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Overgrowing the Planet -the use of Seed Bombs


I found the best way to do this, is to put these Seed bombs in places like, parks, near abandon buildings, along highways..

Dont put stuff in obvious places, where cops can just spot and pick..have it in places so the plants can actually grow.

Mr Pengra

My friend once had a lovely stoner fantasy much like this, it involved getting a 100 lb. burlap sack of bagseeds and then fly around in an airplane over our city, tossing handfulls out so that they could scatter around the town, and little MJ plants would be popping up in every gutter and empty lot after it rains.


Operation Overgrow

Operation Overgrow

I'm sure you guys have all heard this idea before and are probably tired of hearing it, but has anybody attempted an overgrow? What I mean by that is every year when I go hiking, which is pretty much every day off I can get, I plant a few beans in a nice looking patch of soil off the beaten path. I do this all in hopes that someday ganja might grow freely. I know a lot of outdoor growers don't like this idea because rogue pollen can seed your sensi, but I really do believe Cannabis deserves to be free, just like any other plant or tree.

Anyway, I went back to some patches I found growing wild in last summer after my planting *which I got a nice harvest from, btw* and its growing freely this year, although looking a little feral. Has anybody been able to accomplish this?


Now in technicolor
Drop seed bombs all over the world.
Contaminate the drinking water with acid.
Spray aerosol MDMA on the masses.
World peace.


Sorry, HZ! But, there is much more pollen in the wild than what a one or two foot plant in a jacuzzi sized planter in front of the cop shop will spew...if it was allowed to mature. Once a local news crew makes it the human interest story of the night, it won't survive the hour anyway. The point to be made isn't one of harvesting buds. We want it to be found. Instead it is one of harvesting familiarity. The more one is accustomed to a thing, the more acceptable it becomes. It is with this lack of acceptance that made and keeps it illegal.

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