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Nosey neighbor solution,ideas?


Well I'm chewing my nails waiting for the results of your visit Useful.

He sounds like the kind of guy that everything he hears, sees, and deduces
comes out of his mouth somewhere else. (the other neighbors)

Hopefully, after finding the new neighbor "normal" and without much
in common, will go back to his normal boringville, and leave well enough alone.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
ahhhh man, definitely think the guy is just bored as hell. as stated earlier, if you are not in a med state, when someone sees construction going on, a grow-op is PROBABLY the last thing on their minds. waiting for an update, hope everything goes good dude.[



Active member
fences are a good investment. any property i own is 100% fenced around the whole property, and i'm talking major acreage. god help the motherfucker that thinks it is ok to jump my fence.



ICMag Donor
Old retired guys get bored...they love to stand around and watch other people work. They will ask questions and make suggestions, because it makes them feel like they're helping. You need a deterrant...

The hardware store sells fly traps, the kind you add water to a plastic bag with a bait packet in it and hang from a tree or whatever. After about 2 weeks, these bait traps smell like a wheelbarrow full of rotting guts. These smell so rank, most peeps want to puke. I used them last summer with my nosey neighbors... the smell was so bad they stopped using their back yard... when I took them down, they were thanking God!


Active member
might tell him his new neighbor is allright but bit of a kook.

jumpy bastard too, might shoot the old feller too if he was nosy. (exsoldier that seen too much? lol)

likes privacy alot. plus he´s mean tempered and has big dogs.

the neighbors just met the handyman right?

now what would be the absolute best story about the new neighbor to quickly keep the old guy away?

well, dunno, id go and have that chat with him first. find out,

maybe, just maybe, its a really nice grower dude, that hates authority and wouldnt mind trading cuttings and seeds and a chat over a spliff.

and maybe its just a dude, you should say to "damn you got unlucky on your new neighbor man, he´s a real grouchy mofo, but i guess he´s allright if you just damn leave him alone."


I hear ya on the nosey neighbors. One time when we first moved here, the old guy down the street actually drove his riding mower up my long driveway because he heard the rukus down below....I was using a router to put a decorative edge on some trim....how's that for fukin nosey. We have a gate now.....you might wanna tell your friend he may need a gate and he'll need to post his property.


New member
One rule ive always stuck by if you move in to a new property or buy new lad in your case dont do anything for a atleast 5-6 months, new folk always raise eyebrows where ever you go and what ever you do

Useful Idiot

Active member
Well here is an update on the ole feller, I took some tomatoes,squash,and stuff to the guys house. I pull into his drive he comes out walks up and offers a hand shake,I shake his hand and say I have something for ya....gave him the veggies and he says "wow what a treat thanks a bunch" His wife comes out introduces herself and says...... get this shit guys!!! She says "that was smart of you coming up here to see my husband for a bit,that way he might leave you alone so you can get some work done.I guess she told him to leave me alone but he is happy someone is finally goin to fix that old place up!! HOLY SHIT!! My bud is still going to wait to start the grow for a bit and I dont blame him. Besides there is plenty of other work to be done anyway.....whats another month or so right?? There is more to this story that I will fill you in on in a little bit. Its VERY good news for my bud. Ill be back in a bit.:thank you:


Well-known member
whenever your friend is there tell him to always walk around the property naked with a hard-on that will keep him away


Cool twist to the story Useful.

There is more to this story that I will fill you in on in a little bit. Its VERY good news for my bud. Ill be back in a bit.

Cool indeed.
I'm glad this hasn't turned out to be a worst case scenario situation.
And yes, I consider streaking your property sporting a full mast to be exactly that. LOL :D


Active member
that's real cool you turned it around so that you are being all neighborly and such with them, i doubt the man means any harm at all


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
good to hear everything is going well, kind of excited to hear the rest of the story......yea i know, i need a life other than surgin ICMAG and hanging in the flower room.



I think your friend lives near people like my parents, very nosy & bored, watch every thing, they have binoculars & speculate on everything !
Watch out for doing anything there, your friend needs to make everything look on the up & up or he will find himself in the big house!
Nosy old people are more likely than anybody to call the cops about strange activity & walking around naked depending where you live is more likely than not get you arrested !:wave:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
yup, country folk are nosey and friendly at the same time.

just be careful...


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
One rule ive always stuck by if you move in to a new property or buy new lad in your case dont do anything for a atleast 5-6 months, new folk always raise eyebrows where ever you go and what ever you do

this is good advice. but since he saw you hooking up electric... maybe do a dry run with some tomatoes, peppers, or salad greens and see how often he comes snooping around. better safe than sorry

Useful Idiot

Active member
Well I was gonna give you the rest of the story....but my teenage daughter needs to do her face shit..twitter.myspace...shit!!! I'll see ya in a bit!~much respect to you guys an gals.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
I wish you and your friend the best of stealthy LUCK :good:
Good move with the veges, it sounds like he's bored shitless and is looking for any excuse to leave the house ;)
:smoke out: