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NEW Colorado Growers Thread


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Miles where the fuck are the Cliff Notes? :)

just putting my eyes on it for the first time; i'll drop some info when i get a chance... basically use the search function to find what you want to find in the document.
what's raising a stink already is the obvious numbers about profiling, especially of juveniles

. I'd like to think legalization is helping curb our incarceration epidemic not just eliminating the previous tickets that accompany decriminalization laws.

prison guard unions cannot allow a curb in incarceration
just like police unions cannot allow a curb in arrests/tickets
you see one stat go down, and two go up.... see the juvenille arrests nmbrs; 8% decrease in one category while 30 % & 60% increases in others.
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Active member
Skimming over the report, what it shows is that legalization is a money maker for the State & that it made but a few ripples in daily life in general for most Coloradans- the straight ones, anyway. It's also a money maker for cannabiz.

While the positive impact on the cannabis community is huge its negative impact is almost imperceptible- just the way we want it & knew it would be all along.

Where's it going? Dunno. I just know it's different than we imagined 40 years ago. It'll probably go in directions we don't imagine today, as well. What I'm sure of is that we won't be going back.


Anyone going to spend the holiday avoiding events and just collecting samples and other useful swag from the more reputable vendors and stores?

Might hustle a bit, just for old time's sake.
you guys know of any specials the grow stores are running?
I feel like I got some real cheap nutrients a year ago.... and swore I'd buy a years worth this year at those prices.


I snagged some cheap stuff over at Grofax on Colfax, they were also grilling burgers and dogs, might be worth a look.

Wellspring is always a good place to visit on the holiday but they usually sell out by noon.

Still trying to decide on my day, but sold out of weed by 4:20 AM :biggrin:


Active member
Hope everyones 20th was safe, and legal issue free!! I hit Breckenridge this am.... lol big red sign getting off ganjala saying Marijuana is not permitted anywhere!! Lol fckn vail resorts.....


Colorado Cup was shut down at 3:14pm by Denver PD who had sent undercover agents into the event with the express intent of attempting to illegally purchase cannabis.

The agents were not subtle, they literally asked every single person they met, most refused, a very very few got greedy or made mistakes, and they were pinched. The owner of the business was not charged, but was told she was in violation of the electrical code and made to shut down for the day, they should be able to re-open tomorrow.

Police confiscated people's private flowers and all flowers present at the event. They poured water onto all concentrates that weren't in sealed containers. Edibles were left untouched. Feels like the old days of prohibition except it was a few arrests instead of mass arrests and a panic.


Active member
@smurph, prohibition u say.. From your disc it sounds spot on.
I literally picture the water pouring onto buds as a old newsreel of prohibition coppers dumping Booze n breaking bottles.

Sorta glad I did like Avi n puffed out my basement working.

My best 420 wishes to those who who braved the crowds and esp those who got hassled.

Keep the info coming guys. God knows we won't get the stright story from FOX NEWS.
N oc
Big ups respect and happy growing.


ICMag Donor
Damn piggies rooting around again.
Hope everybody had a good 4/20.
I spent the day walking around on some cliffs w some friends.
Was rather quiet in my neck of the woods.


Senior Member
But, But it's legal, and regulated like alcohol. :)

I don't get the enforcement logic in Colorado. I know that assumed there is logic. HTCC no go, 420 rally ok. Ok to hotbox a tour van, not ok to hold a private event. Ok to "sell" you a pipe, and "give" you an eight. Not ok to be a caregiver with a high plant count.

Pick & choose much?


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
my analogy for "legal like alcohol" is this: cops knock on the door, you smell like a burning joint so they search your house for a grow, and count your plants check compliance.
cops knock on your door, you have a beer in your hand, but they don't search your house for a brewery or check how many gallons your are brewing....

who dat is

Cave Dweller
my analogy for "legal like alcohol" is this: cops knock on the door, you smell like a burning joint so they search your house for a grow, and count your plants check compliance.
cops knock on your door, you have a beer in your hand, but they don't search your house for a brewery or check how many gallons your are brewing....

Never consent to a search and never let them in the house for any reason, they aren't your friends.


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