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LOL!!!! Yea it's da sh*t.

But on to my formula...well not exactly mine cause I got it from another grower (Panopticist) here on this forum. He & Jamishoes have really helped me out BIG tyme.
I use, once weekly, 1tsp PBP Grow, 1tsp Cal/Mag, 2tsp Liquid Karma, & 1tsp blackstrap molasses per gallon of purified store bought water. All in Roots Organic brand coco soil. & I have been foliar feeding with fish emulsion for a few days now before lights on. I dont have any recent pics but I will get some uploaded soon.

Currently I am in day 47 of veg. Mainly due to problems in the beginning of the grow, hence the help from jamie & pan. But great grow you got going my dog, I'm tagged.

P.S. Quick questions, Where did you get your valueline fan from? & what cfm does it produce full throttle? & how much noise, if any, does it produce? Thanks in advance homie.

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LOL!!!! Yea it's da sh*t.

But on to my formula...well not exactly mine cause I got it from another grower (Panopticist) here on this forum. He & Jamishoes have really helped me out BIG tyme.
I use, once weekly, 1tsp PBP Grow, 1tsp Cal/Mag, 2tsp Liquid Karma, & 1tsp blackstrap molasses per gallon of purified store bought water. All in Roots Organic brand coco soil. & I have been foliar feeding with fish emulsion for a few days now before lights on. I dont have any recent pics but I will get some uploaded soon.

Currently I am in day 47 of veg. Mainly due to problems in the beginning of the grow, hence the help from jamie & pan. But great grow you got going my dog, I'm tagged.

P.S. Quick questions, Where did you get your valueline fan from? & what cfm does it produce full throttle? & how much noise, if any, does it produce? Thanks in advance homie.


Thanks man,dam they didnt let me rep you again..anyways the buds are looking nicely,theyve definitely grown a bit since the last picz..I will update in a few days..my room def smells like poure dankness..the stems are nice and sticky..

as for the fan,I got the 6in valueline fan..its around 449cfm..moves alot of air..its big and built tough..and for the price they cant be beat..I got mine off ebay..but the cheapest place is here


I got a few questions..my temps at canopy level are around 80-86..though usually around 82-84f... are these temps too hot..or are they fairly decent..?
I've read on here that thats "manageable". Alot of the veteran growers say that idea is 75-78 is best. But many others have said that nomore than 85. My temps are about the same along with yours with lights on, but without a "sufficient" vent fan. They dip down to bout 72-75 with lights off. I have one of those lil Home Depot booster fans right now. Keeping the ambient temps in the room where my closet is located @ around 72-76 degrees helps alot. Which is why I asked you about the valueline fan you have.

Summer is quickly approaching here where I am located, & it's usually pretty damn hot, 95-100 degrees, by mid-June. So it's going to be quite a task to keep it cool in there around then. But just another challenge thats worth trying to conquer.

Thanks for the quick reply & comments man & Stay Safe. PEACE


Ok fellas heres the update..the plants are really looking nice..really bushy,stinkin my room quite nicely..temps are not OPTIMAL..but managable at around 82-86f at canopy..I keep the door open,with the fan sucking hot air out..and a fan moving air around..Ive been reading on temps,and new studies indicate that higher temps allow the plant to receieve more light..so idk..

All of them are female..I have 4 REALLY nice plants...healthy,vigorous..I have 1 thats growing rather nicer recently..but has wlays been rather lanky and not quite vigorous..and then i have THE RUNT..classic runt behavior lol..lanky,extremely slow growing,tiny bud growth,but I really dont want to cull the bitch..as shes female..and runt bud is better than NO BUD..lol

HERE THEY ARE AT 15 DAYS OF 12/12:nanana:

PLANT 1: My shortest plant,and not cuz its not vigorous..this was one of my favorite plants up intil recently,when she was outgrown by her sisters..either way very vigorous,stays short,loves to branch out..more indica dom with dark green leaves..shes a beauty..

plant 2 : one of my biggest plants,,VERY branchy and very vigorous..possible my favorite plant..

plant 3: also one of my bigger plants..branchy,ncie and vigorous..all dat good stuff



plant 4: anoither VERY bushy,very vigorous..rather nice...nice and fast growing..

plant 5: she isnt my best plant at all..up until recently,she was a leggy,runt..but lately shes really impressed me..her colas are stsrting to get rather big..I didnt expect this from her..but shes impressed me lol

Please let me get comment..questions..how do they look for 15 days 12/12?? Aldo rember,I used a 6500k t5 for around 5+ days of 12/12..then switched to the 400 hps...:nanana:

Big D

Looking good buddy!!! Everything seems to be coming along fine!

Do not under estimate the runts or the ones you perceive as not impressive. With my batch of AK 48... the plant that I was over looking, ended up being the keeper.

This is the only picture I can find. But this is the good one:

So maybe you can identify it in your batch.

Peace :}


Looking good buddy!!! Everything seems to be coming along fine!

Do not under estimate the runts or the ones you perceive as not impressive. With my batch of AK 48... the plant that I was over looking, ended up being the keeper.

This is the only picture I can find. But this is the good one:

So maybe you can identify it in your batch.

Peace :}

Um not entirely..but the leaves look IDENTICAL to some of my plants..that ones def the indica dom pheno isnt it?? I can just tell with the shape,size,and color of the leaf...a couple of my plants are like that..why do you say thats the keeper pheno?? The yield..is it the fabled cherry pheno..


I am praying that i get the "cherry" pheno.. If not ill just have to get more seeds and keep on scearching.. Luckily there cheap!!


Shit I hope I get it too..I possible have it..because during veg the room smelled JUST like ripe,fruity cherries..am talking an EXTREME heavy,almost sikcly fruity smell..the best way to describe it FRUITY LOOPS cereal..JUST LIKE IT...so I hope I get tha cherry pheno.if not..there not a shortage of genetics I can play with..


Should I trim off the lwoer popcorn branches in order to maximise the top colas potential..I trimmed off the lower leavs and some branches yesterday..to create air movemnt on the lower parts..and water them manually without removing them from the closet...now should I trim off the lower branches with the poipcorn buds..or leave them?


you need to look up weather stripping and how it is used. seal up the small seams in your door with it. this will require you to install an intake port for air since it will pretty much air tight since it is light proof. dark room louvres or curved pieces of PVC work well for light proof intakes. buying a replacement door at home depot is cheap and easy to modify.

if you want to flower in your closet this is an absolutely essential step. even if you think the light leak is minor the plants will mind very much when that light persists for hours and they will hermie the hell out. but for veg it is not much of an issue.

there have been a million and one threads of people showing their setups in closets. search around, check some out, and get some ideas on sealing up your door and creating an intake port.

just explain one thing to me, will you?
How can Cannabis flower in nature then? I mean... even moonlight causes my light-meter to give me a very low reading, but it's there. Why does it need ABSOLUTE darkness? I saw plants flowering on a balcony in the middle of a big city when there is street-lights,cars etc.

I believe there needs to be a significant drop between daylight and light received in darkness to trigger flower hormones.

Moonlight IS a source of light and does not interupt flowering on wild growing plants, and never will. It's the same with indoor light.

INDIRECT light, for example the light bouncing off a wall and slightly iluminating the plant is NOT detrimental. I grew multiple crops in my box with just a plain slit as an air vent, placed the box in a dark room and made sure that there is NO DIRECT LIGHT shining into the slit, and i never ever had problems with flowering. Sometimes daylight was shining in the room through a cracked window, and it was so bright in there that you could easily read a book in there, it did not inferfeer with flowering, BECAUSE THERE WAS NO DIRECT LIGHT.

Light looses a significant ammount of energy as it doubles the distance from it's source, and even moreso when it is reflected (diffused) from a surface. By the time it finds it's way in my box it literally contains no energy anymore.

Still, i like to know how plants can flower in direct moonlight. And now don't give me any crap about light spectrum.


no well.. seriously, so many people talking smack about light spectrum, color temperature and Kelvin and they don't have any scientific background whatsoever and simply repeat what they hear somewhere.
Now i don't claim to be all-knowing, but i can use common sense and logic to sort out most of the false information.
As a matter of fact, a lot of the nonsense that gets repeated over and over has a grain of truth somewhere, but that meaning was lost along the way and misinterpreted hundreds of times.


Active member
rave it is SOMETHING to do with spectrum or another, have you ever heard of the martian way of growing? its where you use light 24/7 in flower with certain different bulbs


i would LOVE to see someone flower a plant using 24/7 light regimen and different spectrums.
But i highly doubt that anybody ever did that and scientifically documented his methods. oh well, i am very open to this, i don't say it's impossible!


rave it is SOMETHING to do with spectrum or another, have you ever heard of the martian way of growing? its where you use light 24/7 in flower with certain different bulbs

Excellent point..its still a VERY :abduct:experimental method..but i HAVE read about it..basically they flower using diffrent spectrum led's...Ive also read where a guy used a green see through blanket during flowering to cover the plants..and even though light was clearly passing thourgh..they flowered fine..maybe because the light was filtered to GREEN?...:2cents:

Rave 420: EXCELLENT post man.,.I FEEL your frustration:wallbash:..I was so mad all through my grow..that I had some sort of light leak,and mr efforts were futile..that my plant wasnt goint to flower cus of the light leaks..well here we are now..and the buds are def THERE..my plant is in FULL flower..light leak or not..:joint: Ive read everything for :

1. NO light AT ALL:noway:..can enter the room while the flowering dark cycle...this will hermie them,slow growth and flowering..yada yada yada..:mad:

2.some light no greater than a full moon is OKAY..diffrent spectrums..and now you sayng that the diffrence is the intensity..which Ive read before..

3.Ive read how some guys check on them while they sleep..take flash pikz in the dark cycle..hell I read where a guy KNEW he had SOME light coming in from his clone room..and the plants didnt care less...:dueling:

SO WHICH IS IT????!! lol...look through my first few posts in this thread..and dat should tell you how stressed I was..