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Hey NZJay
Finally found some time to not just :lurk:

This will surely help ya through those times of no meds! It's very nice to look at and makes me wish mine were as far along as that :D
:wave:, Low
EDIT: wanted to rep ya, but i can't so:
Thanks for the support/rep in Khaleel's Fasting Thread!:respect:
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good deal yo,no nosey pryin eyes.dawg who you tellin,the heat is a beeeaaatch right now.the 12/12 is all good but i had to cut 1 of the 400's off in veg,so now im down a light.watch the new mods i make;)bro i got idears:)
i been so busy lately i havnt eeven took a pic in a few.i gotta update tonight both spots.peace-Y-


that purple urkle #5 is looking the best and also looks like the cut a lot man! Can't wait to see that shit get purple, wheres an update!!!


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Already had to go back a few pages but i found the pics :lurk:

Great to hear there will be no interuption for the next round :yes:

Your early smoke don't look that bad :ying: Better than nuthin right?

Lovin all the thickening white headies bro :yes: All developing nicely :canabis:
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Boy you dudes keep my busy! lol...

Highlow: yo yo. sup mate.
Yeah, just looking at em (and now smelling em!) helps with no meds.. heh
that G13 helped big time, even though it didnt taste that great (coz so early) it still got my high after not smoking for over a week at the time.
now, a good friend is sending me a gift package. ahhhh... what a good friends for!
he will be getting a little xtra in his bag come my harvest time for sure. heheheh.

no probs for the support in Khaleels Fasting thread. anytime mate.

Y: yeah man, a couple times i only turned on one 600 while it was still cooling down outside! least its cooled down some here, how bout at yours?...
always looking forward to seeing your mods bro! bring it on. :D

Cali: hey mate, glad to see ya popping back in.
yeah im in love with #5 for sure. shes large, LSTed to heck, and dominates the rest of my girls... hehe..
wish i had 18 of her in there ;)

Updates here are every friday night, bud.. everyone posts heres so often, the update is now a couple pages back already lol.

or you can wait 2 days, come on back, and see the new update. hehe.
thanx for the props. take care.

TML: heheh..
nah, the early smoke wasnt bad. obviously, it wasnt good either!, but like you said, better than nothing, and it did get my high/gave me some leg relief. so wasnt all bad. just woulda REALLY liked to have tasted her when finished. *sigh*
thank you thank you for droppin in.
Finger outa ya nose man!


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
be back in two days......tick....tock....tick..tock..looks vetty nice btw!!.....Mm


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
just woke up at 5 AM....and i got some spare time now lol....so i thought i pay a visit...did't read all to be be honest ..first and last 4 pages.....but damn there's some nice pics inhere....gotta giva ya props for the pics alone !!:D


wattup nz,yea its coolin down at night here but the days are still blazin yo.
stormed like a mf 2 days ago bro trees are down all over the place.
lookin forward to the nwxt update peace -Y-


sheesh! i thought i replied to everyone like, an HOUR ago! lol

MM: ok dude, im holding ya to that! cya in 2 days :D

btw, if anyone hasnt seen Moneys impressive Geisha (test seeds from Head) grow, do yaself a favor and check it!

Core: wow, i still got the big names coming in and visting!
excellent to have ya here, Sir! first 4 pages, and last 4. thats a good idea really!
i wouldnt expect anyone to read all this anyway man.. lol.
Sometimes, im not sure I even read it all... lol
Ill take pic props anyday you wanna give em out man.. pretty new cam, still learning.. but i think the pics are getting better :) thanx alot. come on back.
take care.

yeah man, you didnt get nothing like here though... we got it all down here! was sick... was a tornadoe touch down 3 miles from here! my digs was right in the path. couple times i was wondering if i was gonna have to run to the Basement (with the water! read below)
Winds were crazy, basement flooded by about 4 foot of water!
but like you said, cooler nights, beautiful days.

Peace bro :)


Holy Shit

Holy Shit

What the :cuss: I need to get some urkles added to the shed dammmmmmm those things produce. :headbange

Got an update so stop by. :joint:

:muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha:

The purple kush has got my medicated nice will take some pics here in a min as wifey is going to work and the kids are just waking up.Will be back in a min.



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
yo you really kept that canopy low this run. looks like they did not really stretch huh. fillin in very nicely though. ew weee i lve when the smell of strawberries are in the air. that is sweet. hows the G13 treatin you. hope your managing some relief out of it.


congrats on the new bling ;)

* edit: check out what i found while in Santa Cruz

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Vinny: actually, Urkles have a low yeild. :( but i do think my strawberry pheno might be a heavier yeilder. heheh.. always a good thing.

Sir: yeah, some of my plants are REALLY short... my fault for not being able to wait to go to flower. lol. oh well... ill still smoke it, im not discriminating against the little people :D
the G13 is gone now, but it did the trick and tied me over for a few days. heheh...
watching that Soylent green now... waiting for me to say "ok thats enough, lets smoke ya" lol.

Leel: you lucky fucker! im with Sammet on this one, i wish i could go to the clubs!
i did notice the buds are not as purple as ive mostly seen them, but after doing a quick google, it says the "clubs" recommend 8 weeks... weird.
i think shes a longer lasting high when you take her 10 weeks... *shrug* youll find where you like her thats for sure. :)
hope ya getting excited over the pheno find! :)

i have a personal gripe about the way people spell URKLE though. and was very suprised to see ERKLE on the jar. after a quick google, i found this:

"Purple Urkle - i dunno how to spell it, but i sure know how to smoke it"
seems most spell it Urkle, so im sticking to it that way anyway lol.

Sammet: you and me both bra!

Everyone: i got a few pics to shows ya once im done working here. stay tuned.......


Registered Medical Patient
nice lookin Urkel/Urkle/Erkel?!!!!!broseph...SC huh...they got crazy dispensaries there, nice beaches too...I used to live in SF, and SC is like 1 1/2 hrs south...saweeeet!!!Nice buds tho...how do they smoke???Yea, if u look @ JoeShmoes Urkle, its MUCH purpler and prolly danker as well!!!Peace bro

- Z


Couple pics for yas, along with some Q's.

Took my veggin girls outside today. they love it.

the G13 and Soylent green clones i had from the hermies - heres my question:
if i leave them, and grow them out, will the hermie sacks pop and pollenate itself, rendering the intire plant useless?... realising that the indoor hermies i would check daily and remove sacks. but im guessing growing hermies outdoors is pointless?... or will i get something out of em?...
the G13:

btw, theres good soil underneath that crap stuff.
i just covered the good stuff up coz i heard blood and bone meal can attract deer and the likes.

and the ever stretching Soylent Green: with my obvious plan laying next to her.

thats bout it really... cept in the veg room i also have some new things growing, ready to go outside soon aswell:

so, do i kill them now and put something else out there?

also, i think im gonna try revegging one of the Purple Urkles from this round.

any tips on that??...
cut %40 of roots away, harvest but leave plenty of green matter, and then repot in something bigger?...

edit: Oh yeah... this one is for you Sammet!

the ULTIMATE facepalm! :D
:muahaha: :muahaha:
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Don Cotyle

Hi jay, looking good Bro! I see their starting to show some frost on the upper bud leaves, Urkel #5 is a frickig beast, your gonna get a bumper crop with the 12oo watts!!!

The hermies will self pollinate and the resulting seeds will also be hermies. You will get smoke but you'll also have a lot of seeds mixed in. The smoke won't be top shelf rather a mid to hi mid comercial, would be nice to make oil from!

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*Stoned User*
Hey NZjay! Glad to see some of your outdoor. :canabis: Everything is looking great bro!!
I think your G13 and SG herms will be fine if you check on them regularly and remove the sacs. If you cannot check them the I would chuck them cause they will just throw pollen everywhere.

Good luck mate. :friends:


Don: yeah i knew hermies seeds are also hermies, but im not looking for more seeds, just meds.
ill be able to check em often, so i think ill leave em out there and go with them for some personal meds. i dont mind throwing out seeds, as long as i get some smoke. if i had a few more Urkles, i would LOVE to see what she does outside... but i have plans for them all, so too damn bad. lol.
not gonna be the haul i was hoping for after round 1 doing so well, but it will tie me over for a bit... at least till round 3 comes back inside. hehehe
Good to see ya mate.

yea, ill be able to check em daily, so i think ill leave em out there and go with it.
any suggestions for how high to put the screen?... 1 ft maybe? shes pretty stretchy so maybe 2ft?...

Cheers man :D

edit: oh, and a thanx a shitload to everyone for the endless rep you all keep dishing out!
hit my 2nd "bling dot"!
thanx to Khaleel pushing me over the edge :D
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