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How to Garden By The Moon



Isn't today the best day? I though 2 days after a new moon was best?

I'm new to the whole idea of moon phase planting though.


Active member
@stankie not sure man i'm wet behind the ears here too, i just know that it's good after a new moon when you can see the crescent begining to wax.....p.s. scare or die foo' ;) i'm old but still keep a deck in the trunk of the car, word up

@quiet_riot i too, transplanted an avocado tree, i think the label said it's organic, but who knows how much weight that pulls, hope so at least...just need to get the lemon and the mango tree in the ground next


sorry don't have a current edition of Llewellyn's Moon Sign book.

I haven't checked out the above link, but just cuz there is a website don't make them correct. Check to see they are using the tropical zodiac, not the real time one that is used by Farmer's Almanac and most published sites. This inaccurate moon guide can lead you into ruin.

:laughing: You're actually gonna make the claim that all or most farmers almanacs are inaccurate??? Farmers almanacs are all about farming/growing...Llewellyn's site is all about horoscopes and hocus pocus. Not trying to tread on your thread but read this next sentence and figure out for yourself which form of astrology is more accurate...

"Basically the sidereal (or star) zodiac is based on the constellations as they are, whereas the tropical (or symbolic) zodiac uses the constellation positions as they used to be."

Would it be better to garden by where the moon/stars are at the present or where they were sometime in the past? Anyone wanting to compare tropical and sidereal astrology here's an article... http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/astrology_plain_english/68808

Anyone wanting sound advise on gardening by the signs should simply go here...


Baba Ku

Active member
According to the ever accurate science of astrology, those who were once Aquarians, are now Capricorns. In fact, the zodiac and astrological hocus-pocus has been riddled with inaccuracies and changes to where there is no way it could be anything but raw hogshit, even if it had validity at inception...which of course it didn't.
Mooncharts that utilize star positions are worthless, as science has recently proven.


super cloning and planting days in March 2011

super cloning and planting days in March 2011

March 5th all day long all over the world :D

March 22nd, same thing.

Both these dates are super cloning dates and great dates for planting spring crops inside.

Have Fun Moon Gardeners.

Recently, one of my pals was crying and boohoo ing about his clone success rates. he said "How do you get 100% all the time? Why do your clones root so fast and grow so big so quick? What kind of fertilizer do you use?"

I told him that cloning by the Moon was the secret weapon.

"That shit don't work!!", he said. "That's bull."


Oh well.


weed fiend
At least he's not trolling your thread.

I rarely have trouble with clones. If I get stubborn seeds, I always think about Lola and the moon. Too bad it's usually after the fact. Might have made the difference.


Active member
on 03/04/2011 during the new moon, the moon is about 405373km away from the earth

on 03/19/2011 during the next full moon, the moon is about 356794km away from earth

as the moon is waxing it's getting a bit closer to earth

as the moon is waning it's getting a bit further from earth

thinking about the effect of gravity on us when the moon is edging closer to us, versus gravitational effect as the moon is edging further from us, well maybe i'm a simpleton but it all makes sense in my mind in regards to pull from the moon

oh well, maybe it's all just hocus pocus. my brain is going strictly off of the lunar position though, carry on =)


Active member
okay, in much the same way as i control when the light turns on and off in the flowering room, after all, i placed the timer there and programmed it...would one say that i turn the lights off and on every day? or that i just put something in motion to do that for me?

indirect, direct, beautiful day out today either way, thank god i'm alive


Active member
from http://www.farmersalmanac.com/calendar/gardening/

Gardening by the Moon Calendar from the Farmers' Almanac

The Farmers Almanac Gardening by the Moon Calendar is determined by our age-old formula and applies generally to regions where the climate is favorable.

March 2011
29th-31st A Barren Period, Best Suited For Killing Pests. Do Plowing And Cultivating.

April 2011
1st-2nd Favorable Days For Planting Root Crops, Extra Good For Vine Crops. Set Strawberry Plants. Good Days For Transplanting.
3rd-4th Poor Planting Days. Break Ground Or Cultivate.
5th-6th Favorable For Planting Beans, Corn, Cotton, Tomatoes, Peppers, And Other Aboveground Crops.
7th-8th Poor Days For Planting, Seeds Tend To Rot In The Ground.
9th-10th Plant Tomatoes, Beans, Peppers, Corn, Cotton, And Other Aboveground Crops On These Most Fruitful Days. Plant Seedbeds. Start Flower Gardens.
11th-15th Grub Out Weeds, Briars, And Other Plant Pests.
16th-17th First Day Good For Planting Corn, Melons, Squash, Tomatoes, And Other Aboveground Crops. Last Day Favorable For Planting Root Crops. All Days Favorable For Sowing Grains, Hay And Fodder Crops, And For Planting Flowers.
18th-20th Good Days For Planting Beets, Carrots, Radishes, Turnips, Peanuts, And Other Root Crops. Also Good For Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Kale, Celery, And Other Leafy Vegetables. Start Seedbeds. Good Days For Transplanting.
21st-22nd Barren Days. Do No Planting.
23rd-25th Favorable Days For Planting Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Radishes, Onions, And Other Root Crops.
26th-27th Excellent Time To Kill Weeds, Briars, Poison Ivy, And Other Plant Pests.
28th-29th Favorable Days For Planting Root Crops, Extra Good For Vine Crops. Set Strawberry Plants. Good Days For Transplanting.
30th Poor Planting Day. Break Ground Or Cultivate.

May 2011
1st-2nd Poor Planting, Fine For Cultivating Or Spraying.
3rd-4th Favorable For Planting Beans, Corn, Cotton, Tomatoes, Peppers, And Other Aboveground Crops.
5th-6th Any Seed Planted Now Will Tend To Rot.
7th-8th Most Favorable For Planting Corn, Cotton, Okra, Beans, Peppers, Eggplant, And Other Aboveground Crops. Plant Seedbeds And Flower Gardens.
9th-12th A Barren Period. Good For Killing Plant Pests, Cultivating, Or Taking A Short Vacation.
13th-15th Excellent Time For Planting Corn, Beans, Peppers, And Other Aboveground Crops. Favorable For Sowing Hay, Fodder Crops, And Grains. Plant Flowers.
16th-17th First Day Excellent For Planting Aboveground Crops. Second Day Favorable For Carrots, Beets, Onions, Turnips, And Other Root Crops. Both Days Good For Planting Cabbage, Lettuce And Other Leafy Vegetables, And For Planting Seedbeds. Second Day Good For Transplanting.
18th-20th Do No Planting.
21st-22nd Plant Late Beets, Potatoes, Onions, Carrots, And Other Root Crops.
23rd-25th Kill Plant Pests On These Barren Days.
26th-27th Favorable Time For Planting Late Root Crops. Also Good For Vine Crops That Can Be Planted Now. Set Strawberry Plants. Good Days For Transplanting.


We are Farmers
According to the ever accurate science of astrology, those who were once Aquarians, are now Capricorns. In fact, the zodiac and astrological hocus-pocus has been riddled with inaccuracies and changes to where there is no way it could be anything but raw hogshit, even if it had validity at inception...which of course it didn't.
Mooncharts that utilize star positions are worthless, as science has recently proven.

Planting by the moon has nothing to do with astrology and what mooncharts are you looking at that utilize star positions? By definition a moon only orbits one specific star or planet so it does not matter where any other star is in relation to that moon.

Baba Ku

Active member
Many mooncharts incorporate astrology mumbo jumbo.
The author of the thread was telling us how the astro charts are the ones to watch.
I am contending that astro charts are bollocks and always have been.
In fact, I believe that Farmers uses astro charts, which is pretty evident by what was provided above. Astro charts figure in to where the moon is in relationship to it's overlay of star constellations and the planets.
Moon gardening is simply planting and harvesting according to the phases of the moon, and whether it is waxing or waning. Not much more.
Look for the word "barren" to clue you in on where the charts were derived.
That term is usually associated with astrological charts and recommendations.


I garden on a lunar schedule. Not going to try and convince anyone else if it's right or wrong, just what works best for me. It is scientifically proven that the moon affects the tides and water movement. We are made up of 85-90% H2O, not sure what % a marijuana plant contains but I'll put a bet on it that it is relatively high (so am I, lol). I like using a lunar schedule due to the fact that it gives me a couple more days per cycle compared to a fortnight (two weeks). Not that big of deal but, if you watch your girls closely you'll notice the ripening times be perfectly matched up if you stay on schedule with the moon. New moon is coming folks get ready for the switch.

I don't put much emphasis on astrological charts, they are used to look into the past and we are headed in the other direction.

Just my opinion, get yer own!

Good luck, peace