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You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Oh well I said to myself, why not if anyone is interested
I am starting mine now,
btw it is an afghani, now time will tell.



Active member
hey hydro, i was just wondering if you were gonna post a link for your soup grow. I would watch it. I have always liked afghani, and want to see just how small it can go.
Thanks alot guys! I will post photo's of the finished product it's about 2 1/4 grams or at least enough for 2 good J's. I will probally just edit the picts into this post.

I am also going to be looking into getting into Hydrofome's 1Qt Hydro Grow, so look for me there!



Active member
I was wondering if there was anybody still workin on these. I still got mine going. Thought I'd give the thread a little bump with my latest picture. Enjoy.


New member
I have one baby sprouting right now, I'm starting it under a cfl, then moving to my balcony.

Ill borrow somebody's digi and take pics.


New member
Actually I have two growing. One sprouting and one of 3 days...I will be keeping them under cfl, for another ten days and then planting them on my balcony...I
have mine in 3 oz plastic white drinking cups.

strain is unknown.

(I'm not competing I'm just having alittle expirement)

how does a miniature SCROG sound? That's what I'm going to be doing :muahaha:
Last edited:


Active member
Well, I have some bad news folks. The 1oz is no more. My cat and I were gardening this morning, And he jumped up and knocked over my shotglass along with a couple more clones. When the shotty fell over it broke the stem right near the soil level. Far beyond repair, so i chopped it, and its hanging/drying right now. The wet weight of it was 2.5 grams trimmed, so Im hoping still to get about a gram from it, enough to roll a joint at least. She was around 40days or so, so its gonna be pretty immature buds, that much I know for sure. Oh well, maybe the next time I get clones Ill try it again.



ICMag Donor
hi all

Having already completed the 1oz shot glass challenge while breeding (lol) it is great to see so many people now enthusically taking part in this task. The quality of the entries keeps getting better and better with every grow shown so far (not to discredit those growing on the start of the thread that put up some nice plants). The overall standard, on 1oz shot glass container, is now operating at the correct capacity so that the results can be fairly judged.

The various methods being used by micro-growers here on ICMag shows great use of innovation and intuition. The method is also slowly starting to filter-down onto other canna-sites across the web (we've noticed at least one thread in dedication to this one on another forum already); suggesting that a new precedence in 1oz shot glass growing has now been set by the ICMag gang.

We are really very impressed with the dedication shown to the discipline so far... hehe (no seriously we are impressed). Keep this standard up and IC will maintain its image as the next best thing since sliced bread (overgrow.com).

Remember, action makes change, and a shot glass fits into a shoebox at night!

Full credit to the thread starter for this little piece of enlightenment.

peace out
dLeaf :joint:

When they say, they can't do it,, there is always a good chance that you can :wink:


ICMag Donor
Some of these quotes are classics :biglaugh:

b10narybud said:
no shit..they were out of the cheap 2 dollar roll and I had to get the name brand 7 dollar roll..but it was bigger..and its worth it...
this things coming along nicely..

b10narybud said:
my shotglass was wet last night, now this morning my seedling looks dead and the soil is dry as bone. im getting really really pissed.

CannerBahnoid said:
To be fair to other participants and since I rarely cheat/lie/steal.. I measured another duplicate container and it comes to roughly 1.12 Oz..

The Dopest said:
you guys arent veggin long enough :moon:

easyskanking said:
Cool so you'll get seeds off of that little thing. Some nice tiny genetics there. I wonder if they'll grow tiny just like the mom.

Farmer John said:
My shotglass grow dried and died while I was in Amsterdam lmao, at least I had a bud waiting for me when I got home...

Hydrofome420 said:
And there were those who thought we could not flower a plant in such a small container.

lol, people actually got buds from these grows. amazing

Thanks for the enjoyment all :D
peace out
dLeaf :joint:


awesome i just got back here and i'm real impressed did any body try a 30 or 50 ml syringe body with braided thread through the needle hole as a wick system and a little piece of 1/8 black drippertube with pinholes as a micro airstone you could put it a 12oz plastic cup as a master resivoir[sp] ...

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