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twisted treez

and king piff you believe all this that you believe because you were their , or thats what you have been told, no ron paul aint saving shit ,obama is the truth my friend.
heres some of what i kick,,,knowledge..
in this world everyone wants, they will lie steal and cheat to get, fake mutherfuckers want what we have because they have so little,battles are won battles are lost , in the end realness will be the last one standing..
obama ,, son, king pifff, yo,


go jack off to Wolf Blitzer you sound like a lil 12 year old.

And you graduated from where? Your qualified to speak on these subjects how? This is my last post in this thread. Every time someone tries to convey their opinion you Ron Paul threadjacking blow hards destroy what would be an otherwise useful exchange of ideas. Albeit, not sharing with your idea's. Kingpiff but you really are an over-bearing ass. An overbearing threadjacking ass. I used to think Ron Paul was cool. Till I met his followers. Im outta here. What a waste. You remind me of the religious assholes that try to shove certain beliefs down my throat.

A few posts ago you said, "why not vote for the republican" Thats where I knew you were a total idiot and I knew you didnt care about your country.. Your so blinded by this Ron Paul crap that you actually believe, no wait, you actually make crap up, just on the slim chance that maybe, just maybe someone will give into your sad ass thread jack and vote for Ron Paul.

I got news for you Mr Kingpoop. Your threadjacking has made you look like an asshole. Straight up. Personally, I'm sick of your over-bearing opinions. I couldnt give a rats ass what you think. I'll make my own mind up dude. Its called a democracy, or whats left of it. Try to remember this.....

when you try to shove your own beliefs down peoples throats, they will rebel. Just like now. Your no better than the Jehovah's Witness's that try to cram shit down my throat, or the republicans in office that do the same. When you slither off to the polls to vote for McCain, remember that your a traitor.


don't diss ron paul. he's the man. a politician that actually cares about the people and is not backed by special corporate interests like the rest are including obama.


Tokermon said:
don't diss ron paul. he's the man. a politician that actually cares about the people and is not backed by special corporate interests like the rest are including obama.

Im not, I really like Ron. I'm just sick of this bullshit. I think some of Ron Pauls followers hurt him more than anything.

I'm voting for the black man. At this stage of the game, it makes sense. Anyways, Ive unsubscribed. Have fun.


gets some
twisted treez said:
and king piff you believe all this that you believe because you were their , or thats what you have been told, no ron paul aint saving shit ,obama is the truth my friend.
heres some of what i kick,,,knowledge..
in this world everyone wants, they will lie steal and cheat to get, fake mutherfuckers want what we have because they have so little,battles are won battles are lost , in the end realness will be the last one standing..
obama ,, son, king pifff, yo,

So tell me, twisted treez, you wouldnt happen to be black would you? Call me crazy but blacks are voting for Obama only because he's black and speaks well like MLK. No other reason whatsoever. Remember how the black community just LOVED Bill Clinton? They called him the first black president even. Now his wife is running and all the black people are dissing her and voting for Obama. Deduction and reasoning can only lead one to believe that black people are only for Obama because he's black. Other than that, he and Hillary are practically the same. In reality, Obama is just another AIPAC-controlled empty suit. I just wish all the people that talk so highly of Obama actually had a clue about him. Funny how he's so anti-war but he continually votes to continue it and talks of bombing more countries. He's all about personal liberties yet has voted for the Patriot Act twice. Instead of jumping onto the racial bandwagon, take some time to look into his actual voting record. They are hoping you won't.
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I'm just speaking the truth to the people speaking the bullshit. I never intended to shove my own beliefs down anyone's throat nor did I make shit up. Its a thread about a politician what do you expect?


Registered Med User
Im not black, but if i could vote id vote obama. hillarry has some fucked up views on health care-Its against the law to not have it? that means im goin ta jail cuz i believe in natural remedys/homeapothy. I def aint fuckin wit repubs, Like folks said im goin ta canada that bitchass mofucka win... it dont matter anyway, these are the last for years till 12-21-2012, so regardless the world gon fuck up. Im just tryna get a lot a money and have some good times before then, fuck it. dont worry u republican bastards cuz I cant vote anyway, not for 2 more years..... Ima get some bad rep and good rep from this, I dont give uh fuck, Obama.


i wouldn't vote for Obama. it's a shame people are going with who they think will win instead of sticking to their preferred candidate. Don't people have principles nowadays? he knows fuck all about the economy, he just highlights peoples problems which makes people think he cares. lines such as 'peoples credit card bills are too high and i'm going to help you get lower rates', but he doesn't talk about monetary policy and the economy and how the dollar is worthless. he leaves a lot to be desired. he says 'the iraq war was unwise'. no shit, yet he won't actually bring them home any time soon and doesn't rule out bombing iran or sending troops into pakistan, he doesn't talk about bringing troops home from the other 700 bases dotted all over the world costing over a trillion dollars a year to maintain. he wants to spend more than any other candidate and over spending is why the dollar is crashing and people are worse off. it was set up to be like this ages ago. he and mccain see eachother often and give eachother support. he lied about the cfr plans. i'm sure he's a decent person but he doesn't know anything and will be easily swayed by special interests.
he's already had many donations from the corporate elite.
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Get two birds stoned at once
Voting for who you think can win, thats how you waste your vote.. Vote for who you want to win.

Fuck democrats
Fuck republicans
Vote based on person, not party.


ItsGrowTime said:
Call me crazy but blacks are voting for Obama only because he's black and speaks well like MLK.

You're crazy :) Obama's got nothing on MLK's oration skills. He just speaks better than every other bozo politician today.


Tokermon said:
i wouldn't vote for Obama. it's a shame people are going with who they think will win instead of sticking to their preferred candidate. Don't people have principles nowadays? he knows fuck all about the economy, he just highlights peoples problems which makes people think he cares. lines such as 'peoples credit card bills are too high and i'm going to help you get lower rates', but he doesn't talk about monetary policy and the economy and how the dollar is worthless. he leaves a lot to be desired. he says 'the iraq war was unwise'. no shit, yet he won't actually bring them home any time soon and doesn't rule out bombing iran or sending troops into pakistan, he doesn't talk about bringing troops home from the other 700 bases dotted all over the world costing over a trillion dollars a year to maintain. he wants to spend more than any other candidate and over spending is why the dollar is crashing and people are worse off. it was set up to be like this ages ago. he and mccain see eachother often and give eachother support. he lied about the cfr plans. i'm sure he's a decent person but he doesn't know anything and will be easily swayed by special interests.
he's already had many donations from the corporate elite.

I am guessing that you are a hilary fan by the way this reads. You might want to look into Hillary and Bills past in regards to Special Interests, and who they get donations from.

I would much rather vote for someone who "might" be swayed, then someone who has already proven to lie in the bed with those that you complain about.

My issue with Hillary is a simple one, She is a liar. She has been proven to be a liar time and time again, but on top of it she tells everyone how she is going to end the raids in Cali and other Medicinal use States, when her and her husband fought so hard to keep those laws off the books.

Doesn't that tickle your fancy just a little bit? If not, at least your bullshit'o'meter? Hillary's Lies about being flown in under sniper fire, caring about medicinal use patients, smear campaigns and her idea that its a crime that is punishable by Jail if you do not have Health Insurance is enough to make me vote for the lesser of 3 evils.


gets some
trem0lo said:
You're crazy :) Obama's got nothing on MLK's oration skills. He just speaks better than every other bozo politician today.

True, but he's a much better voice for blacks to rally around than Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, and neither of them had any legit chance to win the Presidency. Obama does and when it comes to public figures of color, Obama *IS* the modern day MLK compared to them. The black community is just not aware of his voting record and his political connections. I wonder if they even care...


Koroz said:
I am guessing that you are a hilary fan by the way this reads. You might want to look into Hillary and Bills past in regards to Special Interests, and who they get donations from.

I would much rather vote for someone who "might" be swayed, then someone who has already proven to lie in the bed with those that you complain about.

My issue with Hillary is a simple one, She is a liar. She has been proven to be a liar time and time again, but on top of it she tells everyone how she is going to end the raids in Cali and other Medicinal use States, when her and her husband fought so hard to keep those laws off the books.

Doesn't that tickle your fancy just a little bit? If not, at least your bullshit'o'meter? Hillary's Lies about being flown in under sniper fire, caring about medicinal use patients, smear campaigns and her idea that its a crime that is punishable by Jail if you do not have Health Insurance is enough to make me vote for the lesser of 3 evils.

No she's worse than Obama! She knows more but she is some power crazed bitch. She wants to get back at the country for being humiliated by Bill. I'm a Ron Paul fan all the way. the man makes so much sense and is all about individual rights and small government that doesn't control you life. how could you not vote for him?
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Tokermon said:
No she's worse than Obama! She knows more but she is some power crazed bitch. She wants to get back at the country for being humiliated by Bill. I'm a Ron Paul fan all the way. the man makes so much sense and is all about individual rights and small government that doesn't control you life. how could you not vote for him?

Because he didn't make the primary unfortunate, but a write in vote isn't going to make him president now matter how much good I think he will do for the country. I would rather use my vote on the least of the evil 3 top runners right now to make sure even if stuff doesn't "change" it doesn't get worse.

For me Obama is that "It won't get worse then it already is" crew. I don't like the guy in all reality, he wouldn't even be near my "first" choice. But my first choice is a guy who didn't get his message out the right way, sometimes sounding like a lunatic. Ron Paul was my choice, but his choice of certain topics although I am glad he spoke the truth, cause others to stray away from him.

Not to mention a lot of his "fans" were uninformed low 20 somethings who put his message out in a way that turned a lot of people off. Unfortunate but true. RP will never win because the US isn't ready for change, they just want to talk about it while keeping the safe, comfortable system in place its known for years.


gets some
Koroz said:
Not to mention a lot of his "fans" were uninformed low 20 somethings who put his message out in a way that turned a lot of people off. Unfortunate but true. RP will never win because the US isn't ready for change, they just want to talk about it while keeping the safe, comfortable system in place its known for years.

You might want to wait and see what happens at the Republican convention before deciding who can and can't win in the general election. The media is keeping it very quiet but Ron Paul delegates are actually winning majorities in the first states that are currently selecting delegates. What happens when the convention is more Paul supporters than McCain supporters? :muahaha:


hey koroz if Dr.Paul doesn't win the nomination there are still 3rd party candidates better than McCain, Obama, and Hillary. Use your head when you vote.


New member
I think that if you smoke some good herb and watch an Obama vid, the answer becomes clear, you can see right through him. It becomes clear that he is a man whos good at sellin us shit, prolly a good guy but not the guy we want runnin the country. Too bad people who value thier rights to things sacred such as the herbs werent able to see Ron Pauls views on the grass, the only one who would get rid of the D.E.A.. If we cant see past the three main canidates then wow this country could be in trouble.
Alot of radio personalities complain about the fcc but u don't hear any of them saying they would vote for the candidate who would get rid of the fcc.
Ron Pauls the only candidate who would protect our freedom and liberty. Although I'm still skeptical about any political figure these days. Dont get me wrong i am a huge ron paul fan i've done so much research on him. The thing thats sets him apart from other candidates is that his campaign isn't really about his run for presidency. It's about the ideals that he has shouted to the people for the past 20 years. He's trying to start a modern day patriotic movement. It's simple small-government, non-intervention foriegn policy, sound monetary policies, restoring the constitution, states rights and personal responsibility.

u cant tell me the socialist democrats are gunna legalize mj stop supporting them bastards lol


hey koroz if Dr.Paul doesn't win the nomination there are still 3rd party candidates better than McCain, Obama, and Hillary. Use your head when you vote.

Use my head? So what, a republican like McCain can win? Are you serious? The Democrats are going to need every damn vote they can get to win against McCain, they are spending all their time fighting each other and its losing votes by the day.

No wonder nothing changes in this country, half the replies in this thread make my head boggle. What do you think me throwing a vote on an independent will do in the grand scheme of things? Why do you think Ron Paul ran as a repub this time? Because its a 2 party system and with out those 2 party's you will never get elected because you will never get air time.

I am not wasting my vote, and then having to live with either hillary or McCain in office, sorry. No thanks.

As for Ron Paul, eh, I know Ron Paul fanatics are still hoping, but its over. It really is guys. Even he says so: Here is a QA he did with Newsweek:

Ron Paul said:
You said earlier that your "troops" are still very enthusiastic, but they've got to be at least somewhat discouraged. What seems to be the general mood among your supporters right now?
It's a mixed bag. I would say 95 percent are just happy with what we've done and continue to do. Of course, others are discouraged and say, "Well, we should have done better, we should have done better," but the rest are so energetic. They say we should keep going and they almost believe some kind of miracle is going to happen [laughs]. I try to keep them grounded in reality. But we are going to the convention, and my job is to tell [my supporters] not to be discouraged. For me, I never expected any of this to happen a year ago. I'd say overall it's been 100 times more successful than I ever dreamed.

McCain has over the 1191 delegetes needed to win the GOP. Ron paul has what? at best 42? I am sorry, but its time to put away the dream for this year and start working on reality and figuring out how we are going to stop maniacs like McCain and Clinton 2.0 from taking over our country.

Even if Ron Paul was elected, what do you think is going to happen? He would still have to get past congress on most of what he wants to do. Although replacing the president with someone like Paul would be a step in the right direction, until the whole system is changed Paul will get road blocked at every turn.
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