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OG Kush Ghost Cut, fat'n'juicy


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nandro said:
Nice, my man. If you ask me, tha ghost cut is probably tha better representation out there. Always has been..

Nandro :sasmokin:
Very true Nan.....
Dose anyone think ghost=abusive?


Active member
nah mysta, as doc says, they're dif.. I got a few of each rooting right now.. Abusive OGK and Oger's aka Ghost cut that is..

From Zilla's report at DH it definately sounds like a good one, ranks it quite a bit higher than ECSD, and I do like the deez...

Has anyone grown both? side by side? anyone have thoughts on which is 'better'?

regardless, I can't wait to see for myself..


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thadocta said:
the ghost cut is NOT the same as the Abusive cut.
:joint: Thanks for the 411. Yea I kinda thought so but unsure. Where does the katsu cut fit in? Does katsu=abusive?


Active member
never heard of a katsu OGK cut, not to say that he doesn't have one, jus not any that carry the moniker..

i've heard of katsu bubba, chocolate trip, and blowfish.. could be others, but those are the most common 'katsu' cuts..


Active member
beancounter said:
nah mysta, as doc says, they're dif.. I got a few of each rooting right now.. Abusive OGK and Oger's aka Ghost cut that is..

From Zilla's report at DH it definately sounds like a good one, ranks it quite a bit higher than ECSD, and I do like the deez...

Has anyone grown both? side by side? anyone have thoughts on which is 'better'?

regardless, I can't wait to see for myself..
Sweet finally someone running side by side grows of some questionalble shit! :joint: To tell you the truth they taste very similar. I seen THC's and smoked it and WOW was it real real lemony. It tasted the same as the OGKA I smoked from berk. The looks were diff but one was hydro and the other soil. I was real surprised at the way THC's tasted in dro. It was way more tasty than the OG I run. The high I dont know cuz we smoked so much bomb shit I couldnt tell you and to be honest IM ALL ABOUT FACT NO HERESAY FROM THIS MOFO. THC I think I need another taste!lol. stay green yall!
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Active member
Nspecta said:
Katsu got his OGK from Ghost. :smoke:

AGGHHH ok I see Damn this is confusing ass all hell sorry I know If I did a seacr I would find something on it but what the hell all you OG experts I know Id get the answer without any dumbFkS 2cents! thanks N :joint:


Active member
SFV OGK should be in the mix in a month or so too, but there's a few more OGs out there that need to be tested aswell.. triangle, larry, 'pure'.. etc..

But u know IGT is likely already all over the OGK side-by-sides like a dirty shirt :wink:


Well-known member
mysta177 said:
AGGHHH ok I see Damn this is confusing ass all hell sorry I know If I did a seacr I would find something on it but what the hell all you OG experts I know Id get the answer without any dumbFkS 2cents! thanks N :joint:

Hehheh...that'd be mean makin' ya do a search on an OGK question...ya know how many results ya'd get. :yoinks:

Honest ?'s deserve honest answers. :smile:

Take 'er eazy, IGT


I love all this OG intrigue! I am very happy with the OG I have, although I am psyched to have the "Original OG" cut now, thanks J, we'll see how it compares. I'm getting the feeling from what mysta says that my Ghost is the danker of the two? Guess I need the SFV too just to round out the collection. Then again, the Ghost seems great for production, now that i understand it a bit.

Here is a phat nug I just busted out. I have been smoking OG for the past few days and sleeping like a BABY!


Active member
THCV's was potent.
Your right bro.
It was potent.
It just didn't have that potent stink to it that the SFV has.
BUt that also could have been from being grown in hydro.
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no offense taken, mysta! :moon: I just yesterday had two different people tell me that my OG was the best they had ever had. And these are HARDCORE cali growers/smokers. So, you are not alone. While blazing a J with one, he said "this is the smoothest OG I have ever smoked." He insisted! Personally, I have only bought OG about 4 times in my life before I grew it, so I have little to compare it to, but it sure seems like it turned out well.

now guys, let's not get into an OG fight. fact is, anyone with ANY OG of ANY KIND (this cut, that cut, S1) is luckier than 99% of the growers out there. So rejoice! And get decked with the wondrous, psychedelic, visual, mellow and yet energizing high of the OG Family!





Active member
THCV - Kudos to you, those nugs absolutely glisten! I remember OG Kush from overgrow, however I dont recall what it is a cross of...? :confused:

Either way, looks amazing...


Active member
Why dont you guys all send me your different OGK cuts and I'll tell you guys which one is best , LOL!!.....I'm Puffin on some SFV right now and its Just Dank as Hell....Well, I think its the SFV.....Does any of your OGK cuts get nice Orangey hairs on them?????....All OGK's that I have sampled so far are Pretty Bomb .....Even the Abusive cut is Dank, Just doesnt have that Lemoney Pinesol taste that the SFV has....~ogr


Well-said. Agreed.

Well-said. Agreed.

ograskal said:
Even the Abusive cut is Dank, Just doesnt have that Lemoney Pinesol taste that the SFV has....~ogr

Abusive is dank, it's just nowhere near those klassic, vintage OGK flavors and aromas. I agree. I'm sippin some right now outta tha 'cano, gettin' blasted quite nicely. I can dig it, though! Right on, Abusive.

Nandro :sasmokin: