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Newt Gingrich on drug laws



Newt is now getting his ass kicked by Romney in SC.


South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary CNN/Time

Romney 37, Gingrich 18, Santorum 19, Paul 12, Perry 5, Huntsman 1

Romney +18


He's down by 9% points in a Rasmussen Poll too.


His infidelity with THAT wife was incidentally while he leading an (ultimately useless) witch hunt into a Presidential blow job (Instead of, i dont know, maybe going after the assholes that blew up our African Embassies) (Bombings in Aug98, Impeachment in House Dec98).

The man definitely understands the concepts outlined in Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Newt was done before he started...

what fuckin buffoon...

he is so out of touch with reality...

i plan on thoroughly enjoying his demise over the next several months when some his right wing supporters realize what a lying scumbag he is... ;)

Newt's a scumbag...

my wishes for him are he quits the race, goes home, loses his wealth and has to apply for food stamps...

he's a stupid motherfucker who has no clue or he does have a clue and he's just an arrogant, racist cocksucker. either way he's a loser... )

times up Newt, fuck you !!!!!!!!!!!



"I had to shake my head yesterday when one of the wealthiest men, I suppose, that's ever run for the presidency of the United States -- the son of a multimillionaire -- Mitt Romney, he said, 'I know what its like to worry about whether you're going to get fired," Texas Gov. Rick Perry said during a stop in South Carolina. "'There were a couple of times when I wondered whether I was going to get a pink slip.' He actually said this. Now, I have no doubt that Mitt Romney was worried about pink slips, whether he was going to have enough of them to hand out."

Speaking in New Hampshire moments later, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman went after Romney's other remark. "What's clear is he likes firing people," Huntsman said. "I like creating jobs."

Soon after that, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich took a more macro approach, focusing squarely on Rommey's time at Bain Capital rather than on any one individual statement.

"Is capitalism really about the ability of a handful or rich people to manipulate the lives of thousands of other people and walk off with the money? Or is that, in fact, somehow, a little bit of a flawed system," he said to a packed audience of reporters in Manchester. "So I do draw a distinction between looting a company, leaving behind broken families and broken neighborhoods and leaving behind a factory that should be there."

Newt is about to Join Mao and Lenin!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Newt so desperate he has resorted to criticizing capitalism...



Its all a matter of WHEN for Mitt, and how much money it cost him BEFORE facing Obama. Lucky for us, Newt has ZERO interest in dropping out.

Newt will be lucky to finish 4th tonight.

Huntsmann will almost certainly drop out if he doesnt come in 2nd, he dumped all his money there.

Newt, Santorum and Perry should all do better in the coming primaries, Perry is the only one im worried about dropping out, and he has the best financial situation. Perry will be lucky to get 5% tonight.

Newt just got a big backer. Or a pro newt superpack did, they just got 5million from Sheldon Adelson a billionaire owner casino (The Venetian) owner.


Newt is a whole nutha level of evil he is the real deal. Bad bad news for real. I bet he was sucking O's dick while he signed NDAA and cummed all over himself. Santorum was jacking off a goat in the corner too....I heard.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to IE2KS_KUSH again.

dammit i hate when that happens...


hmm.... how to spin a solid 4th/5th place...

At least im not Perry!

Perry will talk about how he is winning close to 2:1 over Buddy Romer.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
hmm.... how to spin a solid 4th/5th place...

At least im not Perry!

Perry will talk about how he is winning close to 2:1 over Buddy Romer.

Newt is so pissed he could divorce his wife without a girlfriend... :dance013:


Seems Mitt "I don't suck as hard as any of my rivals" Romney got New Hampshire with Paul at a respectable number two position. I'm glad Newt is pretty much out of the running and the media surge they're rather forced into giving Paul for nipping at the heels of Mitt will likely shift things nicely.

As a bonus, my list of shittiest things about the runners:
Romney: fucking dangerous. Wanting a Christian-ruled nation would let him play No True Scotsman all the livelong day to get what he wants from his point of view of what God wants.
Paul: economics is flawed at its base. It assumes humans are rational consumers. If this were true you'd be fucking perfect. But it's not.
Huntsman: you seem shitty and get covered less than Paul. So long.
Gingrich: this thread
Santorum: a Catholic against evolution. The official Catholic doctrine on evolution is basically yes it happened and yes the Genesis narrative has no problem with the theory. Ergo, hypocrite.
Perry: I remember one actual good call by him- to give HPV vaccines to school-age girls who are likely too young to be fucking, as a future preventative measure. A fairly liberal policy for a heavily conservative candidate and none too shockingly enough he was basically bribed to push that through. Can be bought that blatantly? Pass.
Bachmann: her Politifact history.


Newt is not out of the running. Newt is not stupid (Darth Vader maybe), he couldnt win NH, he didnt waste money there. Newt and Santorm will both do much better in the next 2 primaries. Unemployment is a major issue in SC, and Romney just said "I like handing out pink slips".

That doesnt play anywhere but the country club.

O yeah, the question, "Are corporations people?" (A play on Romneys words) is losing 2:1 in South Carolina. 66% say NO corporations are not people.
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Gingrich is the MAN. I wish i bough into my own bullshit as well as he does.

FWIW he is not attacking Romney, he is 'speaking the truth', yet for some reason he labels the things Romney says as 'counterattacks'.

I know what the prefix 'counter-' means, you would figure a professor of history would too...



Active member
What has changed was the number of parents I met with who said they did not want their children to get the signal from the government that it was acceptable behavior and that they were prepared to say as a matter of value that it was better to send a clear signal on no drug use at the risk of inconveniencing some people, than it was to be compassionate toward a small group at the risk of telling a much larger group that it was okay to use the drug.

Personally I don't think Newt is an "asshole", in fact a somewhat conservative President would be good for us if he were willing to do what it takes to get this country back on the right track. One way to stop wasting money would be relaxed MJ laws that waste money. And for wasting our money, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

That said, with regard to his "updated" position on MJ, seems like he's saying what he has to say. I'm certain he didn't ask those parents how they would feel if a real-deal medical doctor told them he believes their kid might need anti depressants or some other eventually side-effect ridden drug. They would probably gladly acquiesce in that case. So in my opinion it is really irrelevant if parents fear MMJ sending the wrong message when its really the doctors and drug companies brainwashing our society.


Wouldn't it be nice if all this extra money demonstrated the positive side of policy ideas?

A.) There are some?

B.) He did try that in Iowa, and everyone attacked him for (see: A).


Romney is an easy target, but Newt is making Dem arguments.

Perry is left of Obama, he is calling Romney a 'Vulture'.


Romney keeps digging, today he said businesses "dont care about short term profits". (his whole point was accurate, but very flawed, especially when talking about a company that does what Bain does.)

His 'quotables' are gasoline.

Personally I don't think Newt is an "asshole"
Newt's problem is most of the GOP think he is an asshole.

He went on Meet The Press in Nov and essentially killed the Ryan Medicare overall. Its still up in the Senate, but it would have flown through without the scrutinization that came from the interview.

Above all else, Newt wants to win his way, everyone be damned, i'll shut this bitch down a third fucking time, dont make me call my divorce lawyer.
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weed fiend
Sheldon Adelson, Gingrich Funder, Distances Himself From Attacks On Romney

First Posted: 1/12/12 07:23 PM ET Updated: 1/12/12 07:34 PM ET

WASHINGTON -- A source close to wealthy donor Sheldon Adelson, who is under fire for giving $5 million to a pro-Newt Gingrich super PAC that began running TV ads attacking Mitt Romney's career in private equity, distanced the Las Vegas casino magnate from the ads on Thursday.

"Some people have made this leap that Sheldon Adelson gave $5 million and every penny of that is being used to hit Mitt Romney over Bain Capital," said the Adelson source, who asked not to be identified in order to more frankly discuss Adelson's thinking on the subject. "Aren't people getting in a tizzy here about something that maybe isn't completely accurate?"

Rick Tyler, a former Gingrich spokesman now with Winning Our Future, the super PAC backing the former House speaker, told The Huffington Post that the anti-Bain ads began running in South Carolina at 11 a.m. on Thursday. The ads are crafted from a 28-minute film bought by the super PAC, which portrays Romney as a "predatory corporate raider."

Tyler told The New York Times this past weekend that the $5 million from Adelson, which the casino owner gave on Friday, combined with the negative ads had "all the makings of a game-changer" in the GOP primary. And Winning Our Future has reserved $3.4 million in air time for South Carolina ads prior to the state's Jan. 21 primary.

But it's not clear how much of that money is going to push the anti-Bain ads. Tyler refused to comment on how much of the $3.4 million worth of air time would feature the ads attacking Romney's business career.

The anti-Bain attacks have sparked a huge backlash in the conservative world, symbolized best by radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh's tirades against Gingrich.

And while the Adelson source said the casino magnate was "indifferent" to the "fuss," he also strongly implied that Adelson did not want the money he gave to Gingrich to be used for ads attacking Romney's private equity career.

"I think people want to draw a conclusion that the money goes in and all $5 million is directed just towards $5 million of Bain Capital attacks on Mitt Romney, and that that's exactly what Mr. Adelson wanted that money to be spent on," the Adelson source said.

"What if you donate to the Red Cross, and they do a hundred different things and you wanted it to just go to people in Haiti, and they sent it to people in Somalia instead and you didn't think that was a priority? Are you going to call the Red Cross and demand that they just send the money to Haiti? You make a donation on a basis that the people receiving the money are going to spend it in the best way that you see fit," the source added.

But Adelson has not given any direction to Gingrich about the use of the money, the Adelson source said.

"It was a pro-Newt contribution. He's not involved in the strategies or tactics of the super PAC. He has not seen the video and has given no specific instructions or otherwise as to the use of his donation," the source said.

The bulk of criticism directed at Gingrich for his Romney attacks have followed the line that such talk is an assault on free market capitalism.

"I find it beyond disturbing that Speaker Gingrich and his axmen would attack free-market success stories like the ones associated with Governor Romney," said Austin Barbour, a Mississippi fundraiser who is one of Romney's national finance chairmen. "I anticipate donors will think twice before giving any more money to support these type of practices from the Gingrich world."

The Adelson source defended Adelson's bona fides.

"I do think it's ironic that people would suggest for some reason that a guy who's been in 50 businesses over a six-and-a-half decade long business career could somehow be anti-capitalism or anti-business," the source said.

And Tyler said Winning Our Future was not backing down from its attacks.
"Not one bit," he told HuffPost.

Tyler called it "phoney-baloney" to say the ads were an attack on capitalism.
"What he's saying is he created jobs," Tyler said of Romney. "I'm saying, no he didn't. He wasn't the high-flying eagle. He was the low-flying vulture. Don't tell me you're the eagle when you're the vulture."

"Both parts are part of capitalism. Both are necessary," added Tyler, extending his analogy of eagles and vultures. "But he's trying to be the eagle, like Steve Jobs or Fred Smith or Bernie Marcus. But he's not. He's a vulture."

IMO, SCOTUS set the bar too high for these candidates and doners to maintain the level of integrity they wish to be seen as exercising. Any candidate not willing to play this game has even less chance of restoring sanity. Forget campaign finance reform, we need to remove private money from campaigns. I can't respect my guy jumping over the bar if he has to run though a trough of shit to get there.

All this money is having further unintended consequences. When Newt and Sarah Palin wind up on the same side of the argument as SC rep Jim Clyburn (D), you can bet Frank Luntz, Karl Rove and other Republican operatives are very nervous.