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Official Results: 2008 IC Mag 420 Growers & Breeders Cup


Active member
British_Bulldog said:
Well sorry Rez, but I don't enjoy your posts, and feel I should get some compensation for having read thousands of them over the years, lol
It's just your style, and it ain't pretty......just saying it how it is

You have my Deepest Sympathies.
The Reservoir Staff & I have spent many back-breaking months working out the minute details concerning a Reservoir Seeds Victims Compensation Program.
After years of reading my posts and smoking my herb,you guys deserve some sort of compensation,I wholeheartedly concur,or implosion could occur.
(In fact it was recently cited in the Dutch canna mag "Der Doobie" that medical tests have determined that herb grown from Reservoir Seeds stock can make you happy,cure herpes, (Marc Emery,take note!) make sunshine actually have a tangible flavor,(oranges!) and could possibly create world peace,if we could just get these conservative jerkoffs smoking it!)
The details of said plan?
Glad you asked.
Reservoir Rehab: Featuring a two week stay in Ibiza followed by a week in Cannes, covered in supermodels.
Serviced by yacht and Learjet,catered by Jay-Z's chef,Raekwon. :wink:
I asked Lloyd's of London to sort it out,but their premiums are a real tosser,so I'm still shopping around.


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Well another waste of a few minutes of my life reading your drivel Rez...

I've never smoked your herb, and don't want to.

Some of your pics are nice, like that C99, but it's a repeat of what you posted the other day, so I've seen it before.

I think from now on I'm just gonna skip over what you write very quickly, like the first and last line or something, as life's just too short to be reading all this garbage you post..

I hate to be negative, but damn Rez, you have gotten yourself on some mad ego trip over the years.

At least I used to enjoy the fights with Fet, but now he's not around to war with you, it's all kinda boring..

In fact, I can't think of anything decent you've ever said? Maybe someone can help me out here..

It might seem like I'm being hard on you, but I know you can take it.



BTW: you've ruined this thread, and didn't even bother turning up at the Cup.

At least if you'd been there, I might have got to meet you, and find out if you're an arsehole in real life too..

Oh well..


Active member
Aw,I thought you were being funny,I didn't know it was a critique,I apologize,and shame on me for the levity.
In "real life" I don't go to cannabis competitions.
You see,I have a professional adversity to video recorders & camera phones.
At cannabis shows these gizmos are frequently attached to all sorts of interesting,nefarious people that I consider to be an occupational hazards, usually from Agencies that I have No Interest in playing glad-hand with. :wink:
My Life: No pictures,ever. No 'prints left on party glasses or bottles,& too many security details for festivals for me to bother sorting out,I'd rather be on the beach,baby! :D



rezdog said:
You see,I have a professional adversity to video recorders & camera phones.
At cannabis shows these gizmos are frequently attached to all sorts of interesting,nefarious people that I consider to be an occupational hazards, usually from Agencies that I have No Interest in playing glad-hand with.
My Life: No pictures,ever. No 'prints left on party glasses or bottles,& too many security details for festivals for me to bother sorting out,I'd rather be on the beach,baby!

An old friend came to visit the other day and we were looking through many old photographs. She commented that there were lots of baby pics of me, then suddenly when I became a teenager, no pics. Simple reason for that, I have most of the pics taken of me since then and there aren't many, I've always been a very private person and I believe information is power, therefore I don't like people having information about me as that equates to having power over me. A friend commented a few weeks ago that although he'd known me for many years he didn't really know all that much about me, but he didn't care cos he respects that I'm a private person.

I was at the HTCC a few years ago and there was an abvious narc wth a video camera carefully filming the audience during Steve Hager's speech, I wonder how many of the US faces on that video have had troubles with the law since?


Active member
REZDOG said:
Chemdog IS indica,NOT "sativa".
Arjan thinks that in order to sell to elitist growers he has to call everything "sativa".
If you watch the ghs "grow" video you'll see how much those guys really (don't) know about growing weed.
If you can watch that ghs "grow" video and still want to buy their seeds after seeing their "how-to" video,you obviously played in traffic with no helmet as a child-to greatly adverse effect.

I created a drinking/smoking/sex game called "Arjay Sez"-everytime he uses a superlative adjective (like "superlative",lolol!) you have to drink/hit bong/stick your partner/whatever.
His world-class,luke-warm,English-as-second-language adjectives flow like warm cheeze-whiz,it takes about five minutes to be drunk/baked/well-f*cked, arjay's hilarious adjectives keep flowing merrily,like a used car salesman's Vegas rap.
It's almost awe-inspiring,until you realize that the guy who made the video has enough money to use a decent camera and buy a legible English-language script,but prefers the (much) cheaper (and humiliating) alternative route-much to the amusement of millions on YouTube.

then people buy his mislabled shit and see hybred/indica leafs theyll know they got ripped. and everyone watching will know arjan is a fraud. wait, we already know that. what a shitbag. id have started shit if i were there, glad that didnt happen. probably a beer goblet to the skull.
arogant piece of shit..


ICMag Donor
Ganja Pasha said:
An old friend came to visit the other day and we were looking through many old photographs. She commented that there were lots of baby pics of me, then suddenly when I became a teenager, no pics. Simple reason for that, I have most of the pics taken of me since then and there aren't many, I've always been a very private person and I believe information is power, therefore I don't like people having information about me as that equates to having power over me. A friend commented a few weeks ago that although he'd known me for many years he didn't really know all that much about me, but he didn't care cos he respects that I'm a private person.

I was at the HTCC a few years ago and there was an abvious narc wth a video camera carefully filming the audience during Steve Hager's speech, I wonder how many of the US faces on that video have had troubles with the law since?

We'd concur with the sentiments above. The only reason we don't get on VOs to see brethrens on lock down is because we don't like the idea of submitting our finger prints to Babylon at the gates!! (bless up dem have mobiles in HMP now) :wink:

Why didn't you spit on the narc filming at the HTCC and heckle them out of the building ??? ..lol :biglaugh:

Time was that as an English man you could tell a FED to bollocks and there was jack-shit he/she could do about it!! These days with extradition orders and what not they might tape yo ass up and fly you about from airbase to airbase until you get real dizzy... flip mode! Which isn't funny :no:

Peace out all
DocLeaf :joint:

"Stay out of trouble you crazy kids..."


Ah yes, it used to be great to be a Brit, you could tell folks to go fuck themselves with a fair amount of impunity, then came Tony Blair and the 'special relationship'.

One of the very few good things about Maggie Thatcher was that her govt really stuck up for Brits if they got in any trouble abroad, you're fucked nowadays.

I never said anything at the time because it didn't occur to me to do so, I thought it was pretty obvious there were plenty of narcs about the place, they stuck out like a sore thumb, I saw at least 4 guys I was sure were narcs.


ICMag Donor
Are these the only places won by regular ICMag Members this year ?

4. Nevils x Mango Haze - OJD
5. Lifesaver - Moppel
6. Sourfly - Mosca Negra

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Karma Genetics

docleaf i am a icmag member and i think cloudz is also a member here.
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ICMag Donor
more like someone sent them a z of whatever to enter

you would think that arjan would have at least a joint or 2 to share with the ic crew of his new strains chemdog buba and so on
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heres a scenario ,,,

snoopdog walks into the greenhouse entourage in toe ,shouts for arjan,,arjan appears all smiles at the site of another mega star in his coffeshops ,,,

snoop sends one of his bitches to fetch some weed off the menu ,,bitch shouts out "snoop they got no chemdog here, man an its all lame "

snoop starts shouting how shit the dutch weed is and that arjan must start growing and selling good old elites from the usa ,,

arjan replies that no one will gift him the clones and snoop says consider it done and sends his learjet back to the states to fetch arjan a clone or 2 from his many contacts ,,

arjan starts growing out these new strains ,as we all know getting a new strain diallled in takes time ,,
months pass and the ic420 cup is announced ,arjan although not having enough time to get his clones fully dialled in thinks entering them will be a good way too see how hes progressing ..

arjan enters ,unfortunatly his entries werent up to the standard of some attending the cup and they cry foul ,

arjan realises he needs to do more work and gets back too it ,no name calling or hatred just business as usual...............

u never know it might be true ,,,


ICMag Donor
if you believe that hazy

then you will believe anything

so where was the chemdog nugs
i think that a friend only managed to send an oz over no more for sharing with ic crew
they did pass 1 big joint round but honestly tasted like shit and i was 2nd on the joint(this was not a chemdog joint,i think a ssh)

i know it sounds like hating but honestly if that was chemdog what a load of hype

a few strains of the top of my head that shit all over the so called chemdog entry

sssdhaze my cut and drlongbotom shire
casey jones(true cut)
nevils haze
sour d(kryps version at the cup)
and honestly the list goes on and on

also 5 entrys and your bound to place
i was going to enter 3 but thought that would be a bit uneven

honestly i think greenhouse should enter something they have around all the time(on the menu in the coffeshop)
or atleast 1 of the strains that are already out
not an oz of something someone sent them or they bought off
i mean after all isnt this the growers cup

1 other thing when im entering the ic cup i would prefer to go up against other ic people not breeders
next year they really need to split the catergorys if they get enough entrys that is

enough from me

peace out
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ojd said:
if you believe that hazy

then you will believe anything

i stopped believing a very long time ago ,,weed creates more bullshit than politics ever will


ojd said:
i know it sounds like hating but honestly if that was chemdog what a load of hype

a few strains of the top of my head that shit all over the so called chemdog entry

sssdhaze my cut and drlongbotom shire
casey jones(true cut)
nevils haze
sour d(kryps version at the cup)
and honestly the list goes on and on

I totally agree, I think I was 4th on that joint and it wasn't nice, karma genetics thought it had tobacco in it and pulled a funny face after trying it, it was that jopint that started my coughing episode, Soma's hash straight afterwards made it worse, but it was that joint that first upset my lungs!

I think I tried all of the strains on your list mate and I agree, they were all superior, amd I believe we both said so at the cup, I remember chatting about several of them with ya and we agreed about which were really good. Don't fret about the 'chemdog' trickery mate, I hear the real deal is gonna be making an appearance round your way soon.

hazyfontazy said:
i stopped believing a very long time ago ,,weed creates more bullshit than politics ever will

Amen to that! Amtserdam is bullshit central when it comes to weed!

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