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is it possible that the early damage was from over-watering? Looks a bit like what happened to me a while back. Anyways, it looks like they have recovered nicely :)

Big D



I love AK 48. Nice on the recovery! Lookin good now... I will be interested to see how the tops turn out. If you get roots on those I will be impressed!

Good luck! D...

Big D

Hey Buddy!

Hey Buddy!

No man, I'm not saying that your cuts wont root. I never had any success with tops that young... but it could have been just me. But I think if they don't make it you can still take cuts when you flower um and they show sex. So no worries.

What are your temps in your cloning chamber? I would suggest that you dont let them get above 74f.

Here are some pics of some AK 48 I grew in 06. It is not the cherry pheno(I dont know what happened to those pics) but a nice frosty one none the less. I will keep an eye on this grow and help you identify the pheno you want that cherry!

Later...Edit: I have no idea how far along these are


nice plants...i just checked the temps..its 80-81f....nice and warm,and humid..I would assume theyr in a perfect environment for growing roots..also,Ive read that a indicator that they have roots is when the leaves start to yellow..one of my clones is starting to yellow..no roots visible however..its been 6-7 days since I took the cuttings...how long should it take?...another week maybe?...

Big D

For me it takes anywhere from 4 to 14 days depending on the strain. I have never heard about the yellow leaf indicator... but I will tell you like I said in my previous post, from my experience 80 degrees is alittle warm. 74 degrees is perfect. I would get those temps down so that the stems dont turn to mush on you. Atleast 78 would make a big difference.


ok..im just starting to flower..ima give them a 36 hour dark period,which started right now,then continue with the 12/12 and start giving them the bloom nutes,with added big bud for the extra p-k..which will further "force" them to start flowering..am I good to go?

Also,does the dark period HAVE to be completely sealed from light leaks?Ofcourse its not gonna be bright in there,with the doors closed,its fairly dark in there..but just to be sure,Ima hang a curtain over the doors..to prevent any further light leaks...but lets say a TINY amount of light enters them during the dark cyle...does this auctomatically stressed them,and turns them hermies?

Is a LITTLE TINY amount of dim light FINE?


i have a quick question..would it be better to keep my clones under 24 hour light with a 23w cfl..or can i just use indirect wondwol sill light fore them to root?..all i need is for them to root,while being as simple as i can..so will they root fine with the indirect windowwill sunlight?....and if they by chance start to flower..can i just revert them back to veg with 24hour 6500k lighting?....

Big D

Mob, yeah you need total darkness when lights are off... NO light leaks! And clones need 24 hour light.

Something I did not notice last night ( I must have been really tired,lol ) those rapid rooters you are using for seedlings are not good. They are OK ( I guess, I would not use them at all ) for clones but not for seeds. That is where your problems early on came from I think. I used those once some years ago and the same thing happened to me. I would just plant your seeds right in the soil. And for clones get peat pucks... just my 2cents.



the thing is theres NO WAY to make my closet 100% lightproof..however i have blkankets over the doors taped up nicely..the doors themselves are soild ( the light leaks comes from the edges of the doors)..the plant themselves are under my t5,which has ALOT of shirts over it,making it further shaded...it gets DARK in here,but im not sure its EXACTLY 100% light proof..would a TINY amount of light afftc anything too bad...i undertsnad i you can clearly see some light hitting the plants,then its bad,but when i get in there,and turn off the lights..its pretty damn dark,with no light hitting the plants...am i goods to gO?


Yeah man your gonna have to fix that! They have to have total darkness

i understand that..but the light leak is DEF not direct light,or even indirect light..IF there IS even a light leak,its just the "glow" of my tv and my computer monitor,no sinlight,no cfls...NOTHING...just my monitor and tv in my room being on...the doors themsleves are just nornmal closet sliding doors,the ones with the mirrors...the only light leaks im afraid of are through the cracks of the doors,..and I hund and tapes some dark blue blankets over the doors...to further prevent any light....on top of it,the plants are "shileded" by ALOT of shirts which are hund in the closet..further shading them...so is it fair to say that my battle with light leaks is over?..:dueling:

im doing alot of reasearch into the topic..ad its very mixed..some say NO lights AT ALL..some say no direct or indirect light,such as sunlight,cfls,indacent...so is the glow of my tv and cpu ENOUGH to effect the plants,when the only light leak in question is TINY,and has blankets taped over them...


you need to look up weather stripping and how it is used. seal up the small seams in your door with it. this will require you to install an intake port for air since it will pretty much air tight since it is light proof. dark room louvres or curved pieces of PVC work well for light proof intakes. buying a replacement door at home depot is cheap and easy to modify.

if you want to flower in your closet this is an absolutely essential step. even if you think the light leak is minor the plants will mind very much when that light persists for hours and they will hermie the hell out. but for veg it is not much of an issue.

there have been a million and one threads of people showing their setups in closets. search around, check some out, and get some ideas on sealing up your door and creating an intake port.