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Well-known member
Hey everyone,
here’s an update of the plant in the previous photo, that was wilting. After a feeding of a metal mix, she’s bounced back, it’s obviously a deficiency, possibly manganese but without ammending one element at a time we won’t know.
For those of you who are interested, here’s a screenshot of the recipe, with Bradley’s blessing to share it of course.
This is a one off feeding, two weeks before flower (l was a week or two out with mine)

The boron can become toxic and is only required in minuscule amounts…….leave it out if you’re unsure. It’ll last in the soil for years.
There’s new research showing it aids in calcium uptake.

Here’s the Koffee’s just starting. I’ve missed out the first two close ups because they were out of focus but……I’m sure you all get the idea.


ICMag Donor
Boom--- Flowers... will be time for us to plant soon! Thanks for sharing! Rounding the corner, heading for a home run!


Active member
Come on man are you serious? :ROFLMAO: Remember this thread?

This thread where you insisted on sharing your VERY strong opinions about how people shouldn't be allowed to grow racy strains, or to breed racy strains, and tried to destroy the breeder's thread with 3000 word essays, one after the other? Ignoring knowledgeable and well reasoned people's opinions, because you're offended that people would want to breed racy strains. Insisting that energizing, stimulating strains should be taken out of the genepool lmao

But then it turns out that you don't even know when you should be bringing your plants outside? How valuable do you think your opinions on breeding are for other growers, if you don't even know the most basic thing about growing?

I recently joined a cannabis forum, where you need to complete a full grow log from seed to harvest, in order to be allowed to join the main forum. I wish this was mandatory in all forums.

As for your plants -

If you have young seedlings indoors and want to bring them out into the sun, you will have to adapt them to the outdoor photoperiod of where you live, to prevent them from flowering before it's time. Assuming you have them at 18/6 h indoors, you can do 2 things:
1.- give them progressively less hours of light until they match the sunlight hours outside
2.- bring them outside, and keep a lightbulb lit for 1-2 hours a night to break their sleep cycle and prevent them from flowering. Then when you want them to flower you take away the lightbulb.

If you live at 40ºN your indica plants should start flowering naturally by early august, sativas late august/early september

EDIT - no offense ok mate? Just found this genuinely funny and ironic. Best of luck with your plants.
What is the forum you were talking about, can you please send me the link?


Well-known member
Three shots of one of the Koffees, one week apart, staring back from the 17th March. This one is the earliest and it has a very pleasant floral rose, lemon sherbert front nose with just the right hint of skunk on the back nose. Out of 12 plants l only got four females but l’ve done an open pollination with them all and am looking forward to checking out the line properly next season.
These are some exquisite work and are now up there with some of my favourite work from a breeder (Greensource Gardens).


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Well-known member
The Blackdogs are looking spectacular this year and I think l can put it down to a few different factors such as the best end to a season we’ve had for a really long time. The relative humidity and heavy dhus have been basically non existent and we’ve had two days of rain in four weeks which was actually very welcomed.
The bloom feeding schedule given to me by Bradley Danks is, however, the main reason why l believe plant health has been pushed above what l would call average or perhaps what I’ve come to except and it’s the first year l haven’t actually lost a plant or seen any fusarium in this patch.
Flowers are stacking hard and are the chunkiest I’ve ever seen them at this spot.


Well-known member
Hey everyone, l hope you’re all well.
Here’s the next weekly update of the same flower on the early Koffee. I think within the next few days it’ll be hitting it’s harvest window. I’m going to push this plant to it’s limits, not only to see what happens but so her seeds can have a bit extra time to ripen up. She was pollinated on the 2nd of March so it might give you an idea of just how hard this plant has stacked and just how early some plants in the line are.

I’ve also found the first bit of mould in one of the Blackdogs, of course it seems to be caterpillar damage despite my best efforts to prevent this. I’ve included a photo, l took a couple of days ago, of a moth on the same plant….so…..I’ve been keeping an eye on this girl and now it’s paid off.



Well-known member
Today’s Blackdog appreciation photos.
This particular plant is five feet wide, five feet tall and has still got another week and a half to go before the two weeks, first pick, harvest window opens up.
And we’ve had the absolute best finish to a season that l can remember. I think because of this these introduced wasps have really got going and they are patrolling the plants in battalions looking for other insects; I’ve found them to be veracious feeders and advantageous, beneficials to have on the team.

Green Zenit

Active member
Today’s Blackdog appreciation photos.
This particular plant is five feet wide, five feet tall and has still got another week and a half to go before the two weeks, first pick, harvest window opens up. View attachment 18979336 View attachment 18979337 And we’ve had the absolute best finish to a season that l can remember. I think because of this these introduced wasps have really got going and they are patrolling the plants in battalions looking for other insects; I’ve found them to be veracious feeders and advantageous, beneficials to have on the team. View attachment 18979338 Cheers,
Ok! This gives me a positive attitude about the so many wasps I have in the house and garden! (Hopefully!) since they are also very aggressive. Last year got stung by several in the head 👽

Green Zenit

Active member
Sorry I am Spanish and I have no idea how most of your plants, butterflies or moths are called 🤣 Also, references from American literature might not apply to European countries. Those white butterflies likethe one in the picture, usually lay their eggs on jasmyn plants, and decimate them.
Yes! Also in my broccolis, hate them! I am cheering for your trained swaps!!

Green Zenit

Active member
We are all citizens of a place called the world...
I have a Castilian mother and a Valencian father, of La Mancha, Andalusian ancestry, just a couple of generations older and I have a Russian family...
Well, a polyhybrid in every sense

Niño... notifies and commands location
Este es un comentario perfecto para mi gusto, alguien con tanta cabeza abierta para saber que todos somos una mezcla tremenda. Cómo si después de miles y millones de años no hubiera otra opción 😝. Acompañado de una tremenda paella y flores para disfrutarla más inclusive 🤤👏🏼😍. Te aplaudo hermano