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Off the shelf retail store screw-in LED and CFL bulb comparisons


Knight of the BlackSvn
How long till finish bro.....those are awesome....They`d get my vote.....is that coco and perlite you`re feeding 3 times a day ?....anyways.....

Good work and good luck.....


:thank you:

They should be done in less than a week, the pistils are giving one last flush and the trichomes are starting to cloud up. They are in perlite and vermaculite and are getting watered that often by hand. The internal res is so small, they will dry out without it. I started once a day, then twice, now up to three.

But that's not my secret to success. My secret is the environment. They are getting their own light, not thrown in with my normal flowering room in the corner. The cab is exchanging air 2x/minute, min/max temperatures are within 10°F, and RH% kept around 60% for veg and 40-50% for flower. Someone has been taking notes. :scripture:


Smoke weed and prosper
Has anyone measured the temperature on a bulb (no diffuser) after 12 or 24h of continuous lighting I'm curious how hot its parts get. Heat is not just an enemy to your plants but to your grow environment as well.


Well-known member
i'm finishing up my 1st run with led's, and the temperatures are literally way cool
i used to run 78w in a 1.2 sqft - 3 foot high grow chamber, pc fan kept it ok, could get warm
now with 27w of led's it's never above room temperature
might even be able to grow fan-less when room temps drop with the cooler weather
I can see how that would happen reikox sometimes when im holding something my hands seem to give up for lack of a better term and drop stuff. I havent taken measurements gantz but they definitely feel hotter to the touch then cfls but at the same time chambers that leds are in seem to run cooler and need less ventilation. Been over a week running tandem veg chambers with cfls and screw in leds and growth rates seem identical. Careful touching the leds i burned the piss out of my finger when i accidentally touched a diode.
I'm going to do a tandem side by side comparison of the leds and a 400w hortilux super hps and report back in a few months if anybodys interested in the results. Grow will be with the same strain kandy kush, same medium/nutes/feeding schedule and same age/size plants.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
The screw-in LED's are definitely nowhere near as hot as CFL's. I can grab a 9.5w one and unscrew it without burning myself. Now, the 15w ones are a bit hot. lol I really like the GE ones and they're nearly as hot as a 24w CFL. I'm unable to hold a 15w when it's hot.

Dropping stuff? Hands just giving out? Your back is out of alignment and it's affecting the nerves which go out to your hands. Do some research in your area and find a GOOD chiropractor, one highly recommended by a lot of people. (there are plenty of hacks in the cannabis AND chiropractic communities) Get adjusted and build up an exercise routine which strengthens the muscles in that spot. :)

Go be awesome! :DSave


Hi all,

Was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for LED's to go in a PC case? Any examples with pictures would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance gents


New member
Thanks blinx

Thanks blinx

Thanks blinx I'm loving these leds ,
I had such heat issues with my 400w hps in my small grow cab and I'm sure my pocket will feel better for the power Bill too.

And Turpene your bud pics really gave me inspiration that this could be good cheers dude!!






Active member
Hi guys,

this is the box at 35 days from seeds! I think in this 48h i wanna switch to 12-12.



sorry if the plants are low but I have just irrigated :biggrin:

For now this 3000°K are so good! I can not wait to see the bloom!

I love Led Bulb xD

Hi to all,
Slevin :tiphat:
Damn, what did you do, you crucified those babies like that straight from seedling?

By the way they look, thought they were revegged after a total harvest or something
Awesome thread, love it! But when did it become about box design? I thought it was about light efficiency result comparisons between LEDs and CFLs?? :)


Knight of the BlackSvn
Damn, what did you do, you crucified those babies like that straight from seedling?

By the way they look, thought they were revegged after a total harvest or something

I believe he's using the mainlining technique developed by Nugbuckets.


Smoke weed and prosper
Lotus like mainlining to me. Quite a nice technique. KIF mate you should look into that. It's good stuff.
Or you can come back in a month or two to this thread. The pictures will blow your mind.:tiphat:


Well-known member
Okay I've got a mini-grail plant!

Even far from being ripe and fast dried in oven, it's effect is already better than 3+ months aged ACE Panama, Sugarloaf, Lilly, Queen Mother, which are all mediocre in effect even cobb cured, not to be misunderstood, they are better than today street weed, but not better than streetweed we had here in Serbia till about year 2000. Compared to grails we had in those times, this mini-grail plant would count just like good to very good, but not as grail...

Coffee I named her, I've got lucky to get her from seeds sent from Durango Mexico (thanks to dezman), she is superb in every aspect except for yield. Effect is overwhelming and full, you are baked but not stoned, and has that rich quality that none of the listed ones had. Inhale is pretty light, but exhale can be cough, tastes like some dark green pine bush.

This female differs from the two Durango males I had, they both smelled like poo when rubbing stem, the female not, more like some vegetable perfume with just a faint hint of poo deep in the background lol like a real lady hahahahaha
Now she fills the room with coffee like smell and is just enough stealthy. As you can see I've pollinated her, but going to reveg her also, because it seems that such satisfying plants are very rare these days.

The two Czech sativa, effect is not yet enough pronounced, but I think they will not be too shabby...
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Well-known member
Here is the male I've used for pollinating, had identical stature as the female (left in pic), but stem rubbing was pure poo :D

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