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NFL 2018


Horse-toothed Jackass
Ahahaha, that lil rascal looks like a burglar, with his face mask and guilty look. Yeah, you have to be real careful with skunks in a trap, i cant imagine getting sprayed in the chest, even taking a whiff of my dogs or the leftover cloud was gag inducing.

I bought a trap like that to try to trap a skunk that was living under our porch, that never worked out but im thinking i could use it to trap rabbits or something.

Lorenzen's deal is like most really overweight people; he liked food too much and didn't like exercise that much. Even as a pro athlete, he didnt really like running. He could throw with the best of them, but doing cardio was not his favorite thing.

That miami player was kendrick norton (any relation to ken norton, former all pro linebacker and current Def Coor for the hawks?) and was signed off carolina's practice squad. Apparently they had to amputate his arm at the crash scene, which means he must have really been in a pickle.

Hopefully his league insurance will cover all this medical bills and maybe also provide some disability payment or something.


Made this brisket last week, even though it took more than 24hrs and had to restart the fire twice it turned out ok, sufficiently soft for the most part. There were more fat layers within the meat than i expected but other than that it was pretty good. Used enough meat for 3 good size sandwiches and still plenty left over for more...


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
the meat looks really good baba! nice crust and color, how did you season it?
what i cant tell is how she smells,l but it looks good; even a few hours under smoke should give it a good smokey taste
does it have a nice smoke to it?i can see a little ring of color but looks can be deceiving
i bet its super good and looks like it has nice fat
so how do you make your beef sandwiches?
i like to grill up some onions and peppers and fold it all together on some nice bread
sometimes i will also add mushrooms or cheese, you know totally going for the cheese steak style
we will also do ours with bbq sauce and pickles
yeah that last guy i caught was kind of cute and i felt like he was just living his life
he killed one of our chickens but for some reason when i caught his i took pitty and decided to take him to work many miles away and let him go
its a good spot with lots of open space and plenty to eat
the mrs got a huge laugh when i told her about how i drove to work with him in the cage in the back of the pathfinder
the little guy was kind of cute; he was even all sleeping in the cage in the back of the truck by the tiem we got to work and im kind of glad i dident kill him
i just wanted him to leave my birds alone
today at work still had a vacation vibe but it was definitely a monday
hope your week is starting off on the right foot and you had a great day brother


Horse-toothed Jackass
I just used plain coarse salt and black pepper. I only had a black pepper grinder and then black pepper powder in a jar, and I didn’t feel like manually grinding a bunch of pepper, so used the powder. Normally I’d probably use 50/50 of salt and pepper but used like 30% of the pepper powder since I figured it’d be stronger.
Came out ok, the bark was kind of salty in places but not too peppery. It was smokey but I used royal oak this time, it was oak instead of mesquite so the smoke flavor wasn’t quite as strong. Mesquite is such a strong flavor that they recommend it more for high heat, quick cooking like steaks and burgers instead of low and slow, as the smokiness can be overwhelming. I kind of like though.

I’ve been making brisket sandwiches with bbq sauce and cheese on French bread, the bread was kind of stale so wetting it under the faucet and then wrapping in foil and heating it in an oven to 300F for 10-15 mins gets the bread nice and soft again. But that plus a bag of chips and soda made for a very nice filling meal. I didn’t put any onions or peppers on it, but that’s a good idea, nothing better than some caramelized onions on a burger or brisket sandwich. The meat was good, salty and tender and fatty. Im looking forward to making another brisket when I can get my fire issues worked out, maybe im stirring the coals too much?

Heh, sounds like you should have tried keeping that little feller as a pet. Theyre supposed to be pretty smart, maybe you could have trained it to leave your chickens alone.

Yeah, definitely still feeling the 4th of July hangover still. Ah well, no choice but to get back to it.

We’re about 2 weeks from the start of nfl training camps, and the first preseason game is the HOF game on Aug 1. So yeah, we’re almost back to football…


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
the seasoning you used sounds on point and you cant go wrong with pepper and salt on beef
have you ever cracked your pepper corns with a mortar and pestal? it comes out real chunky and gives you a nice pepper bite
i like to mix the fresh ground and coarse grind from time to time; the bigger chunks give you a nice kick and the ground brings a nice pepper taste
i like using it on thick steaks
mesquite also burns a lot hotter than oak, so its good for the high temp quick grilling sessions
good idea wetting your bread and reheating it, a nice crunchy crust but soft in the middle
of course you have to have a bag of chips with your sandwich! i eat them with just about everything except breakfast
/the mrs even jokes about me and my potaote chips
how far along are you on the eatibles you made? the mrs made a pan of choco cripsy treats for the holidays but one bite was all i needed, they were super strong
racoons sure are cute but i dont know if im ready to keep one as a pet
especially the one im dealing with now
a friend recently got a couple new dogs and me and the mrs could not get enough of them when we went over for a visit
so much fun and so cute to see, they are border collies so they are super smart dogs and almost more than a handful

we will have to start up a new thread here any day now with the start of the new season
i think im going with the jags as my dark horse this year but we will get all that sorted in the new thread
hope you are easing back into the new week and having a great day friend


Horse-toothed Jackass
Now that I think about it, I should have added paprika to the brisket rub. I used to add a bunch of spices to the rub but after a long smoke imo you could hardly taste them, so just stuck to S+P after.
Ive never ground peppercorns in a mortar but sounds like a good way to grind a bunch of fresh black pepper. I have a bottle of black peppercorns with a built in grinder, some of the fancier ones you can choose the coarseness of the grind too. Ur right, the big chunks of peppercorn do have a bit of a kick.

Wetting and reheating the bread in the oven made the whole thing soft again, the crust wasn’t really crunchy anymore, maybe that would have changed if I let it dry out a bit on the counter, but having days old bread be soft again was good enough for me.

I made like a cup and a half of pretty strong olive oil, a teaspoonful is enough to get me going though it takes an hour or so to get there. I haven’t really made a dent in it so far, which is good I think because I don’t often have a chance to make it.

It’s better you don’t try to be friends with a raccoon, if you start feeding it he or she will probably bring all their friends around, and the chickens will probably die of fright.

I think the jaguars are a good bet to win many more games than the 5 wins they had last year, with foles as the new QB and maybe better health overall in the OL and RB. I like the cardinals as my dark horse, they won 3 games last year but have all new coaching and an almost all new offense.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
funny you mention az because i was readin how old man fitzgerald could move to like i think #3 on the all time receptions list; if d.johnson can have a resurgent year they have a couple weapons in offense
plus lets not forget this years number one draft pick, k.murray
the west should be a red hot division, especially if az can play up and the 9rs have garapalo for the whole season
im cant wait for the new season to start
we have a nice pepper mill thing that you can adjust the grind but even on the coarsest setting its still a little finer than i would like
you can also just mash the corns wth the back of a heavy skillet
i know what you mean about oil and only needing very little
the mrs infised some oil and i made sure to put aside a few ounces in a jar; just a tine bit i thought
well i used it to make my "chronic tonic"; equal parts vodka and seltzer water and then added a good pour of the juice' to the mix
one night i decided i would drink the tonic and i ended up falling asleep in my chair and then having the craziest pot dreams you could have
good times for sure but i still had plenty of high left in me the next morning
we are cresting the hump and tomorrow is thursday and im super ready for the weekend
i hope you are having a great week bruh


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, larry is one of the all time greats and it sucks that he spent several years of his prime with bad quarterbacking. When he had palmer and warner under center, dude put up top 5-10 numbers, even into his 30’s.

Maybe the nfc west wont have a team under .500, if the cards and niners get back on track. I agree it will be interesting to see how garappolo returns to form.

Some people use an electric coffee grinder to grind their spices. Of course the one you use for spices you wouldn’t also use for coffee, unless you clean it very thoroughly in between.

Chronic tonic I like the sound of that. Does the oil mix well with the vodka and seltzer?
I think vodka and seltzer is like a gin and tonic but not as sweet, right? Gin seems sweeter to me than vodka, and tonic is definitely sweet.
Yeah that’s the thing with edibles, u have to be careful with dosing because by the time you’ve found out it was too much, it’s already too late. But yknow, it’s weed, it’s not like it’s going to stop you breathing or give you a heart attack no matter how much you take.

https: //www. youtube. com/user/hashbean420
Speaking of which, check this dude out. I watched this dude’s videos years ago, he hasn’t really been posting much the last few years though. But this dude is amazing, just takes the biggest bong rips, one after another, it’s like he has the lungs of a marathoner. Truly impressive.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
the oil mixes well with the vodka but it helps to shake it up really good before taking a drink
sometimes i would fill a plastic water bottle with the tonic and then just take a sip or two
i like the bombay saphire jin and it has a nice touch of botanicals to it, like an herby taste
you are so right about eatibles not being dangerous, but it can sure ruin a good night if you arent careful
the other night the mrs had too much to eat
she started out making a batch of cris[y treats and i know she samples the mix the whole time
then she has a whole treat after they are done
she was silly high for a couple hours and then her night was done
ive been there myself and had a few times when you knew nothing was going to help but a nice nap
i wonder what kind of numbers fitzgerald could have put up with a star qb
hes hof material already and you can only imagine how his career might have been on a different team
so it looks like melvin gordon is the latest rb to threaten to hold out if he dosent get a new deal
i wonder if the chargers will step up and negotiate or will he end up sitting out camp and the preseason?
on one hand i think he is a good back and should get paid, but it seems like a lot of teams have been getting by without a super star in their backfield
also while his numbers are good, he hasnt had that break out season you see from guys like gurley or bell
/last season he did pretty well but only played in like 12 games i think
the chargers have been notoriously cheap when it comes to paying top dollar for tallent so we will see where this goes
i wasnt able to watch the video you linked to, but i found his page
he smokes like a champ and has a good you tube channel
it reminds me of a friend i had growing up; the guy was an unbelieveable swimmer and would take the huge rips off the bong
ive seen the guy smoke gram plus party bowls all to himself, hitting the pipe for like half a minute
he would exhale so much smoke that it would fill his corner of the room, then he would cough for like a minute straight and do it all over again
i try not to cough when i toke and have learned to load much smaller loads as the years go by
that goes tripple for the mrs, i only load her a pinch if i give her the full size bong and she still wont clear it most of the time
tomorrow is friday and im so ready for the weeeknd


Horse-toothed Jackass
Bombay sapphire gin and tonic with a twist of lime is the bomb. Do you ever do a vodka martini, vodka and vermouth? It’s pretty strong, kind of nasty tasting although a splash of cranberry or other juice helps. But vodka and seltzer sounds good too, is it like equal parts you mix?

Yeah, nothing like an edible to induce instant nap time (well, after an hour or two). I do enjoy that zoned out feeling during the day though, helps make unpleasant tasks, like work, more bearable.

I think fitzgerald’s numbers did take a hit when he was playing with the mess of qb’s between warner and palmer, not sure if he would have passed terrell owens or not by now with better qb play. I don’t think anyone’s passing jerry rice, not unless fitzgerald played with peyton or brady his whole career. Rice was putting up good seasons even into his late 30’s.

Yeah, Melvin threatening a season long holdout unless he gets a new contract is pretty big news. Looks like we may have another leveon bell situation, a year long hold-out by a top 5 RB, if youre right Pop and the chargers are going to be cheapskates again and refuse to give him a big raise. Im guessing he wants leveon bell or todd gurley money, around 13-15M a year, and he’s only set to make 5.6M this year.

Haha, ur boy sounds like the Michael phelps of bong-hit-su. That’s what I loved about this dude’s videos, he’d smoke like gram bowls in one toke, talk for a minute, then say ‘let me smoke some more’. Im sure there’s lots of videos out there of people smoking massive amounts, but I just liked this dude’s vibe, he wasn’t boastful or bragging, didnt talk too much, just seemed really chill and loved to get really really high.

Burger king came out with tacos nationwide recently, I heard they were like JitB’s tacos so I tried some recently. Theyre deep fried like JitB and then stuffed with cheese, lettuce and taco sauce.


Theyre greasy and soft where the meat is but crispy at the edges, made for a nice contrast I think.

The meat seems to be a mix of beans and beef, doesn’t really taste like cat food (I don’t think) but the consistency looks similar.



Overall for a $1 each theyre not as good a deal as JitB (2 tacos for like 1.20 or 1.30?) and I much prefer taco bell’s tacos but they were tasty enough, I could see being drunk/high and eating these.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
wait what? bk is jsut now rol'ing the tacos out nation wide
they have had them here in san diego for at least a year or two
i tihnk they even have a deal where you get two for like a $1.29
i agree that they arent as good as the jitb ones but they arent half bad
plus sometimes you want more than a burger but now quite up to eatting two and the tacos hit th spot
i especially like you pics and now im going to ahve to get some tacos at some point this weekend
while i am a big fan of melvin gordon, i dont think hes quite top 5, but you have a really good head for stats so i will say he just gets in there at the #5 spot
/i remember after his rookie year a lot of people werent sold on him, but he finishes his runs strong and had good hands
i think his best season is yet to come but i would be suprised if he held out a whoole season like bell did
if nothing else he needs to keep putting up numbers and not get hurt; he will get a big contract down the line
im not a big martini fan but i like vodka and gin
i ussually mix it about 50/50 in a nice tall glass
lately ive been drinking these flavored seltzers i get off amazon called ice, and i really like a couple of their flavors
/cherry-lime and a pineapple coconut

so whats on deck for this weekend baba'?
looks like its jsut me and the mrs around the house, this would be a great weekend to make some cream cheese rangoons


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, i think in some areas BK had had tacos for years, Cali, AZ, TX, I think even in chicago (the city, not the burbs) you could find tacos at BK. But now theyre at all the stores. I hadnt had them in years, maybe over a decade, and i sort of remembered why i never tried them again. :biggrin:
I mean, theyre not Terrible, but for a fast food taco i think i prefer taco bell.

I tend to keep up with stats because of fantasy football, and MG was definitely a top 5 RB stats wise last year, up until he got hurt. He was actually a pretty good value pick, he was drafted low 1st rd or early 2nd, but gave top 5 value.

Who would you say are the backs better than him? Gurley, Saquon, Zeke, Bell (didnt play last year), maybe Hunt (got suspended last year)? Mccaffrey? Kamara?

I agree with u, every year he seemed to get better. His rookie year he didnt score any td's, in the 3 yrs since he's 2nd in the league in scoring behind only gurley. He hadnt average 4yds per carry in his career until last year when he averaged 5yds a carry, which is elite. So he was just on this growth curve that kept going up and up.

I think the best solution would be for the team to give him a raise this year (from 5.6M to like 10M) and then talk again next offseason, but im not sure that will happen. They have austin ekeler and justin jackson at RB, if those 2 are able to put up good production then i could see the team cheaping out and letting MG stay home. And Bell didnt want to risk a bad injury and walked away from 14M last year, is it so hard to believe MG doesnt want to risk a career ending injury for less than half that?

50/50 liquor and mixer is a nice stiff drink. Do you include ice in that? A lot of ice would water a drink down over time, which some people like. The first few sips are really strong and get a buzz going, then when youre mellowed out the watered down drink keeps you nice and even.

Not sure what's going on this weekend, maybe ill do some cooking. Supposed to rain today, we'll see how that goes.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
yeah i would put all those backs you mentioned into the as good or better that gordon catagory
dont get me wrong, i like m.gordon, but i think he might be a little early asking for the new contract like this
we will see how it plays out and oue thing that might motivate them is knowing p.rivers only has so many years left to win
if you want to do it the time is now
but ekler is a solid back from what ive seen and i dont get to see him run every day like guys on the coaching staff do; maybe the team knows they can get by w/o gordon and arent willing to spend all that money signing him?
i usually mix my drinkks kind of strong but ive been trying to cut back lately
like you said a bit of ice helps water it down
the problem is an ice cold drink tastes great on a nice summers day and its fun to have just one more
hope you have a kick ass weekend brother!


Horse-toothed Jackass
I think zeke, saquon, kamara and mccaffrey are going to be the top 4 picks in most fantasy drafts this year, and MG would have been in that mix as well (top 5) but now, with this holdout, and knowing what leveon did last year, people might not draft him till rd 2 or 3, not knowing if he’ll play at all this season.

U have a good pt, at least leveon played through his contract and one franchise tag year, he only sat out last year when the steelers wanted to franchise tag him again. MG is threatening to sit out the last year of his contract, much less a franchise tag year. But in his defense, he is rather under paid for his performance, and RBs especially have a short shelf life. Good QBs can have 15+ year careers, good RBs are lucky to have a prime lasting half that long. He was a mid first round pick and in 4 years has made 10M dollars total. He’s not broke of course, but considering most good qb’s make 2-3x that much in ONE year, I could see him feeling a little unappreciated.

Ekeler is an interesting player, last year backing up MG he was probably the most efficient RB in history, racking up 7ypc with some scores. I think he was actually an RB2 (in fantasy scoring the #10-20 or #12-24 ranked RB) last year which as a backup is really really good. Once MG went down though I think he wasn’t nearly as efficient with a starter’s workload, but him and Jackson seem more than capable of moving the ball at RB.

Yeah, it’s real easy to go too hard on mixed drinks, but yknow, when youre done for the day and settled in, if you happen to imbibe too much worst that can happen is youll stub ur toe on some furniture, amiright?


This is the canna olive oil I made. Heated up maybe 1/3oz bud in the oven, wrapped tightly in butcher paper and foil, then crushed and sprinkled into a cup of oil, stirred for a bit, voila.


It’s all right, just a little bit gets me going in an or two, this time im trying to eat the buds as I go through it, before I would just eat the oil and then mix more oil into the remaining bud matter, now I think there’s some good thc left in the buds so im trying to eat little bit with every small spoonful…


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
you could be right that eklar might not be ready for the full time starting job
im thinking gordon sits out camp, but shows up ready to play
you bring up a good point and the chargers could also tag him next season after his contract expires; it looks like they hold all the cards for at least the next couple tears
it would be in his best interest to just ball hard this season and show hes worth every penny hes asking for
that looks like a tasty concoction man!i always felt that leaving the bud pieces in it also made it stronger too
does the mrs notice the float in your step when you are on the juice? im sure you are cool enough to keep it low key, but girls seem to have a 6th sense about things like this


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, if I remember correctly I think ekelar’s first game starting when MG got hurt he didn’t do so well, I think that was the London game? He was a real popular pickup in fantasy too that week, people were thinking this dude was a stud as a backup he’s going to blow up when he gets starter minutes. But that London game was kind of weird, their run game couldn’t get going at all. Then justin Jackson started getting more carries the last few games so ekelar wasn’t going to be a bellcow back anymore.

The next cba between the players and owners is probably going to adjust the franchise tag a lot, no consecutive franchise tags on a player, maybe more generous terms for the players: right now a team can save money by designating a player at a position that gets paid less. Like jadaveon clowney, the Texans tagged him as a linebacker, not a Def End, even though he played like 80% of his snaps at DE, because the LB franchise tag is 3-4M less than a DE tag.
It would be a shame if Gordon didn’t play at all this season, ur right that rivers doesn’t have many good years left and he needs all the weapons he can get. Hunter Henry coming back should help with that though. But Gordon got hurt last year, tweaked his knee with a month left in the season, maybe he’s thinking I cant risk my health for 5M. For 30+M (guaranteed) he would do it, but not 5.

The oil is ok, doesn’t have too strong of a taste, toasting the buds beforehand took out all the green taste. So far the woman hasn’t yet suspected, but ive been doing my best to keep myself straight in front of her. You know, making sure I don’t slur or stumble over my words too much when talking to her. :biggrin:


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
sometimes a little bit of oil goes a long ways, it kind of puts a soft filter on things and makes yuor day a little more relaxed
not enough to be really high, just a slightly different view of things
lately ive been blowing right through that easy buzz stage and going straight to haf; but i also drink a lot so im sure people just think its the liquor
i had never thoguht about the way teams abuse the franchise tag and the clowney story is a prime example or unbridled greed
i understand teams want to pay as little as they need to but to change a position designation to pay a player less is just gaming the system
i think the current franchise tag pay scale isnt that bad? (what is it, like an average of the top five player salaries at that positons?)
it may not be what they player was hoping for but a decent compromise
switching a players position designation to pay them less is just wrong, if a guy plays more than 2/3 of the time in a certain spot then he should be paid like that
also maybe limit the ability to tag a player to two consecutive years
another thing we are hearing a lot about is expanding the season up to 18 games
i think that could work, especially if each team was given an extra bye week so the players get some extra rest during the regular season
extending the season is an almost sure fire way to generate more income for both the players and the teams, but i wonder what could be some of the unintended consequences

hope your week is off to a great start baba!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, I love the mellow high of edibles, although when it starts to wear off I start to get cranky. Like, stuff that didn’t annoy me while I was high starts to annoy me now.

The Texans did clowney dirty by tagging him as an LB, he still hasn’t signed his franchise tag yet and may miss part of training camp. I think he’ll still play the season, he’ll want his 14M this year and as a front 7 player I don’t think his chances at serious injury are as high as a RB’s.
The tag is the average of the 5 highest paid players at their position, which is a good amount of money for sure but it’s not as much security as a long term contract with lots of guaranteed money. Plus if youre at a position that’s not as highly paid, like TE or RB, that loss of big guaranteed dollars hurts more. I remember when jimmy graham was being franchised, he wanted to be paid like a WR not a TE since it would have meant over 50% more money on the tag. He had an argument for being treated like a WR since his receiving numbers were so good but of course the team tagged him as a TE.

I definitely think the next CBA, if it doesn’t do away with the franchise tag entirely, will at least do away with teams’ ability to tag the same player in consecutive years. That’s why Bell sat out last year, the steelers wanted to tag him for a 2nd straight year and he walked away from 14M.

The 18 game season is also something the owners want in the next CBA, for more revenue like you said. Goodell has been public about saying he wants NFL revenue to top like 25 billion in the next 8 years or something, which is about 50% more than it is now. I guess theyre going to get rid of 2 preseason games and limit players to 16 games a season. So there’s this interesting chess match where, if a player is healthy for all 18 games (big if for most players) then coaches have to decide which 2 games they sit.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i heard about the 16 game limit during the regular season
i dont like it; what about the fans who payed good money to see their favorite team/players play?
im sure the coaches will stagger the roster so they have their stars on the field for the big games, but you sit your best against the weaker teams (this may work out in their advantage tho); but if you and me went to a game we want to see the stars
also, how would being on the dl count towards that total, or things like being suspended for part of the season
so looks like zeke is the next rb wanting to get a new deal or he says he will sit out camp
how often are you oiling up about? if you take a small enough dose it shouldent be hard to stay mellow for the better part of the day but not get too high
how long will it take you to go through the glass of juice you have?
have you ever thought about getting your grow back up and running?
hope you are having a great week brother and its not too hot for you

cant wait for the football season to start
maybe then we will start to hear from some of the guys
hope everyone is having a great summer


Horse-toothed Jackass
Ah crap, is Zeke going to hold out also? That’s 2 of the best 5 fantasy RBs that may miss some or even all of the year. Well, pickings seem to be getting slimmer up at the top…

You make a great point about people being disappointed if their favorite player doesn’t wind up playing. I think, for gambling and competitive purposes, the teams would have to announce beforehand which players are going to miss that week’s game, I doubt they would let teams hide that info until gameday. But still, if a family paid 2-3k in tickets and travel costs to watch Rodgers or Brady play, and they show up and their hero is in street clothes on the sideline and they have to watch Hoyer or Kizer throw passes, that would really be a letdown.

As far as suspensions or Injured reserve lists go, I would think that would make it easier for the team. Like Incognito is suspended for 2 games because of his offseason arrests, the raiders could play him the other 16 games because he’s starting off suspended for 2 weeks anyway. Assuming there was an 18game season and he’s otherwise healthy.

I don’t think im ingesting that much oil, maybe a teaspoon or 1.5 tsp total every, just a bit of bud and tiny bit of oil each time, a few times during the day. At that rate this oil may last me till fall, but I feel like I should start cutting back. It’s starting to demotivate me.
I have no plans to get a grow on, not with the woman watching me like a hawk, plus ive got enough to last a while especially at my current rate of usage. But if I ever do get a grow again ill be sure to post pics here.
It’s been crazy humid and pretty hot lately, guess we’re making up for a very cool June…


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
yeah summer is in full effect here in san diego
the year started off on the cool side and at one point we were even wondering if this would be another of those cool grey summers; boy were we wrong
it hasnt gotten too hot for too long, so that nice
just enough heat to get adjusted to and then it cools off
especially once the sun goes down, the nights are nice and cool and we have been getting some really cool fog effect here by the coast
that sounds like a mild dose but i can see what you mean about it having a negative effect over time
because im always juiced up i think i just follow my natural flow; some weeks im very motivated and busy and others im on down time
but if you think you need to take a break then give yourself a rest and then enjoy the high the next time
what was i thinking about firing up the lights again? i mean if your lady isnt happy about you smoking im sure she would not approve of a grow one bit
maybe when she sees the light beaming from under the door just tell her you stormed area51 and have an et in the closet; or that jesus lives there and to stay out
/btw, what are the laws in your area like as far as possession or growing
we will see how long zeke holds out but i dont think he will sit the whole season like bell
i would think that suspensions (league disciplinary actions) would not count towards the mandatory two games sitting out, so incognito would have to sit out at least four games, two for the suspension and two more to meet the 16g rule
who knows how it will play out and on one hand i would not mind seeing the pre season shortened to 2 games and the regular season extended to 18g
maybe they could add another round to the playoffs or something like that while we are just throwing ideas around?
hope you are keeping cool and staying busy brother!