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New study about polyploid

I think Buddha mentioned the plant tissue was sterilized before it was used for in vitro but how do you sterilize live plant tissue ? Also I have an aquaintance that has made polyploids before he is currently working with some tetraploids I believe, his thoughts on the Buddha project are you need to induce the polyploidism right at the seed level. Unless I'm mistaken you mentioned the polyploid can revert back to a diploid perhaps that wouldn't be the case if the seed it's self was polyploid ?

I will ask the biologist about how ti sterilize, but i supose it mean sterilizing the outer part of the plant with some chemical to be sure no fungi or bacteria can contaminate the growing medium.

Sometimes the polyploidy is not stable, i dont think it reverts back maybe is only a mixoploid, with some polyploid parts and some diploid wich seems polyploid in the initial analisis and is not.

the true ones can make polyploid offspring that seems stable

charlie garcia

Nice and interesting job HErnest :)
cuidaros y saludos a los papis
Pleased to see you here Kaiki, you are welcome to see them in person whenever you want.
Or just to come and have some paella together.


Well-known member
nice one buddha, but how come you guys just sell auto/fem "bastards"??? are you the same company as big buddha or any affilations?

also, the higher the polyploidity, more stronger will be the environmental influence upon the quantitative traits which i guess you tried to improve (have you tried the same clones of 6n or 8n among different feeding n light regimens???) will be.

theoretacally the pluriploids should be able to express enforced vigour if the environmental variables are "bettered" in comparisson to their diploid relatives

ps.: for sterilization protocols check out any basic book on the subject of plant tissue micropropagation...
Hi Purple, what do you mean with bastards? we also sell regulars, but buddha´s main business is making fem and some bulk seed.

we are a different company than Big Buddha, just simmilar names.

For the moment we just achieved the 3n and 4n,maybe we will try to develop higher ploidy in the future.

Thanks for the advice regarding the sterilization protocol.I dont know a lot as i said before, but i have a good team, they are professional and i am sure they know how to do it :)


Well-known member
thx for the info!

the bastard comment was about the "autoflowering offerings" (just a way i call them...).

the advice for the sterilization protocol was aimed at other icmag members who posted the question, so we can keep this thread about its title (polyploidity of cannabis) and not about micropropagation issues...

to be honest id love to see what happens if you apply colcichine on the 4n plants... also, it would be interesting to test what kind of fertilizer concentrations they could take up? i guess they should be able to process nutrients at a much higher rate -> faster biomass production???, as well if they use up more water in comparisson to their 2n "forefathers"...



Hello everyone. We share with you pictures of our plants in bloom period. Are tetraploid (4n) pictures.

Somango x X18



Sour Diesel



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I'm thinking the 4n plants may offer some advantage as far as disease resistance goes are you going to make 4n seeds available to growers ?


Well-known member
the 4n are gonna be "resistance wise" same as the 2n.... (unless the 2n phenos were selected for a certain disease tolerance), a 2n plant prone to powdery mildew will cope the same way if transformed to 4n, same mode of action, only faster...

We have to see if there is any commercial interest before; if so we will sell them, if not just share them so people can start breeding projects.
Regarding resistance, for sure they have thicker cell walls, but i dont know if that will make any difference.

For the moment we just can assure the spider mites like them as the diploid ones

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Apart form injuries and the like, one important entry-point for pathogens (especially bacteria) into plant leaves are stomata. 4n having less but bigger ones...
Thicker cell walls but bigger cells means a bigger effort to punch a whole through it but a bigger reward once it's done. On the other hand, the intercellular space is likely also bigger in 4n plants giving a different kind of microbes a better chance (not all are intracellular pathogens).
From that point of view, it might go both ways. How the immune responses of different 'ploids' are with regard to different diseases is likely unpredictable and has to be tested.
I don't know about all aspects of botany and diseases, I did recently watch a video that included a bit about how the some governments in Europe banned fungicides so strawberry farmers got creative to reduce crop losses. Turns out when they monitored the Brix level and kept it high PM couldn't establish it's self on the crop reducing loss due to PM from 50% to near 0% , my thought is if 4n plants have thicker leaves like the high Brix leaves this may be very difficult for PM to deal with.
Little update:

The 3n make seeds, and the seeds are viable, we dont know yet the ploidy of those individuals.

there is a 4n individual wich seems to be completely sterile, we tried to impollinate it with pollen from 2n, 3n and 4n plants without success, we will continue trying.

i have some 3n seeds i can share, if anyone is interested please PM me.
I'm not to sure about those 3n seeds I made seeds which according to the original breeder should have been 3n I tried to germinate 600 and managed to net about 6 tiny plants. Most of the seeds did nothing some cracked and started to push out a root tip some just cracked. My aquaintance seems to have had some really good success with tetraploids he is currently working on another strain figures the clones will sell for $50.00 ea.


Oooops sorry, i told people to send me PM if they wanted some triploids, but that account has no inbox yet; please PM to this account if you are interested


Active member
Sorry to be a dick but... This seems like a rehash of some dead end stoner experiments done in the past combined with some information you could pull out of a genetics 101 textbook.

Thought this was a "new study"...

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