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I'd say you're wasting your vote by voting for the other candidates. they don't care or know how to run the country and what america was built on, they all serve special interests and are power hungry money grabbers. Do what's right for the country and vote by principle. people have said all along (even people who want Ron Paul in) that he has no chance so it's not worth voting for him. if everyone actually stuck to their guns and voted on principle then he'd have a better chance!


Tokermon said:
I'd say you're wasting your vote by voting for the other candidates. they don't care or know how to run the country and what america was built on, they all serve special interests and are power hungry money grabbers. Do what's right for the country and vote by principle. people have said all along (even people who want Ron Paul in) that he has no chance so it's not worth voting for him. if everyone actually stuck to their guns and voted on principle then he'd have a better chance!

I was all for it until he lost the GOP nomination. And if me not voting for who I want to vote for, keeps someone like McCain out of presidency where me voting for who I want would put him into it, I am voting to make sure McCain isn't going to be president.

That is as good as making sure I vote by principle. Let me put it to you this way, if you could have prevented everything we went through with Bush, by NOT voting for Ron Paul (if it was bush and not mccain in the running lets say), would you still vote for Ron Paul if it meant everything we have gone through in the last 8 years would happen all over again?

I sure as hell wouldn't.


I'm sorry but thats just a stupid way to vote. I call that a wasted vote.

BTW Obama is no different than McCain. You ever look at their voting records?


gets some
Koroz said:
As for Ron Paul, eh, I know Ron Paul fanatics are still hoping, but its over. It really is guys. Even he says so: Here is a QA he did with Newsweek:

<quote from Ron Paul about miracles>

McCain has over the 1191 delegetes needed to win the GOP. Ron paul has what? at best 42? I am sorry, but its time to put away the dream for this year and start working on reality and figuring out how we are going to stop maniacs like McCain and Clinton 2.0 from taking over our country.

Actually the miracle is underway already. Paul supporters are winning delegate spots across the country, overwhelmingly in some areas. McCain has approximately 690 "pledged" delegates. Stop believing everything CNN tells you.


ItsGrowTime said:
Actually the miracle is underway already. Paul supporters are winning delegate spots across the country, overwhelmingly in some areas. McCain has approximately 690 "pledged" delegates. Stop believing everything CNN tells you.

Considering your Canidate, who was also my canidate LAUGHED at the question about how his supporters still thinks he has a chance, and then said he still tries everyday to keep them grounded in reality tells me more then your post which is not backed up with any fact at all.

I don't watch major news sorry, cnn, fox, or msnbc.


I'm sorry but thats just a stupid way to vote. I call that a wasted vote.

BTW Obama is no different than McCain. You ever look at their voting records?

yes I have, and you can call it wasting the vote all you want. Bottom line is this presidency for me is about keeping the guy I consider the WORST out of office, because the guy I consider the best has no real chance... at his own admission. Now quit skirting the question. I ask again.

If you knew that Voting for Ron this primary was going to lead to another 8 years of Bush style goverment, yet voting for a canidate who would win, other then Bush 2.0, would you allow our country to go through it just so you can stick to your guns?

If you answer yes, then sorry you don't care about this country.. you care about some imaginary "honor" that means exactly jack and squat when it comes down to the health of our country.
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No matter the situation I would vote for the candidate based on his policy's that solve the issues that matter to me. So yes I would vote for Ron Paul because after all its Ron Paul and 3 other candidates that are all the same Obama, Hillary, and McCain. If you don't want McCain than why do you want Obama or Hillary?
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gets some
Koroz said:
Considering your Canidate, who was also my canidate LAUGHED at the question about how his supporters still thinks he has a chance, and then said he still tries everyday to keep them grounded in reality tells me more then your post which is not backed up with any fact at all.

I don't watch major news sorry, cnn, fox, or msnbc.

Why is it my job to show you the facts? If you aren't motivated enough to find the facts for yourself then I guess that's your problem. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink...





Deft said:
Voting for who you think can win, thats how you waste your vote.. Vote for who you want to win.

Fuck democrats
Fuck republicans
Vote based on person, not party.

Short & sweet. Well said Deft

Lune TNS

If you don't want McCain than why do you want Obama or Hillary?

C'mon, I know that you're smart enough not to need these.

Not trying to be a dick, but seriously, how many pages until you at least understand why so many of us are voting for Obama? He doesn't WANT Obama, he's voting for the lesser of evils, just like I am. Ron Paul is not going to win this election, he has NO CHANCE. You have 2 real choices at this point:
1)A pretty bad President
2)A horrible President who will utterly destroy our country

Sorry, but at this point in this election, RP is a pipedream, nothing more. HE. CAN. NOT. WIN.

Sorry, but you guys who actually think he has a chance sound like my 10 year old niece who wants to be a doctor, lawyer, model, and astronaut when she grows up.... sorry kiddo, life doesn't work like that.

Now if you vote for Paul out of principle, that's an entirely different issue. He still won't win, but at least your voice gets heard. Unfortunately, you voice getting heard doesn't make much of a difference here.

I don't even get why we're talking about RP here, isn't this thread about Obama?


Active member
Nevermind, Barack Obama Wants to Arrest Marijuana Users After All
Posted in Chronicle Blog by Scott Morgan on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 10:19pm

For one brief glorious moment, we thought Barack Obama supported marijuana decriminalization. He said so in 2004 and his campaign reiterated it yesterday, only to subsequently retreat and pledge support for current marijuana laws.

At first, Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said that the candidate had "always" supported decriminalizing marijuana, suggesting his 2004 statement was correct. Then after the Times posted copies of the video on its Web site today, his campaign reversed course and declared he does not support eliminating criminal penalties for marijuana possession and use.

"If you're convicted of a crime, you should be punished, but that we are sending far too many first-time, non-violent drug users to prison for very long periods of time, and that we should rethink those laws," Vietor said. The spokesman blamed confusion over the meaning of decriminalization for the conflicting answers. [Washington Times]



Take care all,


gets some
^^^^ Thats a shocker. Lie your ass off to win the nomination then flip flop after and claim "misinterpretation". He's a typical politician and he's just an overachieving motivational speaker backed by the special interests (big pharma anyone?). I can't believe people fall for his bullshit.
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Active member
He's not that great of a speaker imo. If you really pay attention to the delivery he even falters with a prompter. He has nice words to say, sometimes (John F Kennedy's speech writer), but his delivery is for the most part lacking...if you know what to look for. He stumbles a lot vocally. I'm not saying he is the worst speaker, but, I am sure tired of people speaking like his speaking is equal to the second coming. I get the impression that without the nice words written for him and practiced (just like everyone else, I know) there wouldn't be much there there.

After one of his first national speeches...the first one I think...someone posted how effortlessly he spoke and without a prompter. He had a prompter that night and commentators noticed he didn't look forward and speak a single time and you could see his head darting back and forth from monitor to monitor (without speaking in between looks at the monitors). But the person making the post would probably argue with you today just because he believes what he thinks he saw.

Shrillary is even worse. I don't think there are two times I've seen her speak without a written copy in front of her for nearly constant reference.

And, to be completely fair. John McCain has faltered plenty of times himself.

But neither are they being held up as the greatest speakers since Socrates :redface:

Take care all,
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yeahhh, fidel for press! no script here, lol. and he speaks for 8 hours sometimes.

twisted treez

your all just tripping obama is the shit , stop hating, im tired of the shit that rush limbaugh and those stupid fuckers are doing shitting on his name , im so tired of the shit john mccain and the republicans are mind fucking everybody lie bush did with his anti gay and religous talk you guys are eating the cheese out of the mouse trap, vote obama and find out or vote mccain and when you westies get you pot back criminalized youll wish you didnt listen to the enemy


gets some
twisted treez said:
your all just tripping obama is the shit , stop hating, im tired of the shit that rush limbaugh and those stupid fuckers are doing shitting on his name , im so tired of the shit john mccain and the republicans are mind fucking everybody lie bush did with his anti gay and religous talk you guys are eating the cheese out of the mouse trap, vote obama and find out or vote mccain and when you westies get you pot back criminalized youll wish you didnt listen to the enemy

Uh....you did read the article above where Obama's camp clearly backtracked on his call to decriminalize, right? He's gotten everyone's votes already (well not mine, but still) so who cares now. It's not "hating". It's seeing the truth.

EDIT: I just noticed that the article is from Feb 1??? Where the hell was that hiding all this time? Jeez, I hope no one voted for him strictly for his "pro-mj" stance. They got big time duped.
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ItsGrowTime said:
Uh....you did read the article above where Obama's camp clearly backtracked on his call to decriminalize, right? He's gotten everyone's votes already (well not mine, but still) so who cares now. It's not "hating". It's seeing the truth.

EDIT: I just noticed that the article is from Feb 1??? Where the hell was that hiding all this time? Jeez, I hope no one voted for him strictly for his "pro-mj" stance. They got big time duped.

I think he is pro-marijuana, but he ain't getting elected being pro-marijuana. Still too many mis-informed Americans. If you watch his campaign videos on youtube he says that he is for regulation, not legalization, and protection of states rights, meaning he won't let the feds keep raiding approved patients.

I think if it was up to him it would be legal. Same with Ron Paul. But you saw how many haters showed up for Dr. Paul, that ol' loon.
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