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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
I'm sorry your mom is dying my man...here for you if you need anything. She eats lots of bananas? I guess that's good. What about pineapple or oranges? Have you tried giving her RSO Rick Simpson oil??? I'm sorry shithawk
hey thanks man.she does eat pineapples but she has to be careful what she eats.like no phosphorus and other stuff.wouldnt know where to get RSO but IL is right over the bridge.probably gonna get some edibles soon.hopefully that works.too paranoid to start growing here.im already on thin ice. but yeah my mom could use it.she does smoke but since my brother and i had an argument he wont talk to us.hes got the weed and stuff.


In my empire of dirt
f'man, that sux about your mom hawk
my mom is tiny too
those protien shakes arent bad, especially if you dress them up a bit
freeze your bananas and throw in some peanut butter!
thats great you are dropping the lbs doob! 15# is a lot and just keep doing what you are doing
coconut pie! thats one of my favorites
fruit pies are for fags, its the cream pie i want all up in my face
so i was talking to someone about the drinking and they told me not to just quit cold turkey
they said i should taper off and get toa good point and then quit;f'n'a man, if i could taper off maybe i would not have to think about quit
keep us posted on how the meds work if you try them, oh yeah and score some opium!
irsay is a weirdo!
im not up to speed on the colts but a year or two ago they seemed to be building this hot shit young D and if they could get their offense on track they looked like contenders
they still have some good players but i think they are definitely in the qb market
so one of the neighbors complained about the "smoke she smelled the other night
"...i closed all the doors and even turned on two air purifiers..."
f'you b; maybe thats gods way of saying you are weak shit and dont belone on this earth!
the mrs says to be cool
pops pours another strong drink and rolls fatty, im smoking in the yard if anyone is looking for me
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Horse-toothed Jackass
Aw, no bruce Campbell? Loved him in army of darkness. Wish there was a sequel to that, although I think he had a tv show (ash vs evil dead) for a few years, got cancelled in 2019.
Pops is right, good going on losing the 15lbs, hope you can lose the 50 more by the end of this year. That’s only like 7lbs/month, you can do it, keep working on the diet and exercise in moderation it shouldn’t be too difficult.
My first cell phone was a nokia, those things were built strong and durable. Im with Hawk tho Im a Samsung fanboy, although apple is cool too.

75lbs seems awfully light, Hawk, hopefully you can maintain her weight a bit, any sort of edible/weed to stimulate her appetite will help. I guess I cant blame you for going to taco bell if that’s all she’ll eat.

Keeping a horse and llamas implies you had a lot of land to yourself, I figure it wouldn’t be too hard to maintain a grow somewhere on the land, just a plant or 3 for personal use, keep it stealth so if it does get found out you can plausibly deny it (damn neighbor kids…).

Weaning yourself off the booze is the only way to do it, Pop, you can actually die from the DT’s if a hard core alcoholic goes cold turkey. Or at least suffer from some bad hallucinations and tremors.
Indy’s defense fell off last year but I think their offensive line fell off more, which was weird because for 3-4 yrs they were considered to be a rock solid O-line. Their best player, quenton nelson, had a bad back and wasn’t the same player last year. If they come into the 2023 season with good health they should be more than alright, just need a QB to pilot the offense.

Jets and Packers are still working on a Rodgers trade, it’s more a matter of when it’ll happen not if. There’s some incentives for the packers to do it later, they get more cap savings if they trade him in June, but jets are incentivized to trade before the draft this week so they can take advantage of the packer’s picks.


In my empire of dirt
excelent point baba, the colts used to have a top o'line too
i saw they just traded away s.gilmore on the defense and seem to be happy with getting a 5th rnd pick for him
they still have some good players in the roster and i think the draft will fill in some spots for them
a.rog going to the jets could change the outlook on the jets season, but they need to get the deal done
lions lost all their wr to some shit so what are they going to do? goof need good hands down field to be effective
thats what my friend said about quiting cold turkey
i tend to go all in when i do something and just hink not drinking is the way to go but they said you need to cut your drinking in half and then you can safely quit, or at least cut back and stick to a lesser level of consumption
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Well-known member
oh i did grow baba.had over 5 acres but the bullshit IL feral hemp made it un sellable and unsmokable to me.we sold and still do sell ok pot for the money.probably crap from Cali now but used to sell decent mexican.

right now im going through extreme issues.when i got arrested recently i was going through DTs bad.thought i was gonna have a siezure.i want to quit now but its hard.if your a full blown alcoholic YOU HAVE TO GO INTO DETOX!!! unfortunatly some hospitals are better than others.ive detoxed at probably 6 different hospitals.id only recommend 2.its no joke.you cant just quite.its similar to opiate withdrawel.do not take it lightly or you could die.i recently heard this story where this 19 year old was trying to get into a frat and they basically tortured him with alcohol.dont remember if he died or not but it was bad.something similar happened to me when i was 14.plus they beat the shit out of me with sticks.shits no joke.all the while im saying this i just got back from the liqour store.probably spent $500 in booze this month.you cant go cold turkey if your a heavy drinker pops.yeah you might live but your gonna go through hell.nightmares,cold sweats.and thats just the tip.thats why they give you benzos so you dont have a siezure or heart attack plus a saline solution if your lucky.last place didnt give me shit.i wish i never started drinking.must be the indian in me.fire water bad


In my empire of dirt
thanks for telling your story hawk, sometimes it helps to know you are not alone in your troubles and can get some shit off your chest if you need to
ive cut back before but this time it just seems to be harder
ive heard the stories about what can happen if you just stop drinking cold turkey but that sounds like some hard core hazing
i grew up back in the day when you would f'with the new guy and there wasnt this no bully thing going on back then, plus whos going to tell
/no one was happy to see some new kook show up at thier surf spot
sometimes it got crazy, saw a kid get his ass kicked and then get pushed off a seaside hill in a garbage can, he probably fell almost 10ft at the end when it bounced off a rut in the hillside
the boys all thought that was funny shit and started pelting the trash can with rocks
im all for earning your stripes but i just never understood hurting things for the fun of it
last time i cut back the mrs had me drinking sprite sodas because she said the sugar would help, i guess it did
the funny thing is most of my family dont drink, they lack some enzyme that breaks down the alcohol and a single drink would get them f'd up
i guess im the lucky one
so how are you digging on the new pad? dident you recently relocate bro
have you started finding your way around
again, thanks bro
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Well-known member
thanks pops.its lonely cause i dont know anyone here.when i saw the punks later in life my dad and i almost killed them but i had a thing for his girlfriend and she liked me and i like her while the guy was in prison.i think it was a sex crime.only reason i let him live was for her.i can be your best friend or worst enemy type of deal but im getting tired.but i cant control the booze and adrenaline yet.one of my favorite quotes is from the first Rambo.they startded this war.they drew first blood.dont be surpirized when i finish it.

and thats not even close to half my story pops.but i wll say to anyone going through bad alcoholism to do it the right way and pick i good hospital cause they will take csre of you and the nurses are usually hot.in fact the better looking nurses sometimes mean a better hospital.i hope anyone dealing with this gets proper treatment.i got the feeling ill die this year but i deserve it so it dont bother me too much.stay safe brothers


In my empire of dirt
im sure you will settle in, but maybe find a new crew so you dont have to go throught the same shit you left behind with those other knuckle heads
its a new start man and if you get out there im sure you could find some cool new friends
/plus f'those losers man! its time to soar
i dont think i need to check myself into any treatment program just yet, but if it come to that i will get help
right now its jsut me noticing im drinking a lot and i dont want it to get too out of hand
i can still do most things (except drive at certain hours of the day) and my health is ok
a little wild is no problem but even pops has his limits
maybe i should just smoke more weed
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Well-known member
what kinda numbers we talking pops?im hard core and was drinking a fith of rum plus 10 beers day.ive slowed down and drink about 18 high octane beers a day.still need to slow down.im not really fat but you can see my gut is from a fatty liver.otherwise i dont gain weight.solid 160 of muscle and liver fat.i just dont like to see anyone die of alcoholism.unless i hate their guts.i could care less then.

funny eneogh my mom uesed to get me sprite or 7up when i was sick.helped my tummy.ive lost 4 or 5 guys to
booze.only 55 give or take.but we were party monsters.smoke 10 joints.maybe a little coke


In my empire of dirt
haha i dont even drink caffeine, so lets not get my hat spinning too fast
maybe a red bull or monster in the morning will do me some good, mix in a few fingers and then get out and do some shit
/or i could just irish up some coffee, the mrs loves that stuff
i bang throung a handle or so every other day, but thats not counting the booze i mooch off the neighbors
luckily hes a coors light man ( not a bud light tranny) and they arent that bad
but sometimes we get into the strong stuff
there is something about sprite and 7up that calms the belly man!
it sux getting old but it beats the alternative


Well-known member
well damn pops.sounds like we could have a contest.let it be known i do pills like klonipine and whatever but sounds like you might be a contestent.ive never been beating though.if im ever in SoCal ill buy the tacos and beer and liqour.dont expect any mercy.

so you put a triple of vodka in a red bull?i can see myself doing that.easier to get a four loko but thats more expensive.pisses me off.im broke but wanna smoke something.guess il figure something out..

wait a minute.you drink a handle a day?even i dont really do numbers like that anymore.only thing keeping me alive is hate>how the fuck you living?those walks in the park?we gotta meet for sure cause your on borrowed time brother.maybe its time to pass on the title of 'i am the liqour' to you.ive even got the shirt.if you can beat me its yours


In my empire of dirt
remember i already have rights to your bears hats hawk!
im not going to out drink you rbother but if you want to hand me downa shirt i would rock that shit
i might burn through a bunch of booze but im still in my prime
i dont drink red bull, but it would be at least two or three drinks
i drink this herbal tea, but yeah its about three fingers
i got off sugars and caffine a long time ago, yeah i am on an m&m kick right now but those have peanuts in them
/like f'n health food
the drinking is just my thinkg man, like i dident choose it
plus i have the irish in me
bring it!

for you my frined!
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Well-known member
lol that was funny.i got irish,polish even some cheerokee in me.dont know about russian but if so id be unbeatable in my wieght class.im only 160.i was talking about my leahy shirt.ill take a pic tommorow.im freaking starving.only drank today.hopefully get a ribeye or something.gonna drink some booze and pills till daylight.nothing else to do.guess im to short for tinder even though old birds say im hot.oh well.maybe its time in my age to be a boy toy


Horse-toothed Jackass
Gilmore was an all pro with the bills and then won a ring with the patriots but hasnt been that good the last few years, think the pats traded him to carolina for a 6th rd pick, then got signed by the colts and now traded again.
Amon ra st. brown is still on the lions, when healthy he puts up top 5 numbers, lots of catches and yards, not so many TDs tho. But yeah, not having jameson williams for the first 6 games will hurt, guess he was betting on non-nfl games but in the nfl facility (lions HQ) so it was illegal according the league rules. Scary that they can just track ur usage down like that.

A handle every other day is a bit much, Pops, if you can get that down to 2 handles a week and then 1 handle a week that would be much better long term for u, i think. But maybe ur irish genes let you handle it, who knows? There's probably examples of people that drink as much as you that live to 100.

i forgot that feral hemp in IL is a thing, sucks that they pollinated ur crop, Hawk. Old school mexican brick weed could be surprisingly potent for something that was compressed like hell and looks like dirt. Maybe it's those oaxaca highland genes, old school sativa genes.

So rodgers got traded to the jets, packers get a slightly higher 1st rd pick this year (from 15 to 13), a 2nd rd pick this year, and a 1st rd pick next year (assuming rodgers plays at least 2/3 of the games). Not a bad haul for them. Ya'll think the jets are a title contender with rodgers at QB?


Well-known member
shithawk420, just dropping in to say, you can get all kinds of RSO in Michigan. Every dispensary I've been in up there has it, and it's cheap. Hope this helps.
oh hey thanks jelly.havent seen you in a while.havent been to the funny pics thread in a while.havent felt like laughing.im in IA so michigan is to too far but IL is right across the bridge.like 15 minutes.never been to a dispensery.do they have RSO type stuff their?i at least want edibles


In my empire of dirt
i saw that about the a.rog trade! big news and i think it changes the jets outlook for the year
this is big news
/the next shoe to fall will be az trading down and f'n up everyones draft board
i thought that was weird too about him gambling at the team facility
even thoe its not on football, its like drinking
you do it on your own time
its like wtf man, dont you have a house to do that shit in?
yeah im in a wet season right now and am hoping as the year goes on i change some of my habbits
like you said two bottles a week would be good and i could live with that
some of the best weed i ever grew was from the mex i could get back in the day
every now and then a good bag would land in my lap and it always had a seed
fresh weed when grown with care and properly cured will easily surpasses the original!
plus there was always a super plant in the group that outsined all the rest
those were the days
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Horse-toothed Jackass
The dispensaries ive seen in IL have hash oil, not sure if it would qualify as rick simpson oil, plus it aint cheap either, like $30-55/g. Ive tried things like RSO on family members with cancer, can't say if it really helped or not, maybe with the pain and nausea of cancer treatments but that's it.

i think jets fans are hoping they're going to make a playoff run, but they have the chiefs, bills and bengals in their conference, you see them beating any of those 3 in the 'offs?

Ur right, AZ at #3 are in a perfect position to trade down with someone who wants a QB or take the best available defensive player, probably will anderson. Since kyler murray will probably be out most of next season with his acl tear they have an incentive to load up on draft picks for the future, not going to do much winning this year with a backup qb.

All these sports betting sites have smartphone apps so it's real easy to just pull out ur phone wherever and make a bet, in the future i think players will be more careful to place bets outside of league property. Heck even just run across the street or something.

Isn't there a song that says "take one drink and do one more?" or something like that? It's so easy to just keep chugging after you take that first swig. But you seem to have decent will power, plus if you do more hiking and exercise you can hold off on drinking till after you get your daily workouts in.

Hopefully some of those good mexi brickweed genes are floating around in the hybrids of today, a good landrace sativa is my holy grail for bud but you need like a 9mth growing season to do those proper.


In my empire of dirt
sometimes i wonder if there are any real land races left
im hearing even in mex they are importing seeds
im sure there is stilla lot of indigenous week is places like Oaxaca and other out of the way places and i hope they can maintain their centuries old way of growing
i agree az isnt going anywhere this season and they would be smart to build for the future
im seeing more and more commercials for these gaming sites even thoe its not football season
/wait,whutt, people watch other sports than footabll
like you said just go down the street or at least get off the "companies" network and use your wireless data
that sounds like good advice baba, doing shit before i start drinking
it will also give me something to do so im not thinking about drinking
/i was talking to a friend and one of the things that came out was do you drink because you are bored?
last night i set a limit on myself, 6 drinks
i could make them as strong as i wantd (of course i dident just fill the glass with vodka) but after #6 it was just water for me
it was hard falling to sleep and i had some weird sweats thing going on, but actually feel pretty good today for only 4h sleep
im gogint to start doing this from time to time and see if it helps
i have a friend who was a hard core drunk and when he quit he told me, one drink was too many and 12 was never enough
i got this man but i appreciate your suggestions
thanks man
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