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Own or Rent...How do you grow?


Active member
my solution

my solution

It wouldn't happen if you had one of these.......

Landlord could come over every day and never notice a thing.........no damage, no problems.......


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Aye, I'd be freaked growing in an apartment, but in a house, no problems.

There are laws which state when and why a landlord is allowed to come to the property, andjust like any other laws that would effect your grow, you need to know them.

Landlord tenant laws are in place specifically to protect tenants from landlord abuses. In my state, landlords are not allowed to make no notice inspections, period, and they're only allowed to innspect a certain number of times each year.

Big tip for renters that I use - Control your inspections. Every time I finish a harvest, I call up the landlord and ask if he'd like to make an inspection. If he says yes, I'll throw a coupla african violets in my growroom (for the local retirement home, if they ask), and move my mother's into my bedroom closet. Once they've done the inspection, I know I have six months before they are legally allowed to inspect again. Best thing is, most landlords won't inspect if you call and ask. They figure if you're volunteering, they've got nothing to worry about, and what a wonderful tenant they have.

Of course, if you're violating your lease or not paying your rent on time, well, you're just begging to get busted, and nothing is going to stop it.

Bottom line, if you're renting, wether you're growing or not, you need to know your state's landlord/tenant law, and the terms of your lease.

Go here, at the bottom of the page, you'll find summaries of landlord tenant laws, every state has them:




If you rent, there is one precaution that will save your ass if you're lucky.
Change the locks. This is what saved me. After the LL left the note saying he would need to enter soon, he tried to gain access with his own set of keys the very next day as he had a plumber scheduled already without my knowledge. :yoinks: (they also feel entitled to call anything an emergency and just pounce on in whenever they desire). When he realized he didn't have the key, he called again and basically demanded access before he scheduled a plumber again. The grow was still rolling and he would have come across it for sure :dueling: .
Chances are the landlord will just get mad you changed the locks, and call you instead of destroying a door or paying extra for a locksmith when you can easily leave it unlocked...

Another precaution is to make the place look like someone lives there. Posters, panties, socks, beer bottles etc. make a huge difference when trying to be stealth.

Keep the setup K.I.S.S., as simple as possible for quick breakdowns. Like a previous poster here mentioned also - several large boxes to quickly hide things in. Trash bags etc.

Shopvacs are great for quick wet/dry cleanups as well as they can handle pebbles, clay pellets, water, leaves etc..

Renting is trickier for sure. :badday:

Here is the second note he left after trying to "lawfully enter" without even telling me. Notice the "Leave the wood door unlocked", after he was unable to sneak in..... :pointlaug

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In the end, I was lucky. 2 days later and a 15 minute inspection with the plumber and...
Coast clear to get back to raising the girls! I didn't even loose custody for a second!

Lessons learned in a rental:
1. Change the locks - fuggit if it's illegal.
2. Use an air filter
3. K.I.S.S. - Keep it simple stupid - 2 days of no sleep and hassle to move could have happened in 2 hours with a simpler setup = Less construction and less permanent structures, and more plastic, duct tape and hooks, bungee cords whatever is easier to hide and move.
4. Fix the place up like someone lives there.Towels, clothes, etc.
5. Go to the place as much as possible, never leave it unnatended too long.


Active member
"My grow at home is like Rez's - Guarded by mutant Pit Bulls. No Fear there...."

sounds similar to mine. great dogs that double as great security guards.


Active member
And for what it's worth, I grew two times in the last apt I was in, before I owned, and it was extremely nerve-wracking. If you do rent I would follow the advice about locks, simplicity, etc that people have given. Bottom line is that there's always a little more risk when you have a landlord. Even though it may not be legal, there's always a risk of them just popping in unexpectedly; if you have a landlord who's totally chill and are sure it wouldn't be a problem that's a different story.


Active member
hmm i rent from family thats safer ,so when ever i get complaints for some reason ,they have to call my family and then they call me ,so i allways get a warning ahead,even if it is to loud music hehe


Active member
nice one sonoma. ya got that locked up though right?? i don't see any locks. .can never be too safe when it comes to ur precious tools o:

and glad ya sorted everything out cowaduza. glad ya do it right. i always change the lock first thing. ya gotta. and thanks for everyones feedback, was well done.



Active member
Somoz-Of course it's locked.......Big dogs help too...
I have a landlord story---Landlord says he's going to sell the house, of course I'm in the middle of a grow. Inspectors, appraisers, agents, flood to my house. I'm not going to tear it down....kind of stubborn......so I tell everyone there's a ferocious dog in the garage. Don't go in there, you can hear the dog stiffing under the door. Worked for a little while, but eventually had to let the inspector in, saw the whole thing, moved a week later, but just in time for harvest.....
Ive got one of those! Kinda......:D

And one of THOSE.....6 months old last weekend, already 62 lbs.!



From reading the forums i understand when you rent your main goal for your grow room is to try to make it one where no water runs, and there wont be any leaks. If you run hydro, have something on the floor incase it floods, if you do soil put those covers under the pots. And most importantly, deadbolt that door and use a carbon filter.

That way if the landlord enters he has no reason, and no way to get into the growroom. This might not be so effective for a small 1 room apartment or a stuido.
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Active member
What a cute friggin dog.....what breed? That shed could do big things......and the dog too...good to see my norcal countryman representing.....


Active member
that's a good lookin booy NC! is it a lab or sometin and i envy ur mild weather out there guys. can't pull shit like that out in these parts. u should put that shed to use o:

hey sonoma or anyone for that matter do you know why i "may not" post attachments? i can't seem to figure out why i'm not allowed. thanks

just figured it out :)
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Active member
i grow in my apartement i rent... in my bedroom closet, which has a lock but the door is always open and there's 2 layers of black/white poly hung as a door... my bedroom door is always locked, even when i'm home. the landlord just changed my fridge and didnt ask a question bout my bedroom muhahahahahha... No scrubbers just low odor strains or an ionizer and lots and lots and lots of inscence and febreeze. i use the cold ass weather as my cooling and a/c in the summer, as long as i keep my room temp between 20-23 C
i <3 canada


Good lookin' dog...Hmm...I'm guessing a boxer/lab mix? Maybe amstaff/lab? The brindle is awesome!



After inspection the landlord didn't even mention the changed locks, so I guess they stay that way, whewffffff

That is a great guard dog, NCN

Looks like a great dane to me. But I did think mastiff at first, I just think they have a fatter face.


New member
I lucked out. I rented a stilt house here in Florida, not even thinking of it's grow security. I have an L-shaped patio deck that is completely invisible to neighbors. It's got a 42" rail that's covered in fabric, so you could be standing right under it, and not see anything! I also grow culinary herbs, orchids, ficus trees, and annual flowers. This is where I do my soil grows. It gets the full transit of the sun. Now, I'm sure I didn't invent this, but I like to think I did. When my soil girls get real big, I take little plastic flowers from Dollar general, and using twist ties, lash them to the bud branches. You'd need a cop helo with a fucking botanist in it with a high-powered scope to ID these plants. Plus, the weight of the plastic flowers pulls the branches down to optimize light!

Also, under my house, I have a 12' X 12' utility shed, with a deadbolt that I've changed, so even the landlord can't get in. This is where I do my hydro grows. The landlord lives in fucking Minnesota, and loves my ass, as I pay my rent like 3-4 months in advance.

Again.... I lucked out!
