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New neighbors Pit Bulls - What would you do?

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joe guy

If it was me, I'd put some sharp metal shavings in a ball of hamburger or other meat. Let 'em eat that, and bleed to death from the inside out.

Wow dude they (dogs) are doing what they think is their job
Owners fault for allowing the dogs to develop a pack mentality don't make them suffer for doing good in their mind ( the dogs ) I like the 110 volt idea they sell shock collars maybe that would be a idea for the neighbors I believe it's called a invisible fence dog gets close he gets zapped the longer he is passed the line the shock gets stronger


Active member
I would reinforce the fence, with welded metal fence. I would also report them for having dogs off a leash, during hours which are not permitted and for an illegal amount of time. Around here, a dog can only be outside during certain hours, and for only so long at a time.

Sorry that you have such lousy neighbors.

joe guy

Oh yeha and forgot to add if a violent approach is needed then swift death is the only way to go PLEASE DO NOT let them suffer look at it as hunting 1shot your not going for a mount so head shots only no body mass hold your breath before u pull.. ( incase your not versed on shooting) never make any animal suffer for any reason quick merciful death...
I do hope everything works out GOOD for all parties involved...


Active member
I do not get it.

Were the numbers for 32% of all deaths caused, while only being 2% of the population supposed to mean something? I know they can be deadly, right. I am not defending them, but logic instead.

a)So they could be violent, because "it's in them."

b)Or the owners who typically choose them are aggressive and they like their dog aggressive.

And to the person who said their pit won't harm anybody, how will he protect you? What if he thinks you're even in danger?

People are dangerous, and are not easily controlled. Dogs have even more instinct to override their nice behavoirs.

Any dog could bite.

I was like "my dog never bit anybody it's a nice dog" and my dog was fine with my face by it's face. Then one of my cousins it didn't know, put her face up to kiss it and got bit.

LOL Even little dogs can show aggression, but IT WONT KILL YOU and be able to lock on to your flesh.

Here is an idea. Get a loud electricity sound downloaded on your computer. Now, when the dogs look at you, or bark, play a very fucking load electricity sound and then download "Raiden WINS!!" and then play that also.

The people will most assuredly get the point that every time their dogs bark, that this will happen. :)

Plus, once you bring up the fact that Raiden isn't a mortal, and that he shouldn't really be in Mortal Kombat that will make the victory even more annoying, because "Raiden Wins" should never be announced...he is no mortal.


Active member
Pitbulls have a bad rep but its not there fault... I feel they are picked because they are extremely smart dogs and also extremely strong. In a shitbags eyes thats a perfect recipe for a fighting dog. It's the Gangbanger owners who treat them like shit and also shitty breeders poppin out inbred litters or using vicious parents...
Get a pit from a quality breeder and treat it like a normal fucking dog and you will have no problems...


Makes me wonder why you even posted this.
Where do you suppose your responsibility lies?
If I even think they were a danger to my kids, here's what I would do....
Open carry my pistol so it is obvious to my fucking neighbor, tell him animal control is on the way, wait for them to show up, show them the fence.
Don't be a pussy, it's your right, and be there in person.

And don't listen to this shit people are spouting about how my nice pit bull would never harm anyone, looks to me like the fence saved you THIS time, could be your kids next.


Active member
Put some raised flowerbeds against the fenceline to make it a bit more solid. Talk to the neighbors and mention you have a dog and family and you are concerned that their dogs broke thru a wooden fence with seemingly malicious intent. Perhaps they could invest in a chainlink enclosure to ensure the safety of the neighborhood and be responsible owners. Spray your and the family's urine along the fenceline. This can be done easy enough with a spraybottle to ensure proper coverage and little mess. Perhaps some treats and talking to the dogs if they are alone and nobody will be the wiser. Do not make contact with them they may lash out of fear or instinct. I own a pit and she is great. Not the smartest cookie and a bit stubborn but full of love for my family and other animals. She will protect her yard and car but she is not out to maim and kill. Maybe another horizontal brace. Looking back on that pic I didn't realize how far up it broke. The wood does look a bit old and smallish.

The confusing part is it looks like I am seeing the front of a fence. You did say it was your fence right?


the amish have some seriously fucking viscous labs, WAY more intense than 9/10 pitts ive personally met.. which brings us back to training, or lack there of.
On target!


Well-known member
The solution seems like a rather obvious one.

Fix and reinforce your fence. Ya know, to do what is necessary to protect yourself, kids, and own pets.

They are dogs.. not super mutants. I don't care how strong or vicious a dog is.. They shouldn't be able to bust through a properly built and reinforced fence so easily. Your fence was obviously in poor condition and while your neighbors seem like ass-hats and should take responsibility for their pets and the damage they've done to your fence.. they likely wont.

So the logical solution is to simply remedy the situation. No animal control needed, no law enforcement necessary, no needing to go to war with the neighbor, no need to kill an animal. You're clearly extremely ignorant and prejudice to the breed and many other things, but that is another topic.

Fix your fence so that this is a non-issue. If something happens because you fail to do such, but would rather involve animal control, civil suits, arguing with the neighbors, harming animals, etc.. well, then then you yourself are also very much responsible for the outcome.

Just fix your old poorly built fence and go back to minding your own business. Simple.
maybe you could ask that they pay for the fence upgrade, possibly an electric fence for theirs, and some dog training.
dogs respond to dominance, not aggresivness. id stear clear of any confrontations with a big pit. if they arent raised properly, they are not the friendliest with strangers, especially when one is aggressive. the dog thinks its protecting its people, the real problem however is people fail to realize they are dogs, and need specific training routines to respond.
id ask the owner to start coughing up dough for a new stronger fence, maybe that will motivate them to do something more permanent with their animals.
last resort call animal control and explain the sitch.. just dont hurt their dogs, its not their fault, its their humans..


The solution seems like a rather obvious one.

Fix and reinforce your fence. Ya know, to do what is necessary to protect yourself, kids, and own pets.

They are dogs.. not super mutants. I don't care how strong or vicious a dog is.. They shouldn't be able to bust through a properly built and reinforced fence so easily. Your fence was obviously in poor condition and while your neighbors seem like ass-hats and should take responsibility for their pets and the damage they've done to your fence.. they likely wont.

So the logical solution is to simply remedy the situation. No animal control needed, no law enforcement necessary, no needing to go to war with the neighbor, no need to kill an animal. You're clearly extremely ignorant and prejudice to the breed and many other things, but that is another topic.

Fix your fence so that this is a non-issue. If something happens because you fail to do such, but would rather involve animal control, civil suits, arguing with the neighbors, harming animals, etc.. well, then then you yourself are also very much responsible for the outcome.

Just fix your old poorly built fence and go back to minding your own business. Simple.

Funny how people that keep telling me I'm ignorant to the breed are the same ones that are telling me its my responsibility to keep someone elses dog off my property and that I should be minding my own business. So do you actually tell your neighbors its their problem and to build a new fence and mind their own business cause you can't control your dog? How old are you?
Funny how people that keep telling me I'm ignorant to the breed are the same ones that are telling me its my responsibility to keep someone elses dog off my property and that I should be minding my own business. So do you actually tell your neighbors its their problem and to build a new fence and mind their own business cause you can't control your dog? How old are you?

who cares how ignorant to the breed you are, YOU dont own the two crazy ass dogs.
i agree fix the fence, but those guys should pay for it. seriously, give animal control a call, talk to them about it, they pay a visit. hopefully problem solved..
Fix and reinforce your fence, speak to your neighbours about paying for the fence and keeping their dogs under control. If you feel after talking they did not listen call the authorities. If you haven't already done these things you are an idiot. The fact that you made a thread about this when these are the sensible options speaks volumes to me and the fact that you seem to have issues with certain dog breeds is not helping you at all any dog can attack.

soil margin

Active member
There are NO bad dogs, only bad owners. I raised & bred APBT for years. A dog will only do what it's owner allows it to do.
I would go electric on your fence.

Does the same apply to tigers? Dogs are animals. Them being 'tame' is merely you believing in the illusion of control.

My best friends mom has been a professional dog breeder in the south for over 30 years and I've seen plenty of them that you think are well behaved until they get into a bad mood or something pisses them off, then you get bitten or attacked.

Control is an illusion when it comes to living creatures.
Fix and reinforce your fence, speak to your neighbours about paying for the fence and keeping their dogs under control. If you feel after talking they did not listen call the authorities. If you haven't already done these things you are an idiot. The fact that you made a thread about this when these are the sensible options speaks volumes to me and the fact that you seem to have issues with certain dog breeds is not helping you at all any dog can attack.

people on this forum arent usually the first to call the lpd, id assume.
hes not an idiot, hes stuck in a bad sitch. and asked his buds for some ideas.
animal control is not part of lpd, and they dont USUALLY bring lpd with them.

it speaks volumes the op is interested in the best approach to the problem.
Does the same apply to tigers? Dogs are animals. Them being 'tame' is merely you believing in the illusion of control.

My best friends mom has been a professional dog breeder in the south for over 30 years and I've seen plenty of them that you think are well behaved until they get into a bad mood or something pisses them off, then you get bitten or attacked.

Control is an illusion when it comes to living creatures.

ill disagree here, to an extent. sure, every so often you have a dog with that kill instinct, its very difficult to train out.
BUT for the majority of dogs, if you assume the role of pack leader, be assertive and dominant but not aggressive, they will respect you. dogs are pack animals, not people, solitary hunters. they need pack mentality to survive.
notice how strays always seem to form up packs with other strays.

hopefully the problem is resolved, noone likes crazy dogs, or crap neighbors.


Well-known member
@OP, please let us know, how you handled the case and what was the outcome, could be helpful to other folks in future, who might end up in the same spot...

ps.: good luck bro, anyway you try n fix it, just try n do it in a civil way aight?
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