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NFL Cheerleader Causes Controversy With Lil Wayne Costume


I Feel Good
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Dallas Cowboys cheerleader criticized after blackface Halloween photos emerge

[SIZE=-1]08:08 AM CST on Tuesday, November 3, 2009

[SIZE=-1]By JEFF MOSIER / The Dallas Morning News
[email protected]

A Dallas Cowboys cheerleader is getting attacked on blogs nationwide for dressing up in blackface at a Halloween party over the weekend.
The sports blog Deadspin posted photos of Whitney Isleib, a Cowboys cheerleader since 2008, dressed as black rapper Lil Wayne. Isleib is white.
Also Online
Link: Whitney Isleib's costume

"We are aware of the images and we are handling it internally," Cowboys spokesman Brett Daniels said Monday.
Isleib could not be reached for comment Monday.
The photos were posted on Deadspin on Sunday but later taken down. A new post that went up on the Web site Monday had the word "allegedly" added.
The photos appear to have come from the Facebook page of another Cowboys cheerleader.
Isleib's Facebook page had been deleted by Monday.
The photos show Isleib wearing dark makeup, a wig of long braids, a mouth grill, and fake tattoos on her arms and face.
In one photo, she is posing with two black women. Another shows her with two people dressed as mariachi performers with fake mustaches and thick eyebrows.
Some photos also include a man in blackface with a top hat, who appears to be dressed as singer and producer T-Pain.
On Deadspin, a short commentary at the end says: "In this era of political correctness, people who live their lives in the 'public eye,' for lack of a better way of putting it, have to exercise a little more discretion and not upload photos to Facebook that would make Ted Danson blush."
Danson was publicly excoriated in the 1990s after appearing in blackface at a Friars Club roast of Whoopi Goldberg, whom he had dated.
Mark Q. Sawyer, associate professor of political science and African-American studies at the University of California at Los Angeles, said the cheerleader pictures suggest this is more an issue of bad judgment than actual racism. He said that many young people are unaware of the deeply offensive history of blackface performances.
"She probably asked her black friends about it with the idea that they could exonerate her," Sawyer said.
But he said people looking at those photos don't know her and wouldn't look at the pictures in the same context as her friends.
Leslie Picca, a sociology professor at the University of Dayton who has written about racial stereotypes and Halloween costumes, said these kinds of scandals happen frequently, often on college campuses and usually at Halloween or at Martin Luther King Jr. Day parties.
"Part of me wonders if it's sort of the taboo nature, playing with something dangerous," she said. "For some people, they see it as a pass. It's Halloween. It's not meant to be taken seriously."



cant stop wont stop
who ever the fuck really cares about races emulating each other in a friendly manner needs a reality check. or just smoke some bud.. re-fuckign-lax, you're probably racist anyways!! :biglaugh:
i hate the media for this type of BS.
its a halloween costume! a pretty fuckin good one too!
if people would just forget about having to be politcally correct all the time and just have some respect for one another the world would be a much better place.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
BUT that is different that is black pretending to be white. There is no news there BUT reversed and it is NEWS.

I think she looked pretty cool myself and that white chicks movie was actually funny even though I would never really admit it to my buddies LOL.

"this is supposed to be an all white party!"

that big black guy was fuckin funny as hell.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
My buddy did the Kayne thing for Halloween. He's white and did the black face. It was funny. Why would you even print something like that? Who cares? F'ing media always stirring shit up.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yea 1st off who cares, its funny. 2nd of, as shown above they made a whole movie of black poeple colored as white people... Same thing in my book..


cant stop wont stop
i was tyrone biggums for halloween last year..
didnt bust out the shoe pollish, but i got the powder white lips :biglaugh:

hahaha sorry for the edit, even with the black bar had to remove my pic..
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I'm pretty sure "causing controversy" =+/- race hustlers hear the sound of a cash register opening. Something tells me middle america african american joe will sleep well tonight.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
who the fuck cares if she went as lil' wayne. they are acting like she went dressed as lil' wayne in a Klan's man out fit. Now that would be racist..... but I would still laugh.

At least she didnt go as a dallas cowboy cheerleader. that would have been so unoriginal.

she shoulda went as wesley snipes... he way way blacker.

I just cant believe people were offended. I wouldnt get mad at my muslim friend for going as moses on holloween. I would say, "hey did you part your hair by spreading your arms in the air with your staff?"


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
My buddy did the Kayne thing for Halloween. He's white and did the black face. It was funny. Why would you even print something like that? Who cares? F'ing media always stirring shit up.

thats the problem and why black ppl and white ppl are always at odds. life would be alot better without the media.

honestly, IMO, is something happens and you see it, you should just twitter everyone you know and the cops and call it a day. and reporters tell you the news from "thier" point of view and not the absolute truth.

f'ing media is right!!!

and its lil wayne, what better costume to have? atleast you can take it off, that sorry bastard has to walk around like that all the time!! lmao
Caring so much about race-related issues is racist to begin with, if no one was racist, there wouldn't be a problem. To be over-protective, over-politically correct and sensitive is still being racist. You are acknowledging boundaries and divisions between races.
There should only be one race, human. :2cents:


cant stop wont stop
Caring so much about race-related issues is racist to begin with, if no one was racist, there wouldn't be a problem. To be over-protective, over-politically correct and sensitive is still being racist. You are acknowledging boundaries and divisions between races.
There should only be one race, human. :2cents:

nahhhhh that'd be boring..
i mean i hear ya, but.. worlds too funny as it is.
i love to see shit like that

haze crazy

This is stupid shit. It takes a uneducated bigot to see her act as racism or even inappropriate. I agree with most here and think the media is at fault here. Not doubt Ms Isleib has someone gunning for her.

Ever heard the phrase "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"?

I Don't like the cowboys at all mind you. But nobody deserves this treatment. On the other hand "there is no such thing as bad publicity". Most educated people surely will see the humor here and come to her side. She will be stronger because of this I'm sure.


Active member
I don't see the big deal either but I can see a difference black performers 'whiting up' and white kids 'blacking up'. White people have somewhat of a history of oppressing black people (notice the word history, I'm not talking about today or saying that anyone is racist). Then they stole their culture, one of the ways they stole their culture was by painting themselves black and singing their songs all the while excluding the actual black people from reaping the benefits until mid way through the last century.

As I say what she'd done isn't a big deal in my book and people are exactly right to say it's the media who stir this shit up but it does go deeper than just political correctness, we're talking hundreds of years of slavery and oppression, I don't think it's forgotten about so easily. Again I'm not trying to say anyone is racist just that there is a bit of history behind this and we can't be surprised if someone gets offended.

It's like when Prince Harry wore a Nazi uniform to a party, I thought it was pretty funny myself but considering his families German roots and the war and all that it didn't go down to well.