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OH MAN!! Kids These Days In America.....


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Tired of stupid people teaching your kids?


I used to teach elementary. My first year I made $23,000. I qualified for government cheese and food stamps, fuck you very much.

I was a professional. I graduated from college with an English degree and then had two more years of teacher education. I was constantly taking teacher education classes. I worked 70 hour weeks and still didn't get everything done that I wanted to.

I harmed relationships with family and friends due to my workload. I had 32 students and did not want anyone to fall through the cracks.

I constantly fought with parents that thought their kids were special and deserved special treatment. I was threatened with violence and law suits. I had a parent show up to a conference with a fucking lawyer.

The administration was on my shit every day to teach to the standardized test. I had to shut my door and hide so my boss wouldn't know that we were actually learning, instead of learning how to game the test.

I was exactly who you wanted teaching your kids. I worked my ass off and paid attention to everyone.

Like most other new teachers, I couldn't take it after 6 years. I walked away. I had friends who were bartenders making more money than me and only working 25 hours a week.

Fuck That Shit.

I realized that it isn't my battle. I was losing too much of my life to be paid so little.

I took another job for more money and less work. I spend more time with family and friends.

The only way I could teach was to put everything I had into it. If I put everything into something, I want to be paid.

So, people like me quit. If you are talented and teaching, you will recognize at some point that you can make money anywhere.

Some very talented people stay in education, but most leave to go work in a field where there talents are fairly compensated.

That is why you get some crazy cat lady that wears ugly sweaters teaching your children.



lol I wish their was a spell checker on this, sorry I was on my iPad and moving quick....but I bow to your spelling greatness!
You obviously didn't work in my school district, but can see why you would be offended, as you probably should be.Ironic that the equality in education for all sect hollers ME ME ME louder than anyone else during contract time.

Hostage takers,if you're in it for the money become a scum sucking attorney, or a cattle-feeding M.D.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
That is why you get some crazy cat lady that wears ugly sweaters teaching your children.

hahhahah damn you fat cat tycoon teachers and your la-dee-da fancy 1989 toyota corollas and your k-mart embroidered cat fancy sweaters... you have it too easy!!

i feel its already too late. most people are so damn stupid that they have come to terms that it is acceptable to have a military budget that is twice as large as japan, u.k., france, russia, india, germany, japan, china, south korea, and saudi arabia COMBINED.

then they point the finger at teachers and tell them their lazy and overpaid? overpaid? really? yeah because thats why our country is broke, all those damn teachers and their over exorborant luxuries like running water and electricity... maybe if we didnt spend over 600 billion dollars a year we could afford some teachers who could teach the kids and while were at it ... let teachers beat students. if you act like a little shit you should get your ass beat. you need me to sign a waiver - id be happy too. if my kids get out of line at home, they get the belt just like i did.

between child protection services overly aggresive tactics and the lackluster education systems kids are generally just turning into snobby little ignorant shits who arent ready to deal with the real world rather it be on the streets or in the work place...


Thank goodness for Reagan, we never needed that money for education. As long as we have dumb retail materialist shoppers buying garbage and keeping the Middle East destabilized we'll have cash coming in.
You're confusing federal and local level taxation.Working homeowners get crushed on both fronts.Administration,then right through the ranks are culpable.

Right,wrong or indifferent,try wooping a kid's ass nowadays and see what it gets you.Not saying I totally disagree,just hope the individual doesn't have a grow going.

When women went to work outside the home,family units were fractured forever.Why did they do it?...they had to for that bigger house,second vehicles and fancy new gadgets.Not to mention doubling the tax revenue workforce.Taxpayers make this shithole go round....who is the closest local target for taxes to most people?Teachers and the post office...I don't need to mail a letter everyday.


Game Bred
these kids don't have the market cornered on stupid..

i've seen grown adults who smoke marijuana vote to keep it illegal. now that's fucking retarded right there!

as for schools?

eliminate the DOE. allow states to triple teacher salaries and require annual competence testing for educators.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^better yet. Fuck public school. Let people keep their tax money and let all school be private. Then there will be competition and affordable private school. A lot of money gets skimmed off the top in a public school system, so in the end it takes more to accomplish less. There is no real accountability in a government job. In a private sector system you have to account for everything or you get fired.


Anything run by the feds is a freaking nightmare.

Read the book "Lies My Teacher Told Me" and see how Big Gov issues the same bullshit books year after year...most of it packed with lies, disinfo and misinfo.


Not all of the blame falls on the public education system. Kids these days in America... just don't give a fuck. As the old saying goes.... you can lead a horse to water...

It's a cultural thing. Sure, kids can't tell you a thing about the beginnings of our country or politics... but they can sure tell you the names and personalities of the cast of Jersey Shore.

When you have a kid who would rather watch Jersey Shore and Teen Mom 2 than do his homework... whose to blame? Seriously.

But, that said, fuck tenure. Go across the country to any teachers' strike or 'threat to strike' and look into it. It's lazy, senile teachers who have gotten cushy and don't want to pay 15% of their health insurance instead of 8%... when there are plenty of 20 and 30 somethings looking to teach full time who would gladly pay 20% in a heart beat. But the teachers and the unions have everyone by the balls.


weed fiend
Lol. You can't dump that crap on teachers. The same side of the aisle wants to cull police and firefighters (who just happen to organize their work forces.) State budget cutting always comes from the same few places while lawmakers continually waste money elsewhere. These same lawmakers who wish to wax union participation vote themselves a pay increase very one or two years. Wake the fuck up.

And quit pretending your narrow view is a national barometer.


Active member
Lol. You can't dump that crap on teachers. The same side of the aisle wants to cull police and firefighters (who just happen to organize their work forces.) State budget cutting always comes from the same few places while lawmakers continually waste money elsewhere. These same lawmakers who wish to wax union participation vote themselves a pay increase very one or two years. Wake the fuck up.

And quit pretending your narrow view is a national barometer.

I cant dump some of this on teachers? LOL These overpaid self agenda, union turds. You bet I can.

For example - two weeks ago, my daughters English class..got a wonderful gift. A new teacher, whos first words were. " I am a feminist, this may be an English class, but what I says goes in here okay??", she then proceeded to say, ...make sure you read this part.
" The only news sources you can use for my class is MSNBC, and Current TV. Some english class huh, guess what, this broad is the Chair of the english dept. Guess what, this is a college we pay for LOL.

So, kids are getting dumber, less educated, they stopped handwriting, all sorts of nifty things that help in life. Silly libs.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Yeah tis all on the schools.

This thread is whats wrong with our kids education wise and respect wise. Its always somebody else faults.

I would like the know the percentage of parents involved in their kids education.

Its starts at home. And blaming a teacher is just plain dumb IN MOST CASES. Think about it we are talking high school kids. So for it to be the teachers fault it would have to be the fault of multiple teachers. These kids are not sitting in one room with one teacher all day.

Agreed increase teachers salaries.

Agreed their are some terrible teachers out their.

But hell take responsibility for your own kid.

Get involved...........Don't point the finger.


Active member
Being dumb is not the same as being uneducated

Very true.
I have a friend who has a severe reading disorder who was just pushed along and out in California schools. This guy is almost completely illiterate but brilliant at hiding it.
This hasn't stopped him from owning two businesses and being a minor millionaire.

He's very good at counting. He hires people who can read.


Reedin da americen posts in forrums sez et all

Jest 1 more signn of a failing societty and a dead ameriKa.
By the time kids get to school the basic character of their mind has been well established. If the parents treat the child as an intelligent being that is how they will be in life. If they treat them like they are too stupid to understand anything guess what?

I think that the way the monetary system has been manipulated plays a large role. Now that both parents in most families have to work at at least one job children are being understimulated in the ways that matter. They spend too much time in day care and they watch TV every day. Back in the day they had Mother to do things with them, which is how they learned - by doing things.

Now children are trained to just absorb programming. The school augments (cements?) the problem with a dumbed-down-to-a-ridiculous-degree curriculum. I thought my schools in the late 70's to late 80's were bad but now even schools in a much more desirable district are far behind where we were back then.

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