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Old Age

St. Phatty

Active member
The thing about arthritis is -
your joints & knees are going to hurt ANYWAY.

So you might as well go for a 5 mile walk.

It doesn't make them hurt any more.

I'm surrounded by old people who retreat from exercise-type activity because of their respective physical pain.

And then they age FASTER !


ICMag Donor
The thing about arthritis is -
your joints & knees are going to hurt ANYWAY.

So you might as well go for a 5 mile walk.

It doesn't make them hurt any more.

I'm surrounded by old people who retreat from exercise-type activity because of their respective physical pain.

And then they age FASTER !
It's better to burn out than it is to rust.
Crazy Horse


Well-known member
My age is more of a problem for me mentally if I look at photos from my youth too often. I can't wrap my head around the change since my brain doesn't feel the difference.
it never really hit me until i ran into a lady whom i had dated before i met my wife. seeing HER aged fucked me up...:faint: everyone carries a mental image of themselves. NOBODY is Costanza...:shucks::biggrin:


Well-known member
Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed.
hey, on this downhill run, is it okay to wave one hand over your head and scream "YEEEEEHA!" as you drop out of sight? or is that too informal? :unsure: i'm thinking about throwing a party now, before i die, (obviously) where the few surviving folks i know can tell their favorite vicious lies about me while i'm around to enjoy it.


Well-known member
When I wake up every day living in this physical dream I wonder when will I wake up. I can't find anything here that doesn't change or exists in a lasting way just like a real dream. Is passing on just an awakening from a physical dream?

St. Phatty

Active member
When I wake up every day living in this physical dream I wonder when will I wake up. I can't find anything here that doesn't change or exists in a lasting way just like a real dream. Is passing on just an awakening from a physical dream?

I suggest reading a book about "where the atoms come from", AKA nucleo synthesis.

Or as Carl Sagan said, we are all "star stuff".

After you die, just wait 50 billion years, through another exploding supernova - which is when/where a lot of elements get formed - and YOU'LL BE BACK.

I don't agree with the "Big Bang" hypothesis. The Big Bang was just an extra large supernova, and it was not unique.


Well-known member
Premium user
ICMag Donor
The thing about arthritis is -
your joints & knees are going to hurt ANYWAY.

So you might as well go for a 5 mile walk.

It doesn't make them hurt any more.

Thank you. This has become my attitude for the last while. I am sure that I have perplexed all of the people who see me on my daily dog walking route. Sometimes I am limping on the left, sometimes on the right. Every once in a while I am hobbling slightly bent over. If I smoke enough hash, I can ignore the discomfort - enough - and go. The dog loves it and I do too. Mind you, I max out around 3 kms . . . ;)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I'm turning 60 soon so on the cusp of old age. Seeing my parents age has been an eye opener. They are both fit and healthy (I thought), great diets and brisk daily walks. What they hadn't taken into account though was the importance of resistance training and the loss of muscle if you don't remain strong. Injury in old age hastens death, particularly hip injury. Important to remain strong and maintain good balance.

So I am preparing for old age by getting stronger and fitter, becoming obsessive about exercise and diet. I actually feel healthier now than at most points in my life. I do a lot of walking, calisthenics, and tai chi for balance. CBD and THC for aches and pains.


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
I think, you need an older age to understand🙂



Active member
I do thc for my mind. It doesn’t help with the pain. I’m just in a better mood. I mostly only feel pain when I’m not moving , overweight, and/or out of shape. It takes strong muscles to support weak bones.. Couch lock can be a problem. If I stay busy , I don’t dwell on it as much.
I do wear a compression sleeve. Sometimes with a glove. It helps me with inflammation and carpel tunnel.