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Old Timer's Haze in Buenos Aires



hi bro:tiphat:

beautiful:dance013: what the sun there in BA!

very nice cross..dou you do panama/destroyer cross this season too?

thx for sharing:thank you:



Active member
hi kali friend! sun here is burning, but we are having too much humidity this summer.
i made a backcross this year with the destroyer, pollinated by a destroyer/panama male. destroyers are great seed producers.
i planted two destro x3 as i call them wich are destroyer pollinated by three males, one of them panama, so i'll see in flowering if its destro x panama or its destro x bb/ss/chitral or destro x bb/ss/afghan. anyway, the three of them are amazing!





hola gkn:wave:

i see destrox3 amigo, thx for response...its also nice that destroyer male makes your purple haze early to flower:artist:..im curious how much it will be destroyer and if it will have some massive purple pigment hihi:blowbubbles:..im sure that haze can take a lot of humidity without problem, how is it with insect in BA? is this offspring of haze23 mother pest resistant?

have good time with your ladies...



ACE Seeds Breeder
Excellent hybrids gkn ;)

Panama and Destroyer are excellent strains to produce your own hybrids, oldtimer's haze too, but usually OT haze produces long flowering hybrids, good breeding tool for tropical climates. Good luck and enjoy!


Active member
hi all! thanks for your comments friends

kali, i don't think they're gonna turn too purple, but we'll have to wait and see..btw these are offspring of haze1x6, and they resisted every insect we have here. the trips attacked them very bad last year, i had to spray with diatomea solution to chase them away, and the plants showed no deficit at all from this attack (you can see them in this thread).
insects always appear in flowering time for me, i hate it because i don't like killing them, i have it under control by now, but we have every kind of bugs here. some of the worst are micro-mites (micro-acaros in spanish), wich you don't actually see but the buds they affect don't produce resin, make little pistils, their leaves are bent into a claw form, and seem to be like plastic bud. the only way we know to kill them is using dicofol wich now is forbidden, and i don't like to use, i'm keeping it 100% organic so far.
besides that we have aphids (pulgones) wich the ants actually cultivate and protect because they eat the molasses (melaza) the aphids produce.
with the humidity we had last months, i got fusarium on a kali mist stem (first time i see this fungus), and a little botrytis already appeared in a dense blueberry x hasplant flower.
nevertheless you'll se the pics coming and they are looking quite healthy.

Dubi thanks for your words, you are right, Panama and Destroyer make great hybrids. I'll have to see how long do the OT Haze hybrids take to mature. They started flowering a lot earlier than their mothers.

un abrazo


hola amigo:wave:

i see its different mother haze i meant... i dont know why at all:bashhead: hihi

we have every kind of bugs here. some of the worst are micro-mites (micro-acaros in spanish), wich you don't actually see but the buds they affect don't produce resin, make little pistils, their leaves are bent into a claw form, and seem to be like plastic bud.

holyshit!:puke: keep it in south america, dont export:covereyes:...do you have pic of plastic bud?:D

its very interesting with that resistance:yes:, nice trait for haze for sure:dance013: if you say very resistant to many kinds of insect...i suppose every kind of very agressive insect:muahaha: hehe i can see that good frozy cold of wintertime is good for something..it kills bugs where i live..

besides that we have aphids (pulgones) wich the ants actually cultivate and protect because they eat the molasses (melaza) the aphids produce.

wow thats very cruel world for our plant from view of insect attacks :bump: but can you do something against ant attack? any pic of ant eating molasses?:muahaha:

you have right knowledge to grow there it seems:respect:, great growing of toxic sativas....im looking forward to your great outdoor pics

peace:ying: :wahey:


Active member
High Kali amigo!
You're right, when the cold comes, no many bugs still around. That helped the OT Hazes to finish flowering without being attacked by bugs, altough they preffer warmer climates to flower (the hazes).

Here's what you asked for...some pics of the 'plastic bud', and some of the ants cultivating aphids.
This year the so called 'plastic bud' is not that bad as other years, and so this one doesn't look 'plastic'...that happens when the plant is badly attacked. Nevertheless, i put some pics of the healthy buds in the same plant so you see the difference.



Affected by micro-mites:



In this pic i tried to shoot both buds, affected and not, in the same pic, but the affected one is out of focus, you can still see the difference:


And now the ants growing aphids...not a nice thing to see either:



Ugly...but you asked for it! ;)



Well-known member
High Gkn and all :wave:
Pull up a chair to see the results.. must be killer :thank you:
With alcohol and a cotton, they will gone all over
Peace and love


Active member
Them tropical creepy crawlies are ridiculous! How long has this been happening to your crop, and is this common in the area? Best of luck!!


hi gkn:tiphat:, i realize now that i dont know what GKN stands for? is it GoldKonaNuggets? haha or GagoKakaNistelroy? hehe:dunno:

High Kali amigo!
You're right, when the cold comes, no many bugs still around. That helped the OT Hazes to finish flowering without being attacked by bugs, altough they preffer warmer climates to flower (the hazes).

where i live i can grow OThaze only one way: veg it april, may and then shading it, forcing plants for three months heh, all in greenhouse...a lot of work hihi...so your climate provides you some benefits hehe you can be happy lazy haze grower there in BA:wahey:...

thank you for pics:thank you:, although its ugly i appreciate it:dance013:, its educational...and i see those micromites just stop development of bud...those ants are real bastards...

hi pebble:wave: so they dont like alcohol, you mean aphids? or ants? or both?:bashhead: ha sorry im high:rasta: :sasmokin:

good luck gkn:smoke:

hiiighhhhhhhhhh kali says goodbye:pimp3: :smokey: :joint: :smoker: :smoker: :smoker:


Well-known member
hi gkn:tiphat:, i realize now that i dont know what GKN stands for? is it GoldKonaNuggets? haha or GagoKakaNistelroy? hehe:dunno:

where i live i can grow OThaze only one way: veg it april, may and then shading it, forcing plants for three months heh, all in greenhouse...a lot of work hihi...so your climate provides you some benefits hehe you can be happy lazy haze grower there in BA:wahey:...

thank you for pics:thank you:, although its ugly i appreciate it:dance013:, its educational...and i see those micromites just stop development of bud...those ants are real bastards...

hi pebble:wave: so they dont like alcohol, you mean aphids? or ants? or both?:bashhead: ha sorry im high:rasta: :sasmokin:

good luck gkn:smoke:

hiiighhhhhhhhhh kali says goodbye:pimp3: :smokey: :joint: :smoker: :smoker: :smoker:

High Kali, i mean aphids... probably ants dont like either lol only some humans will like take a bath in alcohol.. if is red wine, i will think about ;)
But i think they ar not aphids, think ar some type of cochineal

But ants monitor all plant and take care of her.... if yu reduce the population of cochineal, fi cochineal dont hurt the plant... ants will atack other insects that goes to the plant (not sure.. but think so)
Peace and love


Active member
High friends!! Thanks for your replys..

Pebble amigo, i made a tacit 'pact' with the ants, i'll let them grow those insects in that plant, so they don't affect the others badly. Anyway, there are some of them in all of my plants...if some infection gets too bad, i'll wipe it with alcohol! Thanks for the tip.

FtWendy, these two plagues that i've shown, have affected my crops since i started growing eight years ago. Unless the infection gets too bad, it doesn't affect the crop results. But i had some very bad micro-mites attack on a Ak47 a few years ago, and i lost the whole plant. Was the worst micromite case i've seen in these years, that was really 'plastic bud'. We call that 'the syndrome' (or the non-flowering syndrome) because a very affected plant, won't produce buds at all, only plastic-like leafs.
It is quite common in the area, and i've seen it even in grows over 300km from here in another province. Most growers don't know what it is.

Kali! GKN stands for 'gente ke no', wich translated would be something like 'people who don't', and its inspired in a song by the argentinian band Todos Tus Muertos (All your deads), wich my avatar is a cover of one of their albums. I'm not a big fan of that band as might seem, but i like that song 'gente que no'. The lyrics are really cool. I'll post them and translate them later.

Mriko, thanks for passing by and kind words.

Here a few more of the Destro/Haze





Active member
High friends!
Here's a little update on the Ot Hazes and Destro/Haze
In front you see one of the pure OT Haze clones, and behind you can see a top branch of her nephew, the OT Haze x Destroyer, a lot more into flower:


A close up of OT Haze/Destroyer. You were right Kali my friend, they are getting not purple but pink! Awesome..





A close up of OT Haze/Destroyer. You were right Kali my friend, they are getting not purple but pink! Awesome..




wow:yoinks: that PINKY thaihaze:peacock: i have no doubt it will taste like heaven, pink heaven:laughing: do you think destroyer male can take flo time of haze down? how long in flo is this PINKY?

thx for sharing gkn!:smoke out:


hey 1000ARMSofKALI actually this is Old Timer`s Haze:D not Thai Haze
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to gkn again.
gkn, looks awesome :respect: keep up the great work, bro:joint:
jah bless:rasta:


hey 1000ARMSofKALI actually this is Old Timer`s Haze:D not Thai Haze

gkn, looks awesome :respect: keep up the great work, bro:joint:
jah bless:rasta:

hey no offense bro, but its thaihaze ok? its othaze x destroyer and destroyer is 90% of meao thai in fact... so its thaihaze for me, but you can call it destrohaze or anything but im right:moon: hehe everyone can make mistake, but your mistake about my mistake is kinda funny hahahaha

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