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Obama's drug czar declares marijuana has no medical value

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
The drug czar is just a PR shill for the federal government. What he says is irrelevant. Has nothing to do with policy, other than just stating it yet again. It's a nice thought that he's purposely making the government look foolish by spouting off with the same old song and dance. But I don't think he's that smart. Or that sympathetic to the cause. If he sounds stupid and childish, it's just the nature of his message. How can what he is required to say sound any different? He's just a civil servant doing his job, biding his time till a new administration puts him out of a job.


Well, here's someone that looks at the same set of facts, and comes to a totally different conclusion than most here:

That's basically what I was trying to say in much fewer words. The drug czar just gave us a huge stockpile of figurative ammunition in the fight against the WOD. It's now up to us to use it wisely.

I'm sure Senator Webb is listening closely, and he has already stated that his commission on prison overpopulation is already looking at cannabis legalization as a partial solution.

Senator Webb Introduces Bill to Overhaul America's Criminal Justice System:


Active member
One can certainly grow corn without buying Monsanto corn. But there is obviously some reason why farmers want that particular set of genetics over all the heirloom varieties that they could plant without the hassle that Monsanto requires you agree to in order to grow theirs.

In reality, the heirloom varieties are all in danger of being contaminated by pollen from monsanto crops. The methods monsanto used to create their genetically modified corn, soy and other products makes it extremely viral in nature.

Over 200 varieties of specialized corn in Mexico is in danger now. The U.S. so gallantly donated tons of gmo corn to the people and they're planting it. Eventually those varieties will all be GMO garbage. GMO is not good for food.

I'd be pissed if monsanto pollen got into my crops. Thanks.


cant stop wont stop
Not to turn this anymore political than it already is but -


Obama was and is involved in many scandals way before his nomination for president.
Yeah theres change people and let me tell you its not headed for the better.

bout time for a revolution, not just for cannabis but for the TRUTH


You know obamas campaign can teach us a lot, if a black dude like him can convince america that he's their savior then why shouldn't a REAL grassroots campaign be successful? As the status quo of government control is not changing anytime soon how about we find a real American who will repeal the patriot act for the next election? We've defenitely got numbers, and plenty of money to donate for a real campaign.

Or maybe I'm just dreaming.

We can march on the white house or we can help elect someone like a Ron Paul or a Ralph Nader, both of whom are for decriminalization. They are shrills however. Nader and Paul tell us what is wrong with our govt policies priorities but don't raise the money necessary to compete for the presidency, as Obama and every successful presidential candidate has, in order to change them. How can the average American take a Nader and a Ron Paul seriously? Folks say: "Yeah we agree with 'em but they don't stand a chance. I ain't gonna waste my vote".
AND why have'nt any organization challenged the constitutionality of the 1937 law againgst marijuana? Now that would be one hell of a march ..........on the supreme court, no less.


gets some
We can march on the white house or we can help elect someone like a Ron Paul or a Ralph Nader, both of whom are for decriminalization. They are shrills however. Nader and Paul tell us what is wrong with our govt policies priorities but don't raise the money necessary to compete for the presidency, as Obama and every successful presidential candidate has, in order to change them. How can the average American take a Nader and a Ron Paul seriously? Folks say: "Yeah we agree with 'em but they don't stand a chance. I ain't gonna waste my vote".
AND why have'nt any organization challenged the constitutionality of the 1937 law againgst marijuana? Now that would be one hell of a march ..........on the supreme court, no less.

That, my friend, is a self fulfilling prophecy. What you may be missing is that the vast majority of money raised by "successful presidential candidates" comes from the pockets of corporate and special interest lobbyists seeking to curry favor with the President. This is why they donate to all of the "top tier" candidates. It's called hedging your bet. Want to know why Obama won't do much of anything to change the cannabis climate? Go to opensecrets.org and see how much campaign money he received from pharmaceutical companies! Always, always follow the money. It tells you everything you need to know. Unfortunately the PEOPLE will never be able to donate enough money to counter the deep pockets of the lobbyists, at least without some major shift in how Americans behave. Most don't pay enough attention to the elections to even know who's running. They are dazzled by the mass media and empty promises (sounds about like Obama doesnt it?) and march off to vote for who the media told them to vote for. Ron Paul? Naaaa he's a kook, ignore him. Vote the guy with the private plane instead! He'll have your best interests in mind :wallbash:

(In that light, Paul's $35million from solely private donations seems pretty impressive. Just a lot more people have to start paying attention, thinking for themselves, and cracking open their bank accounts. YEAH RIGHT)


Active member
i'm sure mccain woulda been way nicer; at least they're leaving the medical clubs alone.. personally i'd take a half full glass over a half empty one but that's just me :joint:


Not to turn this anymore political than it already is but -


Obama was and is involved in many scandals way before his nomination for president.
Yeah theres change people and let me tell you its not headed for the better.

bout time for a revolution, not just for cannabis but for the TRUTH



in the thick of it
I'm not suprised that a politrickster has lied to the people. It's their bread & butter.
Once Americans understand that they're on the same team and we're not on their team. All of us honest hard working suckers who pay out the ass in taxes and at the pump and at the grocery store and on & on & on.
So it sucks for the folks who could use the mmj. They don't want us healing ourselves because its not profitable for the pharma companies or the government.
I'm conservative and McCain would have sucked ass too.


I love it when officials from my own government make public statements that I know from years of personal experience to be pure and complete bullshit. It makes me so mad I almost want to cry.

My life post-pharma with cannabis as my main medicine has been richer, fuller, more enjoyable, and overall much more worth living. In other words, I don't want to die anymore. I like being alive.

When I was treating my bipolar disorder with the dozens of offerings from Lilly, Pfizer, et al, I was fucking MISERABLE. The medications in most cases exacerbated my symptoms and brought with them new ones. Lamictal rash, anyone? How about a little tardive dyskenesia (i.e. whole-body twitching that sometimes is permanent) from atypical antipsychotics? Let's not talk about the month of my life I lost to an Effexor mania. And that shit is really expensive. $400 a month sometimes, even with insurance. I had to work a job I loathed just to keep insurance so I could keep taking medication that made me miserable. I absolutely hated being alive.

7 years ago Dr. Tod Mikuriya gave me the best medical advice I've ever received from a doctor regarding my bipolar disorder. He listened to my story, took off his glasses, looked me in the eye and said in the most doctorly way possible - "get off the pharmaceuticals completely, change your diet, exercise every day, get a new job if you have to, and use cannabis constantly, especially before exercise".

It took me several years to build up the courage to actually put that advice into practice, the misery we know being better than the misery we don't know and all. I was truly scared to get off the pharms. But his prescription is the only one that has EVER brought me true relief. PERIOD.

Not only that, but the cultivation of my own herb keeps me on a strict daily schedule that people with bipolar disorder desperately need. Even when I feel like complete garbage, I still work in my garden. Sometimes it's the only thing I can manage to do with my day. I can't hold down a regular job for shit, but my garden is a thing of beauty and a verdant picture of health, and a constant inspiration and joy to me.

I've been close to ending my own life on more than one occasion because of the symptoms and aftermath of my bipolar disorder. I'm just now beginning to realize that maybe I'm not so sick after all - perhaps in a system where people like me are denied a medication that can truly help them and are only offered alternatives that make them feel even worse, the system is sick, not me. I thank God every single day, every time I use my precious herb, that I live in a state that allows me to take care of my own medical needs without fear of prison. I wish everyone, everywhere had the same opportunity.

I use the flowers from a harmless, natural herb to stay alive. Fuck you, Kerlikowske. You're a liar.


I appreciate the link Itsgrowtime. Nader & Paul only got about $40MM together while the donkey and elephant got over a BILLION $$. How can the "good"guys compete? My only criticism of the so called "good" guys is that they are not hungry enuff for the white house to double deal some of these big donors. But then u cant be a good guy and be dupliticious, can you? However even Obama scored the web for millions from small scale donors. He understood that in order to compete and to win, despite his race, he had to get the top $$. Now he's kowtowing to the big donors. If we want to have the good guys in the final round, we have got to get the big $$ out of the elections. We, ordinary citizens, must advocate for public campaign finance to level the political playing field. And the new media........forget about equal airtime......they never tell the whole truth anyway.....and they are biased to the candidate they like.
Hey Pondelfthndside, I would love to see you take on that person from the DEA. Personal experience to blow that BS out of the water. Lies, lies, lies, and Pravda (the news media) is probably egging him on too.


Lammen Gorthaur
I hate to say, "I told you so," but I told you so.

Not only are these liberal lions giving us the finger, but they laugh at you because they know they can count on your vote, just as I have been telling you.

Don't believe me?


Here's the latest on Rasumussen Reports. There is a $13 billion windfall associated with legalizing marijuana, but Obama's fuckhead drug czar is quoted in this piece along with his insistence that is it is useless.

How many times do we have to listen to the bullshit about Republicans fucking over marijuana users? How many times? How many will it take before we realize that the Democrats ARE NEVER GOING TO LEGALIZE MARIJUANA BECAUSE THEY WOULD LOSE YOUR VOTES. DUH.

I've said it until I have turned blue in the face, if we want marijuana legalized we are going to have to find a way past our stupid opinionated prejudices and apologize to conservatives for all of the shit we have laid upon their doorstep and create an organized, long-term campaign to win them over.

Or, we could continue calling them names and they will view us as their enemies and continue to put us in jail. Retarded...


I hate to say, "I told you so," but I told you so.

Not only are these liberal lions giving us the finger, but they laugh at you because they know they can count on your vote, just as I have been telling you.

Don't believe me?


Here's the latest on Rasumussen Reports. There is a $13 billion windfall associated with legalizing marijuana, but Obama's fuckhead drug czar is quoted in this piece along with his insistence that is it is useless.

How many times do we have to listen to the bullshit about Republicans fucking over marijuana users? How many times? How many will it take before we realize that the Democrats ARE NEVER GOING TO LEGALIZE MARIJUANA BECAUSE THEY WOULD LOSE YOUR VOTES. DUH.

I've said it until I have turned blue in the face, if we want marijuana legalized we are going to have to find a way past our stupid opinionated prejudices and apologize to conservatives for all of the shit we have laid upon their doorstep and create an organized, long-term campaign to win them over.

Or, we could continue calling them names and they will view us as their enemies and continue to put us in jail. Retarded...

Why apologize to conservatives? We the people are supposed to be in control of this country.... You don't think conservatives would lose votes? This is a two party dictatorship , pitting people against each other over a government that's not exactly doing what the people want. So you apologize all you want. I personally think they(Both Dems and Reps) should be apologizing to us.

::Quick Edit::

Don't see why anyone would be suprised that the "Drug Czar" would say it had no medicinal value. It's pretty obvious that's what he was hired to do. Until(if ever) it changes on the federal level. It's his in his job description.


He may be 'doing his job', but that doesn't make him any less of a fucking liar. He said that shit with his own two man lips, nobody put a tape recorder in his mouth.

A lot of evil has been done in this world by people who were just "doing their job". Flat out lying to an entire nation about the efficacy of a natural medication that can help so many and that anyone can produce for themselves, and by extension of that lie keeping it illegal the world over, is fucking evil, pure and simple. This man is using his life force, his mind, his voice to make sure people stay strung out on the chemicals that financed his boss' run for office.

I'm not apologizing to anyone who actively tries to take away the one medication that makes my life livable. No sir, it's the other way around. I want an apology for being lied to, promised relief from chemicals that made my life situation exponentially worse, and for being forced to abide a system that eschews facts, compassion and common sense in favor of corporate profits.

I'll say it again. Fuck Gil Kerlikowske. And everyone who tries to forcibly remove relief from peoples hands. Fuck them all.


Registered Non-Conformist
It is true, I must admit, there has been no continued raids on Medi-clubs in SF, as far as I know...

I really hope it is a second-term thing. EVERYONE READING THIS MUST VOTE>>>>!!!!!