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NFL 2018


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
the raiders picked up a back in the draft with one of their first round picks but yeah, i tihnk gordon would be an upgrade for them at the rb spot
/they also have doug martin but his best years are probably behind him
i guess it would depend on what they would be willing to trade for gordon and im sure the chargers would like at least a high draft pick in exchange
/plus i would be reluctant to trade to a division rival
gordon has only played one 16 game season in his career and i wonder is durability could be an issue


Horse-toothed Jackass
Really sorry to hear you had a house fire, Hawk. Ive had a lot of screwed up stuff happen to my homes but never a fire, yet (knock on wood). Back a decade or so ago when broadcast tv signals became all digital, you needed an HDTV or a tube tv with a digital converter box to get a picture/sound. But the antenna should still pick up the digital signal, it’s all UHF/VHF, the antenna picks it up it’s up to the TV or box to process it. So I think ur ok on the antenna, and if they needed a big one like that then maybe the tv signal out there isn’t great. How did you connect to it, via coaxial? Are you sure the coax out of the wall jack was connected to the antenna and not to like comcast cable? If youre really out in the boonies comcast might not even be out there, I had a friend who lived in the far north burbs by Wisconsin and he couldn’t get comcast or ATT out there, I think the nearest junction box was a quarter mile away or something.

Defenses are usually further along than offenses this early in the season, AG, and Belichick coaches Tom hard, he’s not afraid to sit him down when he’s sucking it up. Tom probably doesn’t like it too much but accepts it because it makes him better.

Wouldn’t that be funny if the Cowboys and Chargers traded RBs? Zeke wasn’t much of a pass catcher until last year, when he set career highs with 77 catches and 550yds, which is more than Gordon has ever had in a season.
I think even if Zeke holds out past Aug 6 and loses that year towards free agency, it doesn’t matter if he’s just going for an extension with the cowboys. He’s not necessarily looking for another team, he just wants more money from his current one. So we may see him hold out well past Aug 6. It may be a similar situation to leveon last year, where leveon had up till week 13 to report in order to be eligible to play. Im not sure, it’s confusing with all the various rules and consequences of when he shows up, how that affects his future status, etc.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
it does get confusing and i think there is another date much later in the season that has soemthing to do with years accrued under contract
/something about a week 10 deadline to receive credit for the season
i think zeke is a much better rb than gordon
hes a better ball carrier and consistently put up better numbers than gordon, plus he dosent seem to have the durability problems that gordon does
the only thing i dont like about him is his off field antics
i am not too worried about t.brady being ready to play once the season starts
i hear hes bulked up this season


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, there are all these factors that go into nfl contracts and holdouts. I think aaron Donald, he held out twice from training camp and both times went past the 30 day report date – 30 days from the start of the season, which this year is Aug 6. But as long as he got his contract extension, he didn’t care about accruing a season towards free agency, since he never became a FA.

Texans released D’onta Foreman, their RB they drafted from U of Texas a couple years ago. They have Lamar Miller but they might be in the market for a RB, possible MG goes there.
Im kind of thinking that Zeke might hold out the first month of the season and when the Boys start off 1-3 or something then jerry will cave and give him a new deal.

Obviously Brady knows his body best, but im not sure bulking up is a mistake. He seemed to be doing well concentrating more on pliability/flexibility, wasn’t missing any time with injuries. More weight may mean more strength but it also means more stress on the joints, more force when you hit the ground, etc.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
he is adding a few pounds to be better able to absorb hits but from the latest pics ive seen of him his weigth gain has been pretty modest
i agree that his conditioning is pretty solid and as long as he keeps up his stretches he should still have the pliability but made be a little stronger during the second half of the season
im not sure the chargers are interested in trading gordon but if he isnt going to play under his current deal he might be able to force their hand
they have a pretty good backfield so i think they can start the season with out their starting rb and still move the ball
the texans still have lamar miller who seems to get the majority of their touches on the ground so losing foreman should not really slow them down much; plus what would the chargers want for gordon is they were looking to make a deal?


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, he had a bit of a dad bod going on the past few years, maybe he’s turning that little bit of flab he’s got into muscle, so maybe his weight is the same or similar just more muscle instead of fat. I agree, he doesn’t really look any bigger than before, at least in uniform.
Brady also got a raise this past weekend, from 15M to 23M for this year, as part of his new extension. He’s basically on year to year deals now, which is how both parties want it. As long as he’s still performing well, he’s way underpaid for his accomplishments.

Rivers likes his backup RBs, and im interested to see what he can do with a healthy Keenan, M Williams and Hunter Henry. That’s a lethal receiving group right there, so I think ur right Pop, I’d be very surprised if they struggle on offense even without Gordon.

Lamar is the Texan’s #1 but he’s been pretty hit or miss there, hasn’t really been a consistent performer. I know fantasy wise he’ll have a few big games every year but most of the time he disappears.
I would guess the chargers want a 1st rd pick for MG, but probably wont get it. Maybe a 2nd or 3rd rounder?

Reports out of AZ camp are that Kyler looks smooth and comfortable leading the offense. It’s basically the same O he ran in college so no wonder.
Fitzmagic is #1 on the depth chart for the Dolphins but Rosen is making his share of plays too. I guess the expectation there is Fitz will start the first month and once his magic turns into Fitztragic Rosen will get his shot.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i think fitzmagic is going to be the dolphins #1 as long as he keeps winning
who knows, maybe this will be his year that he puts it all together on a consistent basis and just keeps winning
plus rosen could use a year to "absorb" the game from the sidelines
/plus im sure hes getting his reps in practice
brady keeps his costs down so the pats can build around him
he would rather win than get paid even more at this point so he plays way below market value
/plus his wife makes all the monies and he is pretty well set from all his other deals
so im thinking of getting a jersey this season;im thinking j.goff or donald
/i like gurley too but im worried about the knee
i could always go throw back but kind of like the new rams look with the navy blue and gold
hope your week is off to a great start baba and you are having a fun summer my man!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Fitzmagic has had a couple years in the league where he’s been mostly good all season, last one was 2015 with the jets when he threw for 35tds and they won 10 games. Still, he’s 36 and has been up and down the last few years and the Fins need a long term answer at QB. You make a good point that Rosen could use more apprenticeship but he started a bunch of games at AZ, didn’t have much success but sometimes the best way to learn a thing is just to do it. The Fins play Ravens, Pats, Cowboys and Chargers the first 4 games then have a bye. Most ‘experts’ are thinking you let Fitzmagic play against that tough schedule early, then slide Rosen in to build up his confidence.

Yeah, Giselle makes more money than Peyton Manning, and Brady has some endorsements of his own. He’s been real smart about it, he could have squeezed the Pats for max dollars but he’s always left 5-10M on the table every year to let them keep or sign good players, when you want to be championship caliber you have to have good depth everywhere.

I don’t think you can go wrong with either Goff or Donald but I’d go with a Donald jersey. One, he’s under contract for 4 more years. Two, I think the name would look better on a jersey. And ur right, with Gurley’s knee who knows he may be off the team in a couple years. And I agree, the new Rams gold is really bling, whereas the old gold was more yellow, not as metallic looking…


Well-known member
Don't know what changed but I did another Autoscan can get FOX,NBC and CBS so that's cool.i should be able to watch most games


Horse-toothed Jackass
Alright, nice Hawk! And I think even if the bears are on Monday Night Football (Sep 23 vs redskins) a local channel will carry it, maybe ABC, I think around Chicago it’s like some weird channel though like 38 or 50, not ABC which is channel 7…
Also, if and when you do get working internet, yahoo sports and yahoo fantasy football will offer free live streams of NFL games on phones. I think all u need is a yahoo email account to sign up. Watching a game on ur phone is not ideal for screen size, but I do like the ability to carry it anywhere, including the bathroom.
So, we found some prime grade briskets at sams club for less than 3.50lb, snagged one around 15lbs for around $50. Also the local Jewel-Osco had spareribs for 99c/lb last weekend, grabbed some of those too.

For a rub decided to add a little tony chachere’s creole seasoning into my salt and black pepper mix. It’s basically salt and red pepper and some other spices.


Spices I used.


For the ribs I used the leftover rub I used for the pulled pork some time ago, mostly brown sugar, some salt and steak grilling spice.
I cleaned out the kamado grill and there were leftover charcoal lumps that I decided to re-use, put those in the chimney starter with fresh lump. But the leftover lump had some greasy sludge on it, when it started burning off it made a bunch of greasy smelling smoke. I probably had the neighborhood smelling like one of those old VW diesels running on used frying oil drove around for an hour.

Ribs turned out ok, took a while though so didn’t get the brisket on till night time. Temp was a solid 250F or so and was stable but of course when I wake up in the morning the temp is 190 and the fire is pretty much out even though there was plenty of lump left. Restarted it by laying down paper towels soaked in old fry oil, got it burning nice after a while, also added more lump and then put the meat back on around 250, which got down to about 220 the last few hrs of cooking. I also wrapped the brisket in butcher paper and put a pan of water on the plate setter the 2nd time.

Cooked it for another 9 hrs and actually turned out real nice, probably the best or 2nd best brisket I’ve done. I’ve only done 2 briskets that I would consider restaurant quality, as in people would actually pay for the meat, and this was one. The bark had a little heat to it from the tony’s seasoning (I used that and salt and black pepper in equal amounts). The fire only went out the one time, heat seemed more consistent despite the fire outage, and I used prime. I’m not sure, I’ve used prime one other time before, I’m thinking that was the other time it turned out really well but cant be certain. Funny thing is I totally didn’t use a wireless thermometer, just figured 1hr15min per lb, temp between 220-250 and did the poke test: use a chopstick or blunt skewer to pierce it, if it goes in easy then it’s just about done.


This picture doesn’t do it justice, this was the day after when everything cooled, we put the slabs of ribs around and there’s some fat cap from what we cut off previously off to the side, but trust me it was good, cause the other 10-12 briskets I’ve cooked were various degrees of suckitude.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
oh man baba! thats the way to do it brother
good looking slab of meat and you can go wrong with your choice of seasonings
i use pretty much the same mix, s/p with the tonyC and then add a bunch of garlic powder and onion powder
the tonyC stuff has some bite to it! plus it bring its share of salt so i will season acordingly using less salt
thats weird that the fire goes out when there is still fresh fuel but it sounds like you got the save
i will reuse some of the old coals too! they light faster but inits an al bundy thing
/ashes from the past for burgers of the future

thats kick ass that you can catch some of the local channels on an antenna hawk
especially fox, they usually have games on every sunday
add in your local networks and you have football brother


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yup, they say the Tony C’s should be used like salt, so I made sure to reduce the amount of regular salt I used in addition. The spice got muted by the long smoke so it wasn’t too spicy hot IMO, then again I didn’t use a ton of it, although I did cover the meat pretty well.

Yeah, still working through some fire outage issues but this time it was only once, ill do a bit more research see if I can get it to none next time. Maybe I need to let all of the charcoal get white hot before reducing air flow?

That’s a great line, ashes of the past for burgers of the future. That’s why al said he never cleaned his grill, it’s just extra flavor. But these lumps were covered in old grease, I really should have thrown them out because it made a lot of greasy smoke for 10 mins, wasn’t worth saving a bit of charcoal to deal with that.

Yeah, Hawk should be fine with those channels, I only have an antenna for live tv and a roku box for streaming stuff. I’ll also hook up my PC to the TV if I want to stream stuff like ppv fights or games that aren’t local, if I can find a good link on the internet. My reception isn’t that great either, im always having to move the antenna around trying to find a good spot for it.

Zeke hasn’t shown up to camp, supposedly he wants more money than gurley or bell got. Maybe that’s why they haven’t come to a deal yet, jerruh isn’t shy about giving out big money to good players but if zeke wants to reset the RB market in a big way then even jerruh might balk at signing that check.
Baker Mayfield shotgunned a beer at an Indians game last week. Props for biting into the can instead of using a key to punch a hole in the side.
Brady and Gisele put their Boston area home up for sale. His other nearest homes are hours away from the stadium and practice facility. Maybe he’s expecting it’ll take a few years for it to sell?


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
so it looks like jags de yannik ngokue showed up for camp ready to play
he dident get the deal he was hoping for but he said he knows what hes worth and expects to get paid
i think hes doing the right thing by showing up and playing hard this season, if the jags wont pay him after his rookie deal expires im sure someone else will
zeke is still in cabo and gordon is nowhere to be seen
looks like your grill game has come a long way and im sure you will get to where you want to go; great tasting meat every time
keep it up man
i used to be a huge bundy fan and still quote him from time to time
i agree that ol'jerrah isnt afraid to spend so it surprises me that hes playing a game of chicken with elliots contract
maybe its because he still has a a couple years to go and dosent want to set precedent of negotiating early; but the cowboys were expected to be a playoff team
while i think the boys' have a good line i dont expect old man morris to put up elliot numbers
man, reading some of the comments on that b.mayfield pic remind me why im not really bog on social media type sites
seriously, the guy is enjoying a beer during a baseball game, let the kid have some fun


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yannik wanted a contract like Demarcus Lawrence got, 5 yrs 100M 60M guaranteed. He was only a 3rd rd pick so he’s never made more than 1M a season till this year, when he’s set to make 2M. After this season he’ll be an unrestricted free agent and some pass rush needy team will throw 20M a year at him. Maybe it’ll even be the Jags.
But I think even Def Ends have more career longevity than RB’s. I don’t think by playing this year he’s at serious risk of a career threatening injury, no more than most football players, but I think for RBs the risk is higher. And like you’ve said before, RBs hit a wall at age 30, no one’s giving them a big contract at that age, so if you don’t get paid in your mid 20’s youre not getting paid at all.

I guess this will be one of the interesting subplots of the preseason, how Gordon and Zeke’s holdouts go. I wonder how much Zeke is asking for if he’s making even Jerruh hesitate. 17M/yr? 18M/yr?
Alfred Morris more or less sucked last year with the niners, everytime he was in the game and matt breida wasn’t in was frustrating to watch. Of course, the 49ers weren’t a good team last year, and the cowboys o-line is much better, so he might be a decent fill in for Zeke if it comes to it.

I watched a clip of the show with that line, it was where they accidentally ate the ashes of his neighbor’s mother in law in the burgers. I forgot how young Christina applegate was when she started, I remember when the show first came out all the boys would lust after her, she still looks good even as she aged.

Mayfield had a public drunkenness arrest in college so maybe him shotgunning a beer was a little worrisome, but obviously he’s taking care of business, unlike Manziel when he was on the team. And if he has 2-3 beers during a ballgame what’s the big deal? Even if he’s got an early practice tomorrow not like a couple beers the night before is going to affect that.

Tonight we have a bunch of preseason games. Probably mostly backups will be playing, but chargers play the cards and we might see some of kyler murray, as a rookie qb it might be important for him to get some live reps early on. I’m thinking he has low key fantasy breakout potential, he could get 30+ tds this season if you add his rushing.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
whos ready for some football!
yeah im watching the chargers game tonight
not to watch the bolts play*, but im hoping to see murray get a few reps
who knows, he might get a couple series of play depending on if he gets hit or not
/im hoping he gets lit up and we see who the real kyler murray is
i was talking about it with some friends at work and even thoe it sounds like he is having a great camp you never know how someone will react to first contact
if hes smart he will become a pocket passer and play it smart; he shuold be throwing balls out of bounds instead of running but im sure he wants to show out and prove he was worth the #1 pick
once he leaves the pocket hes fair game and we all saw how badly cam got beaten up after his super bowl season as a running qb
i think yannik is the real deal and worth the big money; this is the jags season and i expect the defense to lead the team to a winning record

yeah i remember all the great bundy episodes, especially the early years
/the guys a living legend and once scored four touchdowns in one game!
hope you are having a great week and are setting up nicely for the weekend my man!still havent seen you around the jungle but im sure you will drop in when you can



Horse-toothed Jackass
I saw the highlights of the Cards. Kyler only had one series but looked pretty sharp, completing 6/7 passes. Worked out of the shotgun every snap, ran to his right to evade pressure and made a nice completion that was nullified for the receiver stepping out of bounds before the catch. Seems accurate on his throws, all short passes though. Decent velocity and touch.

I saw the Giants game live and saw the one series with Daniel Jones going 5/5 with a TD. He looked really good, accuracy and velocity were all there, he was completing passes when defenders were a foot away from his receivers. He didn’t get hit or pressured but fwiw he didn’t look terrible as a #6 overall pick.

I think Cam’s injuries in 2016 came from mostly in the pocket hits, not running as a ball carrier hits. But ur right, Kyler has to be careful scrambling outside the pocket, small as he is. But like Russell Wilson, he played baseball so knows how to slide. Every qb is going to get hit and knocked down during the season, maybe as a smaller guy he takes less of an impact hitting the ground because there’s less mass/force?

Jags used their 1st rd pick on an edge rusher, Josh Allen (like the bills QB), he played a bit last night and did well. I think if Foles and Fournette get that O back on track, and the D can play with a lead more often, you’ll see the D dominate again, free to rush the passer and jump passing lanes if the opponent is in catch up mode.

I liked MwC too. The Al Bundy actor is still playing a grumpy dad on that show, Parenthood? The mom is on some show about a biker gang on cable tv. And bud bundy, well not sure what he’s up to, he really should have gone into the medical/recreational cannabis business with a character like that. “Bud’s Buds”.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
happening baba', we made it to the weekend brother!
i was impressed with murray last night and he did play very well
even tho it wasnt against a real first team D he read the field well and he made all his throws, (like you said it was the receivers fault on that one incomplete)
this morning the big talk was about the bills rb from england who played rugby and broke a long run on one of his first touches
i saw some of his rugby highlights and he reminded me of a barry sanders type runner
huge legs with a lot of quickness
also heard that the bears new rb looked pretty good in his debut
tomorrow we get the rams v raiders
oh so i was talking to my friend today about firming up our prop bets and maybe getting into some fantasy football
i am super excited for the season to begin
yeah ed oneil has gone on to a lot of bigger roles but they are all pretty much variations of al bundy; i am not sure what happened to the rest of the cast
im heading over to my buddies place here in a bit and i will be posting another pic of my afterthought autos blanc jacque in fiddy thread tomorrow morning
hope you have a great weekend my man!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, kyler didnt throw any passes more than 5 yards past the line of scrimmage, but he made a lot of throws to the sideline with velocity and accuracy, led his receivers well, there's a lot of veteran nfl qb's that cant consistently make those throws (cough, jay cutler, cough). Even on the one sack he took on his last play, he just dove forward on the ground instead of taking a hit.

I heard about another rugby player in the league. I think lesean mccoy and devin singletary are in competition for the bills starting job but maybe this christian wade guy can make some noise too. Hopefully he can have better success than the last rugby player, who was on the niners for a couple years. That guy was pretty athletic too but had some trouble holding onto the ball i think.

David montgomery might be a thing this year, he has potential to be a top 10-12 RB in the league if he can both run and catch the ball, like matt forte used to do. Tarik cohen is still a pretty dynamic player though so u have to play him too.

I might try to tune into the rams-raiders tonite, see if any starters play a series or two. Im also interested in trying to see any of the Hard Knocks episodes this year, already antonio brown is causing daily drama at raiders camp.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
ive been hearing about all kinds of antonio brown drama
seems like hes kind of disappeared and hasnt been in contact with the team in a few days and the raiders might reach out to him with an offical letter
he probably cant walk after he got frostbite on his feet while doing some kind of cryo therapy but he still needs to remain in contact
i guess hes also throwing a fit about not being able to use the old style of helmet he likes, he even threatened to not play if the league refused to let him
i doubt you will see any of the big names for the rams play this preseason but i like checking out the second team and rookies
raiders might let carr have a series or two but i dont expect to see that many starters until around week three
i think shady will get the majority of the touches for the bills as long as hes healthy
maybe they can work this guy wade in on special teams if they keep him on the roster
i hear ed oliver had a good first game
im not sure if the rams game will be broadcast on the tv so i might have to watch it online
9rs are also playing tonight but they will be without their first round pick nick bosa
now he has a high ankle sprain and it sounds like he is probably out for the whole preseason
/core injury kept him off the field in his last year of college, pulled a hammy first week of ota's and now he has a high ankle sprain that will cause him to miss the next few games


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, ever since the last week of last season AB has been acting nutty. And the raiders gave him a big contract extension too. Makes me wonder if he's doing this for the cameras (Hard knocks). Maybe not though, his whole offseason was nutty too.

Rams especially are known for barely playing their top guys in the preseason. Most starters that play in the 1st preseason game are only in for 1 drive anyway.

McCoy has kind of been washed up for the last 2-3 years, so im thinking if the singletary kid (any relation to mike singletary, former bears LB?) or the rugby dude can put some life in that run game the bills might go RBBC (running back by committee).

John lynch, the gm of the niners, was saying that he doesnt think Nick is injury prone. I guess he'd have to say that, since he took nick #2 overall. But yeah, it's not looking too promising. Dude got rolled up on from behind and suffered an ankle sprain, a possible high ankle sprain which is worse. How's he going to last in the trenches when guys are falling and tripping all over each other for 16 games?