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NFL 2019-2020


In my empire of dirt
you are a sex machine hawk, plus the rubbers will keep for a while and who knows what this new year will bring you?
i think its been a trend for a while to let non violent people go instead of throwing them in jail
plus they raised the limits on what constitutes a felony here in ca, from i think $500 to $1000
a lot of stores in shady areas are closing up because they just cant keep up with the level of theft and the hassles these areas bring
32m dosent sounds like a bad pay day and if they tag him again next year that total goes up
but im sure there is a lot of pride involved and he wants to be paid like the top qbs in the game
do you just not like the beach baba? i think we would all like to get in better shape and eat healthier
you can make a great sauce just using tomatoes and butter so i bet it would go great with the sauce out of a jar
usually when i make a spaghetti sauce i dont make meatballs but i just chunk up the meat in the pan and then simmer it with the sauce
the mrs likes to make meat balls and sometimes we will just have them on the side because she dosent like to eat meat


Well-known member
i could be wrong but i think a jaeger bomb is when you mix it with red bull.i know when you put a shot of whiskey in a beer its called a boiler maker.maybe thats what your thinking of.i dont know.i dont plan on going to any bars in a long while but they got TONS of cool looking bars here.its ridiculous.plus tons of breweries for hipsters.i should go for the ladies

that makes sense baba but ive never heard of adding butter.that sounds kinda gross.if i need it thicker i add tomato paste.i honestly just think veggies taste better.im not doing it to be healthy although i should try to lose this beer belly.beer and fast food do not mix

my dad has officially lost it boys.he said the bears are going to the super bowl.all i could do is shake my head.hes gone insane.i guess i would too if i was going to prison for 3 or 5 years at his age.id be surpised if they make the playoffs.maybe if rogers goes somewhere else i guess they have a shot at the playoffs but im not gonna hold my breath.

yeah thats how i like my sauce pops.cook the meat grounded and add it to the sauce.im not big on meatballs unless they are made right.i appreciate the kind words but im no sex machine lol they had a whole box for some reason and im like ok.maybe ill get lucky.might be time to bar hop
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In my empire of dirt
i think babas right, a yeager bomb is where they take a shot of yeager and drop it into your beer, hence the bomb aspect of the name
i dont like em because i dont like yeag plus they wil often short pour your beer so they can fit the shot into it without it spilling all over the place
when i was a kid i would just eat butter and noodles all the time, thorw on some parm and it was good
yeah man, maybe your dad is tripping and it would be a decent season for the bears to go .500
im not big on bars
have you seen the prices, pints are expensive and the atmosphere isnt my scene
i usually pre game heavily is im heading out and will often bring a little juice with me in a flask or stash a bottle in the car
but it could be fun to get out again, but now im the old man at the bar

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Sounds like you guys are living well! @shithawk420 I'm sorry things are crappy...I lived with my mom and it was horrible...just a nightmare. Took me 20 years to get away from her and get my own dirtshack...now she's 70 and tries to say I'm out of control and tries to get me on injectable antipsychotics that make me gain like 60 pounds. Funny thing is...she may be the one that's psychotic. Bashed my bedroom door down in a rage when I was like 30. Last bout went 5 years. Lost like 5 years of my life. She wears tights like a teenager and embarrasses me everywhere. I try to limit my time with her but it gets overwhelming with her coming over 3 times a day. Always talking about dogs, doing dogwalks, talking in a fairy voice...really embarrassing. I looked over at her in the car and she smiled and tucked her chin in and went "tee kee." Like she's a baby or something. Luckily I get high before I go with her to places. I love her as a parent but enough is enough. Whatever. I wouldn't even tell her if I met a girl. Or had a kid. Whatever.
Had 2 Heineken 0.0 last night. Good burps. I remember drinking all that rot gut hard liquor crap...hawk how are you doing with booze? You try getting some hash? You'd get pretty high. 6 pack of beer would send you to sleep. Maybe not even a 6 pack. Hey @Bababooey hey @pop_rocks hope you're well
Should've seen this chick getting a butt massage this morning...she did stuff👍


In my empire of dirt
f'n doobahhhh,how the fahk have you been brother
dressing in tight clothes and an explosive temper, sounds like my kid of gal!
and rocking that shit in her 70s, own it girl
my mom gets goofy from time to time
/im chain smoking alcoholic according to her and we arent even getting started on the WEED
but thats my mom and i love her with all my heart; yeah im a shit bag, but im a happy shit bag
pics bro! where was this chick getting a butt massage and how do i get in on this
/asking for a friend
//d.watson joke


Horse-toothed Jackass
If you don’t end up using all those condoms Hawk you should give them to any prostitutes or tricks you know, always good to promote safe sex.
Walmart is closing 4 stores on the south and west sides of Chicago because they were losing money for years and nothing they did changed that, not sure if it was due to theft issues though, these were like smaller stores that I guess weren’t very popular. I guess whole foods is closing their flagship san francisco store due to rampant crime and drug dealing? And there is less foot traffic downtown since work from home became a thing so there's more open crime and lawlessness there, and police dont want to be proactive anymore because when suspects resist and you have to use force there's a high likelihood you'll end up youtube infamous and get fired/charged with a crime.

I think kirk cousins got tagged twice consecutively by the redskins before going to the Vikings, ur right, tagging for 2 yrs in a row isnt a good deal for teams, ties up a bunch of cap space they could spread out over more years on a normal 4-6 year contract. But 32M for a top 10 QB is a good price for the ravens considering guys like cousins and geno smith are making around that much.

Never really been to the beach much, used to take the dog to a dog beach a lot but never went swimming myself, water’s kind of gross, sand gets everywhere, etc. But I guess if you like playing in the water or beach volleyball or just sunning yourself it’s a good time.

Yeah, meatballs would be good for a vegetarian, make it separate from the sauce and make sure don’t put any on their plate. Wonder if vegetarian meatballs are a thing, make it out of like chickpeas or something. Like a falafel but not deep fried.

Ur right Hawk, a jaegar bomb is a shot in a red bull. Or at least that’s what they do in clubs and stuff, maybe the extra energy in the red bull keeps people dancing. But beer is used also, like Pops said, I think a sake bomber is a shot of sake dropped in a beer. I guess there’s all sorts of ways you could do it. Maybe our version should be a shot of whiskey dropped in a glass of vodka. You think you could chug that down real quick?

Yeah adding butter to pasta sauce seems icky but I think it’s just adding fat that gives it more flavor, plus it’s just a few tablespoons, maybe a ¼ to 1/3 of a stick. If you add meat to the sauce I don’t think you have to use butter, or use even less, cause the meat will add fat. Question: do you guys drain the ground beef before adding the sauce or leave all that juice in there?

I think every region nowadays has their own microbreweries, you go to binny’s and they have 2 aisles of all these craft beers from all over the country, Oregon to maine. I guess if it promotes local business I would go to a bar/brewery, the beers are almost always better than mass produced stuff but more expensive too.

A buddy of mine thinks the bears are a lock to make the playoffs, superbowl is a big stretch tho Hawk, ur dad must be smoking that good stuff to think that. Detroit is actually favored to win the division, they seem like the most talented team right now but I guess Pops think jared goff will become Goof at some point during the season and wreck their plans. I actually put a small bet on the packers to win the division, if jordan love becomes a good qb it’s possible, lol don’t hate me but i figure if bears fans have to suffer another good packers QB then i should at least profit from it.

Family always brings a lot of drama but what can you do, DB? Better that than no family I guess. It’s good youre on your own at least, and it seems like she brings you food and takes you out so it’s not all bad. Finding the right mix of meds would be nice and so would losing weight that the old meds made you gain. You’ll get there, just takes some time and effort but eventually you’ll be in better shape both mentally/physically.
Your emoji made it seem like the chick got a thumb up her butt, you sure it was just a massage DB? Usually people have to pay extra for that. That’s what you call ‘extras’ in the vip room of the strip club.
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In my empire of dirt
thats a spicy taek about l.jax being a top-10 qb
i think the new youth movement has bumped some of these older guys
look at what t.lawrence is doing or even guys like tua; heck i think even goof outpassed l.jax
supposedly indy was supposed to be interested but they shut that rumor down with a quickness
microbreweries are all the rage right now and im sure every state has its share
even if its not a micor brew, regional beers rock!
in the pa area they have this yueling beer that is ass kincking and used to be hard to find
depending on whos doing the drinking everyone has difernt taste in beers
when ever i visit tx you know pops is loading up his truck with san miguel lights!
smokey and the bandidt style
i guess they just cant get those beers out in the midwest ofr the most part but my bil loves them
not all micro brews are created equal and some are just voer hopped crap beers!
/i had a friend who used to brew
breas in the playoffs would be sweet but i think you are right about det being the fav
gb could still ball up if thier young gunslinger can sling
its a long hill to climb and we will see who comes out hot nxt season
i drain most of the fat off the meat before i add the sauce
if the gravy has too much fat in it it comes out greasy and kind of gross
vegitarian meatballs sounds like something the mrs would dig
like chopped up tofu cooked in a sauce
i would just pick those f'rs out and put them on her plate
going for a long walk like that is awesome doob
i like walking around the hood' and just being out and about
you get some fresh air and the scenery is constnatly changing making ofr an interesting time
keep it up man!
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Horse-toothed Jackass
Lamar has missed about 5-6 games each of the last 2 seasons but he did win the MVP in 2019, 4 yrs ago. He started off red hot last season too, looked like a top 3 QB the first 2-3 wks of the season, then faded badly and eventually got hurt. Who would you have in your top 10 QBs next season?
I guess you’d have to go Mahomes, josh allen, joe burrow top 3. Then justin Herbert, Jalen hurts, trevor Lawrence, tua, aaron Rodgers, dak, kyler (if healthy) to round out the top 10 if you wanted to exclude lamar?
Goof had a top 10 fantasy season last year (just edged out Herbert who’s #11) but so did justin fields (mostly based off his rushing). Geno smith and Daniel jones had top 10 fantasy QB seasons also last year, guys like lamar and kyler and dak fell out of the top 10 because they didn’t play enough games.

Indy has the #4 overall pick, not enough to get either Bryce or CJ, they’d have to settle for Levis or Anthony Richardson, both of them are more project QBs that you hope turn out more like josh allen than jake locker. So I think there’s still a chance they trade for lamar, they’d probably want some picks back in the deal (have to give the ravens two 1st rd picks, but getting back a couple 2nd rd picks would help soften the blow).

Ive never had Yuengling or san Miguel (is that a filipino beer?). I would think most of these beers taste like ur average pilsner/lager, then again I don’t have the most discerning palette.
I knew a couple guys who did the home brewing thing, one made this mead that was really cloudy and sort of gritty to taste, another did an ipa that was strong and flavorful. Seems like a really fun hobby if you had the time and space and energy to do it properly.

Ur right, I think I didn’t drain the ground beef once or twice and the resulting sauce was too greasy for my taste.

DB has to be careful, he might find himself walking around high schools looking for an underaged girlfriend and get put on some sort of most wanted list.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah I think I heard some of those rumors, that the pats were open to trading jones for some reason. I know mac jones didn’t like how the patriots offense was run last season, ur right he wanted to take more downfield shots, and honestly if they had even a league avg offense (they finished bottom 10 in yards per game last year) they would be a solid playoff team with that defense.

Now they hired bill o’brien from alabama to be their Off coordinator so that should be a big help, whatever matt patricia and joe judge were doing last year wasn’t working.


In my empire of dirt
pop walks in with a big brown streak on his pants!
its cool guys i just slipped and fell into some mud
so it looks like we have gone form rainy and cold to just grey and cold
it a common thing here in san diego, we call it may gray june gloom
/yeah i know its only april
but with all the rain teh trails are slck
60* temps and cold morning are here for the next few months
so the mrs has this frined who is a hottie and used to date this samoan guy
pops is down with islanders and i thought this guy was pretty cool
but now she has a new beau
hes this tall skinny white guy and i dident really catch on with him, he was ok but that about it; mediocre
thats a great question baba, who would you project in the top-10 qbs this season
i like the guys you mentioned, great players playing in good systems
i might bump dak and kandykrush for someone else but otherwise i like the top-8; also depending on where arog lands it could effect his placement
the funny thing is i could see goof balling up this season, and who ever is under center in sf could post up decent numbers
i might even want to leave a spot open if this years draft class is as hot shit as they claim it might be; you never know who is going to come up biggly and put up some good numbers
ravens getting two #1s for jax would be a deal for them, he might just sit if they want to try and drive a hard bargain with him and a trade
but i think hes better off in bal than at any other team
/outside os teams like sf or maybe nv
san miggie is a phillipino beer
its a decent light beer and good for drinking on a hot day
tingling is from pa and has a great flavor profile
it used to be super hard to find and i got lucky when i met this guy who had this hook up with the distributors
im not a big beer drinker anymore but will still knock back some cold ones with friends
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Horse-toothed Jackass
Well if it’s not rainy you could still do weekend camping trips even with the chilly weather? Maybe it’s even preferable to hot and muggy weather or no?
So she went from a big samoan dude to a skinny white dude? Guess she has a wide range of tastes. What made him mediocre? Doesn’t like to drink or smoke? Thinks too highly of himself?

Brock purdy had his elbow surgery in early march (they waited a while for the swelling to go down before doing the procedure) apparently he avoided a full tommy john reconstruction so maybe by June he can start throwing again. The team said he would get 1st team reps over trey lance, who’s recovering from his ankle surgery (had to have a 2nd one in January to remove pins that were irritating him).

If you think goff is going to show out this season I might target him as a sleeper pick in fantasy football, Pops. If i cant get one of the big QBs (mahomes, allen, burrow, hurts) which will cost an early rd pick then have to pick one later and hope they have a top 7-8 season.

Panthers and Texans are going to go Young-Stroud at 1-2 and those guys will probably start most of the season if not week 1 from the jump. Not sure either would be a lock for a top 10 QB season since their teams aren’t all that great (especially the Texans) but they’ll get volume for sure; usually it takes a season or two for a QB to really blow up, like mahomes and burrow and jackson in their sophomore seasons, josh allen in his 3rd season.

I might have to try both those beers if I find a good sale on them. Im not much of a beer drinker myself although I do like a good pumpkin ale around the fall/Halloween season.

I saw that the USFL started, so now we have xfl and usfl games on. Plus the draft is next week too. And colleges are having their spring games.


In my empire of dirt
havent checked out the xfl/usfl this year
i bet there are some good players in their mix and hopefully a few of them might get a shot at the nfl
i agree the cats and txns are going to have to rebuild and a good young qb is a great place to start
purdy did well last season so i can see him getting the first chance in sf and trey lance would make for a good back-up; we will see how far they have to go down their depth charts this season but i like the 9ers
goof has had time to pick up the new system and i think this could be his break out season in det
i dont think hes on most peoples radars but ig he stays healthy the whole season i think he can put up some decent numbers
i would rather camp in the heat
at some point the desert gets too hot to camp in but then you go to other places in the mountains
you can still drive into the desert for the day but its nicer at night with a little elevation between you and the heat
we might be planning a trip out to the desert here soon but i have a lot of irons in the fire here on the home front so im putting those plans on the back burner for now
the guy was ok, just your average dude
i dont really know what he was about and we dident really talk that much, he just was there
i dont even know if he drinks or smokes, he was in good shape but i know the girl tokes up
i guess he owns a motorcycle so they go on rides

hopefully we will see a lot of ?? filled in with this years draft
plus it helps clear up the free agent picture
there has been some fun draft coverage the past few seasons so i might tune in for at least the first few rounds
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Horse-toothed Jackass
The one xfl game I checked out earlier I was watching ben dinucci QB for some team, he was the cowboy’s primary backup a couple years ago, when dak broke his ankle and then andy Dalton got a concussion. He didn’t look that good but then again it was early in the xfl season.

Rumor is that the Texans might trade out of the 2nd pick cause they think only Bryce young is a QB worthy of a top pick. Not sure if I believe that, but young is heavily favored to be drafted by the panthers at #1. A lot of experts have stroud being a very good QB prospect, not sure why the Texans would pass over him.

Goff kept his turnovers low last season and finished with the 2nd highest passer rating of his career, behind his magical 2018 season with the rams. If he can approximate that efficiency again he’s got a chance to finish with a top 5 fantasy season for sure, but he’s gotta start off hot and stay hot, unlike last season where in the middle part of the season he was blah (4 td 4 int in 6 games).

Im hoping there will be a lot of trades during the draft, you might want to tune in for the 1st rd at least since Rodgers might get traded then, maybe even lamar.

Does the desert get cool at night so it’s ok to sleep there at night or no? I think when it’s really hot the ground absorbs a lot of heat and radiates it out during the night?
Yeah might be a good idea to hold off camping if youre busy on the weekends, also with all the rain and stuff maybe it’s too wet still? Any chance of mudslides in the mountains or not really?

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
What is everyone doing today? I'm high...doing stuff. Anything good going on?
Legal here to grow 12 plants or something but no growing since I found dispensaries with hash/kief a few years ago. Going to try tossing a few around the park. Haven't smoked a bong or joint in ages. I plan on making bubble hash if there's any flowers. Need a good drill and a bucket so I can tear it up and get high. --->Gay cops here where I live would probably steal them even though it's legal but we'll see.
Haven't heard any NFL news...baseball has been going on. Going for walks. Eating fairly healthy. 💨👍


In my empire of dirt
thats great doob! walking is one of the best things you can do for yourself besides eating healthy
sounds like you are getting after it and im sure you will reach your goals if you stick to it
when i was all into bubble i used a hand mixer, like one of those old fashioned hand cranked numbers
i felt like the electric ones beat up the material too much and i get a better quality of hash from the hand ones
did you get a set of bubble bags?
hahaha, f'n gay cops? are the doing an aggressive frisk on you brother
/what you got in them pockets? reaches in balls deep
goof has a great arm and can air it out; if he can make reads at the line that only helps
im looking forward to the draft just to see how shit shakes out and there are a few players who might end up in other places
that sounds like a rumor for sure re: the txns trading down
who do you think they are going for and who would they trade with?
the desert does cool down at night but its still hot
we dont sleep on the ground now
we set up our shit in the back of the truck and i just throw some camo netting over us for privacy
ground sleeping is fine and we will still occasionally set up a tent just to have someplace to escape the mid day sun
so i went for a walk today and had a bee fly into my ear!
it was freaking me out at one point, i felt it hit me and then heard this crazy buzzing in my ear
i reached in and pulled that sucker out with a quickness! im surprised that it dident sting me but i was able to extract it and throw it on the ground before it got too crazy
f'n bees!
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Horse-toothed Jackass
If you can find a secluded spot off of a park trail, one that gets decent sunlight, you might be able to harvest a decent amount of buds DB by just sprinkling seeds around. It would help if you could care for them a bit, like once a week go there and pull weeds, gently fertilize them, maybe even water them if there’s no rain forecast for a week or more.

Pops is practically an expert at making hash, if you have any questions he’d be the man to ask. Not sure where you could do the processing though, there’s quite a bit of smell involved with mature buds so probably not something you can do in ur place. Maybe ur mom’s or a friend’s?

Ive been following baseball a little bit but not much since the nba playoffs have started. How are the Sox doing? I know the rays have been killing it so far, like theyre 12-0 or something. Cubs aren’t stinking it up as bad as last year but still trying to rebuild, white sox are so-so I guess.

Supposedly the Texans would take will Anderson, the bama linebacker, at #2 or a later pick if they trade down (he wont last past #5 tho), and then wait for next year’s draft when the USC qb, caleb Williams, is projected to go #1. Problem is that they would have to stink next year too, and the cardinals and bucs might challenge for that #1 pick. Nothing about that strategy makes much sense, probably just some hot takes from internet journalists looking for clicks.

I want to see Pops with a slide in camper so he’ll have a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom & TV while out in the wilderness. I think there’s campers where you don’t need a crane to slide them in, you can even slide them out while camping so you can take ur 4wd deeper into the wilderness for day trips. Also convenient for using the truck as a daily driver/run errands.

Maybe u dropped a piece of candy/edible in your ear and that bee was trying to get at it. Weird that it was so persistent but glad that u didn’t get stung, that would have sucked especially in ur ear.


In my empire of dirt
while i like the idea of building on defense i think the tns are better off grabbing what they can now and hoping for the best
i guess they might be able to temp indy into a trade if indy really wanted one of the hot shit new qbs but rounding out the top-10 i only see one other team that might be reaching to get a qb this year (atl)
/maybe chi but i dont know whats going on there
the problem with growing in public is someone will find your shit if you dont go the extra mile
and i do mean an extra mile
you need to go where noone is going to go in the first place and then hope for the best
plus you need a source of water
the hash doesnt smell that much but you are left with some stinky water
/the plants used to love it
find the cheapest boof you can score and just give it a go! you dont need to make ice hash, you can just do a dry sift and come out with a top quality smoke
need to go talk to a fence guy, more to come