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OG Kush Ghost Cut, fat'n'juicy



Fat kush nugs, anyone? This is day 43; they're going to 58. I am so psyched for these ladies, the smell is amazing. Smells like real OG to me! Got'em at Karma, when they had the so-called "Ghost cut". Yield seems to be good. Crystal production is outpacing everything, including TW and Bubba! And she is beautiful.



looks killer dude. great job with them either way. oh and i love fat kush nugs grow em big . rock on


Active member
Amazing resin!!! truly top-shelf medicine......

:ying: kind regards from yer perpetual pal the guineapig :ying:


From what I understand, I got the same cut, yet yours looks nothing like mine....How are you growing? Hydro? Dirt, Aero?
For some reason, I keep seeing pics of OG with leaves between the buds, and buds that grow up the stem....yet, my OG "Ghost cut" I think, never has leaves on the actual buds, the buds are popcorn size, and far away from each other....
Not sure what to make of it all...
How is the smell?


Thanks, Swerve, GP, H&L and Norcal. Always an honor getting props from you guys.

SR, you're right. But it's eating from the same res as Bubba, TW and SDK which all do great at 1400 ppm nutes at this point in flower. A little burn is ok on the fringes anyway for me, as i know that they are soaking up the max they can given 1500ppm CO2 and serious lumens, but if i were running it alone i would probably back off a bit. It's just the leaf edges; the buds look so great that it isn't anything i worry about. Should i? They'l get fully flushed too.

Medikush, I'm in a multiflow hydro with the room dialed in, CO2 and 4000W. I got these clones in September, in rockwool, and vegged them for 2 months. The plants pictured are 5.5' and 6.5' tall. I was told it was the "North Hollywood" cut at the time, but discussing it here on ICM, i came to believe it is the Ghost cut--you and i bought them at the same time it seems. I have noticed that my system generates buds that are much bigger than many others' grows, not sure why, maybe it's veg time, lumens, co2 who knows. But my TW and Bubba buds both look huge compared to other pix--or samples--i have seen. What is your setup?

Bluntman, any guess what it is then? How about the rest of y'all kush experts? Swerve, how about you?

It smells like OG Kush. Plain and simple--and powerful. And I smoked a nug off a bottom branch that i accidentally broke off--a tiny nug--at 35 days flower, and it was covered in resin. Dried it for 2 days and smoked it, and it actually got me high with a nice buzz and tasted like real OG. I have high hopes for harvest, if 35 days was that potent and tasty.


THCV said:
Thanks, Swerve, GP, H&L and Norcal. Always an honor getting props from you guys.

SR, you're right. But it's eating from the same res as Bubba, TW and SDK which all do great at 1400 ppm nutes at this point in flower. A little burn is ok on the fringes anyway for me, as i know that they are soaking up the max they can given 1500ppm CO2 and serious lumens, but if i were running it alone i would probably back off a bit. It's just the leaf edges; the buds look so great that it isn't anything i worry about. Should i? They'l get fully flushed too.

Medikush, I'm in a multiflow hydro with the room dialed in, CO2 and 4000W. I got these clones in September, in rockwool, and vegged them for 2 months. The plants pictured are 5.5' and 6.5' tall. I was told it was the "North Hollywood" cut at the time, but discussing it here on ICM, i came to believe it is the Ghost cut--you and i bought them at the same time it seems. I have noticed that my system generates buds that are much bigger than many others' grows, not sure why, maybe it's veg time, lumens, co2 who knows. But my TW and Bubba buds both look huge compared to other pix--or samples--i have seen. What is your setup?

Bluntman, any guess what it is then? How about the rest of y'all kush experts? Swerve, how about you?

It smells like OG Kush. Plain and simple--and powerful. And I smoked a nug off a bottom branch that i accidentally broke off--a tiny nug--at 35 days flower, and it was covered in resin. Dried it for 2 days and smoked it, and it actually got me high with a nice buzz and tasted like real OG. I have high hopes for harvest, if 35 days was that potent and tasty.

Good job there, THCV,
It just goes to show how different buds can grow in different systems.
When I switched from Hydro to Organic soil, I was growing blueberry, and I grew it first in Hydro and then in Soil.....What a huge difference! Not at all like the other. The Hydro system which was aero, DWC, bubbler buckets, produced HUGE growth rates that no other hydro system I had tried before had produced...then switching to soil, i noticed lots of differences in the bud size, looks, and distinct characteristics. It seemed like the hydro system brought the bud to finish in a more complete way, or finished with a more "finished" product in the end.....But I still love the dirt much more, now that I have it dialed in....


Active member
NoNameNoshame said:
Ghost is the selfed OG aka Ogers? Looks like a mix of abusive and SFV. Can't wait to pop my ten pack of ogers.
Nice plants!
The "Ghost" cut is the clone that "Ghost" over at CannabisWorld bought from Oregon Kid. It was supposed to be the parent plant that Oregon Kid used on his S1's


Active member
Nice Score Bro!!!!!....Does She smell Like Lemon Pinesol.......All The OGK's are Dank as Hell......Great Job...~ogr


medikush said:
Good job there, THCV,
It just goes to show how different buds can grow in different systems.
When I switched from Hydro to Organic soil, I was growing blueberry, and I grew it first in Hydro and then in Soil.....What a huge difference! Not at all like the other. The Hydro system which was aero, DWC, bubbler buckets, produced HUGE growth rates that no other hydro system I had tried before had produced...then switching to soil, i noticed lots of differences in the bud size, looks, and distinct characteristics. It seemed like the hydro system brought the bud to finish in a more complete way, or finished with a more "finished" product in the end.

I totally agree, and it makes lots of sense. I have grown all of my strains outdoors in soil and even though the are the exact same plant, they look, smell and taste almost unrelated. I bet i could get a whole different looking plan/buds if i were under flouros, or a 400W etc. I think it's kinda funny how we all try to guess what strain is what based on pix when we've all seen such massive variability in the exact same clone grown in different environments. A difficult task indeed for some strains.

Medikush, we clearly bought clones from the same batch. They look totally different due to growing styles. I'll post a comparison in a sec for fun. I am beginning to wonder if it's all Real OG, just different grow styles!


aside from the mediocre calyx:leaf (no offense to you - just genetics - im just keepin it real) that looks like some ill frosty goodness... no surprise, your tdub, bubba, and sdxog were all impressive too.

nice work


Look the same?

Look the same?

Lorax, mediocre calyx-to-leaf ratio? You must be spoiled by your strains. Lots of my plants look like this at 43, but all of them come 58 have swelled so much that manicuring is fast. After trimming elbows of outdoor sativa (talk about leaf!), i have no complaints about the amount of leaf matter on my indoor grows, hehe.

Here are a couple pix to compare my and medikush's grows of what i believe is the same clone. Mine is first, at 43 days, Medi's is second at 60 days. Factoring in the differences in grows, and age, i would say they look like they could be the same. And on Medi's thread, everyone thought it was Ghost, wereas here no one does! Hilarious. Gotta love the Kush clone mysteries! It wouldn't be so hard to figure out if it weren't for the fact that it smells, tastes and hits like OG Kush is supposed to. So, if it isn't the real OG, i guess i don't really care--cuz it is bomb like Kush, and yield looks good as any of my elites-- i'll be keeping her around for sure.




THCV said:
So, if it isn't the real OG, i guess i don't really care--cuz it is bomb like Kush, and yield looks good as any of my elites-- i'll be keeping her around for sure.

No doubt, I was thinking the same thing myself.


Hey bro that one pic 3036 is the one that looks very OGers like..

You're gettin a beautiful yield from her whatever she is..

Keep us posted with plenty of pics

Take it easy..
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All I can say is it must be nice! Those kush strains are some beauties! One day Karma will shine on all of us who waite!