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hey guys im going to be using this stuff for my mix:
6 parts Sunshine Mix #3
2 parts perlite
2 parts earthworm castings
powdered calcium carbonate and epsom salts.

what do you think?


ill tell you how it goes when i start my new project ;) atm im building the growroom and getting the stuff.

for watering: flowering --> peruvian guano (peru ftw ;)), EWC and i still dont figure out where to get some high P stuff and also ive heard the LK isnt necessary 100% so i wont be using that. And also some powdered sushi algae thingy for the kelp.
and vegetative --> working on it.


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
EWC are not "high P". Worm castings are almost always 1-0-0. They provide humus and microbes. Why don't you follow one of the recipes I posted at the beginning of this sticky? They all work.


BurnOne said:
EWC are not "high P". Worm castings are almost always 1-0-0. They provide humus and microbes. Why don't you follow one of the recipes I posted at the beginning of this sticky? They all work.

Gee Burn1, you really are a grumpy old fart aren't you? :muahaha:

These guys don't want to use what is proven to work. It's more fun to make up their own improved recipe...often containing special amendments recommended by an online buddy...3 weeks hence we'll see one of those sad plant pics, the ones with yellow/brown/burned leaves...THEN they get to come ask **YOU**[or Suby, or Stitch] how to make their plant happy again! LOL!!

God love ya!! You and your crew have a lot more patience and faith in today's youth than I do.


Will Social Security be around for me in a couple years?


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
I'm just trying to help. But, I can't protect people from themselves.


basics for online help references try rodale press or mother earth news

for supplies on line try www.groworganic.com organic farm supply place
around for 30+ years have every thing from 1lb worm castings to full tanker trucks of fish emulsion paper catalog is about 150-200 pages great reference charts in it on organic ferts w/ certifications and pest control they have predator good bugs and bees for sale too....

hope this helps someone find what they want every thing you really needf is probably on the property already including a great
high N fert your body makes for free diluted pee aged is a great soluble fert [look it up that urea on the ingredients list of all those ferts is peee.....] benn using it for soil for a while


vhGhost said:
lol thats awsome!!!

It is funny...and true.

My dad used to read the comic strip "Pogo" years ago.

IMO, One of the best quotes of all time came from Pogo:

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

How true.


Seriously though, you new growers need to get off your lazy asses and READ some of this information on here that has been already published and is good, valid information. Quit bugging Burn1 and his cohorts with dumbass questions that have been answered ad nauseum.
LC’s Soiless Mix #1:
5 parts Canadian Spaghnam Peat or Coir or Pro-Moss
3 parts perlite
2 parts wormcastings or mushroom compost or home made compost
Powdered dolomite lime @ 2 tablespoons per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of the soiless mix.

With this mix in 5.5" square pots SOG style. How often do you think I'd have to water them? Is once ever 2-3 days alright w/ soiless mixes? Or do I need them on some hydro dripper feed? Thanks. Never done soiless before.


smoketrichs said:
LC’s Soiless Mix #1:
5 parts Canadian Spaghnam Peat or Coir or Pro-Moss
3 parts perlite
2 parts wormcastings or mushroom compost or home made compost
Powdered dolomite lime @ 2 tablespoons per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of the soiless mix.

With this mix in 5.5" square pots SOG style. How often do you think I'd have to water them? Is once ever 2-3 days alright w/ soiless mixes? Or do I need them on some hydro dripper feed? Thanks. Never done soiless before.

Depends, you could be watering every day. These last plants of mine were in square pots slightly bigger than that and at 30 days old, vegging, they needed water every day.

Too many variables to say for sure in your case, but I wouldn't count on going past one day without watering after the plants get some size to them.


I can't say much on a dripper since I haven't used one in this situation. I would think it would work if setup right.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
BurnOne said:
If you want to use guano in your soil mix...
Bongaloid's Guano Mix.
Use all these items combined with one gallon of soil mix.
1/3C hi N Guano (Mexican Bat Guano)
1/2C hi P Guano (Jamaican or Indonesian Bat Guano)
1TBS Jersey Greensand
1TBS Kelp Meal

few questions about this guano mix.
#1, dont the amounts seem a bit high?
all those are per gallon of soiless mix, as it says.
i just used 1/2 of the recommended total to see how it turns out for me atm.

#2, instead of high N guano 10-2-1
and high P guano 1-10-2
could you substitute w/ peruvian seabird guano 10-10-2?
havent seen anybody using this recipe, but i dont want to burn my plants, thats why i started 1/2 strength for flower.
#3, i would just water w/ this mix? will it last all the way thru flower or do i need to supplement w/ nutes down the line?
thanks for yer time :D


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
coctail frank-
Bongaloid was the Mentor of Mentors at Overgrow. I too think the mix is a little strong for seedlings. But I would say you could safely up pot a healthy plant into it and be fine. I'd up pot into it and go directly to 12/12 light. There should be plenty of food in there to take you to harvest.
All of those recipes are simply starting points. Your mileage may vary of course. And they all depend on a good soil mix like LC's Mix recipes.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
cool burn1,
using this mix for flowering only,
no seedlings.
i train heavy and bush out my girls in veg in up to 1 gallon pots.
then flip em 12/12 into 5 gallons.
using lc #2 me thinks.
promix, ewc, perlite, lime, a lil compost


toodles said:
"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Word. Well either of you can get this one... I've got about 2.5' cu. ft. or so of soil mix. How much powdered dolomite lime? The pH tester states 7.0 on the dot but i don't question previous growers.

I found a big ass buck of the stuff powdered for $5.99. Also grabbed some maxi crop, blackstrap from the local nursery.

Plants are "Bueno," "Muy Bueno" infact. Will post soon. Glad to see everybody's as bright and cheery as always.


retawgnob said:
Word. Well either of you can get this one... I've got about 2.5' cu. ft. or so of soil mix. How much powdered dolomite lime? The pH tester states 7.0 on the dot but i don't question previous growers.

I found a big ass buck of the stuff powdered for $5.99. Also grabbed some maxi crop, blackstrap from the local nursery.

Plants are "Bueno," "Muy Bueno" infact. Will post soon. Glad to see everybody's as bright and cheery as always.

2.5 cubic feet should need about 2 1/2 cups of dolomite lime. (1 cup/cubic foot)

Toodles :rasta:


Word. Appreciate it toodles, always lookin to double check... Had another one for ya. I'm using organic compost mixed with etc. (search my name for the full post "soil situation") and its got alot of mulched wood chunks. Leave em or chunk em?


Personally, I would leave the wood chunks out. They aren't ever going to break down during your grow period. However, if you recycle your soil you may want to leave them. I just think they take up space and don't add much in the short term. If I see a lot of chunks in the compost I use, I screen the compost through a 1/2" mesh. That usually gets the worst of it out.


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