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Sealed room-air exchange at night?



Lucy Diamond said:
The point is...getting fresh air to the plants.

It's also a way to reduce night time humidity.Moves that humid air out,and fresh air in while the plants sleep.

My thinking(and this is just a hunch,nothing more)is that changing the room air every 24 hours while the plants sleep,will reduce pathogens,bacteria etc. that could build up in a "stale" air environment.
There is no need to exchange air in a closed system like you're thinking especially with the setup you have. For one even in an open system you do not need to exchange air lights off cause your plants are sleeping IF you can control humidity and temps and easy to do.

My suggestion to you would be to add a dehumidifier for the lights off cycle and you can always add a carbon filter for inside the room with a fan and just recirculate the air to help control possible problems. Like others have said pests are almost always brought in through the air or carried in on your personage. Obviously another source, and significant one, would be bringing in contaminated cuts.


Shcrews said:
just came from a friend's house, where i got the generous gift of a Sentinel CTC-1 digital co2 controller and a regulator for my tank!

and to top it off, he also gifted me with a 10" vortex so that i could "vent the room of all the old co2 every few hours"


apparently the accepted practice around here is to use your tanks to get the PPM to 1500, then vent it all out, then turn your fans off and boost co2 again, and repeat.

does this sound crazy to anybody else? or am i missing something.
For one CO2 does not get old. It's concentration will pretty much only decrease if you have leaks or the plants are using it. I didn't realize the accepted practice around here was to fill and dump cause for the most part what I see are peeps regulating CO2 concentrations with a controller of some sort and do no venting whatsoever.

If CO2 is maintained at an adequate level, one person I know goes with 1000 ppm for soil and soilless grows and 1500 for hydro, and humidity/temps are controlled that's all you need.


Whatever said:
Hey Y1F...I've been going along with assumption that your room had a generator. Honestly just tried to help out in the past, spending my time cause I've been where you're at, and was really taken aback you had no generator and that you were expecting to keep a 9000 watt room healthy by keeping a door open. If you don't think things can show up like deficiencies when really it's just totally inadequate CO2 availability I think you're mistaken. I know you know your current setup has some inadequacies and am sure over time you'll get it up to speed. For sure that setup is hurting yields which I know you've been working on. It's just a shame you've really, in part IMO/IME, just been fighting you're enviro thinking it might be something else. Not saying that's THE cause of things but for sure a contributor.

THCV said I'm a tard but saw your other thread about a burner and feel it will make a night and day difference if I'm understanding your setup properly. Normally not my style but if that's what it took pretty sure you'll see a big improvement and will pay for itself pretty quickly.

I had some friends in the area who ran the same GH nute program, the same strain, the same medium and hydro style and all had open systems....yet I produced a by far superior 'product' and easily out yielded every one else all due to just better air flow and environmental control.

You know what happens when you assume :)

I have had a CO2 genny on the wish list for a while. Its actually your post that pushed me over the edge. I think the ROI will be pretty quick and w/o getting into details, now is a good time to do it moneywise.

ooga booga

Good call. That CO2 system is probably going to give you the biggest and baddest ROI compared to any other piece of equipment or other upgrade you can put in right now.


Lucy Diamond said:
The point is...getting fresh air to the plants.

Hi Lucy,

"Fresh Air" for plants is co2. Roots need oxygen, the above ground plant needs co2.

Running a/c into the room brings in fresh air, along with it newly supplied co2. Adding co2, run it on a controller to monitor and keep co2 at a constant level. co2 is heavy, and sinks so proper air circulation will be beneficial. Hang your co2 tubing high above your plants, but away from any exhaust points.

These "sealed" rooms are rarely sealed. Negative pressure is one thing, but sealed is another.

ooga booga

Interesting; so besides from the plants, where does the oxygen come from in a sealed room? Is the amount of oxygen released by the plants greater than or equal to the amount of oxygen used / depleted by the plants?

My new room will be pretty tightly sealed. All seams and cracks sealed with caulk & foam, insulation, and vapor lock.


Not to hijack,

Hi yamaha :wave:

I think we talked about co2 before. co2 is key to a dialed in system, but make sure to realize what it will do. Your girls will eat more, and more often. Its increasing all aspects of life from photosynthesis to transforming carbs/sugars. Can result in higher yields and shorter flowering time. Especially in hydro. You will still need to be on your A-game and watch your garden, and see its new needs/likes/and dislikes.

Hope this helps


ooga booga said:
Interesting; so besides from the plants, where does the oxygen come from in a sealed room? Is the amount of oxygen released by the plants greater than or equal to the amount of oxygen used / depleted by the plants?

My new room will be pretty tightly sealed. All seams and cracks sealed with caulk & foam, insulation, and vapor lock.

Are you cooling the room with a/c?

In hydro oxygen can come from airstones or pumps.

~edit if the pumps deliver the oxygen, it obviously has to already be in the room! Unless the pumps are in another room.

I feel stumped ooga....
Never have run a "sealed" room without the need for a/c or intake to help cool. This thinking hurts my brain, any experts with experience chime in please. I would assume it would be enough once the plants are large, but smaller plants/seedlings imo wouldn't be able to produce enough oxygen.

Once you think you know something :nono:

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Depending on how they are run, they will not exchange air. They will introduce new air into the growspace though. In that air is new oxygen, co2, ect. ect..

Running a/c into a "sealed" room is just another form of intake.


yamaha_1fan said:
You know what happens when you assume :)

I have had a CO2 genny on the wish list for a while. Its actually your post that pushed me over the edge. I think the ROI will be pretty quick and w/o getting into details, now is a good time to do it moneywise.
I mean seriously...9000 watts and opening a door...at first I was like :yoinks: now getting a laugh out of it.

Cool I gave you the kick in the ass to put you over the edge with that CO2 generator. I do think when you get that installed you'll see a world of difference in your setup with both general plant health, growth rates and yield...as someone else said they'll get a bit hungrier so pay closer attention to nute use when you fire that up.

As for air pumps and a res in a closed system...no experience with this one but probably best to put the air pumps outside the closed space so you're injecting ambient CO2 otherwise you may find pH dropping injecting 1500 ppm CO2 air.
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