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OH MAN!! Kids These Days In America.....

lost in a sea

there's lots of hope,,, the future is in our hands if we want it to be.

humanity as a whole has to look face on at the problems though first and make them disappear,,


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
The education system as a whole is designed to dumb people down. sounds weird i know but it truly is. They would rather have a mass of stupid people that they can control and manipulate then a bunch of smart people paying attention...

why do you think we have lost the middle class... The middle class is like the watch dog of the country. Poor people do not have the time money or resources to keep an eye out on what the rich fucks are trying. There are great schools in america.... they are private and cost shit loads... why? becuase rich people still need there kids to be smart. They sperate us to control us.

If you cant afford private school home schooling your kids is now the best option. We could have the best education system in the world if we wanted to....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
It is all about the money that each individual system receives. Even the dumbest kids in my high school would have answered those all 100 percent correct; and they would have been high as fuck when they answered them too. Everybody smoked weed. I went to a public school system in a really nice neighborhood where the budget was pumped with high property taxes and it was better than most private schools. no enforcing of Christ, even though it is in the bible belt, so that was good. However they were super fascist, had no windows, and at least two cops. All of the mentioned questions above were mandatory to know the answers of by the 5th grade. If I didn't know that stuff I could never have gotten to middle school. Hell we took high school algebra 1 in 6th grade. I did my first year of college credit through the high school during my junior and senior years as did about half the kids. It was called A.P. for advanced placement but it should have been called normal placement for good schools. When kids would move there from other districts they would always get held back a year. Of course my mother had to work two jobs to keep us in that school district.

90 percent of the kids got into a good state school minimum. I got into some pretty prestigious art schools but turned them down because $120,000 for a bachelors in fine arts is bullshit. I would have been fucked from debt before I ever got off the ground. I had already been growing weed for two years at that point and that is what I really wanted to do anyways.


intelligent citizens arent useful to governments,,

the education system is rotten to the core.

Educate *ourselves* until you are *useless* to the government , see below as a start ...........thousands more exist and they will never be able to kill the flow of information.

Thomas Paine............Common Sense

Fredric Bastiat.........Economic Sophisms

Pierre-Josef Proudhon......... ( anything and everything)

Marshall Mcluhan.....The Gutenberg Galaxy

R.M. Hare............Freedom and Reason

H.L. Mencken............. ( anything and everything again)

Murray Rothbard...........start with " Man , Economy and State" and go from there.

Lysander Spooner..............ALL.......

Ludwig von Mises.............where to even start ...ALL again.


I hate statistics like these, really makes the future seem dark knowing things like this. I guess it's all part of the plan, "dumb them down and destroy them."
Reminds me of the movie Idiocracy! After watching it I think it's really just a forward looking documentary lol.

Yeah well one thing about having a lot of stupid people is it will just make it easier for the ones that have more than half a brain and apply themselves.

Waiting for Superman was quite an eye opener about how the education system works these days.



Correct. Now examine what exactly their "will" is , is it not to produce drones that can be easily controlled from womb to tomb?


Freedom Fighter
I don't blame the Teachers or the schools....I blame the parents that have stopped pushing their kids!!
If a school is putting out 90% Morons...then why is it not 100%??
Because 10% of the parents actually give a shit, and make sure their kids are learning...and not just GETTING BY!!
Most just use the school as Babysitters...and enroll their "Babies" into sports...that don't even keep score, so as not to HURT THEIR FUCKING FEELINGS!! Give me a break!!
Every kid today is told, "You can be anything you want to be!!"...but they leave out the part about hard work, perseverance...and not FOLLOWING the Flock--
Kids are predictable...they will follow the path of least resistance...parents need to guide them up the steep, rocky trail....but hey...I guess that is just too much work!!:fsu:


weed fiend
Hell, ferk the kids - what about all the dumb ass adults?

One bad thing is the internet. Some folks are just smart enough to recognize what strokes their emotions, not necessarily their intellect.

When folks like Alex Jones and Glen Beck make money from spewing conspiracy theories for everything under the sun, it's no fucking wonder we have some real Que balls out there.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I don't blame the Teachers or the schools....I blame the parents that have stopped pushing their kids!!
If a school is putting out 90% Morons...then why is it not 100%??
Because 10% of the parents actually give a shit, and make sure their kids are learning...and not just GETTING BY!!
Most just use the school as Babysitters...and enroll their "Babies" into sports...that don't even keep score, so as not to HURT THEIR FUCKING FEELINGS!! Give me a break!!
When the family is the "safety net" and failure has miserable consequences, societies grow strong. You have to.

When the Nanny State is the main "safety net," for the rich and poor, social decay is inevitable.

The "Everyone is a winner!!" reality can quickly go to everyone is a loser.


Active member
Why teach when you can sit on the net all day and just give the test answers to the kids?
True story. Reported this to the Principle and School Board. Nothing done.
"Sorry, Union rules."

Teachers unions are ALL about sweet do nothing jobs and nothing about teaching kids.
I pity those 'real' teachers who care about preparing students by requiring hard work and effort in their classes. They are a shrinking tiny minority.

My son had 3 of them his entire 4 years of high school and 2 retired.


If you have a kid that's a dumb ass it's because you have parents that are dumb asses. Kids are only going to try as hard as their parents make em, the teachers can't do shit. Kids in higher economically advantaged areas do better in school because their parents usually went to college and make their kids try as hard as they did.

The school and teachers can't do shit if their kid won't listen, won't do their homework, and won't follow rules. They don't care because their parents don't care. Want a smart kid? Help em study. Make it fun. I was the type of kid whose parents would find me reading at 3am instead of playing video games.

I'll agree with mycreosote that the unions are destroying the profession. Not only teachers but all involved in the school districts, OTs,,PTs, School Nurses....There is no incentive to work because the union will just cover your ass.

Anyways, even in a shitty school, if the parent pushes their kid, the kid should do just fine. Life isn't that fucking hard. If your kids failing, its probably your fault, or your parents fault for setting such low standards for you in the first place.


Active member

It actually raises the education level of some parents while educating the kids.
It also puts the child in close contact with the parent... more contact than other people. This means your child will grow up like you... not the total and complete morons they would be hanging out in school with all day.

I will never have another child in any kind of school that takes them out of the house for long periods of time... not until they're at least 16-18.

Your child WILL take on the average morals, education and attitude of the people they spend the MOST time with... Schools make me sick.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
I want a clarification of "we" in this instance, it's a rhetorical, so don't let your head explode searching for an answer.

I can't lay the blame squarely on the the teachers and their unions, but requests for everyday items((pencils,paper) come pouring in on the regular, new 'fees' popping up every year for activities that were ALWAYS inclusive to the already inflated TAX bills they keep sending, all in a effort to combat the standard pay increases and 'no contribution' healthcare packages these kidnapp...I mean teachers have going on.

Fuck tenure, they should earn their jobs every year, like the rest of us, with a 5-year mandatory comprehensive evaluation by not only their peers, but the parents who pay their inflated salaries as well.

Sure, they haven't created the problem per say, but they sure as fuck know how to compound it.

When the family is the "safety net" and failure has miserable consequences, societies grow strong. You have to.

When the Nanny State is the main "safety net," for the rich and poor, social decay is inevitable.

The "Everyone is a winner!!" reality can quickly go to everyone is a loser.

Truer words


Active member
Tired of stupid people teaching your kids?


I used to teach elementary. My first year I made $23,000. I qualified for government cheese and food stamps, fuck you very much.

I was a professional. I graduated from college with an English degree and then had two more years of teacher education. I was constantly taking teacher education classes. I worked 70 hour weeks and still didn't get everything done that I wanted to.

I harmed relationships with family and friends due to my workload. I had 32 students and did not want anyone to fall through the cracks.

I constantly fought with parents that thought their kids were special and deserved special treatment. I was threatened with violence and law suits. I had a parent show up to a conference with a fucking lawyer.

The administration was on my shit every day to teach to the standardized test. I had to shut my door and hide so my boss wouldn't know that we were actually learning, instead of learning how to game the test.

I was exactly who you wanted teaching your kids. I worked my ass off and paid attention to everyone.

Like most other new teachers, I couldn't take it after 6 years. I walked away. I had friends who were bartenders making more money than me and only working 25 hours a week.

Fuck That Shit.

I realized that it isn't my battle. I was losing too much of my life to be paid so little.

I took another job for more money and less work. I spend more time with family and friends.

The only way I could teach was to put everything I had into it. If I put everything into something, I want to be paid.

So, people like me quit. If you are talented and teaching, you will recognize at some point that you can make money anywhere.

Some very talented people stay in education, but most leave to go work in a field where there talents are fairly compensated.

That is why you get some crazy cat lady that wears ugly sweaters teaching your children.


And remember Krunch, when you and I are in our "golden" years, these genius's are going to be running the country LMAO!



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I feel ya! :tiphat:

I have my daughter in a Private Christian School, specifically to prevent her from being part of this "statistic"....

GOOD for you! My fiance mother (who is NOT religious in any way) sent her to a private christian high school in Watsonville to get her away from the ongoing violence and gang problems that were endemic BACK in 1982 (lol). I myself went to a private Christian College in Monticito, CA (right next to Santa Barbara) and studied Economics, great school, great waves, and their was always UCSB to party at! :laughing: