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OG Kush Ghost Cut, fat'n'juicy



Awesome pics THCV, stellar looking ladies!

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to THCV again." :wave:


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
wow those are very velvety leaves!!! amazingly textured buds!!! they must be very tastY!!!!!!!!

(mediocre calyx to leaf ratio) LOL,thats funny cuz i see monster sized calyxes! hahaha And most deff dont sweat they haters:)bat:), they are just weak batty crease sniffin mingers with lo self esteeem. One look at their gallery(or lack of one) will tell you whats up...you keep trucking and may the power of nugs compell you!
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so I cut them at 58 days. Two plants yielded an HP. Not so low yielding after all! The smell is so lemony, it's amazing. And the taste is pure kuuuuushhh, with a sugary mouth coating that is delectable!

this is one plant

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Active member
Closest I have is a cross to the Ghost cut, SG2 X OG Kush (ghost cut) going out door with these should be some good meds come fall. :wave:


thanks y'all. OG is all it's cracked up to be. Strongest of my strains--even though i have heavyweights like TW and Bubba--and when smoked before bed i wake up high. That's potent! My lower tolerance friends claim that they are high for the entire next day after smoking before dinner. And people go APESHIT when they smell it, kinda hilarious. And touching. :smoke:

ndnguy, that sounds tastey. But man does it require patience outdoors, good luck!


Active member
That OG was tastey threw that vape.
Tasted like a less overwhelming SFV OG.
Like IO was telling THCV at the club.
The SFV just has that stanky super dank to it.
That just makes it that much better.
But the one THCV is growing is very good still.
Tasted like that SFV OG but a little less offensive of an odor.
Not quite as stinky as the SFV OG.
But still very good and close also. Considering the yield.
It's probably the one they sell in the clubs the most.


hello Jdog :joint:
ok bro your opinion on which is better between...

original OG KUSH
peace bro :joint:


Active member
I havn't smoked the SFV OG in a while.
BUt I would have to say the SFV wins because it has a better high.
And that gnarly lemon Pinesol taste.
The original is different.
The high is more indica and doesn't last as long as the SFV OG.
Plus the taste is just different.
It tastes more like chemdawg Kush with a little lemon.
Not nearly as lemony as the SFV OG.
But I will always have both.
Mostly SFV for smoking.
And Original for breeding with.And for that razor sharp indica high and chemmy taste.
But I can tell you this, if I had an equal amount of both ,the SFV OG would be gone first.
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Well-known member
ghost cut

ghost cut

Thats what it looks like.
If you let her go another wk or so she can get more crystals.
Excellent growing job.As fat as i have seen em.
The kush taste is somethin else!!


Active member
nice haul th.......great growin like usual bro! keep it up

and you make some very valid points on how different enviro's
and even mediums can drastically alter the appearance
of a certain cut........with that being said, i don't
know how some of these "kushologists" thinks
they can differentiate between certain
phenos.........it almost seems like an
impossible feat!
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Active member
What up THCV......Well I gotta say that OG that was smoked is hands down one of the better ones. It was all lemon. Im going to have to say pretty sure its the abusive cut. Werre going to have to meet up again foshezy.


thanks for all the props guys. jdog and mysta, I'm glad you guys dug my OG. Always a little nervous when real pros taste my stuff! :pointlaug

mysta, nice to hear it is Abusive! Rgd, nice to know it's Ghost! LOL. I have also been told by some serious OG dudes in LA that it is "Real OG", versus "True OG". Of course, these aren't cut names, but these guys know their shit as they have been running a dispensary forever, so i gotta believe them too. Also, met a few guys who know the original OG growers, and they said it is the same as they remember OG "back in the day" (ie in the 90's).

I think JDOG's theory is the best--it's just another pheno of OG, not an S1, not a cross. Whatever seeds really made OG, there was obviously more than 1, and this is just one of the phenos.

JDOG is right, SFV is more "offensive" in odor; this cut is so lemony that it is not offensive at all. Not sure I agree that potentcy is less--it wrecks me, and everyone i smoke or vape with. It's ALL GOOD!!....


Nice, my man. If you ask me, tha ghost cut is probably tha better representation out there. Always has been..

Nandro :sasmokin: