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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
Just ate a hexie gummy. Have 2 left for the game. I think they're the first edible that actually worked on me. They're 5 mg so not much. Supposed to start raining at 9 so we are bringing ponchos. Look for the guy in the poncho at 3rd base after it starts raining. Wearing a hat for sure. Maybe grey and red Nike pullover or blue puffer coat but man is that thing dirty. What's everyone up to?
Just you and me for right now doob.puter said it's gonna rain at 4 or 5 but that's lies.im gonna grill this damn steak before it rains.those gummies gonna hold ya? Don't think 5mg is alot but I don't know much about edibles

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Just you and me for right now doob.puter said it's gonna rain at 4 or 5 but that's lies.im gonna grill this damn steak before it rains.those gummies gonna hold ya? Don't think 5mg is alot but I don't know much about edibles
Well I'm still smoking my kief. Lately it's been ice hash from down the street at Cal Verde. Just got really high actually. I'll smoke right before the game and eat the gummies too, maybe buy more down the street it's $10 for 10 gummies. Hope it's a good vibe and I don't feel like The Beast Within or autistic and shit. I was high and alone once and some old lady called a player a narcissist but I didn't know what that meant and I thought she said something about me having acid flashbacks, I was like twitching and anxious . Hope I'm okay at the game. It will be incredible. I can't wait. Probably leave at 5pm...5 hours to go! Maybe take nap. Cleaned my apartment yesterday and did the dishes and did the laundry and cleaned the bathroom. I get a lot of piss on the floor. Bachelor pad. Well I'm high bros ...hawk I'm afraid to look at my bank balance. I spent 240 on 8 grams of ice hash. I have 2 left. Bought on payday the 3rd. Need to go to the dispensary in Newton in a few days. Mom is pet-sitting and got like $700 so she's been spending liberally on me. Dude cheeseburgers and Irish nachos at the game! I'm so excited! Front row I'
M so scared what if the seats are wheelchair seats? Would I look like a dirtbag? Mom is 68...bababooey was saying I could tell them I'm her assistant or whatever. Or buzz said that. I will hold her by the elbow and help her to her seat yes I forgot to mention it's a handicap seat<-----it will be next to like make a wish kids and burn victims what if I tell an off-color joke or laugh at them because I'm high? Oh man I bet it will be great. Cheeseburger. Irish nachos. Coke Zero.


Well-known member
Yeah that's why I thought it was medical sears or whatever.damn 700 bucks for pet sitting? I gotta get in on that.my uncle paid me $30 a week to watch 10 llamas,a horse,3 dogs and 20 cats.

Man $240 for 8 grams.i can't talk I was spending more on booze.its already raining here a little damnit.i see it's gonna be touch and go.might have to abort the grilling for now.

Damn now I wanna smoke.i got a delta 8 vape thing but it destroys my lungs.it actually feels like a knife in my lungs.when my mom wakes up I'm gonna ask if she has any kief.she hasn't smoked ciggs since she been out of the hospital.shes on the patch.

You will be fine doob.doubt the kids will be watching you.just go with it! I bet going to a game tripping would be cool.cant find acid or shrooms anymore.these fucking kids these days.dont even trip anymore


Stray Cat
im all for chain gangs
ive grown out g-13 cuts before and they are the smoke!
i had k-swiss once when i was a kid,but grew out of them
/what size shoe are you?

well well well
look what the cat dragged in!
its my man marz
luckily a wise man told me to set up a stray cat shelter (cardboard box) so you can sit right here nest to me brother!
are you into sports or crazy foods?
I cant like your message, I'm a sort of illegal :yappy:
No tengo los papeles, señor!

Wow, NFL fan here, one of the best things Made in America! Every match, every anthem its a completely new show, amazing! NBA, MMA, Tennis and used to lose a lot of time watching football.

I lost 45 pounds last 12 months, no booze and eating like a girl, just nhamnhaming some food here
Still on BBQ, next time I show the photos

I brought you some :muahaha:



Well-known member
I cant like your message, I'm a sort of illegal :yappy:
No tengo los papeles, señor!

Wow, NFL fan here, one of the best things Made in America! Every match, every anthem its a completely new show, amazing! NBA, MMA, Tennis and used to lose a lot of time watching football.

I lost 45 pounds last 12 months, no booze and eating like a girl, just nhamnhaming some food here
Still on BBQ, next time I show the photos

I brought you some :muahaha:

View attachment 18986294
Nice dude! I lost about 5lb from quitting drinking but having a hard time with the sweets.its an addiction thing.show those bbq pics! I'm trying to bbq too but rain is messing with me right now


Well-known member
This fuking thing is brutal.i hate vapes.packs a punch after 10 minutes of trying to hit it.its got a whole gram for $25.and this is the legal crap they sell in states where it's not legal for rec. Never seen shit like this 5 years ago.i have no idea the lagality of delta 8 and 9.can you take this stuff to the ball game doob?

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
This fuking thing is brutal.i hate vapes.packs a punch after 10 minutes of trying to hit it.its got a whole gram for $25.and this is the legal crap they sell in states where it's not legal for rec. Never seen shit like this 5 years ago.i have no idea the lagality of delta 8 and 9.can you take this stuff to the ball game doob? View attachment 18986318
No vaping or smoking at the ballpark. No chewing tobacco either. Pray I don't get caught. Grizzly. Leaving in 4 hours. Hawk is there a Walmart near you? I want a bb gun.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Yeah that's why I thought it was medical sears or whatever.damn 700 bucks for pet sitting? I gotta get in on that.my uncle paid me $30 a week to watch 10 llamas,a horse,3 dogs and 20 cats.

Man $240 for 8 grams.i can't talk I was spending more on booze.its already raining here a little damnit.i see it's gonna be touch and go.might have to abort the grilling for now.

Damn now I wanna smoke.i got a delta 8 vape thing but it destroys my lungs.it actually feels like a knife in my lungs.when my mom wakes up I'm gonna ask if she has any kief.she hasn't smoked ciggs since she been out of the hospital.shes on the patch.

You will be fine doob.doubt the kids will be watching you.just go with it! I bet going to a game tripping would be cool.cant find acid or shrooms anymore.these fucking kids these days.dont even trip anymore
I can't get shrooms either. Been like 15 years. Every time I bring it up in the forums they say to grow my own shrooms it's easy they say. I just want like an 1/8th of shrooms man. Geez. Dude there's a guy who smokes angel dust and walks in the middle of the road...I was going to ask him for like a joints worth. Dust is great but lethal don't try it. Smells like magic markers.
Well taking a nap before the ballgame


In my empire of dirt
I cant like your message, I'm a sort of illegal :yappy:
No tengo los papeles, señor!

Wow, NFL fan here, one of the best things Made in America! Every match, every anthem its a completely new show, amazing! NBA, MMA, Tennis and used to lose a lot of time watching football.

I lost 45 pounds last 12 months, no booze and eating like a girl, just nhamnhaming some food here
Still on BBQ, next time I show the photos

I brought you some :muahaha:

View attachment 18986294
yeah marz, we cant give likes here
i guess we are the ugly step children or something like that, but i can still give you a big thumbs up brother!
do you also speak portuguese?
brazillians are cool people and like you said mma is big down there too
they are also good surfers and one of my old surfing buddies was from brazil
he was nearly fearless in the big stuff and a riot once he had a few beers
hey man! good on ya for loosing all that weight!
/is it the puppy chow?! diet
stick around friend and be sure to post up some bbq pics so we call all see how you do it
they make great great bbq in brazil and have awesome sauces
what do you like as a side to your food?

you stay away from that pcp shit @D. B. Doober
after all you have gone through you dont want to end up like some junkie wandering the streets zooted out on some weird animal trank
you guys are going to have so much fun at the game tonight!
have fun man and just high five all the kids in your section!
dress warm and enjoy all the fun ball park foods
when the mrs was a student she used to pet sit for people
we met some nice people when she was doing that and some of these people lived in super lux pads
they pay wasnt that bad for gig work especially if you already like animals

sounds like some sweet kicks @shithawk420
i dont wear my sneakers much but still have a decent collection of nikes and adidas in all the colors
plus a couple pair of sketchers, those are decent shows at a good price point

yeah @Bababooey the himalayan food menu looks like stuff i can get at other places so im not really too hyped on trying it
good call on that tomahawk steak, it does look like a loose trim and yo are also paying for that big old bone there
not bad if you make a good bone broth with it or have a dog but i like my meat a little more trimmed

f'hell man! glad you dident get hit by this clown
its the other jokers you got to watch out for and be safe on the road brother
those sounds like my type places to eat!
i used to love going to breakfast style joints, i can eat eggs and stuff anytime of day
put some gravy on those biscuits and im hooked!
tex mex is way different than what i get out here in san diego
they flavors are different and even the tortilla they use if different
one thing they had was called a miggas, like a breakfast taco stuffed! with scrambled eggs and bacon and it had fried tortilla chips in it with a ton of sauce! i would get the green salsa so it was kinf of like chile relleno but with lots of eggs
f'n grinding!

so i spent almost an hour in the garden this morning watching squirrels building a nest i guess
i had noticed the hole in the ground the other day but dident pay it much mind
today this little guy is hard at work ferrying mouthfuls of sticks and other yard debris into the hole!
i ended up rolling a fatty and just hanging out in the yard blazing one up and watching him build his nest
now i think i have two or three squirrels in the yard! they are my squirrel buddies!

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
We lost 9-3. It was a good game, we left after 9 innings and in the 10th Baltimore scored like 6 runs. Few home runs. The fancy seats suck, you are on the spot and you can't chew tobacco and you keep bumping into the grounds crew. We moved our seats after the 5th inning. It got tough, 3 hours man no weed. Mom let me grab something at mcdeedee's on the way home I got 3 mcdoubles.


In my empire of dirt
it was a three mcdouble night eh
cant you just spit in a cup?
fancy seats=sux!

still i hope you had fun night out


Well-known member
All I have to say is, "There's no place like home."

I did not travel alone. My wife of upcoming 44 years was my co-pilot and between us we carry 142 years of life experience. She is a retired nurse and is very familiar with what happens to old farts who get in cars and drive straight through from Ohio to Florida only to end up in the ICU. It was a great hard successful trip for these two old farts.

I saw the Corona.


Horse-toothed Jackass
I was about to say maybe some american dudes would like to hit the beaches if they go to brazil for the game, i think the ladies there like to wear thongs and u wont see as many fatties as u would in the US.

You would use the tomahawk fat for something else? Like to cook with? I think people use beef fat to grease up a pan before cooking, or to make sausage with.

Keeping ur drinking to 1x or 2x a week should help ur liver and body recover in between. How many beers are u drinking each time, like 5 or 6?

Getting ur fit right before going out is important, next time u take ur mum out you should draw some looks from the ladies, Hawk.

Not sure what the $120 gift card is for, is that like a medicaid thing?

5mg gummy isnt much, 10mg usually does me right, i can take 2 in one night if i have a few hours in between. $10 for 10 5mg gummies is a decent price, and if u can take a couple every day it could help cut down ur kief consumption for only $2/day. I think ur averaging $20 of kief smoked a day so if u could cut that down by half by eating more gummies that's a net positive in ur cannabis budget.

I didnt know squirrels could build nests in holes in the ground, they usually go for trees dont they? Well, birds do, i guess i dont really know where squirrels build their homes, theyre pretty secret about it.

I thought for a second u were in the player's dugout, DB, u were so close to the field haha. Anytime u have that netting in front of u ur very close to the field and in harm's way from a foul ball. Cant believe u moved away from those seats midway through but whatever. Is it just cause u wanted a dip? Like Pop said u can use a cup, that's what the ballplayers do in the dugout.

That's a cool sweatshirt, Buzz, is the blind pig a bar or restaurant u were at?
Glad to hear u made it home safe, it was a bit of a long drive for sure, i guess the road trips youve done in the last 10-20 years you dont tend to drive that long each day?
Looking forward to ur pics of the eclipse when u get a chance to post them. First got to handle the homestead, make sure everything is tip top and squared away.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
There's a strict no tobacco policy at the ballpark now...no smoking or chewing tobacco. I needed a dip so bad. Had 3 large coffees.

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