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NFL 2019-2020


Horse-toothed Jackass
Man, beer has gluten in it so maybe you have a bit of celiac disease too? Does wheat (bread, pasta, pastries etc) give you a reaction too or just beer? I don’t think beer has any dairy in it unless it’s a milk stout.
I know there’s corticosteroid creams for rashes/psoriasis, will help heal it but probably not supposed to use it long term. It sucks having food allergies but if it helps your overall health it might be worth it. I had a boss once who was allergic to gluten (celiac disease) he was pretty skinny, saw pictures of him from before and he was chunkier, cutting wheat out made him lose a lot of weight. He was an arsehole but seemed like it was beneficial to him, but I’d miss breads and pastries too much if I had to cut gluten out.

The packers are favored by 10pts at Lambeau tomorrow night, Hawk, u think they’ll win by that much? Thinking of laying a bet down on the packers, goes against my nature but if the bears do lose by a lot I’ll at least win some money, and if they win then ill be happy I lost my bet. Knowing my luck they’ll lose by less than 10 so I lose either way haha.

Made some baked potatoes and pre-packaged ribs from Costco at the same time as the breakfast pizza. Ribs were about $18 for the slab, they were good, seemed a bit pricey for just one slab but they had a lot of meat on ‘em so a decent deal still.



In my empire of dirt
Premium user
that looks grinding babs, youve been putting up some nice looking eats pics lately
ive had that pre made rib thing from costco
it comes all sauced up and you can just bake it in the oven
its actually pretty good, falls off the bone with a good bite and has decent flavor on it
/i like a little less saucy but they are still really good
i cant wait for the cooler weather and doing more oven baking
i could totally go for some loaded baked potatoes
my sister has the alcohol allergy, a sip or two and she is buzzed;if she drank a whole drink she would be wasted
/my mom is the same way
im the exact opposite, plus ive trained myself!
your bears get a prime time game against the pack this sunday night
im not too sure about your defense and think a.rg could light this one up, 10pts?! that sounds doable
i havent seen the bears play yet this season (we are only in week 2)so i will be watching you!
/ignore the heavy breathing sounds coming from your closet

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Well-known member
I wouldn't make that bet baba.i know they are playing at Lambeau but for the first time in a long time I think the bears have a chance.but it's hard to say.i wouldn't make a bet on that game till we see who these players really are.ill tell you what though.i can't wait to see..

But yeah I'm so fucked up I barely notice pain and rashes all the shit that's wrong with me.yesterday a big chunk of my tooth broke off.i don't know why.cant see a dentist with this COVID shit going on.im so mad I'm having a hard time dealing with this. Anyway we got some games boys.hope all our teams win( except Tampa) let's get ready to rumble! In Jimmy Buffett voice


Horse-toothed Jackass
It seemed like DB likes the food pics, he’s been trying to lose weight so probably seeing pics of food helps him deal with the hunger pangs. A lot of people on diets like watching eating videos like randy or mukbang videos, helps to curb the cravings I guess. Those videos just make me more hungry lol.
Yeah, I wouldn’t mind getting the Costco ribs again, the slab isn’t too big but there’s still a decent amount of meat on each rib, it’s not mostly bone.
I get it, some people want to taste the meat more, not have it overwhelmed by a sweet sauce. I think TX bbq tends to not have a lot of sauce, theyre more about the rubs and just natural smoke and meat flavor? When you going back out there btw?
Sounds like an alcohol allergy that gets you buzzed after a few sips is a feature, not a bug. Lot of alcoholics would love to have that allergy, but are there any other downsides to it, like intestinal discomfort or skin breakout?

I’d be happy too Hawk if the bears play the packers tough, maybe even get a win tonite. There’s a chance I get, the bears have some young guys on defense that played better than expected last week, but that was on a drowned field in the rain. Rodgers at home, good weather with a healthy team is a different matter. Plus Rodgers tends to kill the bears (‘I own you, ive always owned you!’). But the bears new coach, eberflus, is a former D-coordinator so maybe he’ll have a solid gameplan. And fields can pull some magic when he has to scramble (downfield throws across his body) so a few big plays from him… you never know haha.
Hopefully you can see a dentist soon too, i've had cracked teeth before and it's not fun. You never realize how important good health is until you lose it, like most really important things you just take it for granted. I got a couple fillings in the last year in teeth that might need a root canal down the road, the fillings could be ok for a year or 10 years but sooner or later will probably need new teeth in those spots. Ugh, not looking forward to it, first root canal I ever had done was by a dentist that didnt do them often and he took forever, like 2 hrs the first time and then had a 2nd visit after that to finish it, not even the crown just to finish the root canal. No wonder dentists are often pictured as sadists.
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Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, matt jones played despite missing some practice with back spasms, and he played alright, 250yds 1td 1int. The pats D mostly shut down the steelers offense, holding them to 1td (and a 2pt) and 2 FG. This is who trubisky is, a below avg QB, against bad defenses he tricks you into thinking "hmm not bad" but against a good D you wonder why he's the starter. Im thinking Tomlin isnt going to stand for this much longer and will switch to their rookie, kenny pickett, after the next bad performance.

There was a deal on the McD app, free crispy chicken sandwich if you buy $2 or more of something else. Got one spicy deluxe and one regular deluxe, the deluxe means it comes with lettuce and tomato.
The spicy imo is pretty nasty, it's messy for one cause they put way too much spicy sauce on it and the sauce is actually legitimately spicy for a fast food sauce. It's like the 2nd time ive had it in the last year and ugh wont try it again. The regular was alright, came with mayo instead, neither sandwich was actually 'crispy' but theyre meatier than the mcchicken. Forgot to add pickles to them, pickles are free to add but they charge you for adding extra lettuce or onions. Does that make sense?

spicy chicken mcd.jpg
spicy chicken mcd2.jpg

chicken mcd.jpg


Horse-toothed Jackass
I think Ive tried most of the chicken sandwiches from the major fast food chains and the popeyes one was the best, so long as they dont cook it in dirty oil. The last time i got it i think it was cooked in dirty oil, didnt taste that good.
The mcchicken is the cheaper of the mcd's chicken sandwiches, what i got was the 'crispy chicken'. We have a 2 for $3 spicy mcchicken deal in the chicago area, pretty good deal so long as the patties are fresh-ish, when they're not they're dried out and rubbery.
Funny you mentioned trader joes, the woman went shopping there last night and picked up some groceries, including some gluten free stuff. Might try cutting wheat out of our diets, see if that improves overall health.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Trying to get off wheat huh? I must be 10 days into not having milk. Felt weak and agitated but feeling a lot better now. Oat milk in the coffee takes some getting used to. Otherwise that's a huge amount of cream every day, plus milk throughout the day. Still eating cheese.
Watching ERII's funeral on NBC. Not much going on. Have to renew my medical marijuana card. $125. Have to take a shower, been a week or so.
Not really any good eats. That Trader Joe's breakfast burrito wasn't that great. Can't wait for Superbowl food and Chinese on NYE. Hate the cold though. Pan fried dumplings! Crab Rangoon!


Horse-toothed Jackass
The woman and I talked about it and wanted to try it out, see if it makes a difference. At the very least we might lose some weight. Hows ur diet going btw? I guess the lbs wont really come off till you get off haldol...
I tried to cut out dairy years ago, did it for 2-3 wks, didnt notice any difference in my health so went back on it. But nowadays there's a lot more options for lactose free dairy (oat milk, almond, soy, etc), like u said. The woman isnt lactose but when she goes to sbucks she always gets a soy misto (cappuccino like drink that uses soy milk). If you can try to heat up the oat milk before mixing with the coffee or even steam it somehow u might like it better.
Watching the queen's funeral too, i dont see biden or any other country's leaders there. Maybe they'll show them later.
I'm surprised Mass doesnt waive or greatly reduce the renewal fee for mmj cards for people on disability or under a certain income, cause $125 is pretty stiff. U may want to look into that.
U havent taken a shower in a week? U have a bathroom right? Man, if i go 2-3 days without a shower i feel gross and itchy, feel like i can smell myself. But maybe i sweat more than most.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
yeeehhaaww! what a weekend of footbawww!
rams had a terrible second half against the falcons and it was the defense that pulled a rabbit out of the hat for us
knadykrush did his thing and put the cards on his back for a big win against the raider nation
baba might have won a few bucks if he bet on gb, lunch is on him
/chi looked ok but still has some rebuilding to do
the big owwie this weekend was in sf, but we all knew it would happen
if anything i think jimmy'g is an upgrade
/could jimmy'g lead the team to a series of wins and bumps t.lance from the starting job
am i buying into this dolphins team, no not yet but they look like they are having fun and putting up w's
/jumps out of water and makes a series of high pitched clicks and whistles
heading up to a friends house later today so i might be going dark for a day
got a handle of vodka and a big bag of weed in my backpack so i should be good to go
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Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, they were up 21 and then 14 pts in the 4th vs the falcons, but they gave up a blocked punt for a TD and then a subsequent 2pt conversion to only lead by 6. And I guess the rams gave up an intentional safety to run more time off the clock, and then sacked/forced a fumble on Mariota on a hail mary attempt. Game ended up being a lot closer than it needed to be, but there were like 3 comeback wins yesterday when the winning team had a 98% chance of losing in the 4th but then came all the way back (jets, dolphins, cardinals).
I saw some of the AZ game, like u said they were down 20-0 at the half and after being dominated by the chiefs last week I thought maybe kingsbury was going to be fired if they lost big again. But credit to them, they came all the way back to tie it up, highlighted by 2 great kyler runs (one for 2pts, one for a TD) and then they won it on a defensive TD in OT.
I put GB in a parlay with the rams (also won) and the bills (pending), so we’ll see. I should have put a straight bet too on the packers, ah well, bears offense looks pretty hopeless so maybe ill keep betting against them, or maybe take the unders in their games (bad offense plus decent defense). Still figuring this out. I would have also taken the rams with the pts against the falcons, they were favored by 10 but I would have lost since they only won by 4. Sometimes you also win by not betting, eh?
Yeah, trey lance broke and dislocated his ankle, his foot was pointing the wrong way, at least it wasn’t a compound fracture (bone poking through the skin) like Dak’s. Only bright spot is it happened in week 2 so should be healed up in time for next year, but he loses an important developmental year. Plus he hasn’t really looked all that great, still a work in progress as a passer, and as a runner takes too much contact.

Bagful of weed and vodka is always a good time, hopefully you can watch MNF tonite (2 games!).


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, the woman has a friend whose brother used to be chubby but lost almost all the weight over the last year, said he eats only 2 big meals (breakfast and lunch) a day and doesnt eat anything else. It's like IF, intermittent fasting, or OMAD, one meal a day types of diets. I guess if you get used to going to bed hungry you can sustain it. It does help to get some physical activity tho, like Pop said even some long walks will help.
The woman bought some nut butter, like peanut butter but made with different types of nuts, no sugar added, and kind of goopy/liquidy at room temps. It doesnt taste like real peanut butter which i love but it doesnt taste like poop. I dont understand why people say something tastes like poop, have they ever tasted it? It probably tastes like it smells but lets be real, aint none of ya'll ever tasted poop before and if you did it was some sort of terrible accident.

Since fried chicken sandwiches are like crack to you, here's a bucket of chicken wings, $10 on Friday (normally $18) at the big grocery chain. Can get either spicy or honey, got a mix of both, the spicy are the slightly more red ones, the honey are the more heavily breaded ones and dont really taste like honey too much. It's a good deal, fed me and the woman and the dog all day for $10, had some baked potato and bread and butter on the side.

$10 bucket wings.jpg
$10 bucket wings2.jpg
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Well-known member
Damn boys.i had a freak accident.was going to bed and tripped and split my wig on my dresser.im like fuck.blood everywhere.called my uncle.stitched me up.i still got blood leaking.scared to go to sleep.hit the corner of my dresser on my chin.right in the kisser.damn


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
well well well, look who the cat dragged in!
/pops shows up scratching at door maybe tasting like poop
guess whos stupid ass forgot their phone at home last night
had a fun time at y buddies house last night, but was out of touch with the world so i decided to run back home and pick up my shit and head back out tomorrow
we dident watch football but did watch the new thor movie
sucked! there were some decent parts but it seemed pretty plug and play
you know the comic book movie formulae show a big star, add in a couple lesser stars, sprinkle with randos
rinse and repeat
there is a girl thor now! yeah she licks ass!
f'n hell hawk how did you go down so hard you split your wig open? did you get real stiches or did your uncle suture you up
did you see the flash and black out?
thats the way to do it doob!
its a lifestyle change and one day it will seem like normal
i eat peanuts like you would not believe, snack on the dry roast and spread the creamy stuff thick on celery for my late night munchie sessions
what kind of peanut butter do you get, i like the organic peanut butter and they remind me of when we would make our own peanut butter at home when i was a kid; the oil seperates but you just store them upside down and mix them up beofre you use it
do you eat a lot of cereal? i used to love rasin bran and would smash a bowl of fruity pebbles (or other sweet rice cereal) right now!
you got this man and just need to keep doing you are doing adn what will get you where you want to go
i want to hear the story of a turkish place serving you shit! what did your date think of the spot
/when you kiss her did she taste like poo?
those wings look pretty good baba
hhow spicy were the spicy? like if you reheated them in the oven and then tossed them in a bowl with some franks red hot would that be an upgrade?
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Well-known member
Yeah pops,I prefer to sleep on my couch and it's black.turned the lights of and I couldn't see it.the 20 beers didn't help either.my dad and uncle came and literally glued it shut.probably should of just called an ambulance.sounds like you had a good time pops.wish I could of done something this summer.everyone is so fucking lazy and boring in the midwest.i hate it here.nothing to do except drink and work.wish I could go to Chicago and go to lake Michigan and the museum and aquarium.fucking lazy boring fucks

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I bought Trader Joe's peanut butter. I like peanut butter but all that saturated fat in Jif and Peter Pan etc is a lot.
At the Turkish restaraunt we had some beef dish...cubed beef in a brown gravy that smothered everything. I smelled it and it smelled kind of like poop. I tasted it, and ate of it🙂, and it tasted like poop or off in some way. Few hours later me and Michelle who I lost contact with got diarrhea. She was cool...was back when I drank...standing in line outside Fenway Park and peeing on the building. Getting pee on people's shoes. She hung out, didn't really care.

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