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Hello everyone I'm gathering supplies and the dolomite lime...I've found a lime plant here where I live, they supply dolomite type s hydrated lime. Will this work for me?

I know its stick to the recipes, I'm doing by all means possible to do that.


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
NO!!! Don't use hydrated lime. If the recipe calls for dolomite, why would you use hydrated? If a cake recipe called for flower, would you use salt instead? I mean after all, it's white too.
Follow the recipe exactly or you will fail at your grow.


NO!!! Don't use hydrated lime. If the recipe calls for dolomite, why would you use hydrated? If a cake recipe called for flower, would you use salt instead? I mean after all, it's white too.
Follow the recipe exactly or you will fail at your grow.

Thanks B1, http://www.standardlime.com/ this place sells, dolomitic type S hydrated lime, its dolomite but its hydrated, confusing none the less. Continuing the hunt...


OK. I have officially relaxed. I put some pix in an album. Though 100% legal, I'm nonetheless a bit paranoid, so I've made the album private and made you a contact, vonforne. As a mod, it's my understanding that Burnone can also see it.

On a positive note, my nuted mix smells rather robust, which I will take as a positive.

Those plants look great! That little bit of burn on the bottom leaf most likely comes from the nutrients in the soil and the plants young age. Could not take it yet. It will grow out of that.

Plants look nice and green. Keep me posted n those pictures in the album.


CT Guy

How does some one go about brewing EWC tea for longer than the recommended 72 hours, so that there is a continuous batch. Is this possible? Will the micros live that long or do they spoil after some time?

Where did you get 72 hours as "recommended?" Personally, I would never brew over 40 hours, with most brews averaging between 20-36 hours. You really need a microscope to start playing around with longer brew times. I think you'll end up with a lot of monocultures and flagellates with a cycle that long.



First and foremost Hello and thank you to B1. I am n00b. n00b king. I started reading the first few pages of this thread and started posting before looking at every post.

I just finished reading each and every single one of them. I have to say for any n00b out there like me, take the time and read it all. The info and redundancy of common problems become apparent once you've read thru.

I copied and pasted what was relative me in a word file and the thing is 24 pages long!!!!

The highlights from my readings of these past three days:

-Powdered Dolomite Lime... if you can't find it, order it

-Follow recipes exactly! when you start modifying your experimenting, you get back to us on it!

-Don't throw numbers and theory all over the place with no experience of application

-KISS (Keep it simple stoner)

The info is all here, I've worked out my plan, now to get out there and bring back results. Next time I post in this thread I'll have the fruits of my labor. Thanks again B1, Suby, and all others who have contributed to this forum. Wish me luck.

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Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!

-Powdered Dolomite Lime... can't find it, order it

You can get it via Amazon.com...a great brand called Sunleaves Soil Sweetner Dolomitic Lime (5lb for $7.95). I've used it for 3 grows now and it's great.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Potassium defenciency?

Potassium defenciency?

So, I think that maybe I have a potassium defenciency? What would the best way to solve this, if that is what it is for sure? Here are the pics....

By the way, LC mix number 2 used. Watering with RO water and veg tea every third watering. Light is a 1000 MH. Strains are mixed.


justa waterboy

New member
did you use ag type dolomite lime or hydrated lime. hydrated is used to make mortar ,good for laying stones and brick. iv used it in my soil mix before and had bad results. i use ag grade dolomite and get it at local farm and garden ,40lb $5. lime on the brain .


unfortunately i used the wrong lime, but i did find that Brer Rabbit molasses (unsulphured) contains: 25mg sodium, 290mg potassium 15g total carbs, 11g sugar, 10% calcium, 15% iron, and 20% magnesium. so far it seemed to have cured my deficiencies from using hydrated lime. i use it every watering (with or without feedings) at 1tsp per gal. Brer also has an easy pour jar that things a lot less sticky. i think after a few grows i might use this soil mix for worm bedding and start a new mix with dolomite lime.


I too have had problems with Hydrated Lime. BUT.... when I bought the stuff years ago, it was said to me "dolomite lime". It's not till I read the back that I found out it was actually Hydrated lime. It has caused me problems, especially with my seedlings. All of them were stunted but one that had no ill effects. Finally after a few weeks it seems they are all getting back to normal and starting to take off.

Here is an example of my plant that had no ill effects.

And here is a couple pics of the plants that have a problem that I feel has something to do with the lime. They are all in LC's standard mix in these photos. Since then they have all been upotted into the veg/flowering mix that has kelp,blood,bone,greensand added. Seems to be helping them.

All these plants are the same age. The first pic of the healthy one is a Pure Power Plant freebie I got from the botique. The others are either Cherry Bomb, or AK48.
Strange that one grew so fast and the others were stunted.



Dammit I know I said I wouldn't post in here till I was done with a grow but if at any point a Magnesium deficiency showed up what kind of brew could I make to remedy that?

I know I know, if I use dolomite lime, which I have I shouldn't have Ca Mg problems, but if it did show up...


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
What are you using to feed them with?

Veg mix-
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
(That makes the "dry mix". You can make all you want and save it to use later.)
Mix with water @ 1 cup of dry mix into 5 gallons of water to make the tea.
To that 5 gallons of tea add:
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
Use it to water with every 3rd watering.

By the way, I am mixing up some new soil in a couple of days for transplanting. I have some of the pelletized dolomitic lime that I had accidently bought. Is there anything wrong with crushing or grinding it up and using it? I thought I remember reading that it was ok....

Thanks for the help, as usual.....


GC.. You can use the pelletized, but it's not the same. After blending it, you will realize how much of it is clay, and how much is the lime. Some people use 3-4 TBS of this as a substitute, but, you won't be following the recipe, and going into unknown..

I made this same mistake for my first batch, but worms way and others have it for sale, and you should get it now so you'll never have to go through this again.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
GC.. You can use the pelletized, but it's not the same. After blending it, you will realize how much of it is clay, and how much is the lime. Some people use 3-4 TBS of this as a substitute, but, you won't be following the recipe, and going into unknown..

I made this same mistake for my first batch, but worms way and others have it for sale, and you should get it now so you'll never have to go through this again.

Ok, that is all I needed to know. I won't use it then, it was only a small bag and i only paid a couple of bucks before I could find anything else....
