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Off the shelf retail store screw-in LED and CFL bulb comparisons


Well-known member
Wow repuk that looks like some great stuff!

What's the effect on these, do they differ from other breaders mediocre and bland high?


Altruistic Hazeist
:thank you: guys!

-TheShortTexan- She didn't that previous run... but foxtailed like crazy this one, I'd say it's a sign of plant wellbeing, stress-free flowering on sativas. Some Tops had single foxtails 2+ inches long... look at the top right and top left colas:


BruceBanner: Kalichakra effect is clean and cerebral, very spiritual, body-wise you feel comfy and very "receptive", any stimuli is amped and enjoyed... great to be smoked by two ;) Gentle Sativa high, suitable for sharing with not hardened smokers without panic episodes.

Landing is very relaxed, I'd say is a great afternoon smoke. Peace and Love weed suits her like a glove :)

For a grower is easy to fall in love with her: thrive under SILs, clones root in days, extremely vigorous, pest resilient, and generous yields. Stands heat, drought, cold... these latest years Mandala improved her a lot on aromas, previous (2008) tasted like hay or mangoish-mint.

Beyond The Brain on the other hand is so clean the first time you don't realize you're high. Great daytime weed, mood and body enhancer, great motivational effect, you clinch to chores all day without being bored a second, with great energy. Absolutely clean landing, though you may feel naturally tired from all the chores achieved :biggrin:
More potent than Kalichakra.
The kind of weed that makes you feel smarter and actually think in a different way (lateral thinking?) great for problem solving, creativity, art, etc.
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Smoke weed and prosper
Some people have suggested that foxtailing is part genetics, part heatstress. I think it's absolutely beautiful.
Your plants look amazing man!


Well-known member
Those Kalichakras look really good, a nice mix of large and small trichomes. How does the smell and flavor compare to the previous runs with different light source?

I've had foxtailing during heat stress, but it's very common in the sativa dominant strains, especially under higher kelvin light.


Altruistic Hazeist
:thank you: Gantz and psyphish!

Temps were perfect by the time she started foxtailing, about 25C max. She has been heat stressed on latest 4-5 days (tent shut now, impossible to grow anything inside now) but by that time the foxtails were already there.

Some (purest) sativas flower that way, collection of foxtails instead of bud sites, see pics by Terpene, e.g. this Honduras


latest "Green variation" by c64 on the Free Your Budshots thread, or for an extreme example, Kaskadian's ACE Purple Haze x Honduras grow.

The less sativa leaning hybrid phenos will foxtail only from certain height onwards, sometimes only on tops; the purest sativa leaning phenos flower that way from the bottom up.

For me, it's a sign that means really sativa leaning hybrids are thriving, i.e. grow is nailed in for them.

I mean, for those plants that have the potential of flowering this way, this pheno expression means the plant has a perfect environment for her.

psyphish: smell developed much earlier this time, already reeking at week 3d, instead of 7-8th previous time. It's been consistent on all my LED based grows; they tend to be the most aromatic ones, and aroma seems to be "burnt through" at slower rates vs HPS.

I used this Kelvin setup:


Had to source SILs at different wattages than planned, real life figures:
2700K 11W x 10 = 110W
5000K 15W x 6 = 90W
6500K 13W x 4 = 92W

292W total.

Just realized the actual power, had 240W total in my mind :biggrin: still with these revised figures, I'm sure I surpassed 1gpw. By volume. yield is equal or more than the 400HPS yield...

Used high K mainly to prevent stretch (it helps!) and promote frost (it helps!) and seemingly promote this foxtailing explosion.
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I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Med Tree Seeds Mystery Punch (skittles x purple punch) at roughly 10 week chop:


More collections of foxtails :biggrin: Super Silver Haze x (Ace Mauritius x Ethiopian) at 19 week chop:

who says low wattage LEDs cant produce nice colas?


Active member
That mystery punch... :bow:

That color is insane.

The foxtailing on that kaliChakra has gotta one of the prettier things nature does in cannabis. I had never seen that before this thread.
Some of the best buds I've ever had foxtailed. Got my hands on cotton candy a few years back, it honestly looked like a ball of cat hair, but man was she potent.


Altruistic Hazeist
Just sampled her yesterday... buds seem to shrink more once dried than those grown under HPS. Once grinded though, gains more volume.

I grinded one of the foxtails and a "normal" bud... felt like grinder was full of sugar. Fingers stuck to everything.

Seems to pack more potency than previous run :woohoo:




Altruistic Hazeist
noknees: regarding brands, you usually get what you pay for. GE, Philips, Osram, seem to be good quality brands with different "sweetspots" regarding ºK, Watts and price.

Personally I've found total wattage to be really related to space. You should aim at creating a ceiling of homogeneous light intensity.

So once you decide on total wattage and design on how to spread it, it really boils down to decide between whatever offer you can source the cheapest with better quality, which usually restricts offer to your available ones locally.

Aim for 30W per sq feet and proceed from there.

The sweet spots are usually at the 9-17W range. Tip: The more LED chip count in the SIL, the better.
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i'll be testing a few bulbs here in the near future.

just checked out the wm/gv 13.5W @5k

first two pulled exactly 13.5 from the wall, and read what you'd expect on the lux meter

16 chips in a ring around the outside
Wasn't sure if I uploaded this pic right so I'm just gonna send this and c what happens. But anyways this was a plant I grew from bag seed about 6 months ago. Had roughly 160w of sil's with one 13w UVB bulb for more trich production. It's in a 5 gal tote and got fox farms nutes. Vegged for roughly 5 weeks and sadly I only got to flower her 47 days but the final results were pretty good. Pulled 105 grams of dry herb and just super sticky. I've got some new girls going now. One is 3 weeks into flower and the other 2 go into flower today. All grown under sils and these plants r just beastin. I'm expecting at least half a pound from each plant. Plants r short and bushy with 100+ tops. Dont have a trellis so I just do LST and supercrop. And I've been feeding them the advanced nutrient trio set and they seem to be loving it. I also got fox farms organic nutes but the advanced nutes r better and u can get them for roughly the same price. I'll upload more photos of my last crop and get some new ones of my previous girls.


Altruistic Hazeist

Opening the link works, trying to display the picture inline with the post doesn't for me, did you set the album as public?

Surrounding the picture with url blocks:


Should display it inline with the post. In my signature you have links to guides on how to upload/post pictures.

It certainly looks dank! :tiphat: is that pic from chop time? how was the smoke?

noknees said:
i'll be testing a few bulbs here in the near future.

just checked out the wm/gv 13.5W @5k

first two pulled exactly 13.5 from the wall, and read what you'd expect on the lux meter

16 chips in a ring around the outside

Sounds spot on... Price? pictures w/o the dome, are great to document and to spot white brands...


Chemon 91
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Med - I love this image :laughing: What is the max wattage rating on those sockets / max wattage per string? This may be the most ghetto fabulous way of maximally lighting an area (while still remaining more or less adjustable) :good:


2 for an buck 1200 lumen 2700k 12 socket light string
