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Nirvana AK48 - 210W CFL Grow


Yeah you can switch back to veg after sexing with no probs. Im sure your familiar with reveged plants. No different except you dont fully flower them out. If I only end up with a couple females then I will just take clones and finish flowering out the seed plants. Peace

Hella THC

Perhaps I should try with my babies. I'm dying to know if I have girls. Does it pose an added risk for potential hermies due to the stress?


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Perhaps I should try with my babies. I'm dying to know if I have girls. Does it pose an added risk for potential hermies due to the stress?

Ive never heard of any risk doing it. The only draw back imo is just the added time. The transition from veg to show sex is a couple week, then flipping back to veg takes a couple weeks.


Ive never heard of any risk doing it. The only draw back imo is just the added time. The transition from veg to show sex is a couple week, then flipping back to veg takes a couple weeks.

I agree with Fuzz420. This method of sexing serves us micro growers best because micro grows dont have much of a veg time to begin with. I dont plan to revert back to veg but rather take clones and continue with flowering. Plants generally will reveal sex in 30 days veg anyway but my box would be way to full at 30 days with this number of plants.

I purchased a sheet of plywood today and cut the pieces for my doors. I also bought the hinges for the doors and now have my elbows for the ventilation. I ran out of flat white paint so I wont be getting the doors hung tonight but tomorrow I will. As well as hopefully having the ventilation between chambers finished. Im still trying to find my damn arbor for my hole saw so I can install my ventilation fans for the lights. Peace


Hi Virago!

Your plants look really healthy, Nice! How's the heat in your cabin? I'm thinking about hanging some more lamps, have only 4 :)laughing:) right now...



Sup OG_Jaapie? Yeah the plants have been harvested dude, you can find pics a few pages back. Anyway the temps in my box run about 10 degrees above ambient, but I blame that on my DIY carbon scrubber, it drastically reduces airflow. Peace


Doing fine! I completly read over it ... :joint:
Just watched it and looks very nice, congrats! Looking forward to the next grow :)

Take it easy :bandit:


New member
amazing man just amazing im workin on my dresser cab right now and just like you funds are very limited all i really need for it is the lights and thats it. But very nice buds man very nice i have been wanting to grow some ak but could never get my hands on any.