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Big D

Dude you keep asking that question and when you get the answer you ignore it.


Ok..heres the update.I just moved them under the 400 HPS around 5 days ago,and they are LOVING it..really ncie fast growth..theyr really bushing out and are smelling VERY fuirty..the best way to describe the small is like FRUIT LOOPS cereal..with hints of musty,cannabis aroma..

The temps are around 84-86 at the canopy..with just using a fan blowing air around and keeping the doors open..my 6in valueline fan will be here Monday,and I will have it sucking the hot iar near the bulb..so temps will def get aroun 75-82f...Im feeding them monkey juice bloom 6 ml of each per gallon..with some bigbud powder in there..

They are currently 8 DAYS IN FLOWER SINCE 12/12

5 out of the 6 are def FEMALEZ :woohoo:

They all have white pistils..:joint:


So do you guys think they are on shcedule in terms of floering..theyr 8 days since 12/12..and barely have a couple pistils..is this normal? When should I expcet them to really start producing lots of new pistils and buds?Thanks


Active member
around week 2 if you are completely light proof, a couple days in the dark would of sped up the process


Mobb, If you are seeing the female pistils at day 8 of 12/12 you are doing fine. IME they can take up to 2-3 weeks before showing those white hairs. It looks like you are right on track but you will want to get those temp's down to under 80 as soon as you can.

I am sure that you will enjoy the 48. I grew one out last harvest and loved it. After this next round of diesels, bubblelicious and Hindu Kush, I might just go ahead and pop the remaining 8 beans of my 48 and see what I can find.

Good luck!


Looking really good Mobb! I am also doing AK48 this year for my first grow ever, except I'm going outdoors! Good luck.

Stay up!


Im excited to see your grow!! I have Ak-48s on their way.. should be here any day now!! I am crossing my fingers and hopeing like hell i get that "cherry" pheno everyone praises!!! Great looking plants and stay up!!


Dam man ,thanks for all the praises and comments..I thought my thread wont get any interest..as for the temps,my valueline fan will be here around monday or tuesday,so they will def get lower than 86...even though 86f is pretty damn good for a smallish closet,with no forms of ventilation other than doors open and a cheap old fan blowing air around..

Oh and I HIGHLY reccomend using the banana method to make them female..all my plants are female,Im still waiting for one to show..but it should be any day now..these seeds were given the banana method for around 2 weeks..so maybe that explains all my plants turning female?...And I highly reccomend topping ak48..to make it ncie and bushy,otherwise my plants would be just one rather leggy main stem..now each plant has ATLEAST 4 main stems..and lots of budsites..Im hoping for around 15 dry grams per plant..Im sure that should be feasible..


I have a few questions about the banana method... first of all i ordered 3 packs of nirvana seeds, 1 pac AK-48, 1 pac ICE, and 1 pac Pure Power Plant, aloth with many other feminized strains... I am trying to get ready for the outdoor season and i would really really like to run some ak 48, and some pure power plant outside but at the same time i dont have alot of time to plant a few seeds of each and wait till they show sex and take clones, assuming ANY are female.. and i have also been reading about how horriable the male/female ratios of nirvana seed stok are, I was wondering if this banana method was a "tested" way to get female plants? i also read another thread http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=59901 saying it had to do with groth factors, i was wondering if i did all of these if it would increase my odds of getting females and what were your experinces with the banana method and do you have any tips or helpful hints on how to do it? thanks and sorry for the long post.. POE

P.S. The girls are looking GREAT!!!


Ive been a long time advocate for the banan method,ever since reading about it ehre on ic mag,were a guy SWORE by it,claiming for 2 years,hes had %100 female..I dont know bout you..this is a STRONG statement..so I decided to try it 2 times..and both times I got 100% female...all my ak48 seeds sprouted,but 4 were killed due to errors..so now all my remaining siz have white pistils and are conformed females...I also used the banana method on the maza i sharriff freebies..but I too killed them by mistake..so YES THE BANANA METHOD WORKS please you owe it to yourself to TRY IT OUT

SUPPLIES : air tight container (canning jars are best) fresh bananas (the fresher the longer you can have them in the jars seeds peice of paper tissue

1.peel the bananas and place the entire peels into the airtight continer..the more peels in the container,the more ETHYLENE is given off

2. you can also wrap the peels in the paper towels to absorb excess moisture,but this is optional....rember you do NOT WANT THE SEEDS GETTING MOIST

3. wrap your seeds in small peice of paper towel..,and place the seeds inside the jar with the peels..close the lid very tight,so the gas doesnt leak through...

4.place jar in a dark,ambient temp location..(kitchen drawer,closet,etc) the warmer it is,the faster the peels will decompose,thius giveing out more ethylene gas...

5.after about a week,or when the peel get black and moldy,REPLACE THE PEELS FOR NEW ONES

6.EVERY day atleast once..open the lid,and air the jar out,as if you were "burping" your buds while curing them..same technique..

this process invoves using the natural hromones ETHYLENE that all veggies and fruits give off as they naturally decompose..this gas makes the seeds female or female dominant..the exact sceince isnt known..but there is a prudcut called SENSA SOAK used by pro breeders and its main ingredient is ETHYLENE ACID...mmm coincidense??....

Please try this method,and be an advocate about it,as I HATE how the breeders are ripping us off..when we can make out own female seeds using 3 dollars worth of materials...its been a long time grower secret..and has been kept "hidden" form the mass growers due to the loss of buysness theyll recieve if people found out about this..its been known for YEARS that this method works..but hightimes,etc wont explain and acknoldgde due to their ties with breeder,etc..i see it as a conpiracie..


Thanks for the entire procedure for the banana method, when my seeds arrive either today or tommorow, (hopefully) I will try this with the Nirvana ICE, Pure Power Plant and the AK-48's.. I will let you know my results, I also will be doing the steps in the linked thread in my last post, so with both methods used together oI should get a good ratio of male/females, hopeully all females!! Thanks for your help!!


THEY JUST GOT HERE!!!!! The seeds i ordered from attitude just arrived!! I AM SO STOKED!!! I have the ak-48's in my hand and cant wait to start them!! now i need to get me some bananas!!! POE


rember to let them in the jar for around 2-3 weeks..however heres a tip..when you leave them TOO long..it seems the seeds get "overripe"..some of my seeds turned almsot black,as if they were too overripe...I dont see any explaniton for this other than the fact that ETHYLENE has been used for decades as a fruit ripeness hormone..to make green veggies and fruits mature AFTER theyve been picked...ever heard the saying "one bad apple can screw the bunch"...it means one apples releases ethylene that makes the apples near it ALSO relase ethylene..and speed up ripeness and rotting faster...



Remember to change them out when they get black..cus Ive perosnally had some white fuzzy mold happen when I didnt change the out.,the mold even got all over my seeds..and they didnt germ..so WATCH OUT!!

Now I got a few questions..my plants are 11 days since I switched to 12/12..but they all barely have white pistils...WHEN exactly are they suppose to REALLY start growing pistils everywhere...

I always though they start expliding with pistils around week 2..but Im in week 2 of flowering..and they BARELY have any pistils..Im growing under 400 hps..with monkey juice bloom,big bud and mollases...the plants themselves are growing VERY bushy,with lost of new branches..just not as many budsitresa and pistils as I expected...am I being impatient? Or will they start putting in wight around 4 weeks of flower?

Im realy stressing..becaus I jsut DONT know if I have a light leak or not..preventing them from REALLY flowering..


ok..so heres the deal guys..i just finished seeing this guys grow..under a 400 hps..similar condtions..and by day 9 of 12/12 he already has lots of pistils growing..and by day 14 of 12/12..he had pistils EXPLODING..and the actual buds forming on the top colas..now Im on day 11 since 12/12..and dont have NEARLY as much pistils..

so do i have a light leak?? or are my ak48 just flowering slower than usualy??...ill try to take some closeup shots of the pistils..


2 weeks in reality isent that long.. If you have light leeks that would explain the problem... Something you may have wanted to try is open seasme.. But I think u are soppose to use that before you start to flower them.. I would be intreasted in seeing some pics.. Get the light leaks fixed up and you'll be aight

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