post that link. whan whan. was a good read though and i think it's still up on the mirror of OG. i'll go take a gander.


mmm420socal said:
Wow...TB is quite the scholar :)

Very good ideas... if you need to get a nevada address you can use a mail forwarding service to get your street addy and get your incorporation (and even a Nevada State ID..its called a temporary resident ID)

www.forwardnevada.com is a easy one to use, some are cheaper some are more...

Some even allow you to use office space in NV if you need to meet with any *clients*...


I posted something similar at OverGrow and one of the med club owners was discussing a post he had read regarding my advise (incorporation).

He said his attorney was telling him something similar and when I told him that was me that wrote the post ... dude did not believe it.

I said the post was written by ThunderBolts and he said "yeah", then I shook his hand and said "nice to meet you" ... hahhahha ... Priceless .....


Good information, Y'all:

It would drive me nuts not to own where I grow. It's too easy for a Landlord to gain access to the property if he's a stranger and if you grow on a friends property that's one more person who knows what you're doing. If something happens you don't think he'll give you up?

In a big city like where I am, it's still pretty hard to obtain a warrant unless there's traffic in and out or some other silly shit. Rats are not taken seriously. Besides, it's very political town and you never know who people are. If you can live in a nice neighborhood so much the better.

I did think about incorporating so you saved me a lot of research. I'm past the Manolo Blanik and leather bustier faze and would like to make some real investments.

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