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NEW.BOG Preservation Project.



Glad you're feeling better SW.

Carefree....how are you. Everything good?


as a matter of fact...

as a matter of fact...

Leonidas said:
Yeah where's Carefree ?

My question exactly...I know he was working a very very tough position , and I think he would be okay with my saying that..and was thinking of getting out..but with the economy in ruins.....

I am also wondering where Bakelite, HAL, I cough 2 get off, and others are..I was going to write to Olddrifter TODAY to find out where and HOW he is..so I am glad you stopped by...

I think we should all write to CAREFREE1 and give him some love.




Active member
southwind said:
Hey look here!

..I know it's dangerous on the net...but here is is a picture of my home..can you see it?

WOW! that must have cost a bit. beautiful view, no neighbours and the wholesome smell of nature right on your door step.

i'm envious. i'm gonna keep my eyes open for a place like that now i know they exist.


Active member
dwtc said:
:jawdrop: :eek: those are some fat ass colas. awesome job my friend.

glad to see you back home and getting better, hope it's a speedy recovery.

let me know if you need anything. looks like a lot of help is right around the corner :jump: with the auction. if there's anybody that deserves it, it's you for all the hard work you put into this beautiful plant, even putting YOUR health on the back burner for the community, when 95% of us would have given up. for that i commend you. a TRUE friend and asset to this community.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU

stay safe and healthy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc

just wanted to say thank you again southwind for all the hard work you do. hope all is well.

i pm'ed carefree about 2 weeks ago( the viablity of the sb bx3 seeds) and haven't heard anything back from him. i hope he is ok.

stay safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc




dwtc said:
just wanted to say thank you again southwind for all the hard work you do. hope all is well.

i pm'ed carefree about 2 weeks ago( the viablity of the sb bx3 seeds) and haven't heard anything back from him. i hope he is ok.

stay safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc


Thanks for the words.

very much.

I am not hearing anything at all from CF1.

I do not know whats happening.

But I am thinking the worst.
as usual.


have an emergency trip to make , be back soon.


more problems..

more problems..

I dont know how to say this..but we have another big problem...so I am delayed on some things.

I have to go.

I will be back asap.

I will write.

and talk then,



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Things are not sounding good at all over at the BPP. I hope all of you, especially Southwind and CF1 are doing well. Please update us when you can on your state of health and well being.



dwtc said:
just wanted to say thank you again southwind for all the hard work you do. hope all is well.

i pm'ed carefree about 2 weeks ago( the viablity of the sb bx3 seeds) and haven't heard anything back from him. i hope he is ok.

stay safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc

Hey dwtc,
I last pmed CF1 on the 25th.
We continued the conversation on this thread:

But, it seems he hasn't been there in a few of days. :confused:

He did tell me that he's been very busy.

Southwind, I'm worried about you. Please update soon.


Active member
Hope your doing well Southwind....

I know that you'll get things straightened out in good time.

Keep the sunnyside up...



I looked at his last posts, he goes a few days without posting sometimes, I think hes alright


the Revenant
southwind said:
I dont know how to say this..but we have another big problem...so I am delayed on some things.

I have to go.

I will be back asap.

I will write.

and talk then,


What happend? Im worried.


No worries

No worries

Pirate138 said:
What happend? Im worried.


I should have considered more carefully my words on that last post of mine.

The problem is rain, rain, rain, which IS a big problem, with the flowers being the satge they are in.

The only way I am keeping mold from destroying things is by heavy fans on several generators, ANY rain is very bad right now, and honestly I am amazed we went this long into the fall.

Its just feeling a liitle bigger than it maybe has to be right now, as I have had several medical procedures [Colonoscopy, Esophagus scope]and 2 surgeries [tumor removed, ureter blocked] in the last few weeks, plus my parents being hospitalized within days of each other, plus my housemate being very sick, plus trying to get my parents into a full time care facility, and a crop to bring in , plus alot of people relying on me to come through on several fronts.

Plus some alot more med stuff coming up.

So there are some things going on which could be better, but look how much is getting done!

Its great that so many things that have been hanging fire on the med front are getting done its just alot is happening at once.

So BIG APOLOGIES if its seems like too much drama, especially to you MEDUSA, but I am mostly letting people know whats going on so they know I am not ignoring them or flaking out.

I am fine, all is fine I am just stressed.



No worries my friend :joint: Everyone has drama at some places along the path. Like I said in private....announcing Big problems on the board, without giving a few more details, is like shouting FIRE in an auditorium. It tends to get some ppl panicked. I was just really concerned.

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MEDUSA said:
No worries my friend :joint: Everyone has drama at some places along the path. Like I said in private....announcing Big problems on the board, without giving a few more details, is like shouting FIRE in an auditorium. It tends to get some ppl panicked. I was just really concerned.


Boy am I scattered...you are right it was private..for some reason I was looking at it and thought 'post'

I think I need some sleep.

I will update with some info and photos later.


quick though...
The OTF is just about finished and we have alot of good data which I will try to collate into a useable info for everyone on nutrients,addititives, products, hybrids, feeding, pests, psticides, fungicides, etc etc..

that WAS alot of the point after all..info for everyone.

Bad news on the SBBX3 Pollen though , I am not sure what happened but it does not seem to have pollinated anything so..no seeds this time until we have some new from seed males.

Sorry eveyone, I tried really hard to have more this time....

I wil start some new seeds as soon as things calm down here and try to get a good male and I think I may have ONE new Lifesaver male coming and a Blockhead male.

What about some BH X SBBX3?

Or Lifesaver?



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Active member
wishing you love, light and strength,

good luck with your missions man!

your plants look amazing, are you going to breakdown your formula, of how you get them so big and resinous?
i saw the main ingredients you were using a few posts back, but wondered if you could give me more info?


My Nutrient Formula and take on things...

My Nutrient Formula and take on things...

lovelightpower said:
wishing you love, light and strength,

good luck with your missions man!

your plants look amazing, are you going to breakdown your formula, of how you get them so big and resinous?
i saw the main ingredients you were using a few posts back, but wondered if you could give me more info?


I have been developing a fertilizer/nutrient formula for many years actually..and am happy you have expressed interest in it.

And I am always pleased to see you stop by my thread!

I have always enjoyed your informative [or otherwise] posts.

Because I have put alot of work, research, testing, time , study into this formula and also another Brother of mine and some other Botanist friends I would prefer to answer you in PM form as it is really special and I dont want to just put it out there without permission from its various developers.

I know that may sound a little protective, but you can see the results of this method on my plants.

Growing is a combination of many elements and no ONE thing can substitute for any of the other elements. And certainly if you do not have good genes to start with it is hard to get a superior flower. I think one of the biggest factors is simple love of growing plants in general and being exposed to a very broad variety of plants and growing conditions, understanding soil and composts and just having the intuitive 'feel' for what plants need.

Have you ever had a compost pile? And put together all the materials for a good 'hot' compost? The kind that gets up to 260 degrees from all the goodies mixing and the fungi and bacteria metabolizing the manures/fruits/veggies/grass clippings/leaves/weeds/seaweed and all the amazing things that make a good compost?

When you put your hands into it and feel the heat and feel it growing into the pure black gold that plants just cant wait to get their roots into?

When you have that feel for plants I think it cant help but make you an amazing grower.

Too much focus on ONLY the finished buds takes away from all that for me.

When you love each step and do your best because you want to, becuase you really enjoy it, then it is hardly even WORK, then each step glides into the next easliy and builds each stage in the most solid , brick by brick way.

And when you OBSERVE, and watch and try different nutrients and combinations then you begin to see and FEEL how the plants are responding...they will tell you when you are working WITH them or working too agressively pushing.

The nutrients I have put together and WHEN and HOW we apply them have brought the absolute highest potential out of the gens I am working with...it is really the culmination of years of growing and testing and experimenting.

There is almost nothing I love as much as making my garden happy, both ornamentals, flowers, vegetables and Cannabis ...

Well...that was a long winded digression wasn't it?



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