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new to auto flowers


ICMag Donor
Pretty good, LC! I prefer BIG keyboard...and still hit the wrong button.

At times it's laborious sorting through threads. My approach...give out starter info, then you can look on various threads for more info as you want more info. Esp. w/ phone and thumb txting....hard to sift through gobs of info that may or may not answer your queries.
Hi Aridbud,
I wish I had a big keyboard, but without 24/7 power I am stuck with phone. Thank goodness I have ok phone or I wouldn't be able to do any online things. We moved here about 16 years ago to "get away" Things are starting to finally come together and Auto's are the key.
when the girls get a bit bigger I will post pix :) Thankyou for advice.


ICMag Donor
Look forward to your pics. I'm arranging mine in the flower ensemble. You'll see how they are doing soon.


ICMag Donor
Lady C-
You must be in rough vicinity of Osyoos...recall driving the Crowsnest HWY a decade ago. Loved the agriculture, the fruit stands nearby the Lake...resembles NM in ways (other than less water). Loved Creston, Chilliwack, BC. Now that temps are warming, more sun....your plants ought to be loving their area. Mine sure have taken off just in the last few days!! Whoo-hoo!


ICMag Donor
new to autoflowers- my garden

new to autoflowers- my garden

June Saturday 008.jpg


View attachment 222378

Maxi GOM x Blue Himalaya

Pink Bud/Fruit Salad

Gnomo Blue x Blue Himalaya and Purple Mazar

And the growing continues.....
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wow beautiful pix :) The weather has warmed up and the girls are enjoying it. the two in airpots are doing fantastic the ones in garden bed are doing "ok". Going to plant the rest of my seedlings in airpots. will be posting pix soon :)


ICMag Donor
Had to look up "air pots"...sheer genius!!! My preference planting in pots vs. in the ground...you have more control of the elements. And looks to be home run w/ air pot construction- kudos! Look forward to seeing the sisters grow!!


ICMag Donor
Didn't mean to 'horn in' on showing my pics. Some take it as high jacking, and for that, my ignorance. I just wanted to share SHOW & TELL and know that you'll get similar results.

Bet those beauties of yours are lovin' it now!!
Hi Aridbud,
I don t mind your pix, in fact it gives me a great idea of what to look for. When I learned about airpots I was unable to buy them as they were expensive. I repurposed potato sacks (the burlap looking kind, rolled it down two thirds leaving about three to four gallon interior space.) they are working perfect and didn t cost me a fortune.


ICMag Donor
Awesome ingenuity!!! Yeah, I thought the airpots were expensive. I might play around with starter cube trays w/ holes buying at wholesale agriculture stores....glue 'em together by inverting the holes....that's what it looks like.

Your idea sounds like it'll do quite well...plenty of aeration, using recycled materials....way to go!!!!! ;o)

When you have PM privileges, contact me.
Well out of 10 seeds I have a 70% success rate. Sad that 3 didn t make it. The weather has been very unkind for early start out, but has finally turned nice. The first three girls are growing fast now. I have no doubts that the other 4 will catch up soon. Really want these to succeed so the people telling me that I am wasting my time will shut up.
Have got pix of the first three up. Don t know why the spirit haze is soooo yellow. She has everything the same as the others. Other than color she is looking healthy.


ICMag Donor
Hi Lady Ci-
Yellow...could be a few things. One, over watering or not enough drainage. Second, could be over nutrients. Thirdly could be iron deficiency. Is entire plant yellowish, or just the leaves? You learn by trial and error. I've had hits and misses along the way.

Check pH level of water w/ nutrients. If others are doing well and this one not...each one being treated the same....could it be possible the mixing of the soil before putting in the potato sack wasn't mixed thoroughly? A few possibilities.

Do you keep a journal of what you've been doing? Sometimes reading back what you did...you smack your forehead...DOH!!

And poo-poo what nay-sayers say on autos. True, no 15 ft. giants (I prefer a low profile), however, it does have its rewards of giving you a quick harvest. And numerous little tasty tidbits!

Check out those things and see if you can hone down a problem, then a solution.


ICMag Donor
An easy fix for iron....get some nails or materials that rust...add water in a container. Be sure no animals/humans consume. Start out diluting the mixture (if really rusty nails!!). If plant responds quickly (within a day or 2), you'll know it's iron deficiency.
Thanx. will check on that. drainage is good so that s not it and over or underwatering not it. will try the iron. just odd that every one else is looking right. Maybe she just needs more than the others. Could be that I didn t mix that sack as well as the others. Can t fix that if that s the case, but will try the iron trick. keep you posted. :)


ICMag Donor
Some AF's just take more tending than others....better to do in veg stage vs. flower. Anyone else out there want to weigh in? I think lack of iron....have had petunias turn yellow.....iron deficiency. Had a few autos....soil a tad too hot (manure), not mixing well. Do tell about recovery.


ICMag Donor
Only other thing if enough aeration, oxygen to plants...have you been fertilizing a lot? Possible salts in bottom of container....try flushing, too....then iron. pH in water stable?
No on fertilizer as I try to do organic. I am very sparing on fertilizer as it seems to make product yucky in flavor. The soil I am using is made here on the farm. The 5 year old horse manure I use might not have had enough or maybe too much. Not sure. just watered her with light tincture on iron water so we will see if that helps. It is a grand experiment, starting all over learning a new plants needs. :)


ICMag Donor
Sounds like you have it in check. Only other thing....future grows....mix in perlite to keep soil light...or sand...I prefer perlite, but sand is part of the mixture...lets roots breathe/thrive. Possibly w/ your soil/manure 'recipe'....it's "caking"....meaning tamped down, roots struggling to dig and breathe, thus turning yellow. You should know within a few days if iron depleted...and your rust water comes to the rescue. That's when note taking helps!! (CHEAT SHEET!)
I see. So sand and perlite. gotcha. Probably to late at this point to fix that for these girls. It took me a few seasons to learn what the regular plants liked, so I expect this to go about the same while I am learning. Good thing these are quick plants so I still have time to get a successful crop. :)

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