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"NYH" New York Haze(Piff)


Grinding extra.
Damn. Alot of you are all dead on with the haze knowledge. Others know alot about smoking it. Others seem to not know a DAMN thing....

I just germinated 4 REAL NYC HAZE seeds.
If I can pull a nice male and female from these four seeds, I'm going to make a cross so I can get a LOT of Piff seeds. Otherwise, I'll be looking for a STRONG mother and keeping her in my garden forever...

And what would happen if I hit a Piff female with some pollen from this????


Art, I can't wait to see those pif seeds do their thing. I am running a cut of the SSH that I have (as opposed to the seed plant), wk 7 or so, and sadly, no pif. Only a little haze actually, LEMON. Oh well, I have haze crosses goin, still on the look out. But the seed plant was too close to the pif for too long of it's life (and the nugs still smell mostly like pif, more than anything else I've had) to not be related. I guess they both have haze in em lol
Sup people, (I didnt forget about those pm's been very busy) I will update with pics soon
Im working on a few crosses. NYH x Hashberry(rasberry pheno), NYH x The Church,
NYH x Sweet Purple(grapefruit pheno). Im growing out the first test batch now.

Also, I dunno where ArtofMakingfire got his beans, but if your genetics arent like mine u should check ur source(seems like you got that manhattan brown) by your description.
what would you say a lb of this "piff" would cost or do they even sell it by the lb? or just oz's seems like something i need to try

also do you think this piff is grown from clones or regular seeds? because of hermie issues is the reason I ask.



Active member

i've never got it bulk, only $20 bags w/maybe a gram-1.5 give or take in it. and that gram would last me anywhere from a week to a month depending if i was only doing it on the weekends and one hitting. one or two hits a go. sometimes quicker if i share. as far as clones, i'd say yes, good phenos may stick around for a while as a clone. but i think its a seed based IBL with a couple different phenotypes but they all posses the same funk to some degree more or less. so this is the big unknown! rumor has it may be the best SSH pheno, or nl5 x haze, or nl5 x columbian/mexican/secret haze, nobody knows for sure. it may just be an heirloom nobody has ever used in crosses yet, but i'm not so sure about that.

i just filled my dugout to the top, one bud. gritty feel to it, sticks to my finger tips in clumps. keep rubbing them together and i can feel the trichome salt falling off. it left some stains, lol. breaks up a little lumpy lots of tiny calyx balls, almost like little nerd candy size, but they smash/squish if you squeeze em, i try to leave em in ball shape. tiny tiny calyxs, and tons of them, it's pretty much all calyx balls and pistil mosh. i have no idea how to describe the smell of the buds when broken. mild to medium skunk undertones for sure, that hazey spicey smell, with a massive soury rotten garbage funk mixed with a little nose tingling lemon pledge, some rotten sour grapefruit/lemony acidic astringent, i dunno. the longer it breaths in the air it changes. no pine tree though.. doesn't smell like the commercials, that's for sure.

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Well-known member
This Piff thread is intoxicating.

It sure seems that sombody has a
splendid cut of haze and had the guts to work with it
instead of just goin for the chunk,
they went for the thump!

Could be nl5 x haze though even that gets chunkier than the photos.
Doubt ssh though possible, still gets chunkier than that even the more haze ssh phenos.

Looks more like a pure haze

i want it!!

Keep this thread alive you Piffers!!


"And what would happen if I hit a Piff female with some pollen from this????

my guess would be nanners
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I get P's of the piff , for 5000 on the regular, zips sell for 450 all day around here in NYC. If you know the right people u can easily cop for 400 uptown.
nice thread, for all the fellow piff lovers, check out this song by purple citys own "aggalah" the songs called "piff got me slow" deff a good piff smoking song, I like the way the captured the way piff makes u feel in the beat, let me know what u think


Grinding extra.
Mr.Tristate said:
Sup people, (I didnt forget about those pm's been very busy) I will update with pics soon
Im working on a few crosses. NYH x Hashberry(rasberry pheno), NYH x The Church,
NYH x Sweet Purple(grapefruit pheno). Im growing out the first test batch now.

Also, I dunno where ArtofMakingfire got his beans, but if your genetics arent like mine u should check ur source(seems like you got that manhattan brown) by your description.
I got my seeds from bags of block haze. That were copped on the block. Seems to me like if you didn't see something, you could'nt possibly know what it is.
What up? Are you the only person who can have this strain? Why so fast to say what I don't have?.. Forget it. I draw my own conclusions.
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ARTofMAKINGfire said:
I got my seeds from bags of block haze. That were copped on the block. Seems to me like if you didn't see something, you could'nt possibly know what it is.
What up? Are you the only person who can have this strain? Why so fast to say what I don't have?.. Forget it. I draw my own conclusions.

Like i said, seems like your block moving that brown by your description. Thats not piff. rofl. when i send these original beans out before summer ill even send u some, grasshoppa. Might wanna add a MR. in front of your name too lol.



Tristate - What do you have a cut of the piff? Why not cross it to something genetically similar, instead of indy's/indy hybrids? Plenty of watered down haze available.....


Grinding extra.
I know the difference in grades of Uptown Haze and this was some of the best I've ever seen.
Good luck. Let's ignore each other in the future...


yeah tristate have you bred any pure nyh's? or are you just dilluting those sought after genetics with some widely available strains?


Active member

lol. i found it on youtube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS66nlv50kM

why does piff always gotta be associated with these thugish types? not sure if i like it. clear head right now though, need to smoke a few hits and then listen. maybe my opinion will change, lol. the beat and tones seem to be making the circles, might make me feel dizzy and ill though with a circlular rythem being spun again in a piff stone.



well brown or not id like to know when and where my uptop hazel beanzees are at? :D

mr. tristate? got any pure left? those crosses sound great and all but the only thing id be interested in working with is the unadulterated bagseeds u scored! :)
hopefully u see me? :confused:
cuz i challenge u to a dual u shall not regret! :muahaha: (edart) ;)

Artofmakingfire? u got some beans out of some brown weightwork did u? find any males? make any f2? im not reading this entire thread to find out the details!

yas feel free ta get at me if any of u want a serious person to preserve this/these genepool for posterity :) :)

peace to all :wave:
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Mr.Tristate said:
Sup people, (I didnt forget about those pm's been very busy) I will update with pics soon
Im working on a few crosses. NYH x Hashberry(rasberry pheno), NYH x The Church,
NYH x Sweet Purple(grapefruit pheno). Im growing out the first test batch now.

Also, I dunno where ArtofMakingfire got his beans, but if your genetics arent like mine u should check ur source(seems like you got that manhattan brown) by your description.

I am weighing in on this one. I have just finished reading the whole thread.

I have some opinions.

A while back in the thread, Mr. Tristate offered up his beans to some others....looks like he never followed thru. Cocktail Frank would know the truth.

If he did not send them out, I am calling total bullshit on his game. Now he has crossed them, so of course there is no original Piff available.

He is also calling Art out, claiming that what Art has could not be the real thing.......I am like Sherlock Freakin Holmes.

Does Art have the real thing? Who knows, and only time will tell, but he is sharing his attempt, and sharing his grow.

This whole Piff thing is extremely interesting to me, as an Herbalist for 25+ years, I have never seen or heard of Piff till ICMag.

But I do know bullshit when I see it.

Also, side note, Subcool (a very good breeder) always told me that Jacks Cleaner is what gives that lemony super cleaner odor.



Active member

it's always going to be hard to prove if you have an uptown pheno or not, until you smoke it, or have a few peoples who have smoked it to sample it and give the thumbs up as its the best or a close representation. i've been posting that i have what (to me) is the closest if not one of its sisters. it has that uptown funk from bags that i've gotten from the area in the late 90s. i've never smelled jack's cleaner - and i'm probably not the best to give opinions on odors with my limited experience with the 'official' known strains out there. i've never had friends who were as into it as everyone here, they were just consumers. i've smoked tons of different types from purples, green, n browns, some that were skunky, some that were mildewy, some were told to me to be haze, or dro, and some that just had a gross perfumey sweet taste (i think its the purple, lol) the smell i get from its buds are unique to it, and it plain reeks, right outta the bag, and right outta ur pocket if its not triple wrapped. i'd say more of a floral tang to it rather then a lemon rind, but sometimes maybe you might think its lemon like acidic smell, sometimes sourish, sometimes grapefruity with a nice warm skunky spicey garbage and a cleaning products chemical smell.. its got many odors in it, just zero/no pine tree funk, i'm not sure what else to say, if you smelled a commercial bud, and then this bud, you would be hmm, very different no doubt about it.

i've tried my best to free the piff, and i think it will show its face one day in the near future. i'm not hoarding it and i don't want too. i don't give a shit about the latino miami power growers who want to keep it under lock and key for profit. if it turns out to be what everyone is after then it will get out there for sure, and all will see it grown with some true skills. all we can do is wait and see what it turns out to be from a professionals review. lol. problem is, i doubt any more of my ancient seeds are going to germinate to get a male. so the best to do if it turns out to be good, is self it and make female seeds i guess, if the intention is to keep it pure. clone or selfed seeds is the only way to go with it. and i know it selfs itself if left to run way over the limit - but i have not been able to test one of the selfed seeds for germination yet. for all i know its a sterile seed - and that would suck big time, but at least theres a cut of it. better then nothing. i upped my dose the other day as a test, and i almost fell asleep twice at the peak, lol. eyes half open and dreaming or did i sleep for a second, i don't know. but it feels pretty damn good dude (the body buzz), awake or asleep! i think it has to do with when you do it, if i do it later at night, i tend to get sleepy, but during the day its more manageable at a higher dose, if you're well rested to fight it off.

one of my first go with the old seeds made a girl that was very weak. for me to say weak, that's damn weak. it also didn't look like it at all, more indica like and short. if i'm able to smoke a whole joint of something, and have my head clear up 45-1 hr later as if i hadn't smoked a thing (like a fog just lifted in less then 30 seconds from foggy->clear) then you know its weak. and then to have one where i won't do more the 2 hits at a time, because i want to be able to enjoy it and not zombie/pass out, i'd say it's a considerably stronger plant. to know that i'd pay $20 for half a gram of it without thinking twice, then i know it's a good plant. i haven't reupped with uptown for years. no intention of buying outside stuff at all, and if i ever get gifted some most of the time i'll smoke it for a few days, then flush it down the toilet - and repack my hitter with my good shit.

as far as mr. tristate giving out his seeds, nobody has stepped up to say they received them. or if he gave them out at all. i've posted pics and showed buds, but unless you guys are all laughing behind my back and i don't know about it - nobody has challenged it. but im not going to come out and say i have it 100% because i will still will always have some doubt because of my limited experience, yeah you big growers intimidate me y0!@. but if i'm right, you know how it goes -- some people win the lottery. and lots will get to try it.

but until then all we can do is wait and see. and if it doesn't show, maybe i will try to let it jump ship again.

one of the problems is, once people try it, they like it, its really something special. this might lead to another round of hoarding the sacred ganja. we'll see.

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